Janon - The Resident "Wise" Guy

by Starmarine61321600

8 - The Chang(el)ing of Tides

“Wait, not awake. Still in a dream. There is a note here though.” I say as I reach out a hand and grab the note folding it open to read it.

Dear Janon,

I apologize for bringing you back to the dreamworld but my sister has requested I assign you a guard to monitor you. Her name is Sable Grayspear, she’s a thestral in the Lunar Guard. I teleported her to your office, she should be waiting for you there.

Princess Luna

Well, this is interesting, once I wake up there should be a thestral waiting for me. Noted. I fold the note and slip it into my pocket.

Sable’s perspective

I was just teleported into the human’s office by Luna. She said it was to keep an eye on him. I still think she’s onto me. I think as I drop my disguise for a moment. This room was certainly interesting. It is filled with interesting things, tons of books, and some sort of magical information device. My ears perk up as I hear something from his room. I turn around and walk toward the door. As I place my ear on the door, I hear nothing. Retracting my ear, I reach out a hoof and turn the knob. The door swings open, and I am immediately hit by the cold, frigid air. A shiver runs up my spine as the cold air hits my chitin. I look around the room, my eyes fall upon the human, and two words come to mind: love battery. I am a changeling, a creature that feeds on love, and this human is simply radiating love like a furnace. I quietly approach the human’s bed and stand there next to him. I can feel the love coming out of him; it has an unusual taste to it. It’s bland as if the love itself is unconditional, and for him, it’s normal. My thoughts are interrupted as the human rolls over to face me. I swallowed hard, thinking I had woken him up. His arms suddenly wrap around me and pull me into his sleeping bag. What did I get myself into? I quickly got back into my disguise, not wanting to immediately blow my cover, which I’ve maintained for years. After all, I’ve been in deep cover for the past 5 years. I was undercover in Canterlot before Twilight left for Ponyville.

Janon’s perspective

I wake up at my normal time 5:10 in the morning. Something immediately feels off. Okay, I sleep really cold at night so I can wrap myself in plenty of blankets. This was different. I felt the warmth of my blankets but I also heard breathing that wasn’t my own. Opening my eyes I am greeted by a thestral. Of course why I am surprised it’s cold everywhere in this room except my room. Wait, something is off about this thestral. Yep, it’s a changeling, at least I’m ninety-five percent sure it is. One way to find out. “Didn’t realize I had bed bugs.”

“Eeup” Sable jumps into the air flapping her wings to maintain her altitude. She looks down at me with a curious expression. 

“Sorry I didn’t mean to startle you,” I say sitting up in my bed.

“Ah yes just like oh you accidentally grabbed me last night and pulled me into your bed?” She asks in a sassy tone.

“Wait, I did that?”

“Yes, I was checking up on you and you grabbed me.”

“Must have been extremely close for me to grab you. You’re a changeling aren’t you.”

She doesn’t deny nor accept the accusation instead letting out a sigh internally debating on what to do.

“You can drop the disguise I can see right through it,” that was a lie but how could she know that after all, she didn’t know anything about humans. Except what the Royal Sisters know with admittedly isn’t a lot.

“Fine, just don’t tell anyone. I’ve been undercover for five years.” She gives up letting her disguise fall. There’s something different about her she’s not the typical black with blue accents. Her chitin was a hemlock color and her accents were a deep rhino blue. 

I let out a stifled laugh 

“What?” Sable says slightly embarrassed and unsure of how to process my reaction. “I’ve heard it all, some say my chitin looks like vomit others say mold.”

“No, no,” I say waving my hands defensively. “I’ll never admit this but I find ponies, changelings, and other species very cute. Yourself included.” 

She blushes slightly at this comment, “Then why’d you laugh?” she asks with a raised brow.
“I was laughing because I think it’s funny. You know you come into my room to check on me and end up sleeping with me instead.”

“Oh, why aren’t you afraid of me? Most ponies would freak out about this.” She asks still confused at my calmness. 

“Simple, if you had wanted to hurt me you would have grabbed one of the many weapons in this room and killed me in my sleep.” I point toward the wall of axes and swords before continuing, “Not only that but you would have resisted when I grabbed you.”

“Fair point, I didn’t even notice them until you pointed them out.” She admits the tension in the room slowly fading. Sable tired of hovering glides into my chair and spins it to face me.

“Can you go to my office for a moment so I can get dressed?” I ask gesturing toward my still-covered form.

“Yeah, I’ll wait in the office.” She says jumping out of the chair and sending it spinning around. She walks to the door and closes it with a thump. 

Like usual I begin a lively chat with myself.  “Okay, now I have a changeling in the Ark. She doesn’t seem to be entirely loyal to Chryalsis but I’ll have to ask her some time to be sure. Not only that but she isn’t just some normal changeling she looks to be a changeling elite or special in some way. Most changelings just follow the normal black, blue color palette she doesn’t. This could be very good or very bad. It just depends on who she’s loyal to and her intentions. I shift into my larger form. I grab a pair of pants and slip them on followed by a long-sleeved polo shirt which I tuck in. I sit on my bed and put on my socks before sliding on my shoes. Today was going to be interesting. First I’m going to give Sable a tour of the Ark, it’d be a solid hour or two until everyone else is awake. Wait, scratch that it’s the weekend it’d be at least two hours before anyone wakes up. Hopefully, they looked over their booklets. That should deal with any confusion on what Sable is. I tie my shoes and grab my holster strapping it to my waist. I stand up, grab my revolver, and holster it before grabbing my coat and partially buttoning it up. I walk to the door and turn the knob. “Okay, Sable, I’m dressed.” 

“Good, so what’s the plan?” She turns to face me with a small smile. “Also why’d you grow?”

“First, breakfast,” I reply heading toward the door to the main chamber. I reach out my hand and open the door leaving the door. Sable follows behind me closing the door before stopping.

‘What is this place?” She asks with a slack jaw amazed at the sight before her. It didn’t occur to me that a native would be awe-struck by this place. It truly was something out of this world for them, the tall metal ceilings and wide open layout. At this time in the morning, the MRVNs did most of the work. They took the place of firefighters, maintenance personnel, and most civil duties. Maintenance drones assisted the MRVNs in places they couldn’t operate. 
While Spectres acted as security. 
“It’s called the Ark, a large underground facility capable of housing 100 residents in comfort. It’s entirely self-sufficient with oxygen recycling systems, hydroponic gardens, and many other systems. Currently, it has a total of 48 residents, 49 if I count you.” I explain to the mare turning to face her.

“This is amazing. Where even is this place located.” She asks trotting to my side and looking up at me.

“We’re in the Everfree Forest barely 20km away from Ponyville,” I say heading down the stairs and continuing to the kitchen.

“This place is located in the Everfree? Smart that place is a hell hole.” 

“I’ve lost friends to it. Trust me I know the struggles. That’s why I made this place self-sufficient now we only have to leave when we want. I expect a good chunk of the Ark is going to leave now since I told them they could. Also to answer your question I can make reality-altering rules.”

“That makes sense, wait what?” She says realizing that last part. “You can make reality-altering rules? I’m going to need some context.”

“I’ll give you context during breakfast, it’s not too far.” we continue down the main chamber to the kitchen. After a short walk, we arrive at the kitchen. The kitchen itself is styled like that of a 1950s cafe, with a large counter area with stools for those just ordering drinks or who need time to order.

“What would you like for breakfast?” Asks a MRVN this one being the head chef has a higher level of intelligence compared to the others.

“Do you get meat, Sable?” I ask glancing down at the mare.

“Uh, yeah we changelings will eat just about anything.” She answers looking away awkwardly.

“Okay, we’ll get some bacon and eggs, with toast and jam on the side,” I order turning to face the MRVN.

“Two plates of Bacon and Eggs, with toast and jam on the side coming up.” The MRVN repeats before disappearing deeper into the kitchen.

“He’ll bring us our food let’s back a seat over here.” Following my lead we take a seat at a booth directly across from the ordering area. Sable is looking around the room with a weird expression, one I don’t know how to interpret. “Something wrong?”

“No, everything is fine. Why are you doing this?” She asks with that smile that keeps coming back.

“Doing what? I’m just getting breakfast. Do you typically not eat breakfast?” I answer with a raised brow.

“We typically just eat well mud. That’s the best way to describe it.” She replies her eyes meeting mine.

“Oh, so you’ve never had bacon before?” I ask innocently.

“Uh, no.” 

“Well, then you’re in for a treat.” Remembering something I once saw in a meme I stand up. “I’ll be right back, stay here,” and with that, I head back to the counter.

“Greetings, sir your order is still being prepared is there anything you need?” the MRVN asks from before.

“Yes, I’d like an assorted set of chocolates. That one over there has never had them before.” the MRVN spazzes out for a moment before regaining itself.

“That must be reconciled.” the MRVN says in a determined voice. Strange for a robot but Hammond was not to be questioned.

“Agreed,” I say walking back to the booth and taking my seat across from Sable.

“Is he okay? I saw him spazzing out.” Sable asks glancing at where the robot was concerned for its well-being.

“Yeah, he does that when he’s excited.”

“Huh, I won’t question it.” She says with a shrug. “I’ll call him Sparky.”

“I think he’d like the name,” I say leaning back.

“So, Janon. About those reality-bending rules of yours.” Sable asks once again. I can tell in her eyes she really wants me to explain what I meant by that.

“Okay, when I was brought here by Discord I made a deal with him so I’d get a watch that would alone me to use a weakened form of his powers. I can summon things like a genie and make 5 reality-altering rules.” 

“Wow, that’s something you don’t hear every day.” 

“Yeah, well blame Discord he was the one who brought me here in my sleep, without my consent, and with my memories, and belongings.”

“Must have been hard leaving behind your past life but still having the memories,” Sable says trying to be comforting.  

“I don’t like talking about my life prior to my arrival here. It’s better for my sanity. No reason to dwell on the past. I could have gone back once Cosmso discovered me I realize now I was never meant to. I’m some part of something larger and my actions shall send ripples throughout Equus.”

“Okay, now you’re sounding like Pomer.” Sable teases.

“Pomer, gods it that a pony version of the philosopher Homer.”

“I’m not aware of who this Homer you speak of is but Pomer was a philosopher from early Equestria. I only know of him due to my studying of pony culture.” 

“I’ll take that as a yes,” the MRVN arrives with a plate full of chocolates. “So Sparky how’s the food coming?” 

The MRVN tilts its head as it sets down the plate, “Sparky? Is that a name for me?”

“Yes, Sparky I came up with it.” Sable says with a nod, “Do you like it?”

The MRVN pauses for a second the screen on its chest displaying a spinning wheel. “Yes, I do. That’s a very nice name. Thank you, miss.”


“Well miss, Sable. I’ve brought assorted chocolates for your eating pleasure.” Sparky says removing the covering from the box.

“Chocolate? What’s chocolate?” Sable asks.

“No more questions, just eating,” I say gesturing toward the box of chocolates. Sable sits there looking at it like a deer in headlights. “Okay try this one.” I grab a solid milk chocolate circle and give it to her. 

She takes the chocolate and looks at it with a strange face before placing it in her mouth. Me and Sparky wait with our undivided attention as the mare begins to chew the chocolate, her eyes going wide before she closes them letting out a quiet moan of satisfaction at the taste.

“You think she liked it?” I ask turning to Sparky.
“My sensors read a ten percent increase in heart rate. I’d indicate that as a yes.”

“What was that!?” Sable asks with a blush finally free from her chocolate-induced drunken stupor

“That was a solid piece of Milk Chocolate.” Sparky quickly replies. 

“It tastes better than love.” She says with a bright infectious smile.

“I’m glad you like it, ready to try some more?” I ask with a smile gesturing to the box of chocolates as Sparky leaves likely to bring us our food.

“If they all taste as good as the first one very much,” Sable says with a quick nod.

“I can’t promise you anything but have at it. There’s a list of all the chocolates inside on the lid.” I say grabbing the lid and showing it to her.

She studies the lid for a moment before grabbing another chocolate it’s another milk chocolate but filled with chewy caramel. Sable studies the chocolate before sticking it in her mouth. She chews on the chocolate a happy sigh escaping her lips as she enjoys the taste. Her wings begin to buzz eliciting a laugh from me. “That’s adorable.”

“Shut up. I’m enjoying myself.” She giggles out.

Sparky returns with two plates. “Your meals,” he says setting down the plates and removing their covers.

“Thank you, Sparky.” we both reply.

“My pleasure, sir and ma’am,” he says returning to the counter.

“I’m guessing you’ve never had bacon or eggs before?”

“No, I haven’t.” Sable replies grabbing her fork.

“You know I’m not going to question how you are doing that.” 

“Doing what this?” She says raising her fork and tilting her head

“Yeah, that I’m guessing you have tiny microscopic hooks on your hooves for grabbing. But alas I shall not question it.”

“I’ve never really thought about it,” Sable says picking up a piece of bacon with her fork and eating it. Her eyes light up, “Okay that is really good.”

“I’m glad you like it,” I say as I wrap my fingers around my fork and grab some of my egg eating it. “Sparky and his pals are getting really good at cooking.”

“Were they not always good at cooking?” Sable says with a raised brow 
“Nope,” I say a shiver running down my spine at the memory of their first time in the kitchen. “We had to close off the kitchen the first time they cooked.”

“Why was that?” 

“They caused a flame so intense our firefighting equipment would put it out.” 

“Oh,” Sable says making an o-with her lip glancing off with a slow nod.

“Yeah,” I say with a quick nod.

“So how are you enjoying guarding me?” 

“Huh?” Sable asks having completely forgotten the reason she was here.

“You know the reason Luna sent you here.” 

“OH, uh, I’m enjoying myself. This place has better food than the hive and I never really got to eat anything too fancy in Canterlot being a night guard and all.” 

“You, enjoying the food?” I ask with a smirk already knowing the answer.

“YES,” she says almost in a shout before regaining herself with an awkward laugh quickly looking around her surroundings. “I’m really enjoying the food.”

“I’m glad. So do you want your own room?” I ask knowing there are over 50 open rooms. 

“I was kinda hoping…I could stay in your room.” She says quietly before erupting into a beat-red blush, “For security reasons, you know so I can guard you at night and make sure you aren’t sneaking out at night.” She defeats slowly getting redder and redder. Had I not known her I’d mistaken her for Kirin with how red she’d turn.

“Har-har, I can probably get a room built on the other side of my office. In the meantime, you can use one of the other rooms.”

“Nah, I’ll just sneak into your bed,” Sable says taking the last bite of her eggs. 

“Okay…I’ll leave my door unlocked,” I say with a laugh. “Want a tour of the Ark?”

“I’d love a tour of this place. It’s nice.”

“Yeah, we got time it’s going to be at least another hour until the others start waking up.”

“Wonderful,” Sable says hopping from her seat.

“Hey, missy grab your plate Sparky doesn’t need the extra work.”

“Oh, where are my manners, sorry I’m excited.” She says with a chuckle.

“It’s fine just teasing, I’ll deal with your plate,” I reply grabbing both of our plates and the chocolates. “Hey, Sparky. Here’s our plates also can I have a bag for the chocolates.”

“No, we don’t do bags. I can give you a thermovac.” The robot says grabbing a bag.

“That’s just a bag.”

“No it’s a thermovac, it keeps the contents of it a constant sixty-two degrees Fahrenheit.

“Okay, that’d work,” I say giving him the chocolates which he puts in the bag and gives back. ‘Thanks, Sparky.”

“My pleasure sir, have a good day with your misses.”

“I will.” I say not thinking, “Wait, me and Sable aren’t a thing we literally just met.” I respond with a light blush

“Roger, roger,” Sparky says with a wave.

I walk to Sable’s side who looks up at me “Okay let’s head to the sickbay first.”