Sunset, what do you want?

by DapperLilArts

Sunset, what's next?

I have no idea.

One thing was absolutely certain to me, after the events of this day….

This decision? I didn’t want to make it. No matter how much I wanted one thing or the other, making the decision to stay or go– I couldn’t.

I almost broke the bridge to my homeworld. I almost destroyed it.

Just because I couldn’t make this decision.

…But Twilight was always better at me than making decisions.

So how about two Twilights?

Clearly things couldn’t get worse. We were at the bottom of the well here.

So my Twilight thought of calling the Princess here.

Clearly there was a conflict of interest between us– And not just mine. I hate to say ‘Twilight fight’ because it sounds dumb– And I didn’t ever want that to happen. No matter what, I wanted there to be some sort of peaceful solution to this.

…A compromise?

Twilight was always better than me at decisions. Maybe I was better at ideas and action– But man. This decision…?

The second that the Princess stepped through the mirror, she could tell that something very bad had happened. Not only because both me and my Twilight had very, very visibly been crying recently, but also due to the inconspicuous sledgehammer on the ground, one that I had, during all this mess, forgotten to return rightfully to the CHS toolshed.

Explanations were difficult. I did most of the talking, but my Twilight definitely had much to say. And I could tell she was trying really hard to put her professional voice on; To not be antagonistic, and that the Princess was very much attempting to remain composed as well.

The moment I told the Princess that I nearly smashed the mirror, just to keep my Twilight happy, I could feel her horror– Her heart sank, for a multitude of reasons.

But there was one that mattered most of all.

She almost lost me.

And of course, she couldn’t be mad at my Twilight. Because my Twilight talked me out of doing it.

So my Twilight suggested to her what she suggested to me. They were going to talk, debate, and reach some sort of compromise.

It was very clear that both of them had plenty of leverage and reasons to want all of me, and yes, that did feel good– But I couldn’t exactly enjoy it due to the incredibly emotionally tolling day we had just had.

Everybody wants to be wanted, right? Everypony, too.

Wow, this was weird. My two favorite people in two worlds, who were also the same person, both wanted me. All of me.

And we had to compromise.

Because I wanted everything.

I’ve always wanted everything…

We had to walk back to my apartment. As cute as it would be to have two Twilights clinging to me, I feared for my poor bike not handling the weight– Not to mention the inevitable intervention of the law, in case there were three girls in one bike. So sadly we had to leave it in the CHS parking lot. Bummer, but I’d likely be coming here sometime soon anyways.

We took some public transportation, and both Twilights sat on opposite sides to me. It was a really strange feeling. Like I’ve mentioned before, the feeling that I have when a Twilight loves me, any Twilight, is nearly the same, context is just what differs.

Sitting between them felt like being a conduit of love and fear. Loving me. Fearing losing me.

It felt good to be loved. And I suppose that fear was only an extension of that love. It felt good too. Because I was wanted. Man, that sounds a bit egotistical, but it really did feel good to have those two loving me.

Maybe I was just in a better mood because I didn’t destroy the portal to my homeworld– Which I cannot express enough how thankful I am that I didn’t.

I guess that just goes to show how incredible my Twi is. Anyone in her position would have just told me to smash it, right? Hell, I probably would have. But she didn’t. She valued my happiness so much– Despite even how happy I would be, with her– That she couldn’t.

And here was a Princess from a magical world, willingly accepting to try to decide a compromise, one that would keep her from me, and me from her, me from helping her– Me from helping her kingdom– Just so I would be happy.

I had a lot of time to introspect in that bus about just how lucky I was.

And how equally unlucky, too.

Man, Sunset Shimmer cannot ever catch a break. It’s always something with me.

It was a clumsy climb to my apartment. I almost offered to carry my Twilight, since she was tuckered out from crying, but then I would feel so fucking guilty for not carrying the other Twi– And don’t get me wrong, I’m buff– But not buff enough to carry two Twis... Shit. I should workout even more.

So this was the plan. First we ate the leftover pizza, a true human delicacy, which the Princess had tasted before, but did enjoy regardless. My stomach finally had a reprieve of being underfed on this long, incredibly frustrating day. Me too, stomach, me too.

Secondly, time for the white board. That’s right, my Twilight insists that every single girl in our friend group has a white board in their home now– Specifically for planning purposes. It’s adorable. And it has come in handy more often than not! We often make complicated-ass plans.

I was only there for the beginning of it, the general outlines. The idea was pretty simple, even if… Rudimentary.

Essentially, they needed to decide on how to share custody of me. Strange, cute, scary, all of the above.

After we discussed the basic layouts, I realized that my presence wasn’t helping. Both of them were… Scared, almost. Biteless. They were afraid of imposing anything, they were afraid of losing everything.

They were afraid of doing any of that, no matter how confrontational, because I was there. (I can’t blame them. Who wants to be known as the clone that stars fights? Okay maybe I would.)

So I stood up, and did what a Princess should always do when needing help on making a decision. I delegated. “Twis. Both of you. You make the plan, and I’ll be outside, talk it out as much as you need! I trust both of you, I love both of you, I know we can make this work.” I said it with a lot of certainty, but I sure as hell didn't feel it. 

And of course, I felt the need to jump out of a window– A need only matched by the one I had from kissing both of them. “This decision should have never been mine in the first place…!” I shook my head with a nervous smile. “So I’ll let my two favorite people do it for me.”

The Princess was the first one to speak, as she darted a look to the other Twi. “Are you sure, Sunset? This is about you, after all, wouldn’t you get a say…?”

“Of course I will!” I surrendered my hands. “B-but I don’t think I should be here, while you two decide on the plan. I can give my thoughts after!”

My Twilight nodded, adjusting her glasses, attempting to speak professionally. “Hm. Yes, I think I get it. You’re on the fence, and that wouldn’t help us– Both me and the other me have clear defined wants here, that need to be discussed.”

“Exactly!” I agreed, nodding nervously, very much ready to jump out of a window. “Both of you are expert debaters, expert planners, I have no doubt you’ll make a wonderful plan!”

I’m not sure if what I was doing here was selfish or cowardish, but god, I couldn’t be here. I couldn’t mediate this.

Again. I’m biased in the worst way possible– I’m neutral. That wouldn’t help anybody here.

This might sound really stupid, but allowing the two Twilights to confront each other directly was the best way to have an actual plan be formulated.

And Celestia only knows I wasn’t fit to make a decision here. If you’d ask me what I actually wanted at this exact moment, it was to just to kiss the two adorable girls that were so politely and lovingly in my apartment, and maybe go a bit very much further than that with those two, and with this as a clear indicator of my mental state, let’s just move on.

The Princess nodded with a worried smile. “Okay. You’re right, we can do this. Thank you for your patience, Sunset…!”

She was thanking me? Really? God I’m so fucking lucky to have these two in my life.

“Yes, yes, um… Yes. Together, it’ll be easier to formulate a proper itinerary.” My Twilight agreed, fidgeting with the white board pen. Discomfort wasn’t the right word to describe her demeanor, I’d likely describe it as a shy nerd attempting to contain the fact that she wanted to fight a clone of herself that would very likely kick her ass, and she knew it.

They both looked at eachother, the white board-sized-gap being the one thing separating them.

Clearly they came to the same conclusion I did. That my presence here kept them from being… Antagonistic? From speaking their minds, if you will.

So with me gone, they could address every issue.

…And if I heard them fighting, I’d step in– Thought I’m fairly certain Twilight wouldn’t lose her temper with a clone of herself. Neither of the Them.

“A-awesome!” I closed my fists, pumping them up, more awkwardly than I hoped. “If you need me, I’ll be on the balcony. I love you Twilight!”

“I love you too!” They both said in unison, and then looked at each other, frowning. I really should have seen that coming, but it was still adorable to see.

So I leaned on the railing outside, and waited, with a pretty bright city skyline ahead of me. My apartment wasn’t situated in the most dense part of the city, but I sure as hell could see it. I couldn’t see any stars from here, but that’s just the human world for you. Unfortunately, a lot of it is just… Smog.

But there really is a certain beauty in the city lights. Not the same as Canterlot, not even close– But beauty nonetheless. I would describe it as… Artificial, yet accidental?

Either way. I kept my ears tuned not to the sound of the city, but to the sounds behind me in my apartment. I could very distinctly hear the two Twilights chatting, at least they weren't giving each other the silent treatment, but still.

Sometimes one of them would nearly raise their voice– But in a Twilight Sparkle way, where she's always pulling her punches. It’s definitely another one of the many things I always found cute about them– Being non confrontational, but not to the point where it’s damaging– Well, not anymore, at least.

I decided that I should pass the time by checking my messages; My friends would probably be happy to know that I didn’t… Completely broke Twilight’s heart.

So I quickly grabbed the groupchat, which was naturally pretty quiet right now– None of them were about to just burst in with the bombshell I dropped on them.

Sunset: Hey everyone. I just want to let you all know that I talked to Twilight about wanting to leave, after consulting each of you. And don’t worry, we’re okay, we’re just winding down in my apartment right now, thinking of what to do next.

Certainly the understatement of the century, but I figured They’d appreciate the honesty.

I took a deep breath… It did feel really good, being honest. Man, Applejack is always right, huh?

Today was a long day. But honesty and communication gets you pretty damn far. I sure felt better than I did just a few hours ago.

…And then my phone was flooded with messages, heh. Expected.




Rarity: I hope I am right to assume that you have not broken her heart, darling. 👁️👁️

Applejack: I know this goes without sayin but. You better have been honest with her!

Rainbow: AJ talking about honesty, everyone! I’m shook

Applejack: >:(

Rainbow: Ok sorry sorry


Fluttershy: I think we should all let her type, girls!

I couldn’t help but let out a chuckle, no matter how tired I was. It was always so fun to see my friends drop bombs of reactions to my messages.

I waited a bit longer before replying, just to make sure Pinkie had gotten it out of her system, and after, I decided I was just gonna rip the bandaid off.

Sunset: Soooo how do I summarize this

Sunset: I felt so bad for hurting her that I offered to destroy the mirror gate that connects Earth and Equestria, and said that if she told me to smash it I’d smash it. I even brought a sledgehammer to it. Yes, the ironic nostalgia is not lost on me.

Sunset: She did not tell me to smash it.


Rainbow: Dude that’s metal but also a terrible idea, and that means a lot coming from ME

Rarity: Okay, I definitely understand where you’re coming from Sunset, what motivated you to act harshly, but… That was rather drastic, no?

Fluttershy: anhf8ub3hb guyhb47809 ´822


Applejack: Dangnabbit Sunset that wasn’t a good idea!!

Sunset: You’re telling me, lmao. Can you blame me? I was feeling everything she felt, I would have done anything to make her feel better. You know me.

Rarity: Well maybe this could have been expected, we probably should have all been together for the moment you told her…?

Rainbow: Nah, she would have been super claustrophobic. Ok Sunset, just for the record, you DIDN’T break the mirror, right?

Sunset: I didn’t! She stopped me. She wanted me to be happy at the cost of her happiness, I wanted her to be happy at the cost of mine, it was a really ironic impasse. I hate it.

Pinkie: I’m gonna cry

Rainbow: Damn man.

Rarity: You two are just too good together. What a mess! What happened next?

Fluttershy: 1u1hahhuduh,,. 23

Rainbow: Babe you okay? Is it Angel Bunny again?

Sunset: Well, she realized that clearly there was someone that we needed to discuss this with, above anyone else, and it’s Princess Twilight. She came over, and the two Twis are debating what to do about it.

Rarity: Oh darling, the least you could do is not push this decision onto others!

Rainbow: Hold on Rarity she’s onto something. So with these two Twilights, are they fighting it out or are you three like “working it out” know what I’m sayin? 🤔

Applejack: Not the time, Rainbow!!

Pinkie: No wait let her cook

Sunset: firstly I know what you’re saying, and secondly if you must know I did think of it, of course I’ve thought of it, and thirdly shuttup

Rainbow: lol

Rarity: Oh good heavens let’s get back on track, girls.

Rainbow: What if the Twilight’s unionize to control Sunset

Pinkie: Kinda hot ngl

Fluttershy: Okay sorry girls! I’m here

Fluttershy: Angel Bunny was cranky that I wasn't giving him dessert.

Fluttershy: Sunset I am really really happy to know you and her are okay, and I hope that you both work something out that doesn’t hurt either of you. Although it was drastic to nearly smash the portal that leads to your home, it was very very brave of you, and a really good demonstration of your love for her.❤️

Rainbow: It was also really stupid

Pinkie: lol

Sunset: lol

Applejack: For the love of everythin apple, RD.

Rarity: I can’t believe I’m saying this but I agree with Rainbow Dash.

Pinkie: Fluttershy does have a point! Sunset wanted to show how much she cared, and that was a pretty effective way to do it! Even if it was coo coo bananas.

Sunset: Lmao yeah, I like to think that I think well under pressure. Today was not a good demonstration of that particular talent of mine.

I blew raspberries. Talking to them was definitely helping my mood.

Behind me, I could hear the Twilights… Giggling? That was a good sign, at least. If I were a pony right, my ears would twitch.

I’m also pretty sure I was hearing them say my name a bunch. Oh boy, likely gossiping about me. Well, as long as they weren’t fighting. 

I glanced back at my phone, thinking of what to say next.

Sunset: Btw girls I just want to say, thank you so much for all your support today. I know that’s what friends are for and everything, power of friendship and whatever, but I would have gone insane if I didn’t get to talk to y'all. No matter what, know that I value all of you so fucking much, ever since that Fall Formal years ago you’ve always looked out for me and just… Thanks. For everything.

It was hard not to be reminded of the fall formal in which I was blasted with friendship rays, all those years ago, considering the sledgehammer I took to the mirror, and you know… Just everything. Princess Twilight was inside my apartment even now fighting to see me happy.

Crazy the things that life will throw at you. Girl will blast you with friendship lasers, you’ll fall in love with her, and she’s gonna fall in love with you… My life is fucking strange.

Wouldn’t trade it for anything, though.

I snickered, looking down and seeing a meme that Pinkie posted, which read “100% Yuo are my fuckenng best fwiend”

Pinkie: Girliepop of COURSE! You’re Sunset Shimmer!! The cool punk chick of friendship!! Your hot-ass couldn’t get rid of us if you tried!!

Rainbow: Oh hell yeah. Let it be known that even if you leave to go to horse world forever, we’d totally visit you, Idgaf about having to walk on all fours, I ain’t leaving a friend behind!!

Fluttershy: Yes! Very much so, we love you Sunset, no matter what! You’re one of us!♥️

Applejack: Anythin for a friend, partner!! Hell, visiting your world does sound kinda fun, now that we mention it!

Rarity: True that! I’d be lying if I said I was not curious about my other self, and understanding the intricacies of fashion in her world! We love you Sunset, and if you need us to visit, we’ll be there.

Rarity: That is to say, IF you leave. I still vote for you to stay with our Twilight.

Heh. For a moment, I sure as hell thought of it. Two of all of us, visiting each other’s homes and worlds, saving the world with… wow, it’d be like. 13 ponies/people! That’s a lot.

Two of everyone, except me, of course. I never found out where the other me in this world is, but honestly, it’s a mystery that would be best left unsolved.

After all, I didn't exactly have a good life, before Twilight. Who would I be without her now? In some other messed up universe where I didn’t meet Twilight Sparkle? Not good, that’s for sure.

I let out a tired but happy exhale, as I typed my last message, for now.

Sunset: Thank you so much, everybody. Or should I say everypony? Lol. Don’t worry, we haven’t decided anything yet, but we’re working on it. I love you, girls.

I put my phone back in my pocket and just watched the view, for a bit.

In a bit, I planned on checking on the Twilights, since it seemed to get quieter, but then…

“Sunset. We’ve sorted out some things, if you’d like, we could show you…?” My Twilight beckoned from inside, and I turned immediately. “yes!”

I walked forward with actual determination, kissing her on the forehead before going inside. From the small contact we had, I could tell her mood was much better– So mine was, too.

The Princess of friendship fidgeted with one of the pens pensively, as she stood next to the white board, and she smiled when she saw me. The white board was now full of notes and graphs everywhere, filled to the brim with information, hard to process without being really close, so I decided to just let them explain it to me.

None of us were relaxed enough to sit for this, so I just leaned my ass on top of the couch, while they both stood besides the white board, fidgeting. Despite everything, they seemed more comfortable now.

“So… The plan.” The Princess began first, admittedly, she was very much more comfortable speaking like this, by this I mean, relaying plans to people. Perks of being a Princess, I imagine. “As it stands, one thing was clear to the both of us. We both want you, and you want us both, and that means we are at an impasse, so… We share.”

My eyebrows did rise in surprise at how easy it was for her to say that, and my Twi agreed, too. “Yes. We share.” She motioned to the board, at some itinerary things. “First of all, importantly, you’re not missing college. It’s a promise we made, and our friends would miss you, too much. I’d miss you too much…” Her voice failed a bit when she said that, and I responded with a nod of complete agreement.

Gesturing to the board, the Princess continued for her. “Of course, that means multiple semesters of time that you’re far from Equestria, which would be… A bother, to say the least.” That last part definitely bothered her, I could tell the disappointment in her voice pretty easily, but she continued. “Which is why, every Sunday, you would be in Equestria– And what’s more, every holiday and every vacation– We’d make up for lost time by being able to see each other weekly, as well as dedicating ourselves to you training in full during your longer times off college!”

They spoke every word nearly rehearsed, but also in a tone that asked for my permission, which I thought was cute. I nodded along silently, at first. My Twi pitched in, picking up where the Princess started. “And of course, this means you could leave here on Saturdays, for the sake of practicality, to spend a fully earned day in Equestria.”

“A-and sleep on Sundays, too!” The princess added, lifting a finger, her face getting slightly red, which I took notice of, with a grin. “S-so we’d get the best out of our weekly meetings!”

And to add to it, my Twilight walked over to the table, and picked up the book– The book I usually use to communicate with the Princess. “And naturally, we can stay in contact, even if you’re away! The same way you contact her, I'll be able to contact you!”

Nodding with a smile, the Princess gestured at the book. “I’ll have a book made just for her and you to talk, just like how you have one to talk with me! So anytime that you’re out in Equestria with me, or you’re back in college, just in case, we can stay in contact, even on dull days. Especially on dull days.”

Waving her hand, placing the book down, my Twi garnered attention again. “Of course, this also translates to holidays, not just human, but Equestrian. Although I would prefer that Equestrian troubles did not affect our itinerary, if you have time off here, you absolutely should go there.” I nodded in agreement, thinking of how weird It’d be to spend a valentine's day here, and a heart and hooves day there. I couldn’t help it, my mind went there instantly.

Clearing her throat, my Twilight pointed at the board. “An important part of this is veto power. What I mean is, if there is an really important day here, such as a friend reunion, or a family one, as well, or for example, an attack from Equestrian magic that we’d need your help with, or even something as trivial as having to gather all of us to study for a test… I should be able to veto the other me from having you for a standard holiday, or standard sunday, or one of the vacation days.”

I could definitely understand that, there was no point in making a generalized itinerary. After all, crises waited for nobody. It was also cute to see them talking on standard, practical terms, about the idea of stopping me from being with one or the other. And of course, the Princess interjected. “The same goes for me, of course. After all, if there's a crisis in Equestria, one of the best ways to train you for being a Princess is to have you with me to deal with them! And not just that, if there are important parties or reunions, too. I have the veto power when it comes to important lessons, crises in Equestria, and of course, special holidays that I imagine you likely miss…”

Her face flustered, and I could tell she wanted my company in those days, and I was emphatically ready to agree, with a happy nod. Spending some holidays in Equestria with her sounded like a dream right now.

Nodding, almost giddy, (which I was incredibly happy to see!) the Princess of friendship continued. “After all, there are plenty of wonderful holidays and parties in Equestria, many of which I’d absolutely love to spend with you! Did you know Applejack’s family is visiting her next month?”

“Woah, the Apple family reunion?!” I instinctively perked up; Because she had told me plenty of good things about it, and not just that, I’ve seen it first hand with my own Applejack. I could only imagine how much funner it’d be to see it in Equestria. “That’s right!” She giddily added. “Would you want to come??”

“Of course!” I couldn’t help but smile, but then I turned to my Twi. “I-if that’s okay, I mean…!”

She let out a sigh, and I could notice there was definitely a bit of disappointment in it, but she looked me in the eyes with a smile, and assured me. “Of course it’s okay. This is the most important part of this, Sunset. You’re the ultimate veto.”

I raised an eyebrow, and the Princess nodded, continuing for her. “Indeed. The most important thing, at the end of the day, is what you want. So if you ever want to give up on one of your days with me, and come back here…” And the other Twilight continued. “Or if you want to let go of a hangout here, and go there…”

“I get it. All that matters, despite the itinerary, is that I’m okay with it. Heh…” I couldn’t help but chuckle, as I scratched my chin. I don’t know, it always hit in waves, how much they loved me.

I felt pretty warm in my chest. I felt… Happy. All of this sounded very, very good.

The Princess nodded with a smile, exhaling as well. “It’s really important that we keep your needs and wants in mind, you know? Even if you don’t…!” That was a very justifiable jab at me, after all, I was out here choosing to sacrifice myself for either of them every damn time. And they were putting a wrench in that, forcing me to prioritize my wants, because they were telling me to prioritize my wants. Clever girls.

With a pleased nod, adjusting her glasses, my Twilight added. “Indeed! After all, it wouldn’t be right for us to treat you like a piece of meat.”

I chuckled, and spoke without thinking. “For the record, I don’t object to you two treating me like a piece of meat.” Why the fuck did I say that? Wow, sometimes I don’t think before speaking. I might as well have been Rainbow Dash here.

Well, at least they both seemed to enjoy that statement, getting flustered over it. Which I very much liked seeing.

“On that note…” My Twilight adjusted her glasses, suppressing a flustered chuckle. “...Comes an important part of this too. You have my full, open permission to do whatever you want with her. And she with you, I mean. Physically and stuff…!”

I stopped for a moment, processing what that meant, as I looked to the Princess, who was flustering a bit more. In fact, I could even feel my own face get red at this point, and it’s not everyday that Sunset Shimmer gets flustered, I’ll say that much. 

Clearing her throat, My Twilight continued. Speaking softly. “It would be… Incredibly selfish of me to deprive her of something I have at my beck and call… Especially when I know how good it is.”

Those words hit me like a freight train, but I kept my composure. She was allowing me to do whatever I wanted with the Princess, which made me very, very, very happy.

“On that note…!” The Princess walked forward hastingly and grabbed my jacket’s collar, and wow, that is initiative, and asked, quite nervously, quite quietly… “Can I kiss you…?”

Gosh, she was so fucking adorable. I had to take at least two awkward seconds to watch the absolute glorious theater that was the Princess of Friendship, as red as a tomato, asking me, of all ponies, for a kiss. Well, neither of us were ponies right now, but still. It was a feast.

And after I gave a quick glance to my Twilight, who nodded emphatically, even if she clutched her sides, I gave the Princess a very enthusiastic nod. “Of course, Sparkles.”

What was it that Rainbow said, something about if you want to be happy, you have to be selfish?

Well, maybe this was selfish of me, but as I kissed the Princess of Friendship, it honestly felt like we were alone in this room, this world– Alone in two worlds, even. Just us.

I felt a certain fervor spark from her, a certain joy that was incredibly contagious, this was her first kiss and she seemed to be really, really happy it was with me. 

I love you! 

It was almost nostalgic, after all, I was the human Twilight’s first kiss too– But it felt different. Maybe it was because of all the insane responsibilities the princess shouldered every day, maybe it was because of the fact that she had never been in love before I came along, despite being readied to be the ruler of a world…Kissing me, to her, felt like it was one of the first times she could truly catch a break. And I felt it. I felt her feel incredibly happy, and relaxed, even, that she could finally do this.

And of course, adorably, she was a really bad kisser, that much was also nostalgic– And I couldn't blame her, after all, she wasn’t even using the lips she was used to using.

Finally letting go, we chuckled together.
“Not bad, for a first kiss, Sparkles. Not bad.” I was beaming, containing my laughter.

Suddenly, her eyes widened, as she gripped my jacket tighter, her muscles tensing up, as she came to an amusing, yet horrible realization. “Oh my gosh–- WHY DID I KISS YOU HERE?? WE COULD HAVE HAD OUR FIRST KISS IN EQUESTRIA– I had this whole romantic thing planned, oh my gosh I’m such a dummy!!!!”

She leaned her head in the crook of my neck in shame, and I couldn’t help but laugh, as she muttered into my chest– My Twilight was snickering, too. The Princess’s voice was comically muffled. “Can we forget that we did this here and do it better there, please…!”

I nodded, having to contain my laughter, patting her on the back as consolation. “Hey, I won't tell, your majesty.”

Finally, she raised her head, feeling incredibly flustered, and shuffled out of my embrace. “I’ll just go… Back over there…!” She muttered, and I could tell she was trying to distance herself from me so she could more easily contain herself from leaping at me and kissing me some more, which was endlessly amusing to me.

“Well…!” My Twilight rested the pen for the white board down, and then brought her hands closer. “What do you think…? What matters most here is what you think of all this.”

I let out a huge exhale, still smiling. What did I think? What did I think. Heh.

“I think this is fucking Incredible.” I smiled at both of them, and wow, did I feel happy. “This is– this is SO much better than having to choose between the two of you…!”

That response definitely pleased them both, as they looked at eachother, then back at me– And My Twi was pleased to respond, waving at the board. “W-well, it is a little rough around the edges…!” And the Princess quickly added in agreement. “A work in progress…!”

“I don’t mind.” I said instantly. “We’ll work it out as we go. It’s already amazing. Thank you, seriously, to both of you.” Gosh, I felt lighter than air. I felt unburdened, you know?

They both, still flustering, nodded at me.

I scratched my cheek, looking down, coming to a realization. “...There is one thing.” I looked up at them. “We are technically on vacation right now, aren’t we? I mean… College doesn’t start ‘till like… Almost two months…?”

I was looking directly at my Twilight, in expectation. She let out a sigh, but smiled, as she pointed at a specific part of the board. “Yes, we accounted for this.”

The Princess definitely seemed excited, as she perked up, explaining, and I listened intently. “Indeed! And you can spend all that time in Equestria with me, if you’d like! After all, I can't wait for you to move in with Ponyville with me-- but first, there’s something very important you have to do. Your friends here don’t yet know about our arrangement, and you all haven’t gotten to celebrate your admissions into college!”

I straightened my back instantly with expectation, and she continued. “So our idea was. Tomorrow, we invite your friends all to share the news, and to celebrate. And after that…!”

“...I get to go with you, for over a month, back to Equestria…?” I felt like all the air in my lungs left, as I stared at them both, slack jawed. “I-Is that– Would that be okay…?” I looked at my Twilight…

…And she nodded at me, with a smile.

The Princess fidgeted a bit, looking at me. “...If that’s what you want, that is…!”

“It is!” I said, emphatically, instantly, with the biggest stupidest smile on my face. “I would very much like that please!” After everything, I really, really missed Equestria. Can you blame me?

And of course, the Princess seemed incredibly happy, containing herself from shouting multiple “Yes yes yes!!” Like Twilights usually do, utterly adorable.

We stayed quiet together for a few moments, simply enjoying the relief of the decision we made pleasing everybody, at least.

It sure as hell beat the alternatives, and I cherished it. But there was one thing I still had to do.

“Hey, Princess.” I looked at her, then to my Twi, then back at her. “Could you give us some time alone? Just me and the other Twi, I mean. If you wouldn’t mind…?”

“Of course!” She nodded, a bit nervously, while placing her pen down, and moving towards the balcony. “I’ll just be over there, thinking over some of our data points, seeing if there's things we can revise, and– Yeah.” She walked off, and me and my Twi were alone.

“So…” I stood, and moved closer to her. She did seem to be fidgeting quietly a lot. I offered her my hand. “...You’re okay with all this, right?” I just had to absolutely make sure.

Instead of taking my hand, she just flat out hugged me, and then kissed me, maybe a small part of her wanted to be even with the other Twi, I couldn’t blame her, and I did find it very entertaining. 
And I was pretty happy too… Because when she touched me, I felt her relief, and her comfort, and even if she still had some doubts, she felt much, much better.

And wow, did it feel good.

We leaned our foreheads together, holding each other's hands, and I double checked. “You’re absolutely sure you’re okay with me spending so much time with her, right…?”

She blew raspberries, looking away towards the balcony, then smiled, looking at me. “How could I ever be mad at her for wanting you…? …After all, she’s me.”

“Heh, good point.” I couldn’t help but snicker. It would definitely be a bit hypocritical to judge another version of yourself for having the same desires you do. But I still wouldn’t blame her.

Placing one of her hands in my chest, she came a little closer. “I’ll have you all for myself during our first semester of college anyways… But I hope you don’t mind me visiting you in Equestria, from time to time…?”

That made me smile even more– The idea was absolutely fantastic. There were a lot of things I wanted to show her in Equestria– And I knew just which ones to Prioritize. “Oh, that sounds wonderful. After all, I really want to reconnect with my parents– And I think they deserve to meet my girlfriend. Well, both of my girlfriends.” We both giggled at the idea– After all, the two ponies I’d be showcasing would be the same damn pony. What, would I tell them I'm dating twins? “Oh, and of course– I want Celestia to meet you, too.”

She noticeably grimaced, I could feel her anxiety rising, and I could definitely tell why. “W-well, I mean…” She started, with a bit of hesitation. “Wouldn’t she be mad, that I, uh… Am keeping her new student away from Equestria with trivial things such as college…?”

I shook my head slightly, reassuring her with touch. “No. She won’t be mad at me, or you. After all, this here?” I pointed at the white board. “Was the best possible outcome. She can afford to be a bit patient, and so can the Princess.”

Closing her eyes, she let out a weary exhale. “Gosh, you’re going through so much trouble, just for me. Twilight Sparkle the human. I swear, anybody else would have just ditched me for the magical Princess, you know…?”

I kissed her forehead instantly, but calmly– Because I knew exactly what I wanted to say to her over this– And she could see it coming, too. “What’s that you said, all that time ago, on our first spring break together…? I wouldn’t trade you for anything in the world, in any world.

Her face grew redder, and she smiled a lot, and we shared another kiss and embrace. After all, it was true. I had proven without a shadow of a doubt that it was true. I was right where I wanted to be, for the moment.

Whatever happened next, we’d deal with it, and we’d make sure to try to find the best solution, together.

And goddamn, did it feel good.

Celebrating with my friends felt wonderful, finally having no weight of an unbearable decision on my shoulders, specially. 

It was also a good idea to bring the Princess on the celebration too, so she and my Twi could more easily explain the plan to everybody, and honestly, it was harder to be mad at a magical Princess from another dimension for ‘stealing me’ if she was right in front of you, being super nice and cute.

We went into town, ate in some fun places, then went back to Applejack’s home and rehearsed for fun– This time, with two Twilight vocals! It was certainly strange, but they both seemed to enjoy each other a lot, and I could at least feel that any antagonism between them was diminished, for sure.

It was good to see everybody together and happy, and at least it seemed the whole crew approved the plan. It was certainly not ideal, but considering the other options, we were all pretty damn happy about it.

Especially me, I’ll be honest.

Sure, in retrospect it could be seen as a dumb solution, or half-assing it. Me having to divide myself into magical pony problems and responsibilities, versus basic-ass human problems and responsibilities. But I honestly don’t care if this was going to be hard to do– I’d gladly do it, for the two Twilights I love.

We only spent one more night here, my Twi insisted on it, and well, I couldn’t blame her for wanting a bit more closeness with me before I go. And I paid her that closeness with interest.

Saying goodbye to her felt easy and light– After all, it wasn’t a goodbye, it was just ‘so long.’ I promised her she could visit me anytime, and if I felt like it, I’d visit, too.

The Princess had gone back to Equestria, and was going to be waiting for me at the mirror, so it was time to go. This time, I actually took some items of importance with me, since I knew it was an extended stay. But since it wasn’t a move, I was more than okay with packing light.

I felt light, too. I felt so damn light. Like I was walking on air. Driving my bike to CHS had never felt so damn relaxing. I was a bit worried that my motorbike was going to be towed if I left it there for a month, but welp, that’s a small risk to pay for a joyful month back home. Maybe I should visit Principal Celestia and ask her for a permanent spot, heh. Maybe.

And there she was, Twilight Sparkle, waiting for me. I did have a flashback to the night of the gala– This time, she was definitely underdressed, that is to say, no gorgeous flowing dress. And this time I felt even better about the visit.

She waved at me, as I approached, and she seemed to be much, much happier, and wow, that felt good.

We held hands in front of the mirror, and I could feel that she felt lighter, much like I did.

“Want to talk a bit, before we go…?” I offered, pointing at the same bench as last time.

“Of course!” She nodded happily.

We both breathed deeply and joyfully, for a moment, sitting together. It felt good to have less of a… Weight, for both of us.

“So… You and me.” I stated, looking at her beautiful eyes.

“...You and me.” She nodded, with a blush.

I couldn’t help but just be lost in her eyes a bit. The Princess of Friendship loved me, and I loved her... And she wanted me by her side, to rule Equestria. Man, how the hell did this happen?

“If you don’t mind me asking…” I leaned back on the bench, considering my words. “How did… When did you start having feelings for me…?” I was definitely incredibly curious about that– After all, I wasn't expecting it at all.

She looked forward, blushing. “Well… Remember the Dazzlings?”

“Of course!” Man, was it back THAT far?!

“Well I wouldn't say that’s where I got a crush on you, but… You know that I was never in love before, right? And the way we managed to confide in each other, when we wanted to take the Sirens down… I realized that you were the only pony– or person– in two worlds, that could actually understand what it felt like, to have the pressure of living up to Celestia. And of course, I was already very aware of how cunning you were…”

I nodded in understanding. Wow, I felt exactly how she felt– But I was certainly in a better position, since I didn’t have to live up to Celestia anymore. No wonder she got attached to me– No wonder she kept messaging me.

“And the thing is…” She started fidgeting with her hair, blushing and smiling, which was utterly adorable. “When we sang together, when we beat the Dazzlings, I didn’t just see how cunning you were… I saw you glow.”

I leaned in a bit, wow, yeah, that moment between us was definitely special, singing together was an incredible rush. It was the first time I ponied up– The first time I felt like I belonged in that group… Or anywhere.

“And the rest is history. You kept messaging me, and I really liked it. Talking to you always felt… Separate from my Equestrian issues, like a respite.” She said that with a genuine smile, and I was glad. If nothing else, that’s always what I wanted to be for Princess Twilight– Someone she could trust.

“And I have to admit.” She leaned back on the chair, blushing more. “When I heard that you were dating me, another me, that helped. That helped me figure out how I felt about you. A lot.”

I snickered involuntarily. “Well, I did brag about treating the human Twilight well very often. I was pretty proud of it.”

She nodded, just as flustered. “And I have to say, when I saw all that, it almost felt like… You were sending some signals at me? I dunno…!” Her voice trailed off, as she flustered more.

I couldn’t help but snicker even more– The idea was hilarious. “In my defense, I really wasn’t– ‘Cause I thought you were completely out of my league, your highness, heheheh.”

“I-I mean!! Clearly I wasn’t!! You were dating me!! A me, but still!” She stuttered in almost annoyance which was cute.

“Forgive me, but I wasn’t exactly used to having stuff go my way; And there is a pretty stark difference between Twilight Sparkle the human, and Twilight Sparkle the magical Princess from my homeworld that saved my life.” I shook my head, still laughing. “Sunset Shimmer isn’t used to being that lucky.”

“Gosh, I was so surprised you couldn’t tell I loved you.” She shook her head, and clearly she was thinking of that gala day, in which she tried several clumsy moves at me, none which were successful. 

And of course, with that thought, I couldn’t help but laugh. “C’mon, man! Again, I never, in a million years, thought I’d have such a good reason to return to Equestria, much less it being love! Hah!“

She tilted her head, feeling doubts.“A-and this is what you want, right?”

“Of course!” I responded immediately.“Seriously, Sparkles– This is everything. And I’m sorry that…” I looked forward, and shook my head, almost in embarrassment. “I’m sorry that I’m only doing it halfway, for now. Like… I’m sorry that I can’t give Equestria my full attention, because of… Y’know.”

She nodded in understanding, but dismissed it, thank goodness. “How could I ever be mad at her for wanting you…? …After all, she’s me.”

I chuckled. “Point taken.”

“T-though I will say…!” She stuttered over her words like she had rehearsed them, and I noticed. “I am a little sad that I don’t have you all for myself.

My eyes widened, I wasn’t expecting her to say something like that– it wasn’t in any Twilight’s MO’s, so it was shocking, and I liked hearing it, a lot.

I grinned mischievously, tilting my head, realizing what she was doing. “Sounds like somepony’s been taking a lot of love advice from Rarity back home.” I winked, and she covered her face with her hands, flustering.

“Yeah she told me to use that line…!” She muttered, muffled by the sounds of her hands, flustering even more, and I amused myself.

“It’s good. It’s really good, Sparkles. Heh.” I nudged her affectionately, and I could barely hear an flustered “Oh my gosh” through her mumbles.

Then I straightened my back, and apologized again, for good measure. “Look, again, I can’t say it enough, I’m sorry if it feels like I’m half-assing it, or if this throws a wrench in Celestia’s plans for me, I’ll apologize like hell to Celestia when I’m there, I miss her so much–”

“Sunset.” She grabbed my hand, and her feelings spread through my skin like electricity. She was happy. She was really happy. “Are you happy?”

“Yes. I really, really am.” I spoke the truth, as my face got warmer, and I accepted all her feelings.

“How about that…!” She smiled even wider. “The future of Equestria is being delayed because Sunset Shimmer wants to be happy. That sounds pretty good to me.” Wow, she really meant that. She really fucking meant that.

She actually found more worth in my happiness, than all of the future of Equestria being pushed forward.

We really are birds of a feather, aren’t we?


“Besides…” Her face flustered, and what she said next had weight– A weight that was… Beautiful. “When we’re both Princesses, time is something we’ll have a surplus of.”

A thousand years of loving each other.... I’m okay with a bit of waiting.

My face grew even redder, as we intertwined our fingers together. “C-can’t argue with that…!” I muttered, genuinely flustered. Wow.

Being a princess, ruling fairly and true, with somepony I love.

That sounded like literally everything I could have ever wanted.

And I was getting it. I was getting it.

I spoke without thinking, smiling so much while doing it. “Gosh, I love you so much, you know that? Thank you so much for everything– For changing my life, for saving it– For changing it again, and again…! Thank you for everything. You’re everything.

She smiled warmly, and leaned forward and kissed me, and goddamn, that same feeling spread through me. This was all that mattered.

This moment, between us, this peaceful, weightless moment.

Then as she finished it, I awkwardly smiled. “Um, Sparkles, the kiss thing, didn’t you…?”

Widening her eyes in shame and flustering, she groaned. “AAAUGH! Again!! Dangit. Let’s go! Let’s go, we need to kiss properly in Equestria, not here, Stat!!”

Chastising herself, she stood from that bench, and walked over to the mirror, muttering a couple of profanities at herself, it was adorable. And of course, I followed.

“So… Just to be sure…” I held her hand, before we crossed, eye to eye, face to face, both of our faces reddening. “...What’s next?”

She exhaled, very close to me, clearly suppressing kissing instincts.

 “We figure it out. Together.” 

She spoke softly, leaning on me, with a sort of excitement and eagerness that was contagious. Wow, did I love her.

“Awesome.” I smirked. I didn’t mind not having an itinerary for this. I wanted to enjoy these next months, and the ones that followed, with no weight on my shoulders.

Sunset Shimmer the human will someday become Sunset Shimmer the Alicorn. But she’s not in a rush.

Right now, she has all the time in the world to love Twilight Sparkle. Both of them. And that’s enough.

And so, hand in hand, we crossed the line.