//------------------------------// // Epilogue // Story: Hughbert Jellius' Secret Method For Surviving the Apocalypse (Breaking Ok-ish) // by Mockingbirb //------------------------------// On the Lawn In front of Canterlot High School, a small green blob wriggled next to the Mirror Portal, through which it had been thrown by an explosion in another world. Sunset Shimmer saw it, and scooped it up in her palm. "Look!" she said. "Isn't it cute?" With her other hand, she touched her geode of empathy for a moment. "It wants hugs!" She kissed the top of what would maybe be the blob's head, if it had a head. "Sunset...you think that thing is CUTE?" "Sure!" Sunset kissed it again. Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. "No accounting for bad taste, I guess." Addendum With one brief and largely gratuitous scene, this story now qualifies for last place in the latest Sunset Shimmer x MLP/EqG Villain (Monster Shipping) round. That's LAST place, because I wanted to have more fun by taking the round's theme and shipping ANYONE but Sunset Shimmer for a change.