Universal Language

by David Silver

32 - Epilogue

With a great thump, they arrived. Twilight willed her straps free with her magic. "Fluttershy? You survive that?"

"I'm fine." She used her hooves and wings to undo herself from her many belts. "Are we landed?" Her eyes moved to a hovering display. "Yes. Mmm, and we're stable. Looks like we're in the right place."

Twilight tapped her chin in thought. "Yes, this should do nicely. A decent sized population, some big cities. Looks like a fairly mild area too, not much extremes." She expanded her view to take in more of the country. "Fluttershy? I would like your opinion."

Fluttershy hopped as if she had meant to float, but gravity wouldn't allow that. She flopped to the ground in a mess. "Oops." She scrambled to her hooves. "Sorry." She tested her legs one at a time. "I'm not used to this. I feel, hmm, heavy."

Twilight tried to lean closer, but all her magic was preoccupied with the systems of the ship. "Everything alright?"

Fluttershy raised a hoof towards her mouth. "I feel a little queasy. It should pass. We should, um, say hello."

Twilight perked at that. "Excellent idea." She shifted her attention, bringing up the systems to patch her into a loudspeaker. "Citizens of the United Kingdoms. We have arrived. Having landed, we lay ourselves down by your laws. We are no longer watchers from on high, but citizens like any of you."

A crowd was gathered below them, all curious to see what would happen next. They wanted to see the pony people that had reached out and proposed so much. They knew they were not just beings that appeared, but had bodies made of something solid, able to touch, and interact.

Twilight led Fluttershy to the airlock and with a soft hiss, she commanded it to open. "Let's go say hello to our new neighbors." She pushed herself into the cool air of England, exhaling softly at the sensation.

Fluttershy trotted out, brushing her hooves in the grass as she went. "It's lovely here." She breathed in, taking in the smell of the place. There were infinite tiny scents the ship just didn't have. "It's amazing."

A police officer approached, suit and badge clearly visible. "Ma'am." He looked between the larger alicorn that was Twilight and the smaller pegasus that was Fluttershy. "Are you two the only ones?"

Twilight chuckled a bit at that. "Not at all. The other three are somewhere else. I hope you don't mind them flying in."

The man pointed beyond Twilight to her ship. "I mean in there, Miss."

Twilight ohed. "Right, yes. Just us two."

"You want to live here?" The officer cocked his head curiously.

Twilight hesitated at that. "We're not from around here." She grinned a bit. "But yes. We came here to live and work. This is our new home."

Fluttershy sank miserably. "If you don't, um, mind."

The officer softened at the display. "If you follow our rules, there shouldn't be a problem. Now, we were told you were coming. We'll have to get some paperwork out of the way." He waved at the ship. "They said some part of this has to get to us?"

Twilight flicked her ears forward with a quiet chime. "That's right. We promised one of our power sources." She turned back to the ship. "Please keep the other people away a moment." She raised a remote in her magic and depressed a large blue button.

With sparkling lights, the ship began to fold on itself. Large struts were retracted as panels bent at unnatural angles. The cylinder at the core of the craft took on the appearance of a folding flower, closing in on itself. The maddeningly alien shape of it shifted and changed until the only thing that was left was a blocky chunk of plastic with two metallic ports sticking out at either end.

Twilight pressed a smaller button, causing a considerable metal thing to be belched out onto the dirt next to it. "That's the part. Do you have engineers available?" She didn't need to ask, other humans rushing to claim the power unit. "Ah, you do, excellent. I trust I can leave that in your hands then?"

The police officer stared at the thing being gently coaxed into the back of a truck by half a dozen people in yellow hardhats. "You want us to build things with this? What does it even do?"

"Generate power." Twilight nodded gently. "They didn't inform you? It will produce all the power this nation needs, with sufficient surplus to fulfill the needs of the rest of the European Union."

The man did some mental math as his brows went up in surprise. "You're going to be able to do that?" He rubbed his face. "Bloody hell."

Twilight squirmed at the statement. "Is that bad?"

"No! No, just, wow." He watched them drive away with the piece. "No wonder they're in such a hurry. Okay, both of you, let's get you some papers. You're not proper citizens without those." He waved for the aliens to follow him. "I'll be needing your names, ages, addresses, things like that."

Twilight took a deep breath as she approached the officer's vehicle. "This is a strange world. But we hope to become a productive part of it."

Fluttershy stayed at her side. "Some of those things will be, um, hard to say. We don't have an address. We don't live here, yet."

"We can give you one." The officer was now in his car and rolled down his window. "Something temporary."

Fluttershy and Twilight looked at each other, having a silent conversation between themselves. After a moment, Fluttershy pushed in through the open window, taking a sniff of the driver's hair.

The officer yelped in surprise, pushing Fluttershy back into one of the seats. "Back there, Miss."

Fluttershy laid over Twilight's lap, wings tucked against her back as she sank in misery. "Sorry. You smell nice."

"Thank you, I guess." He shook his head as he started up his car. "Right, let's get this sorted out."

Cindy waved to the television, where a graphic displayed overly-dramatic lightning bolts flowing from the UK out into the rest of Europe. "Looks like your friend's gizmo is doing its job."

Applejack held her hat in front of her with an expression of melancholy. "Yeah, that'll be good for the environment. Can't say ah feel that good about it." She slapped her hat back on and took a deep breath. "Ah miss them already."

Cindy nuzzled into AJ's neck as she sidled up behind her, running her hands over Applejack's chest, squeezing slightly at her strong form. "Mm. Want to distract yourself?"

Applejack purred as she felt the firm caress. "Oh yes."

Rarity dropped into the waiting hands of her father. She examined the man critically, which was an odd thing for a foal to do. She tried to say something, but she was a newborn foal, and all that came out was a babble, her brain still booting up, as it were, learning how her new form operated.

Fluttershy smiled nervously. "She, um, I mean, I think." She couldn't get a full thought out.

Mr. Couture gently stroked the cheek of his new daughter. "Well, let's see how this goes." He held the foal in his arms, making sure to keep her head supported as he took a seat on the couch. "She isn't as amazing as her mother, but a close second."

Fluttershy giggled, nestling with her new boyfriend. "You're flattering." Not that she seemed to mind too much when her human littered praise on her. "Let's raise them right." She laid against him, eyes closed as she enjoyed his presence.

She tickled under the chin of her new foal, amazed at how much Rarity looked just like, well, Rarity.

"In other news, a freak tornado struck an area near Melbourne, Australia early yesterday morning. Authorities say that had there been any damage or casualties, they would have been light." The newscaster continued with a chuckle. "Fortunately, none of those reports were filed. Elsewhere, Europeans are rejoicing as their power bills continue to decrease month by month as development continues. Many are pushing for the acceleration of electric-powered everything, with notable success in the production of new vehicles, which have begun to roll off factory lines worldwide. Let's see what else is happening in the world today."

The camera cut away, switching over to a different news team. "Today marks a historic occasion. The UK has agreed to ship the remaining power supply to continental Africa, to provide those nations with the same unlimited power that America, Europe, and China are already enjoying. The UN hopes this will kickstart Africa's economy and make it an equal partner in world events. Many experts claim that the move is very promising. Not all countries are pleased by this decision, however. Several Middle Eastern countries have threatened sanctions against the UK for such an act."

A new image appeared with the announcement of the gifted power supply. "The one we have serves all our needs. We don't need another, and it can do far more good there, with our fellow men." Applause filled the area, an array of politicians and reporters clapping for the man.

Surprise cackled as she flew through the skies, creating tiny air funnels to push herself along. Angel was chasing her, racing along beneath her.

Twilight lay on the ground with Fluttershy, two mares relaxing in the field, the stars above. "I found one too."

Fluttershy perked. "Oh, you did? Is he nice?"

"She is very nice, yes. And interested in a good book." Twilight looked smugly pleased with finding a mate that agreed with her. "She's home right now, with the foal." She leaned against Fluttershy, their companionship warm and firm between them. "Things are going well here."

Fluttershy pulled Twilight in close. "They are. The humans are coming around. And your friends are visiting all the time." She sank with a sigh. "So, a lady, hm? It couldn't have been me?"

Twilight smirked at that. "The spell requires a pony and a not-pony. You are a pony. Turns out, so am I. We can't have foals, Fluttershy. How's Rarity doing?"

"Quite well." The little foal, still in the process of growing into full foal status, poked out from around Fluttershy's mane. "Hello, Twilight! Good to see you again!" She looked very happy to see her friend, bright purple eyes alight with joy.

Twilight grinned at that. "Good to see you too." She ruffled Rarity's mane, playing with the soft little strands of hair. "You've gotten smaller, but far less about you has changed compared to the filly once named Pinkie." She turned her eyes to Surprise as they came in to land and play with Angel. "Any updates on her? Or AJ and Cindy?"

"They're all doing quite well." Rarity sat down, prim and proper for a little filly. "Darling, they just lent us Angel a moment while they took a vacation. "

Fluttershy nodded at that. "Angel is very well behaved. He's earned his name a few times now."

Surprise peeked up from where she was laying, a hoof over Angel's head as she wrestled with him. She might have lost, but she was giggling the whole time. Both seemed to have enjoyed the game.

Twilight sat up onto her haunches. "When they start getting old enough, we'll need to get them looking and considering, but also aware of that choice. They'll need to find a nice human too. It'll take some time before we have nearly enough ponies to start looking at one another."

"What do you mean?" Fluttershy gazed at Twilight curiously. "Oh." The thought crashed on her. "Right, there aren't that many." She counted quickly how many ponies and foals they had, which was far below what any population wanted to be at. "Your spell works on them?"

"So long as I live. After that, you're on your own."

Fluttershy squeaked in alarm. "Well, I don't want you getting hurt, so be careful, um, please?" She snuggled up to Twilight, head under the other alicorn's chin as she held herself there, the contact pleasant. "I hope you live a very long time, but even I won't be around forever. So we need to get as many as possible, before that happens."

"That sounds like a lovely plan." She wrapped an arm around Fluttershy, contacting Rarity on the way. "Oh, sorry." She gently stroked the little filly before resuming the hug. "This isn't a perfect world, but we'll do our part to keep it on a good path."