//------------------------------// // Prologue: Chance for Redemption // Story: Children of Primus // by noncommittal brony //------------------------------// Optimus Prime is the leader of the Autobots and the last surviving son of Primus. A legend in all galaxies. Many people described it differently. The weak and oppressed called him a savior and the only hope in such difficult times. Tyrants and dictators considered him a coward and a hypocrite. And the strong ones honored him with respect. Not many people knew his story. And his inner world remained a mystery even to the creatures closest to him. On the outside, he was a fearless leader whose goal was always to help his own people and those of others. However, inside... Pain. There is nothing but pain and fear of being rejected by your comrades again. A similar fear was caused by numerous betrayals from those whom he considered his allies, friends and even family. Megatron, the one he considered a brother, decided to start a war that lasted several thousand years. Sentinel Prime, who became his senior mentor and father, made a deal with the enemy behind his back. People, once allies, who hunted his species and disgraced the corpses of his friends. But even despite what happened, he fights for the peace of mankind. Once again risking his life and putting his comrades in danger. _______________________×××_______________________ Optimus dodged another asteroid in his path. More than two weeks passed after he left the earth. And his search for the so-called “creators” in space has reached a dead end.  However, this was not the only problem. The Last Prime felt his exhausted systems threatening to shut down at any moment.  It was clear that even if he managed to find Logdown’s employers, the descendant of Primus was unlikely to be able to give a worthy fight. After a few minutes of thought, the last Prime finally decided to allow himself to rest. Turning on the scanner, it scanned its next path. Having made sure that no other cosmic body is rushing towards him for the next ten kilometers, Prime, closing his optics, finally plunges into stasis. _______________________×××_______________________ "Wake up, young warrior." Lying in a green clearing, Optimus slowly opened his optics.  His gaze was immediately met by the blue sky, and a shadow loomed over him. "Hello Optimus." Despite his clearly vulnerable position, the last Prime was in no hurry to get off the ground. "Hello Prima. Did you want to talk to me about something?" Optimus was calm. This was not his first meeting with the Primes of the past. After his death at the hands of Megatron, his soul moved to a part of the Primes' forest. Where he met the first son of Primus and his brothers. Having learned from them about the prophecy and that he would soon be resurrected, Optimus began to wait. Along the way, he learned from the seven Primes about information from the past and about what could help him in the battle with the Fallen. "Yes, Optimus. I'd like to talk to you about your next mission." Hearing this, the Autobot leader finally bothered to get up from the ground. "I'm listening to you, Prima." _______________________×××_______________________ Sentinel Prime has long been considered a hero to his Cybertronian people. He was the creator of many amazing devices.  Each of which was created to make life easier for Cybertronians in one way or another. However, perhaps the most outstanding invention was the columns of the space bridge. A teleportation device whose capabilities made it possible to mix even planets with stars. Sentinel had noble goals. Find a new sun for Cybertron and finally put an end to the feud between Transformers over resources. The goal was achieved. The acquired sun recharged the Allspark and managed to breathe life into the dying planet. This was the beginning of a golden era where Sentinel began to be considered a hero. However, a new war soon broke out between the two factions. Whose events brought Sentinel to earth. Where Prime's true nature was subsequently revealed... _______________________×××_______________________ “Optimus, you must understand why I had to betray you...” Earlier, one of the strongest transformers, Sentinel Prime, lay on the ground and whined for mercy like a wounded dog. "You didn't betray me... You betrayed yourself!" After these words, a click was heard, signaling the reloading of the gun. "No, Optimus!" The last thing Sentinel heard before falling into darkness was a shot... _______________________×××_______________________ Sentinel Prime opened his optics in shock. Realizing that he was lying on the ground, he immediately jumped to his feet. Grasping the hilt of the sword behind his back, the former leader of the Autobots began to frantically look around. There was darkness all around, and the only source of light was the automatically turned on headlights on his chest. "Where I am?!" His scream immediately echoed in the darkness. “You don’t need to be afraid, my son. Please, take your hands off the weapon...” A loud and powerful voice came from the void. Sentinel froze in place. He recognizes this voice from a thousand... No, from a million voices! The voice of Primus, the first transformer and his father. "Father?! Is it really you?!" Sentinel asked, hoping to dispel doubts. "Can you have any doubts about who I am? I am Primus! The true creator of Cybertronians! I hope you understand why I brought you here!" Exclaimed the voice in rage. Each spoken word shook the space and instilled a spark of horror in Sentinel.  There was only one reason why Primus wanted to see him... "Sentinel Prime! You broke the law I established for the Prime family! You encroached on the lives of billions of creatures! Tried to kill my last descendant! And most importantly, you became one of the causes of the war on Cybertron!" Realizing what Primus could do to him, Sentinel immediately fell to his knees.  "I ask you, father! Let me explain! All my goals were aimed only at the well-being of my people..." "This is a lie! You acted only for selfish purposes! As punishment for this, after your death, you had to go into the void between dimensions to the Fallen One!" Sentinel was silent, lowering his head to the floor. No matter how much he didn’t want to admit it, his father was right. "However... I will give you a chance at redemption." The former Autobot leader raised his head again with hope in his eyes. "You will be sent to a world where evil has gained the upper hand."  The voice fell silent temporarily, allowing Sentinel to process what had been said. "Your job is to fix this and become the new protector of this place." Sentinel considered what he had heard.  Save the world from evil? Become a defender? It was extremely absurd! He was the one who tried to destroy a billion living beings. And now they demand from him that he become a hero of another world?! However, there was not much choice. Be locked between dimensions or forcibly become the hero of an alien world? "I agree..." "I'm glad that my two lascivious sons agreed to this proposal." Sentinel glanced sideways in bewilderment. "Two?" As soon as he said this, heavy footsteps were immediately heard from the darkness behind Sentinel. Standing up from his knees, the former leader of the Autobots immediately turned back into the darkness, from where red eyes were already looking at him. "I would like to introduce you to your brother. Megatronus Prime, also known as the Fallen One." _______________________×××_______________________ "What?!" Optimus stared at Prima in shock. "You want to send me to another world with Sentinel and the Fallen?!" The Last Prime felt his anger turn into wild rage. However, realizing the rudeness of his tone, he immediately bowed his head in a sign of apology.  "Forgive me, Prima..." "It’s okay, child. I understand your anger. But this is really necessary. Sentinel and Megatronus are among the strongest Cybertronians. The world that plans to send you has been captured by evil. You will need all your strength to defeat it." Optimus was silent, pondering the situation. Even though Sentinel and Megatronus were the ones he hated most, the last Prime could not leave a dying world. Even if it means an alliance with your sworn enemies. "I agree Prima." "I am glad to hear it."  Prima nodded in gratitude. "Before you go there, however, I need you to hand over the Matrix of Leadership." Such a request confused the last Prime a little. But without hesitation, he finally decided to open his chest compartment and transfer one of the greatest artifacts into the hands of Prima. Seeing the puzzled look of the last Prime, Prima decides to clarify everything. "The Matrix of Leadership will be charged with the energies of the sun. I want you to give it to Megatronus." The request shocked the young Prime. "With all due respect, Prima. But this action is too risky." "I know Optimus. However, as I said in the battle you will face in the future, you will need all your strength. Since our last battle, Megatronus has been weakened. He needed the energy of the sun to restore his strength and destroy the earth. But now, everything has changed. I ask you, when the right moment comes, give the Matrix of Leadership to Megatronus." For more than five seconds, Optimus did not react in any way to Prima's request.  Clenching his fists until metal scraped, the last Prime nodded uncertainly. "I thank you Optimus. But your time has come."  Prima said quietly. "You will meet your brothers in that world."