//------------------------------// // This is new. (The ending of non canon) // Story: Chaos i'll C̶a̶u̶s̶e̶ Saved! // by CosmicShenanigan-er //------------------------------// (???) ep? S? ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~ The day started as Rosa hopped out of her portal ring and making the said ring to disappear leaving a Temporal shine behind. "Hm..." Rosa looked around, she realized she did not in fact, dropped at everfree, but rather, just at the entrance of the everfree, ponyville was viewable. "This'll work, somehow." Rosa shrugged as she walked towards ponyville, summoning a soda drink out of nowhere, uses her floating top-hat as an holder and started slurping it. ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~ Rosa walked everywhere in the middle of ponyville, all was normal, but the strange thing is. Nobody was anywhere at sighted. "A bit creepy nopo... Nobody at sighted." Rosa decided to changed her vocabulary, as she looked around trying to find atleast a single pony. "Pssst..." Rosa heard a noise coming through the sugarcube corner, making her ears perked up. "Hm..?" Rosa looked and tilted her head at the direction of the noise. "Psst, hey rosey..!" A familiar voiced was heard making rosa sighed in relief. "Oh diane! What are you doing? And why is everypony nowh-" she didn't even finished her sentence as she was immediately yanked towards the pink party pony at a dark area. "Shhhh! Rosay! She might hear you!" Pinkie characteristically put her hoove at rosa's mouth, making her quiet. Rosa deadpanned, unable to speak, she just raised an eyebrow, pinkie understood the gesture. "Rosey, it's because there is a weird lookin' dark pony with dark red mane out there! She (or he) trying to find everypony menacingly and full of scary!" Pinkie explained quickly, making rosa eye rolled. "Is there, by chance, any...pony here too?" Rosa asked, making pinkie blinked as she went back to her cheery self. "Oh yea!" Pinkie clapped her hooves as the lights went on, viewing the mane six and spike, all huddled up in frightened. "Pinkie! What are you doing!" Rarity quickly pulled pinkie to her as she readied her horn towards rosa, rosa took a step back as she widened her eyes in surprised, not fear. "Woah! Stop! What'cha doin?!" Rosa slightly angered, demanded, making rarity startled. "Like you wouldn't know!" Rainbow dash fired back as she charged towards the unfazed Rosa, dodging quickly. "Yeah, I don't know." Rosa stared at the charging rainbow dash as she side step, making rainbow missed and hit some supplies. "Girls, girls! Stop! She's not them!" Pinkie begged as chaos all around the sugarcube was happening, stopping quickly. "What do you mean, pinkie!? You saw that pony shapeshifted into other ponies and she looks so much similar to her!" Twilight exclaimed at pinkie as she blast a spell towards rosa, who easily dodged. "Pinkamena diane pie! Can you make this stop?! This is so easy to dodge and they're not even challenging me! Stop all of this!" Rosa looked at pinkie, who nodded. "Guys! I know a way to prove she's not that pony!" Pinkie yelled as chaos stopped and looked at pinkie, who confidently walked towards Rosa. "So! Rosey!" Pinkie stood firm as a drop of sweat dropped. "Yes dear diane?" Rosa pretended to smirk evilly, making the others to acted but was promptly stopped by pinkie as she hold her hoove up. "... Are you really you?" Pinkie asked as the others facehooved, but rosa rolled her eyes playfully. "No, diane, im just that evil whatever in outside of whatever... Something something, oh my heavens, i forgot my line immediately." Rosa was the next one that facehooved but for her own stupidity. Silence was the only noise at the moment. "Yeppers! This is rosey the one i loved as a sister! Even were not related." Pinkie cheerfully concluded. Others just mouth gaped open. "How does that prove she's the rosa you know! Pinkie?" Rainbow refused to believe it as still in accusation. Rosa rolled her eyes, "so much for the elements of loyalty." She muttered but everyone heard it, making rainbow hard glare rosa, who doesn't even get bothered by that. "Yep! This is the rosey i know!" She hugged the bow tie wearing pony as the said latter hugged back. "Also rude, rosey." "I'm not sorry." ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~ "So you're rosa?" "Yep." "And you're friends with pinkie pie?" "Sure." "Is there anything else we need to know?" Twilight suspiciously narrowed her eyes as the others took precautions. "Hmmm" rosa taps her chin as she mock thinked, "maybe, maybe not." She shrugged, making Twilight groan in frustration. "But, what about that you're a ti-" pinkie tried to asked but was quickly stopped by Rosa's hat, covering her mouth. "No." Rosa said, making pinkie nodding and removed her hat out the mouth. "Im sorry your a what?" Twilight asked as she raised an eyebrow, rosa just stared at her. "I'm your normal lookin non suspicious totally not a changeling, draconequiis, shadows or umbrums or whatever is outside is." Rosa just said to Twilight with no care at all. "Say... I forgot to mention this." Pinkie chirped in as she looked at rosa. "She also got those same things you have, rosey!" "Pardon?" The room was quiet as everyone looked at rosa, who also looked confused but with an hint of recognizing. "I... Might actually know who's behind this." Rosa looked at the floor thinking, "imma look at the window real quick." Rosa took off to the direction to a nearest closed window. And for some cliche reasons, an evil laugh was heard outside, making the mane six quietly gasped as they huddled together. Rosa decided to peek through the windw and saw the pony everyone was talking about. What she saw was a dark grey looking coat pony, with red crimson like mane... And a bowtie. The thing that sealed the deal for rosa to recognized the pony was it did infact looked like her, if not for the more spiky like end and more fluffier mane and tail. "Yup... I know her..." Rosa facehooved as the others looked at her with eyes opened. "You know?!" They all whispered shouted, as rosa quickly opened the window as she jumped through it and charges at the lookalike pony. "Hey! You idiot!" Rosa shouted at the doppelganger as said doppelganger looked back at her, instead of an evil glare, it was one full of mischief. "Hehehe... Took you long enough." She changes her form to a more lighter version as she turned around to rosa. "You did all of this for the funny huh?" Rosa deadpanned at scarlet as the pony giggled. "Yeah... Pretty hilarious, right?" Scarlet playfully looked at Rosa. "By the way... How did you get it here?" Scarlet asked the mint like time traveller.l, who raised their eyebrow. "...pardon?" "This is my dimension, my world my, in your terms, an AU, how did'cha entered through here?" scarlet asked as Rosa's both eyebrow shot up in the air. "Im in a different dimension?" "Yeah..? You don't know?" Scarlet questionably looked at rosa, but blinked and facehooved. "Oh... You accidentally jump through dimensions..." "Aww drat." Rosa looked down, irritated. "What's wrong?" "I thought i be the same species as The Doctor." "Who's that?" "What?" "Who's that?" "The Doctor." "Doctor who?" "Exactly." "Oh this is confusing." Scarlet held her head. "I know." "But i gotta send you back to your dimension." Scarlet stomped her hoove at the ground, summoning a ring that fit rosa, who's eyes widened. "Wait! But this is a short story if you quickly send me baaa...-" rosa sinked as she went back to her world, scarlet shooked her head. "Short but a bit funny for my taste." She shrugged as she went back to pretending evil as the mane six saw what happened. With how they saw rosa sinked at the ring, the ponies (including some residents) gasped at the sight as they mistakenly thought she disappeared and will not be seen anywhere ever again, all thanks to scarlet. "With how things that happened, things just got more interesting." She chuckled evilly. Scarlet was bored one day and decided to pretend evil at a random time in the past of her dimension, with Rosa's accident appearance (and immediately disappearance) everyone now has a new reason to fear scarlet, and all of this because she was bored. Once an umbrum, acts like one (sometimes.)