//------------------------------// // Chapter Sixteen: Echoes of the Past! An age-old Tyrant Returns to Reclaim his Empire! // Story: Saiyan Of The Sun // by IndigoStorm27 //------------------------------// Chapter Sixteen: Echoes of the Past! An age-old Tyrant Returns to Reclaim his Empire! Bage's eyelids fluttered open, plunging him into a darkness so complete, that it felt like a tangible shroud. A sigh escaped him, tinged with a weary familiarity. "Alright, this is getting a little repetitive. How many more times am I going to-" His complaint was cut short by a dazzling eruption of magic that forced him to shield his eyes against the blinding assault. When he dared to look again, spots dancing before his eyes, a breath-taking vista unfolded. An empire of crystal, vast and shimmering, spanned the horizon, its spires glinting under an unseen light. Each step Bage took sent echoes through the charged air, a symphony of gentle hums vibrating around him. The beauty of it all—the delicate arches, the gleaming towers reaching skyward, the soft glow bathing everything in a celestial light—held him captive in silent reverence. The magic in the air was palpable, brushing against his skin like a whisper, promising wonders and secrets that teased the edges of his comprehension. It was an otherworldly sensation as if he had crossed into a realm where the rules of his reality no longer applied. But then, the enchantment began to sour. The crystal empire twisted before his eyes, its splendour consumed by a growing darkness. The air grew heavy, and oppressive, as if it mourned the loss of its former glory. Shadows crept over the crystals, transforming them into monstrous pillars of night that pierced the ground like daggers. The transformation was complete; the empire's majesty was now a grotesque parody of itself. From the shadows, a figure materialized—a swirling vortex of smoke, with eyes that burned a toxic green, its gaze piercing Bage's very soul. Laughter, cold and cruel, echoed around him, wrapping him in a cloak of dread. As the figure reached for him, the nightmare fractured. The empire, the darkness, the chilling laughter—all shattered, fading into nothingness. Bage jerked awake, the library's familiar confines greeting his wide eyes. Sweat drenched his brow as he fought to steady his racing heart. "What was that?" The whisper barely left his lips, hanging in the air, unanswered. The night pressed against the windows, indifferent to the turmoil within. Gathering his thoughts, Bage sat up, the dream's vividness haunting him. It was as though he had glimpsed into another world, a place where magic ruled and darkness lurked, a realm of beauty and terror intertwined. The memory of the crystal empire and the shadowy figure lingered, a puzzle with pieces missing, leaving behind a trail of questions with no clear answers. ---------------------------------------------------------- Bage's eyelids fluttered, a reluctant dawn breaking over his senses as consciousness seeped back in, unwelcome and jarring. Light, dim and diffused, barely pierced the room, casting long shadows that seemed to dance mockingly around him. His head, a battleground of pain and pressure, felt as though it were clamped tight within an unseen vice. "Uughh feels like my head is jammed in a vice," his complaint emerged, muffled and strained through gritted teeth. Attempting to rise, he found his balance betray him, the world tilting in a nauseous sway. His head, rebelling with a vengeance, doubled the intensity of his agony, wringing from him a sharp, involuntary cry, "AGH! What the fuck is wrong with me? I think I'm gonna hurl." Desperation anchored him to the nearest wall, a precarious support for his faltering frame. His palm cradled his forehead, a feeble barrier against the chaos within. As minutes dragged into eternity, the sharp edges of pain dulled, retreating into a persistent throb that whispered of the night's turmoil. The room, veiled in the soft light of morning, held the remnants of his unrest, shadows clinging to the corners like spectres of his pain. The creak of wooden stairs heralded Twilight's approach, her hoofsteps a staccato rhythm against his throbbing skull. "Good morning, Bage! You're up earlier than usual, off to do some more training?" Her voice, bright and unburdened, sliced through the remnants of his troubled rest. Turning toward her, each movement laden with effort, Bage's face was a canvas of pain and weariness, his reply a breath, "Yeah." Her gaze, alight with concern, searched his. "Are you okay?" The worry in her voice was palpable, a stark contrast to his attempted nonchalance. "Just a mild headache. Nothing I can't handle." Scepticism coloured her response, her disbelief evident. "You, have a headache? That's new, maybe that training is finally starting to get to you." Deflecting with a half-hearted chuckle, Bage dismissed the concern. "Pfft, as if. I just had a weird dream last night, that's all." His attempt to lighten the mood fell flat, the vivid memory of his dream casting a shadow over his words. Intrigued, Twilight pressed on. "A weird dream, huh? About what?" Her curiosity, now piqued, drew out his tale of a crystal empire turned nightmare, a story that unfolded with each reluctant detail he provided. As Bage recounted the dream's transformation from wonder to horror, Twilight's expression mingled concern with fascination. "That sounds like a pretty wild dream. What happened next?" Her engagement with his story, sincere and earnest, encouraged him to reveal more, despite the unease it brought him. Concluding his recount with the dream's abrupt end, Bage was met with Twilight's thoughtful silence, her gaze conveying a mix of reassurance and curiosity. Her comforting words did little to dispel the nagging doubt that lingered, the dream's vividness leaving a mark on his waking thoughts. With Twilight's support, Bage found a semblance of peace, the headache receding enough to consider returning to his routine. Yet, as he stood, the echo of the dream's imagery haunted him, a shadow that refused to be shaken. Twilight's concern, though masked by a supportive smile, spurred her into action. The mystery of Bage's dream, particularly the enigmatic crystal empire, compelled her to seek answers beyond their conversation, her quill flying over the parchment in a letter to Princess Celestia, hoping she could shed light on this peculiar vision. ------------------------------------------------------- Bage walked through Ponyville, trying to wrap his head around that dream. He decided to go to the only pony that knew anything about dreams: Princess Luna. He locked onto her energy signature, taking off for Canterlot. As he flew, he let his mind wander, not focusing on anything in particular. In no time he landed in Canterlot, touching down and heading to the castle. The guards nodded at him, remaining stoic. He nodded back, walking into the castle. The moment he walked in, a wave of despair washed over him. He heard the echoes of days past, when he and Sunset trained, argued, and kept each other on their toes. He shook his head, remembering why he was here. He found the door to Luna's part of the castle, finding it unlocked. He stepped through the door, finding it just as cold as before, but now there was an underlying warmth. Not in terms of temperature, but in the sense that the place felt lived in, for the first time in years. He stepped into the warm sanctum, the atmosphere of years past still lingering from the memories of days of training and arguments with Sunset. The sense of familiarity was overwhelming, as much as it was comforting. He felt himself relax slightly as a wave of nostalgia washed over him, taking a deep breath to calm himself. He had come here with a purpose, and he couldn't afford to get distracted by old memories. With a shake of his head, Bage turned his focus back to the door to the princess's chambers, now eager to speak with her about his troubled dream. Just as he was about to knock, the door opened, revealing Luna looking dishevelled, as if she had just woke up. She apparently didn't notice him and walked into him with a grunt. She bounced back, blinking groggily. "WHO DARES TO-? Oh, it is only you, Lord Bage. Apologies, We are... not used to having others visit us. What brings you to our chambers?" Bage winced, holding his ears. "Is... something wrong with your hearing? I am afraid we are not a medical professional, so helping you would not be our speciality." Bage shook his head, chuckling. "No, Luna, it's just your voice is loud, and I kind of have a residual headache. But, I actually had a question about dreams. I've heard from Celestia that you know a lot about dreams, so I figured you could help?" Luna's eyes lit up, and she smiled widely. "So, you have come seeking our counsel?! GLORIOUS! It has been some time since we have helped an individual personally!! Please, enter, and we shall offer you our aid and expertise!!" Bage felt himself be dragged in by her magic, and placed into a chair in her room. "Please, tell us what you wish to know. We shall explain ALL!~" Bage chuckled at her enthusiasm, rubbing his neck. "Well, it's about a dream I had last night. I was hoping I could tell you about it, and see what you had to say about it." Luna nodded enthusiastically, sitting down in front of him. "Although, given the nature of it, I'd say it was more of a nightmare." Luna's face fell, and she looked serious. "A... nightmare? Describe it. I shall do my best to help you overcome it. Although, I find it strange that I did not notice it in the dream realm. Perhaps I simply missed it. Your dream was rather difficult to find the last time I visited." Bage nodded, clearing his throat before speaking. "Well, at first, it was real dark. I was in the middle of.... a snowy tundra, and there was a... city made of crystals or something. As I was standing there, this giant wall of black smoke appeared, flashing with green and purple, and it formed a figure. It stretched a hand out toward me, and then I woke up in a cold sweat, with the world's worst headache." As Bage described the dream, Luna's face had grown more and more worried. Her eyes were wide with terror, and her face had gone pale. "You said... a wall of black... with flashes of green and purple?" Luna asked, her voice trembling with fear. Bage saw her face, nodding slowly. "Yeah, it was. Is there something about that that sounds familiar?" Luna fell back onto her haunches, the days of the Crystal War coming back to her, the twisted and foul nature of Sombra's evil being felt even now in her memory. Her eyes grew distant with a thousand-yard stare, even as Bage snapped his fingers in front of her face. It eventually took Bage smacking her to get her to snap out of it. "LUNA!! What does it mean?!" Luna stares at him fearfully, her breath coming out in quick pants. "It means only one thing. IT has returned, and with it, so has HE. And now you bear his foul touch, which means he knows of your power and your weaknesses. I can do what I can to help you, but just know that it took EVERYTHING my sister and I had to best him before. And I nearly killed you when we fought. You might not be able to best him." Bage took in this new information, the name Sombra unfamiliar. "So he's strong then? Good. I haven't had a good fight since Discord." Bage's eager tone earned him a harsh glare from Luna. "You do not understand, Bage, the power he wields. He is LEAGUES beyond my power, even with the Nightmare. Discord was bested by harmonic energy, not your strength alone. You CANNOT fight Sombra alone." Bage crossed his arms, his pride feeling hurt from her lack of confidence in him. "I still have Super Saiyan, so Sombra won't be an issue. I've been training with Shiso and Rainbow Dash as well, so I'm a lot stronger." Luna sighed, shaking her head. "Sombra's power does not lie in raw strength, but in his magic and cunning. Sombra plays tricks of the mind, using fear and hatred to his advantage. He will attempt to break you mentally, so you cannot fight back." Bage thought of this, weighing the implications. "Wait, you said he's already been in my mind. How? Wouldn't he need to be close?" Luna shakes her head, grabbing a book off her shelf. "Nay, Sir Bage, he does not. Mind magic can work across great spans if you have access to dreamwalking. And art I created, to aid my little ponies in ways even my sister could not. In their dreams. It was an aspect of our rule that I alone could provide. Granted, we still fell to the Nightmare, so I suppose it was too little too late." Luna seemed to droop at that, and Bage gave her a gentle pat on the shoulder. Luna sighed deeply, the memories of her own past mistakes weighing heavily upon her. "But we cannot dwell on the past," she continued, regaining her composure. "We must focus on the present threat. Sombra's return is a dire omen. If he has touched your dreams, it means he is growing in power. His dark magic feeds off fear and despair, spreading like a shadow over the land." Bage listened intently, his mind racing. He had faced many formidable foes before, but Sombra sounded unlike any opponent he had encountered. "So, what do we do?" he asked, his voice steady. "How do we stop him?" Luna stood up, her eyes filled with determination. "First, we must locate him. The Crystal Empire will be his likely destination, as it is the source of his power. We must also fortify your mind against his influence. There are spells and techniques I can teach you to shield your thoughts. But you must remember, this battle will not be won with strength alone. You will need allies, and we must be prepared to fight together." Bage nodded. "Alright, let's get started then. Teach me what you can. I need to be ready for whatever Sombra has planned." Luna led Bage to a secluded room within her chambers, filled with ancient tomes and magical artefacts. She pulled out a thick, leather-bound book and opened it to a page filled with intricate runes. "This is a protection spell," she explained. "It will help shield your mind from Sombra's influence. It requires concentration and a clear mind. I will guide you through it." Bage sat down, closing his eyes as Luna began to chant the incantation. He felt a warm, soothing energy envelop his mind, creating a barrier against the darkness. He focused on Luna's voice, letting her words guide him through the spell. Hours passed as Luna taught Bage various techniques to protect his mind and resist Sombra's dark magic. By the time they finished, Bage felt a newfound sense of clarity and strength. "Thank you, Luna," he said, standing up. "I hope this helps." Luna nodded. "Indeed. But remember, this is only the beginning. We must alert the others and prepare for what lies ahead. Sombra will not be easy to defeat, and we must be vigilant." Bage left Luna's chambers, feeling a mixture of determination and anxiety. The weight of the impending battle pressed heavily on his mind, but he felt reassured by Luna's guidance and the protection spell. As he walked through the halls of the castle, his thoughts turned to his friends and the challenges they would face together. He decided to return to Ponyville, knowing that he needed to gather his strength and prepare for the coming storm. The journey back was uneventful, but Bage's mind was anything but calm. He replayed Luna's words over and over, trying to anticipate Sombra's next move. As night fell, Bage found himself unable to sleep. The weight of the day's revelations bore heavily on his mind, and he knew that rest would be elusive. He eventually succumbed to exhaustion, his dreams quickly becoming a battlefield of their own. In his dream, Bage found himself standing once more in the middle of the snowy tundra, the icy wind biting at his skin. The landscape was eerily quiet, the silence broken only by the sound of his own breathing. He looked around, trying to get his bearings, when suddenly the sky darkened, and a familiar, menacing presence filled the air. A wall of black smoke appeared, flashing with green and purple light. The smoke coalesced into a towering figure, its eyes burning with malevolent intent. Sombra. He stretched a hoof out toward Bage, a sinister smile playing on his lips. "Well, I see the traces of the Night Princesses' magic within your mind now," Sombra's voice echoed, dripping with malice. "It's a shame it was for nought, it will not save you." Sombra laughed, a cold, chilling sound that sent shivers down Bage's spine. "Do you think that SHE was the one who invented the art of exploring dreams? She stole that knowledge from ME." Sombra waved his hoof, and the dream changed. Now they stood in one of the training areas on Planet Vegeta. "An interesting location. Your home, I assume? It looks quite... desolate." Bage looked around, unable to believe his eyes. He hadn't set foot on the training grounds of Planet Vegeta in so long, that he had nearly forgotten what they looked like. "What the hell did you do?! How can you just manipulate my dreams like this?!" Bage wanted to blast the unicorn, but somehow he knew that would only end badly. Sombra merely chuckled, stamping his hoof and moving the dream location to the low-class warrior living areas, specifically just outside his old home. In the sky hung Frieza's ship. This was the day that Planet Vegeta had been destroyed. "It is a simple process. I am merely using your memories to travel through your mind. THIS memory holds some trauma. Not a happy one, then?" Sombra looked up, seeing the large ship in the sky. "My, what an interesting craft. And you say it's owned by 'Frieza'? A ruthless tyrant after my own black heart. I would very much like to meet HIM." Sombra moved the dream again. This time to the space around the planet. He observed as the events of that day played out like normal, with the giant Death Ball impacting the planet's surface, triggering its destruction. "So, you are not of this world. Curious. That just proves my earlier assumption. If I can anchor myself in YOUR mind, you could be a formidable soldier. And to think, you are already more powerful than BOTH the princesses. And you can only get stronger. I am surprised, Saiyan. Or should I call you, BAGE? Such power hidden below your surface, waiting to be unleashed." Sombra changed the dream, showing the memory of him facing down Chrysalis, as well as sealing Discord away with the Harmonic Vexation Cannon. His eyes widened with intrigue at the power of the blast. "Yes, YOU will be quite useful, Bage. The last of a warrior race, nearing extinction. Left with only a sister, stranded on this world." The dream changed again, but this time to the day he went Super Saiyan. "What a powerful transformation. I would do well to remember it. It seems to give you power beyond that of any opponent you face. And to think it was brought about by raw anger and loss. You and I share some similarities it seems." The dream changed once again, this time showing Sunset, lying dead on the ground, with Dryce's laughing form above. Bage's anger began to rise, the dream slowly cracking apart. Sombra looked pleasantly surprised, smirking as my power threatened to shatter the dream around us. "You... think I'm just some puppet you can control!?! That you can show me a bunch of my memories and I'll crack and submit?! Well, you've got another thing coming!!" Sombra shook his head, smirking and chuckling at my proclamation. "You foolish little ape. I am already in your mind. I merely need to wait as I chip away at your resolve. I waited a thousand years to reclaim my empire, and I can wait for you to CRACK. Do not think yourself SAFE, Bage. Even when you wake, I will be here, and I will be waiting." With that, the dream shattered, and Bage woke up with a start, panting and covered in sweat. He felt his heart racing, his throat was dry and painful. Just as he was about to rise from his bed, a chilling voice echoed in his mind, unmistakably Sombra's. "What an interesting past you have, Saiyan. It provided the perfect back door for me to enter your mind." Bage's eyes widened in horror as the realization sank in. Sombra had found a way into his mind, despite Luna's protection.