Pony Hunter

by noncommittal brony

Chapter 4

Apple Jack was far from a gullible girl. That is why, when she heard rumors about the Flash, she only laughed at Sunset Shimmer’s desperate attempts to ruin the young man’s life. Why was she sure that it was the work of Sunset Shimmer? The answer was quite simple. The red-haired girl was the main gossip in school, so there was no doubt who was spreading fictitious stories about the Flash.

At first, Apple Jack herself was afraid for Flash. However, when she saw his attitude towards everything that was happening, she breathed a sigh of relief. The young man didn't care about Sunset Shimmer's pathetic attempts to sully his name. It seemed like Flash didn't take her seriously at all. This was admirable.

Apple Jack admitted that Flash was one of the few guys she had ever liked. The young man behaved like an adult. He was quiet and calm, but at the same time he could stand up for himself and others. He was a good student and had an incredible body.  Not a guy, but a dream. However, the most mysterious and unpleasant feature was the character of the young man.

All their conversations boiled down to Flash's demands to leave him alone.  Therefore, Apple Jack couldn't say that Flash was a sociable person. The only time he seemed to enjoy talking to someone was his first meeting with Fluttershy.

That day, the girl tried to find the owner of a lost cat on school grounds. Much to the shock of the other members, the only one who volunteered to help was Flash. Apple Jack, being busy painting the stairs at the entrance, saw everything from afar. The young man approached Fluttershy and immediately struck up a conversation with her. At that moment, for the first time, she saw Flash sincerely allow himself to smile.

This made it clear that Flash is much kinder than she initially thought.


"This guy overtook the damn Car!"

Apple Jack couldn't get over her shock.

Flash Sentry overtook a pickup truck moving at eighty kilometers per hour. At the same time, he did it with a calm face, as if such a thing was trivial and commonplace.

The girl planned to talk and ask Rainbow Dash for help with Twilight's preparation for becoming the school's prom queen.  However, seeing Flash nearby, Apple Jack hesitated. What should she do? This guy overtook a car, and she has to drive like nothing happened?

"I can't let Twilight down."

It flashed through her head.

Taking a deep breath, Apple Jack walked towards the two teens with determination in her eyes.

In her thoughts, the girl managed to scold herself several times for her cowardice. If not, she acted as if Flash was a serial killer.

"Rainbow Dash, we need to talk."

Apple Jack said with a firm tone.

"Talk? What if I don't want to?"

Rainbow Dash narrowed her eyes at her ex-friend.

Before continuing her conversation with the girl, Apple Jack turned to Flash, who was standing next to her.

"Flash could you leave us alone?"

Hearing this, the young man, not wanting to argue, nodded, immediately turning around, ready to leave.

“He won’t go anywhere! We have a rematch scheduled for him!”

Grabbing the boy's hand, Rainbow Dash glared at Apple Jack.

"If you need anything, speak here! But Flash isn't going anywhere!"

Both girls looked at each other for a couple more seconds before Apple Jack decided to speak.

"I'm sorry."


"At least they managed to start a conversation."

Rarity said with a smile, turning to the three girls.

“Of course it’s a pity that this rude Flash is with them...”

"Don't say that Rarity. Flash is very cute."

Fluttershy said in defense of the young man.

"Fluttershy is right! Flash may be gloomy, but he is very kind inside!"

Pinkie Pie exclaimed, deciding to hold her shy friend.

However, such a statement did not impress the fashion lover and why, she just rolled her eyes.

"Have you not heard of his misdeeds?"

"It's just a rumor!"

Fluttershy immediately covered her mouth with her hands.

"Sorry Rarity, I didn't mean to raise my voice at you..."

A little surprised by the behavior of her friend, Rarity immediately made a guilty face.

"It's no big deal, honey. And forgive me. If you're so protective of him, then Flash Sentry is definitely not a bad person."

After that, Rarity turned her attention to Twilight, who was sitting silently.

"Are you thinking about something, dear?"

The question was ignored.

Twilight Sparkle's attention was focused on Flash. When he stood up for Fluttershy in front of her eyes, it left a good impression of the young man on her.

Judging by what Twilight saw, Sunset Shimmer was the main fear of almost every student in school. Even teachers were afraid to cross whose path.

That is why one of the four princesses of Equestria was even more impressed by the young man’s action.

"Earth Summons Twilight Sparkle."

"And what?"

Twilight blinked several times before looking back in bewilderment at Rarity, who snapped her fingers near her nose.

"Rainbow Dash and Apple Jack are getting ready. They're coming here now."

The girl immediately turned her gaze to three figures walking in their direction.

"So are you Twilight Sparkle? I'm Rainbow Dash and this is my friend Flash Sentry. We heard you want to overthrow Sunset Shimmer."

Twilight nodded, again turning her gaze to the young man, who turned away and stared towards the school, clearly not involved in everything that was happening.

"Can you stop staring at me already?"

The girl shuddered, realizing that Flash was talking to her.

"Sorry, I just..."

Finally turning his head and looking at everyone with a lazy gaze, Flash clicked his tongue and turned to Rainbow Dash.

“I’m tired of being here. We scheduled a rematch. Instead of creating a club of offended children.”

"Hey! We're not resentful children! We're just tired of Sunset Shimmer being bullied!"

Rarity exclaimed in an attempt to defend her injured honor.

"Flash calm down. We're all friends here."

Rainbow Dash placed her hand on the boy's shoulder.  However, the limb was immediately knocked off by Flash himself.  Clearly making it clear his dislike of unnecessary touches.

The girl decided not to respond to such a rude gesture, but only return to the topic of the rematch.

"And since you're talking about a rematch, how about we play right now?"

Flash just nodded. The young martial artist was not in the mood. After meeting the girl from the video he watched today, his morale worsened. Unpleasant memories from Garou’s childhood flashed through the young man’s head. Beatings, constant humiliation from students and teachers.  Flash Sentry felt hatred and disgust for unknown reasons.

"These emotions. I can say with confidence that they are not mine..."

This is exactly what Flash was afraid of.  He was losing his mind. For many years he suffered from not knowing who he really was. Is he Garou or Flash Sentry? Or maybe something in between? What if he's crazy? Are past life memories just hallucinations? But then where does he get such strength?

The last time he asked these questions was in childhood.  However, such unpleasant memories of Garou again caused Flash to fall into paranoia.

"After him, I'll leave. And I won't play those childish ball games with you anymore."

Flash managed to maintain his composure.

What was said made the Girl smile widely.

"Great! Let's play until five points. Twilight come out onto the field."


Twilight looked at Rainbow Dash in confusion.  Seeing her look, the girl decided to clarify.

"Defeat Flash and I will help you"

Flash, in turn, said nothing. He didn’t care who he went on the field with.

Standing opposite each other in the middle of the field, Twilight anxiously awaited Rainbow Dash's countdown.  At the same time, trying to calm myself down.

"Knowing from experience from Equestria, Rainbow Dash is the most athletic pony I know. Flash can't beat her in this game."

The former alicorn princess became convinced that Rainbow Dash decided to put the young man against her in order to make her task easier and give her a chance to win.

"One... Two... Let's start!"

As soon as Rainbow Dash finished her report, she immediately threw the ball towards the two.

Not knowing what to do, Twilight swung her right leg to hit the sports projectile.

However, as soon as she tried to do this, the ball and Flash immediately disappeared in a sharp gust of wind, and her foot kicked into the air.


Before Twilight had time to understand what had happened, a whistle immediately sounded, signaling the first victory.

"One zero for Flash!"

Turning back, Twilight froze in shock.

Flash stood at her goal, and next to her was a ball hammered into the net.

“How is this possible?! Is this teleportation?! Is there magic in this world?!”

Twilight's head was bursting with questions that had accumulated there in this short period of time.

Roughly similar thoughts and questions came to the heads of the shocked Fluttershy, Apple Jack and Rarity who were watching the game.

"Of course, I knew that Flash was fast... But I didn't think that much..."

Apple Jack said quietly.

Rainbow Dash was only a little surprised.  After all, she had long been accustomed to such tricks from Flash. But seeing the faces of those present, including Twilight herself, she could not help but smile.

Standing opposite the girl again, Flash placed the ball on the ground between them.

"Ready to continue?"


Twilight answered a little hesitantly, realizing that she was unlikely to be able to win.

"Get ready..."

Rainbow Dash started reporting again...


Exhausted, Twilight collapsed to the ground. The former alicorn princess lost to Flash four matches in a row.

The young man was able to move so fast that he created the effect of teleportation.  The task was complicated by the fact that the young man decided to mock her after his second victory. In the third match, Flash, instead of immediately ending the game, began to wander around the entire field, forcing the girl to sweat quite a bit in trying to catch up with him.

No matter how hard she tried, even despite the young man’s frivolous attitude towards what was happening, she still failed to keep track of him and take the ball away.

"This is definitely magic! No living creature is capable of this!"

She screamed in her head.

Twilight swore by Celestia herself that after she got her crown back and this whole Sunset Shimmer thing was finally over, she would ask Flash about his abilities.

"Have you given up yet?"

A grinning Rainbow Dash stood over her.

In response to the question, Twilight remained silent.

"You have one more match. Don't let us down."

Somehow managing to get to her feet, Twilight, gathering all her remaining strength, prepared for the final match.

Even though she knew she would lose, the former alicorn princess didn't want to just give up.

"I'm ready!"

She said decisively.

However, as soon as she looked around for the young man, Twilight realized that Flash had disappeared.

"Where did he go? The game hasn't even started."

However, before she received any answer, a rending boyish cry of pain was heard from behind the stands.