Gold Just Stands Out...

by G 5-1-6

Things Get Worse

“Hooves!” You hear from the voice outside the front door, both of you turn to the door as you hear footsteps getting closer. Oh Crap.

“Quick! Hide in the closet!” Derpy whispers as she points towards the door behind you. You enter the closet and find out it is a dark walk-in closet with many dusty boxes and letters, you find two big boxes to the left of you so you hide behind them and the boxes cover you up while crouching and you can hear outside the closet.

“Yes boss?” you hear Derpy say to the other voice as the other door opens. The rest you hear is muffled voices before both of them walk out, close the door, and now you’re in silence.

“Well well well… “ You hear a voice say, you look around and the voice laughs to your confusion.

“What the hell? Derpy? Is that you?” you say with silence again greeting you except the voice.

“She’s just using you for her advantage, they will use your kindness to make them feel better. Don’t believe the lies they tell yo-” 

“Listen here!” You interrupt, “I don’t know who you are, but she is just trying to help me because I’m in this new world! I trust her, she is nice.” Your anger is starting to boil up, you have to stay quiet because you hear footsteps all around the post office.

“You seem to be calm, but how is your voice clear if you’re drunk?”

“We made a deal so that every time someone lost a game they took a shot. I don’t know why I'm not drunk yet if it was…..” You trail off thinking to that day, you remember before the game starts and you made the deal of the shots you saw that the bottle looked different. Your mind clicks the two together. Oh come on! They must have thought I was weak, so they gave me a bottle of Soju! Your mind said as your anger is replaced with fatigue, you need rest, you haven’t gotten it since last night and it seems to be getting late. You close your eyes.

“Don’t trust them!” You hear the voice remark, before you can say anything, you fall asleep.


Your mind connects to the world as you open your eyes and find yourself in the closet. So it was not a dream you think, of course I wasn’t dreaming, her hoof felt real. You blush slightly by the way you worded that. You duck behind the boxes as you hear the closet door open.

“You can come out of hiding now. Don’t worry, I didn’t bring anyone.” You can hear Derpy say, you calm down as you hear the pony’s voice. You stand up as you see Derpy hopping back in surprise. “Look, I don’t think you can go outside without causing chaos, I think your only option is to stay here. Don’t worry, I will bring you food every day and no pony goes in here  except for me.”

“So you are just going to leave me here with these dusty boxes and nothing to do?” You question trying not to be too aggressive.

“Look, I’m sorry, but there really is no other option. If anypony sees you they might freak out.” Derpy said give you a plate, the plate had some bread and some meat on it. Well, better than nothing I guess. 

“Thanks Derpy.” You say and she smiles back. “But, what's with your ey-” You aren't able to finish that sentence before Derpy runs out the closet door with tears in the back of her eyes. I messed up, real bad, you want to go after her but she is right, you don’t know what the other ponies would do to you. So you just sit down and eat your food while feeling like the worst person in the world.

The day goes by in Equestria, you wait there and try to listen to ponies talking to not be bored, but most of them are quiet and just come to the post office to send and take letters. You get food in the morning, at noon, and before the office closes for the day but every time you get food Derpy just puts the food in the closet and leaves. Derpy, I’m so sorry, you never had time to say that as she always leaves right after dropping the food off.

One day, things were different, when Derpy walked in the closet to drop off the food, another pony walked into the back room. Man.

“Hooves!” you hear as footsteps get closer to the closet. “What are you doing going into the closet, and WHY DO YOU HAVE FOOD WITH YOU? YOUR BREAK IS IN 15 MINUTES!” Derpy’s boss says, practically yelling at this point.

“U-Uh boss! I uh uh..” You can hear Derpy say trying to think of something. Oh no, you can’t let Derpy get in trouble just because of you. Then you think, you have been using Derpy this entire time because you appeared in her world. Well, there goes more of your self esteem as you feel even worse now, but you don’t want Derpy to get in trouble because of  you. So, you decide to do something bold.

“Ey! Don’t yell at her like that!” You say as you get up from your hiding spot, Derpy looks at you with a NOT NOW! Look on her face as her boss looks at you with horror. She seems to have a horn coming out of her head and is more of an orange color.

“WHAT THE HELL!?” You hear the pony scream before her horn glows and now there is a bright projectile going to your face Oh crap, the beam of energy hits you in the face as you back hits the wall as you black out. 

“Oh what a show! That was so funny!” The random voice says, trying not to laugh, “You really are stupid aren’t you?” the voice teases. Then you think, why did I do that? Now your secret is revealed and now ponies might experiment on me, and even worse Derpy might get fired because of this. I really am a terrible person.