//------------------------------// // 7 - A Dream Encounter // Story: Janon - The Resident "Wise" Guy // by Starmarine61321600 //------------------------------// I know this is a dream, it’s not hard to tell. Not a memory or vision a dream. Well to most it’d be a nightmare but to me it was normal. I sit on the wet floor of a trench. It looks like a flattened V dug in the ground. While at first it may seem like it’s during WWI that is not the case. Loud gun and artillery fire fill my ears suddenly I hear a loud mechanical sound and heavy metallic footsteps. I look up and see a large bipedal mech step over the trench. It lets out an electrical whine before it’s hit by a heavy weapon. It stumbles back and falls with a heavy thud it’s fall stirring up dust and debris that flows into the trench. Suddenly the moon glows a bright white and I’m deafened by a loud shout, “Beest gone nightmare,” the dream battlefield fades to an open field not much different from the one the genepeople used to call home. A large ranch house sits close by. This is what the people used to call home. It makes sense after all they were the results of my imagination turned into reality. This is my mind. “Sup, Luna. Took you long enough. It’s been over 2 months since my arrival.” I say with a smirk. I know who it is, the dreamwalker. Luna steps back, “How doest thou knoweth thy nameth?” “You’re the only pony capable of entering dreams. I figured Celestia would send you to enter my dreams after my encounter with her prized pupil, Twilight Sparkle.” I turn to face the mare. Yeah, it’s Luna. Her starry mane flows with a non-existent wind and her facial expression looks surprised and partially impressed. “A wise deduction and entirely c'rrect.  So what is thy nameth?” She sits on her haunches in front of me. Following suit I sit down as well, “Janon. My name is Janon.” “Janon, my sister as you know values the safety of her subjects greatly.” She pauses a moment before continuing, “She sent me to figure out if you were a threat to Equestria.” “Ah, so nothing big.” I say with a nonchalant tone, “To answer here question no. I’m not a threat to Equus. Do tell her and your subjects that there are more of my kind.” “Waiteth? th're art m're humans?” “Yes, there are 46 humans on Equus. Well, 48 counting me and Frank.” I say forgetting to include myself and Frank at first.  “Who is't's frank?” Luna asks with a raised brow curious as to who he is. “This is Frank,” I say summoning a life-size model of him. Due to recent augmentations unlocking his full potential, he is 19 feet tall and weighs 8 tons. “Sweet sist'r,” Luna says as she looks up at the giant in front of her. “That’s human?” “Kind of, it’s hard to explain. Frank is the result of humanity fucking with genetic engineering in an alternate universe. I made a replica of him using my gift from Discord. The main difference between my Frank and that universe’s is that my Frank is a big softy. The original Frank would have likely tried to kill everyone in the Ark.” I explain pacing around Frank’s large form “The Ark? what is this Ark thee speaketh of?” Luna asks with a raised brow.  Okay the Shakespearean English is cute but quickly getting annoying. “Why are you speaking in Shakespearean English?” I ask politely trying to not upset one of diarch leaders of Equestria. “Thou speak old Ponish t’s this Shakespearean English you speak of?” She asks not understanding my question. “You speak as if you are from the English Renaissance. Oh waiteth thee've only been from thy banishment f'r haply a year 'r two.  thou art still likely adjusting to this new Equestria” ‘“Well enow, well enow, pointeth taken. I shall tryeth to stand ho” She replies with a giggle at my reply. “T’s this any better?” “Very. The Ark is a large underground community. It’s capable of being entirely self-sufficient.” I say as I summon a map of the facility. “What t’s its purpose?”  “Well, for the first weeks of my stay in Equestria, I wanted to remain hidden. So I made an extremely secure underground bunker in a cave system. Later I expanded it to fit upwards of 100 residents and be self-sufficient. Now 48 humans call it home.” I explain proud of its evolution. “That sounds like an admirable goal. Did you achieve it?”  “That was never my goal. My goal was for humanity and Equusians to live in harmony. That’s why I told them to explore Equus.” “What do you mean explore Equus?” Luna asks seeming to know what I’m talking about. “In the coming weeks, the residents of the Ark will leave and journey through Equestria and Equus. Where, I don’t know but they have come to learn and teach. I hope you and Celestia will your ponies accept them with open arms.” “We ponies are peaceful creatures I see no problems that should arise,” Luna states with a sideward glance. “You personally know that’s not true. While ponies are not mean they aren’t have their prejudices and racism. I just hope you and your sister will give my people a chance.” I ask in a solemn tone knowing there are many a trial awaiting us. None of which can be solved with bullets. Luna nods “That I do. I have hope they will be kind and understanding.”  “If Twilight is anything to go by I have hope they will too.” “I should take my leave now. I have other dreams to attend to.” Luna says with a smile. “Do you always dream of battles?”  “Not always sometimes I feel like practicing in my dreams.” Luna lets out a chuckle. “I’ll be watching you, Janon,” she says as stands up and gives her wings a few test flaps. “I’ll add you to my list of stalkers,” I say with a laugh as she takes off to the moon once more. My dream doesn’t return to its war state instead staying the peaceful field and ranch house. I stand up and head to the house. As I turn the knob to the door I awake from my dream ready for a new day. Granted I couldn’t really tell what time it was, being underground and all but it’s the details.