//------------------------------// // What The Hell? // Story: Gold Just Stands Out... // by G 5-1-6 //------------------------------// You are at a bar, drunk, and with some other people at a table. It has been 2 months since you have turned 21, so to celebrate, you decided to go to your first bar. During your time there you met some people who wanted to play a game with you,  and what better way to ruin friendships than a good classic game of UNO. “Get plus 4’d dude.” One of the men said making you the next one to choose, you decide to wait and get the 4 cards. “I pick yellow as the color.” The man says again after you drew your cards. “You mean gold, right?” You say, loopy from the beer. “Boy what you talkin’ bout?” The dude across from you on the table says, “That is clearly yellow.” While yes, he is true. But gold has been your favorite color ever since you were 15, at that age your mom passed away and since her favorite color was gold, you changed your favorite color to that to keep a part of her always with you.  It was your turn again, you were about to place a card down when you felt the chair below you go away. At first you thought someone snatched it and anger grew in your mind, you put your arms to the ground to catch yourself until you fell that below you there… is no ground as well. What the hell? You think to yourself as you fall through the hole and the men stand up, confused. Instead of falling through the hole and hitting the foundation below, you keep on falling, it’s like a big tunnel appeared below you. You are more confused about how this happened than scared. Soon you feel a wave of pain as your back hits something and then you black out. Damn it you think in your mind before succumbing to the pain and becoming unconscious. You regain consciousness as you feel breathing on your face. You open your eyes just to be met with bright lights hurting your eyes making everything a blur, but what confused you was that you also saw a gray-ish blur jump back to the other side of the room with an audible yelp. As your vision comes back you can see yourself in a different room than the bar you were just at, it seemed to be the back room of a place, judging by packages all over the place you could be in a post office but why would you be in one if you were just at the bar. You turn your head to face the blur you saw jump across the room and you see…you don’t know what you see, it’s definitely not a human, that’s for sure. It appears to be a short animal on four legs; it even has a mane and tail, a horse? Maybe, but it looks a little small to be a horse, maybe a pony? You then notice the two wings on the creature's side and your mind is stumped, Last time I remember, horses didn’t have wings, your brain says as you pay attention to the symbol on their butt. 7 bubbles were on the pony’s butt, you are confused before remembering that some horses were branded by farmers so you assume they belong to a farmer nearby. You then see their big eyes and you realize that the pony seems too cartoony for the horses you know back home, you also see that they had big…golden..pupils. Your mind is actually happy for the first time since you came here, but the pony’s eyes look weird, they aren't facing the same direction, one looking at you, and the other looking at the ceiling. Their eyes lock on to yours as they make another yelp in surprise, it hurts your ears at the same time you get drowsy because of the beer. “Uh, hello?” You say trying to calm her down, the pony gets shocked as soon as you speak. “You, speak? W-What are you?” The pony said in a calm but disturbed voice. “Yeah, I can speak. I have questions too but, I am a human, by the way you look, I assume you’re a pony?” You say as you get up and the pony’s ears droop when they see your height. “Y-Yeah, I’m a pony. Can you sit down please? I-I'm scared.” The pony says, trying not to run away. You sit down trying not to scare the pony as you hear other voices outside the back room, maybe more ponies? The pony calms down as they get a little close while cautious at the same time. “M-My name is Derpy, Derpy Hooves. Well, Derpy is what most people call me because…” She goes silent before shaking her head and holding out her hoof, a handshake? You assume they call her Derpy because of her crossed eyes. You hold out your hang and shake her hoof, you can feel short fur on her smooth skin before letting go and bringing your hand back. “Well, nice to meet you Derpy. Now can you answer me some questions?” You say before looking around again, thinking of them in your head. “Yes, ask me anything, well not ANYTHING.” Derpy says in an adorable manner as her nose scrunched up. “Well, first off, where am I?” “You are in the PonyVille post office, I work here!” Derpy says, showing the bags hanging off her sides. You were so drunk you didn’t notice them till now. “Ponyville?” Such a creative name… you say sarcastically in your head.  “PonyVille is the town we are in right now. It is a large central place in Equestria, the world we are in!” “Uh, then where is Earth?” You question your low knowledge of geography from high school. “Earth? What is that place, well, that would explain why you are different. You must not be from here. Wait! Pinkie Pie can throw an awesome party!” Derpy said jumping up and down like a kid going to a McDonalds, wait, MORE PONIES? You say in the back of your mind. You already knew this was going to be a long day, man, what you would do for a nice bottle of beer right now.