//------------------------------// // Here comes a new challenger! // Story: My new life in equestria // by PlayerUzU //------------------------------// Well, the past two weeks have been... something.  Since now you basically live with one of the most feared enemies of all Equestria, she isn’t the nicest mare you have seen, but she isn’t really evil either, mostly just an asshole, doing pranks here and there, scaring the poor servants of the castle and how can I forget? Trying to fucking poison Celestia and Luna.  Thank God they are immortal, the only thing they feel is a little stomach ache, once the poison was so strong that Celestia actually puked on the spot, I was scared as all hell, but also intrigued, Celestia pukes fucking rainbows.  Anyway, after our first meeting we had a bunch more of them, things were getting better, Chrysalis now actually felt bad for the invasion of the wedding that day, the public apology will take place tomorrow actually, the pranks toned down, poisoning is only taken place on Sundays (trust me, that is an improvement), and she is trying to be nice, trying being the key word.  Since I’m the royal advisor now, I was the one in charge of, hm, how can I say it, babysit Chrysalis and make sure she doesn’t do anything evil, not my proudest moment to be honest.  My train of thought was broken by Zephyr.  “Soo... how is it going with the bug lady?” Zephyr asks nonchalantly.  “What do you mean?” I mean, I know what she is talking about, but I want to make sure exactly what she wants to know.  “Well, you know, sleeping in the same room as her, teaching her how to be a better pony and stuff like that, I’m kinda curious you know.” Ah, that.  “Well...” I’m not sure of what to say to be honest, our relationship is complicated.  Then I look to my left and a see an unexpected second pony right behind me.  “Who are you?” I simply ask, looks like a solar guard, but who knows.  “Private First-Class of the Solar Guard Lightning Shot reporting for duty sir!” The pony does a quick salute on my direction.  “And what are you doing here?” This is suspicious.  “Our majesty Celestia asked me to accompany you today sir” Ok, something is up, Celestia doesn’t do stuff without asking me.  “Ah, I see, you know, you are getting good on fooling me Chryssi, but you forgot the Celestia never does anything without communicating to me beforehand” I have the biggest eat shitting grin on my face right now.  “UGH, you are really annoying you know” a green flame engulfing the once white unicorn stallion now transforming into a big bug lady.  “And what did we talk about taking other ponies form to spy on others?”  “I wasn’t spying!” she takes a pause bearing her fangs at me.  “Fangs Chryssi” she flinches and became a little red on her muzzle.  “Sorry” she simply mutters.  “I was simply curious of uh, whatever you two were talking about” let’s say I believe she didn't know we were talking about her.  “I see, we were just talking about how we will take you for a quick stroll around Canterlot, to interact with some ponies and for them to get used to your presence” I said jokingly, I mean, there is a plan for that, but only after her public apology tomorrow, we can’t rush stuff you know.  “Oh, uhm, it would be nice to do so but I just received a message from one of my changelings that they need me today, sorry bye!” She ran off quite fast, didn't know she could be that fast to be honest.  Then I look back at Zephyr, she has her mouth open agape with surprise.  “As I was about to say, Chrysalis isn’t that bad of a pony really, I mean, sometimes she gets out of hand but still, she respects me and my decisions, and some of Celestia too” a sigh escaped me “Luna on the other hand... they just compete”  “Compete?” Zephyr asks  “Yeah, mostly prank wars, it can get really chaotic sometimes, I still remember when both Luna and Chrysalis glued each other flanks on their chairs during breakfast with super glue, it wasn’t pretty”  “How the fuck I never learned about any of that stuff? Hay, I’m always by your side!”  “Well, mostly because they keep that as a secret, not even I know most of what they do on their little squabbles, Tia always discovers sooner or later and sometimes she tells me”  “This castle became hell after you got here you know that right?” Zephyr asks me mockingly.  “Technically, you got here at the same time as me" I chuckled at that.  “Also, speaking of Celestia, do you know when she will be free for a meeting today? I need to talk to her about some of my plans for after the apology tomorrow” A more serious tone on my voice.  “From what I know, today will be a busy day for her, you might be able to talk to her after the afternoon court though”  “Busy day huh, let’s quicken our pace, I might be able to catch her during breakfast if we reach the dining room sooner”.  “Alright then”  After a couple of minutes both me and Zephyr are in the dining room, she taking her position on the door while I take my usual seat on the table, who has a very sound asleep Celestia with her face mushed on some quite fluffy looking pancakes.  Now that I think about it, I never got her back for the zapping a couple of days ago, I have a plan.  “Tia it’s time to wake up” I simply say while slapping her face lightly.  Almost falling off her chair she wakes up startled.  “What, when, where?” She says confused.  “Calm down, you ware just asleep on some fluffy pancakes, what happened for you to be this tired” I ask with concern.  A loud yawn came from her “I wasn’t able to get much sleep yesterday, too much paperwork, and since tomorrow is a special day, I needed to clear some of it sooner” well, her face says it all, the tall horse do be looking tired.  “You know that you could have asked me for help right?”  “I couldn’t bother you with such mundane work, and already having full hooves with the changeling queen right now”  “Meh, she isn’t much work anyway, I expected her to be way worse” I chuckle, which also got a smile from Celestia.  “Well, anything else you want to tell me before I go to my morning court?” She asks me, which remembers me.  “Oh yeah, almost forgot, I need to talk with you about some plans I have for changeling integration, but seeing how you are today, this can wait, we can go over it after the event tomorrow”  “Allright then” she starts to walk away, but then she pauses and looks at me “Also, nice try with the prank, but you forgot that I lived for hundreds of years with Luna, no marker in the castle is permanent, but I do look good with a monocle and a mustache” She laughs at it.  “Party pooper” I simply say while laughing with her.  “See you soon Anon”  “See you soon Tia”  After she lefts, I’m all alone in the dining room for a couple of minutes, but then, out of nowhere a lavender figure breaks the window and slams right into the dining table.  Twilight needs to learn how to make an entrance.  “WHERE IS SHE?” pure rage and hate is oozing from the little lavender alicorn.  “Twilight calm down, what’s going on? Where is who?” I’m kinda scared, she doesn’t look like the type of mare who would enter this state without a good reason.  “WHERE IS CHRYSALIS?” she is almost using the royal canterlot voice, which is kinda impressive since she never learned it from anyone.  Wait, did she say Chrysalis? Oh no.