Premiere of Pony Poetry: an Amateur Anthology

by The Bromeister

Terror and Tumult at Twilight [Dark]

Drowning in Confusion
Combating Demonic Illusions
Fighting for a breath
These monsters crave Death

My cognitive defenses
Assaulted by the Dark Horde
Thrashing my senses
I'm struck to my core

Razor talons sundering mental Flesh
More Ghouls I await
Their Bloodlust to sate
Agony of my Hell is fresh

Why am I Alone
Where are my Friends
Why can't I go Home
Is there no way back

How do I defend
Against that which I don't understand
Is there a path to retrace
A bridge I can mend

My mind stolen by a Thief
My heart eviscerated
My guts in acid liquified
My fractured soul is Burning

I try to contain the pieces
They glide past my grasp
There's constant Confusion
I'm lost in a sea of grief

My old bones grow cold
Purgatory's expanse lies ahead
Frosted irons unwillingly drag me
In Fatal Finality to the Demons I've capitulated

Darkness surrounds
Thoughts are fleeting
My awareness fades
Now I realize, I have died

My life and loves dissolved
Identity fractured

What I've lived, Loved, and Lost
To have returned is all that I'm yearning