Janon - The Resident "Wise" Guy

by Starmarine61321600

4 - Why thanks Cosmos

Cosmos leaves the meeting knowing what he must do. “It’s now or never.” He says his horn lights up and he teleports out of Cientan and back to his office in Bayhill. The unicorn walks to his landline and calls his secretary, Ebony Moon to his office.

“Is there something you need Cosmos?” She asks shortly after arriving in the room.

“I’m heading to Equestria. Faust, me, and the Ancient One have come to a decision on how to deal with the human.” Cosmos says as he grabs his sword and shotgun holstering them to his sides. He then grabs his great coat and slips it over his body.

“You’re not going to kill him are you?” She asks with a raised brow.

“No, when you reach my age you realize one must be strong enough to be gentle. I am simply the force that moves Equus forward.” He puts on his monocle and feather hat. “I wish for humans and ponies to coexist. Just like how all the races of Equus coexist in the Commonwealth.”

“Then don’t let me waste your time. You have an important mission.”

“I have always had an important mission. This is simply another side quest.” Cosmos says teleporting away covering the distance from Bayhill to Janon’s facility in a single spell.

It had been a week or two since I’d given Discord a tour of the facility. I and the others decided on a name finally. The Ark. I think it is a fitting name for us. It's the only safe place on this planet. Everfree Forest is too unpredictable and we’re still waiting for the ponies to stumble upon us. At the moment I’m getting dressed, well buttoning on my shirt and putting on my glasses. Conveniently when I transform my glasses grow to fit my larger form so I don’t need multiple pairs. I grab my revolver off the bookshelf dresser combo and holster it to my hip. My sports coat conceals it well. Inside my sports coat on the left side was a Ka-bar. This was my daily. I don't expect to need either one but it is better safe than dead. I hear some commotion inside coming from the central chamber. I leave my room and quickly head that way. I’m greeted by the sight of a unicorn surrounded by the security team.

“The hell is going on here?” I shout out getting their attention and all of them turn to face me.

“This unicorn teleported inside here. He says his name is Cosmos Chronicle and that he wanted to speak to you.” Replies William in a tone that is both serious and confused.

“That is correct. I have arrived at last. We’ve been watching you.” Cosmos says as he steps forward toward me.

“I know you’ve been watching me. Figured the Commonwealth was watching me the second Discord mentioned your existence. But you’re not talking about the Commonwealth, you're talking about the Ancient One and Faust.” I answer with a knowing tone. I knew this would likely happen, that's why I never made contact with the residents of Ponyville or Canterlot.

“I knew Discord brought you here. Twilight stopped her transdimensional experiments after I asked Faust to tell her to stop them. Luna and Celestia know the results of summoning creatures from other dimensions so it wasn’t them. That left only Me and Discord. I have a long categorized list of all my summons so that leaves only Discord.” Cosmos says as if anyone but me and him knew what he was talking about.

“So what have you come to talk about?” I ask, honestly I want this to end as quickly as possible.

“Simple, just one question. Have you made contact with any of the natives?” He asks, already knowing the answer.

“No, I was waiting for them to stumble upon this facility,” I answer quickly. I could tell he knew the answer before asking. He was planning something but what?

“I figured as much. That’s why I am here. To Ponyville you go.” He says his horn glowing a faint sandy brown.

“Wait, wha-” I say before I get teleported right into the Golden Oak Library “That Motherfucker.” I say looking around the library. Thankfully it’s empty and I haven't seemed to disrupt any of the books. “DT, how far away am I from you?” I had Ester surgically put a device in my brain that’d allow me to contact DT without my helmet being one for situations like this.

“20 clicks away sir. It seems you’ve been teleported to Ponyville, the Golden Oak Library,” DT responds in his monotonous robotic voice.

“No shit, I realized that one real quick,” I answer pissed off beyond belief. Why isn't there anywhere to hide in this god-blasted library? I’m going to look like an ape burglar if I don’t find a place to hide. Oh, wait, I have an idea.