//------------------------------// // The Warriors Return // Story: When Darkness Shines // by TeonnaKatzGuardianStorm //------------------------------// Sombra awoke sharply to the sound of trumpets. It took him a moment to realize he was in Cadence's room on her couch. Cadence was on the floor with her forelegs and head on the table. She was asleep. The trumpets sounded again and this time Selena awoke with a very loud cry. The cry awoke Cadence who Amore knows how leapt up straight out of sleep and headed to Selena. Sombra hadn't even comprehended yet that he had slept in Cadence's room. Cadence walked out with a very angry Selena. She yawned before speaking, "I meant to wake you but it seems I fell asleep as well." The trumpets sounded off again. "We better go see what's going on." Sombra said as he grabbed his royal attire. Sombra, Selena, and Cadence headed to the sunrise balcony where Amore and Rabia were. Sombra looked off the balcony and almost leapt for joy. It was the umbrum patrol and from the looks of it, they had found survivors. Sombra ran inside and shifted and Cadence could see him reshift on the dark side of a house. Cadence looked out excitedly, then turned to Rabia. "They found survivors! Maybe Seraphina is-" "We were there." Rabia replied quickly and coldly, signaling not to bring that up again. The umbrums arrived at the castle and the royals went down to the throne room to go meet them. On the way Cadence asked her mother a question she had been wondering all morning. "How come you didn't come wake us when you knew they were arriving?" She asked her mother, puzzled. "Rabia went to get Sombra the moment she saw them." She turned to Cadence with a smirk. "But Sombra wasn't in his room." "Mom!" Cadence scolded. Amore however, just chuckled. "I know Cadenza. But I'm glad you two are getting alone now, had to be a little boring having your mom as your best friend." Cadence lightly shoved her mother's shoulder and Amore smirked again before opening the throne room door. Inside were a new group of umbrums dressed in armor. Had to be at least 20 new umbrums. The one taht caught her attention was the one Sombra was talking too. She had seen him very little before he left, it reminded her of the day they met. It was King Samaar. Cadence placed Selena in the throne room crib and went to go introduce herself. "Greetings King Samaar." She said happily, moving to stand beside Sombra. The king chuckled an old, hearty laugh. "I'm glad you two seem to be getting along now!" He said with a smile. That was when Rabia walked up to greet her husband. She rubbed her muzzle next to his before giving him a quick peck. "I've missed you, my love." He embraced her in a quick hug and gazed down at her like she was his world. "As have I, my queen." He returned her gesture by catching her in a passionate kiss. Cadence looked over to Sombra and mouthed 'aww' while looking lovingly. Sombra returned the gesture by gagging, but Cadence could tell he was happy for his parents. Samaar and Rabia turned to Sombra and Cadence and Rabia nodded to Sombra. Sombra awkwardly shifted on his hooves before speaking. "Well, I guess there is no easy way to say this, but Dad, you have a granddaughter." Samaar snapped his head back, paused for a moment and turned to look at Cadence. He raised a brow before turning back to Sombra. "Now son I know you two are betrothed and all but don't you think it's a little early to be having-" "DAD!!!" Sombra was crimson red and wide eyed. "It's not mine or Cadence's." He stood up and turned to the white crib. "It's Seraphina's." Samaar immediately stood up and looked around the room. "Sera can't be. W-we saw it." Rabia placed a hoof on her husband's shoulder. "And Radiant Hope's." Cadence led them to the crib where Rabia sat down with her husband. Inside was a playful little Selena. Rabia pulled her out and passed her to Samaar. "Her name is Selena." Samaar held her up and she giggled. He pushed his glasses up and mumbled. "You're making my glasses all misty little youngin." Rabia explained to him about the canceled betrothal and their new agreement. That meant he was no longer their king. Samaar however didn't care, as long as his people were safe, he was glad to finally retire. The grey in his mane only growing more prominent. He didn't even bother with a ceremony, once he heard the deal he walked over to Amore and gave her his crown and walked back to Rabia and Selena. Sombra and Cadence smiled and then walked off to the sunset balcony. "Got anymore family for me to meet? I'm still tired after last night." Cadence said as she slumped back against the bars. Sombra had noticed she had began to be less dignified and formal around them, especially him. The Cadence he met all those months ago would have looked at this Cadence like a peasant. He was glad to see this side of her. She was kinder, braver, and it took a strong mare to step up and take care of a child. "Just a cousin, her name's Tamaar." He said as he walked over and sat down beside her. Cadence chuckled at the name, clearly getting the reference. "She's named after your dad, right?" Sombra nodded. "He saved her when she was an infant and her mother, his sister, named her after him." Judging from how Sombra only mentioned the cousin, she assumed that the aunt wasn't around anymore and decided not to bring it up. "Also, from the accident when she was younger, Tamaar can't speak." Cadence nodded. It was good to know before meeting her. Sombra stood up and offered a hoof to her to help her stand. "You should come meet her, you could probably use a female friend and so could she." Cadence stood up and replied with a smirk." Your not finding a replacement that easily." Sombra just rolled his eyes with a smile at her teasing before following her back inside. Cadence wasn't paying attention and walked right into somepony. Cadence looked up to see a female umbrum with honey colored eyes staring menacingly back at her. She immediately felt intimidated. "Cadence," Sombra turned and stood by the angry umbrum's side. "This is Tamaar. And Tamaar this is my friend Cadence." Cadence stood up and Tamaar quickly dipped her head. Her angry stare made Cadence feel very uncomfortable. She wasn't sure to talk to Sombra or Tamaar. So she settled with starting the conversation. "Your armor looks nice." Tamaar slowly turned to Sombra and raised an eyebrow before turning back to Cadence. She placed a hoof on her chin and motioned outward. Sombra turned to Cadence, "That means thank you." Cadence dipped her head, and the other mare sat down. The three took a little to step in but had a nice conversation. Cadence learned that despite her disability Tamaar was a general in the umbrum army. She had also learned how to use her shadow magic to communicate as well as sign. While she looked permanently angry Cadence could feel her easing into talking with her. Sombra would have to teach her more of the signs later so she could talk to Tamaar without him having to translate everything. After the new umbrums were all introduced and reunited with family they headed off to the umbrum wing to rest. They would stay there like the others had until their homes were built. The ponys and umbrums had been inspired by Selena's room and added crystals and iridescent paint to the houses, making them less scary looking. Samaar, Queen Amore, Rabia, Sombra, Cadence, and of course little Selena met up to discuss who all they had found and what rankings they were. "Tamaar and Raksha are the two highest ranking generals left and I think it would be best if they kept-" Samaar was cut off by a very loud magical alarm. The castle shook and Queen Amore raced down the hall to the Crystal Heart. Selena started screaming and Cadence passed her to Sombra and chased after her mother. Her mother placed a hoof on the heart and it stopped. She yelled out to the guards. "Find them!" Cadence had never seen her mother this angry. "Mother, what's going on." Queen Amore looked down at Cadence. "That alarm was made when the wall went up and it means that somepony from the south has gotten in our kingdom."