When Darkness Shines

by TeonnaKatzGuardianStorm

Fate or Future?

After a quick awakening, Cadence and Sombra were rushed(dragged) into the throne room with the Crystal Court. Cinch held held out a foreleg to Sombra for the filly but with a slight growl he turned away and walked off to stand by his mother. Rabia shooed him away much to his confusion to stand beside Cadence. The meeting started off pretty boring. The Crystal Court restating all the laws when it came to foals and orphaned foals. Sombra thought a majority of it was pretty stupid. At the thought he turned to Cadence to see her making the most obscene expression he had ever seen. He looked down to see the foal smiling and waving her forelegs around. Cadence did another and she beamed. Sombra switched her to his other foreleg and started waving it in front of Cadence's face and each time her expression would change. The filly loved it. Sombra smiled with the foal. He reached out to boop her on the nose and she in turn started booping herself. She reached up a foreleg to booking Sombra but ended up smacking him right in his muzzle. He pulled his head back and Cadence started silently giggling. Sombra shot her a cherrful glare but-

"If our two heirs bother to pay attention!"

Sombra and Cadence snapped their heads up as they noticed the court staring at them while Rabia smirked at the court. Amore just dipped her head and turned back to the court while Sombra lowered his head towards the filly to hide his embarrassment. In his defense, he had just been woken up.

"Speaking of our two heirs me and Queen Rabia have an idea that will solve all our problems." Amore said to the court.

Rabia stood up. "As we all know the betrothal between them was on very rough ground but that is to be expected when you have such an immediate betrothal and they hadn't met before all this. But there may be a better way to secure an alliance between our kingdoms."

Amore turned to Cadence and announced,
"My daughter, Princess Cadence will be her new mother."

Cadence stood in shock for a moment her mouth agape before Sombra poked her shoulder and she turned to him. He harshly pushed his lips together to signal to her that that was very undignified. As soon as he heard her name he realized what their plan was and Cadence had to appear perfect for this to work.

Cadence however had not realized this.

"Mother are you sure?" Cadence asked softly looking in between her and Queen Rabia. Queen Rabia answered for her. "And when she comes of age she will join the Crystal Court to represent the umbrums."

Cinch turned to the two queens, "And you realize by nulling this betrothal your abdicating your position as a queen correct?" Rabia hadn't forgotten Cinch's comment and as much as she was mad Cinch was right.

"My kingdom has fallen do we must work with you so that my subjects have a new home. But until she comes of age there will need to be a representative of the umbrums. I've ruled my kingdom for many years and when my husband returns we wish to retire and I ask my son Sombra to take the place until she is ready?"

Sombra froze. He hadn't expected this part but dipped his head in respect for his mother. "I will do my best my Qu- ...Mother."

Queen Rabia nodded in turn and stood beside Amore. She bowed down baring her head for the queen. Amore removed her crown and placed it on a pillow beside the throne as Rabia stood up.

Cinch and the council did a final bow to the former queen and Cinch dipped her head in respect. "With that taken care of, with Princess Cadence being her new mother, the filly needs a name."

Cadence turned to Sombra who passed her the foal. Cadence looked down at her and thought for a moment. She turned back to Sombra and then the rest of the Court.

"Her name will be Selena to honor the lost princess who sacrificed herself to get the umbrums here."

Cadence couldn't see it, but Sombra had never been more proud in that moment.

After the meeting, Sombra and Cadence headed over to Cadence's room where she had made plans to make her closet into a nursery.

"She will have the cutest little crib and one of those mobiles hanging over her and we can decorate it with crystals! Oh and paint it dark cause I remember Radiant telling me she feels calmer in the dark, I guess It's an umbrum thing...."

She went on and on about her ideas while Sombra followed with Selena in his left foreleg. They entered the room and not surprisingly everything was pink.

Her walls were light pink with dark pink ribbons hung around the ceiling, her bed also hung to the ceiling and around it was a curtain of pink. The other color aside from pink was the white floor and doors.

"Let me guess your favorite color is blue." Sombra said as he turned to Selena but also to give his eyes a break. Cadence had walked into her closet by then and pulled her head out to roll her eyes at Sombra's attempt at a joke. "Funny." She said deadpanned. She pushed the door open to reveal a very large closet that thankfully wasn't all pink but was massive.

"Too bad Umbrums can't levitate like unicorns can cause this is going to take forever."

Sombra still stood there barely hearing her as he took in just how massive the room was. It was almost as big as Cadence's room. "Are you sure she needs this much space?" Sombra asked hesitantly. Cadence scoffed. "The other rooms are bigger." She started removing gowns from the closet and Sombra would take them down the hall to her new "wardrobe room". Amore and Rabia would come to pick up Selena after they were done settling things with the Court. After Selena started crying she let Sombra and Cadence go as they weren't needed for it and Sombra would be given his new title after his father got back and gave up his crown.

"Why do you have so many clothes?" Sombra asked as he stepped into the closet. Cadence flew over a rack and landed in front of him. "As you said we have parties every other week here and as their princess I can't wear the same thing twice to them. Besides it gives the royal tailors something to do. With me and mom the only royals they don't really have to worry about changing sizes for us." Sombra held out Selena. "Do you think they could make some stuff for her?" Cadence realized something and squealed. She flew off over the racks and quickly came back with a tiny blue dress. "This was one of my first dresses when I was a filly. The tailors are gonna have so much fun making her outfits!" She out the dress on Selena and held her up. "You look so cute!" Selena giggled loudly as Sombra smiled.