When Darkness Shines

by TeonnaKatzGuardianStorm

Radiant's Secret

Cadence trekked through the castle to the throne room early the next morning. She, Sombra, and Radiant Hope would meet with the queens to try and establish a bit better peace between everyone. When Cadence arrived to the throne room she saw a patiently waiting Sombra. he sat to his left on the same side his mother was on. After a few short minutes Radiant Hope arrived. She peeked her head in the door and waved.

"Come now Radiant Hope we mustn't dilly dally." Rabia said sternly. Radiant Hope sighed and stepped out from behind the door. Rabia's face turned from shock to angry very quickly. As she stomped her hoof down walking off the throne her body began to develop shadows. Sombra turned to Radiant Hope as his mother shifted through him. He shook his head in a daze as Cadence walked over to him. Amore stood up to keep in eye on his subject but even she would respect the umbrum queen.

"Suprise?" Radiant Hope said awkwardly as she lowered herself towards the ground. Rabia's pupils all but vanished as she stood in front of the much smaller expectant mare.

"What kind of breed are you?" Rabia said quietly, each word laced with the fury she felt. "You filthy, disgusting, vile, creature!" She snarled. "I let you in my kingdom! I housed you and cared for you like my own!" She slammed her hoof down so hard the floor cracked. Cadence looked up at her mother expected her queen to do something. Amore squeezed her eyes shut and let out a sigh before sitting down. She gave Cadence a pleading look, and her daughter stood over by her throne.

"How dare you not tell me! I know that foal is my son's! After everything I did for you, this is the kind of treason you pull!" Radiant Hope was nearly on the floor as her eyes brimmed with tears.

"I didn't know how to tell you. What happened was hard on all of us." Radiant Hope pleaded with the queen. Sombra seemed to finally come to his senses as he rushed over to Radiant and his mother.

"That is enough mother!" He put himself between Radiant and Rabia and shoved his head towards Rabia's. "She is carrying your grandfoal. Have better respect than that!" He used his horn to push his mother away. He turned back to Radiant.


Radiant Hope didn't have to be told twice as she rushed out the door sobbing. Sombra turned back to his mother only to find her shadow shifting back to her room. "Leave me be. I need time to process this." She vanished.

"I think it's time you two talked this out." Amore said from her throne.

"There is nothing to talk about." Sombra growled as he followed his mother. Cadence was surprised he followed her instead of Radiant Hope but nonetheless took the moment to follow Radiant alone. She dipped her head to her mother and rushed out the door quickly following the crystal unicorn.

'For a heavily pregnant mare she is awfully fast!' Cadence thought to herself as she followed her out the castle into the street below. She began to lose Radiant in the crowd of ponies. It was undignified, but so be it as she flew above the crowd following the unicorn. Radiant finally stopped at her house and just as she was about the close the door Cadence landed and stuck a hoof in the door.

"Wow you are fast!" Cadence huffed. Radiant turned around slightly shocked. "Princess, what are you doing here?" Cadence exhaled loudly before stepping in the door and kicking it shut. "It's obvious that the only way I'm going to get some answers is through you. I don't care if it's Sombra's job to tell me or not. I'm done being in the dark about all this." Radiant contemplated for a moment before turning towards the stairs. "Alright ask away and I'll tell you everything you want to know."

"First off why is it so dark in here?"

Radiant laughed to herself as she and Cadence made their way up the stairs. "The foal is half umbrum, they are much calmer in the dark." She pushed the door open to her room and Cadence looked around. It was also very dark in here but near the edge sat many, many, many blankets and pillows. At least half the floor was covered. Radiant laid on top of a few of the cushions and motioned for Cadence to sit beside her on the floor. "Why was Rabia so mad at you?"

"I didn't tell her about the baby, as you know. I kept it to myself because I couldn't figure out how to tell her that I was carrying the rightful heir of the Umbrum Kingdom. Shortly after I left my parents house I moved to the Umbrum Kingdom to explore the world. We obviously can't go south so I headed north. My chance I ran into Sombra and Seraphina."

"Who is Seraphina?"

"Sombra's elder twin sister and the former heir of the Umbrum Kingdom. We hit it off and they took me to meet their mother. Rabia allowed me to stay in the castle with them while I did my studies. Seraphina was beautiful and kind to her people. I know she deeply loved me despite Rabia wanting to betroth her. Many refused because she was no longer "Seraphim".

"Where is Seraphina now? Is she with the rest of the Umbrum Kingdom?"

Radiant sighed and turned to Cadence, her head hung low. "Seraphina, like the rest of the Umbrum Kingdom has nothing left. We were attacked by the northern dragons and Seraphina led the charge. They were crushed. After destroying her charge they chased the remaining few of us out and we were welcomed here. That's why you and Sombra were betrothed. There is no Umbrum Kingdom anymore and without the betrothal they have nowhere left to go."

Things all made sense now. Now that she knew what was going on she could try and make things right. If not for her people but for the Umbrums.

"Now that I know why I can do my best to reason with Sombra and Rabia ans try and work out a deal that helps all of us." Cadence stood up so she could go back to the castle. Radiant went to stand up but had a little trouble. Cadence went to help her get to her hooves and as she got her back legs up she grunted in pain and fell back down.

"Are you alright Radiant?" Cadence said as she lowered her head to try and look at Radiant's face. Her eyes were squeezed shut and her nose flared. Her ears were pinned back as she grunted loudly.

'Oh no...' Cadence thought to herself.

Radiant started breathing heavy but leaned up to look at Cadence. "I don't think I'm going to be carrying the Umbrum heir much longer."