//------------------------------// // A True Prince and Princess // Story: When Darkness Shines // by TeonnaKatzGuardianStorm //------------------------------// Cadence couldn’t sleep. She wanted to listen to her mother’s words but she just couldn’t see herself with Sombra. She went to go knock on Sombra’s door only to find it partly open and upon peaking her head inside discovered he was gone. She knew where he was and she couldn’t stop the flow of tears as she ran back to her room. Cadence stayed in her room all day. She just couldn’t bear the thought of Sombra. She waited until the late hours of the sunset to go to the sunset side of the castle. Perhaps some fresh air would clear her head. She climbed on the side of the balcony and looked out at her kingdom below. She loved her subjects and it’s one of the reasons why she wanted a betrothal. She wanted to do right by them but now she isn’t so sure what’s right. ”My little Cadenza, I haven’t seen you all day?” Cadence turned around to see her mother standing in the doorway. She turned back around and laid her head on the railing, gazing out at the houses again. ”He hasn’t been here all day either has he?” Cadence mumbled. She knew the answer. ”No. However I spoke to Queen Rabia about Radiant Hope.” Cadence rolled her eyes. Rabia should have had better control over her son and he wouldn’t be over there with Radiant Hope now. She hadn’t missed the young mare’s pregnant belly but she couldn’t bring herself to tell her mother about it. That brought up too many dark memories. ”There’s more to them than you realize. It’s not my story to tell but you should hear him out.” Amore said taking a step from the doorway. “Sombra didn’t ask for this no more than you did.” “Then why does it have to be him!? I asked for anyone else but you won’t and you won’t even tell me why!” Cadence said as she fumed and slammed a hoof down on the crystal balcony. ”It’s not my story to tell you, Cadence.” Amore walked up to her daughter. “You know I wouldn’t make you do this if it wasn’t the right thing to do.” She placed a good under her daughter’s chin and turned her towards her. “Believe me I know it’s hard but when you are royalty we have a duty to take on responsibilities so our subjects don’t have to. To be honest with you when you asked to be betrothed I wasn’t going to do it. I wanted you to have a choice because I know how much it hurt when I didn’t. But when Rabia came to me and explained what happened I knew there was a reason you wanted one despite what happened with your father.” Amore pressed her forehead to Cadence’s. “I know Rabia raised him better than that and I trust you to make the right decision and try to make the best of this. My beautiful little Cadenza I know that this is hard but you are princess and I know you can make it through anything.” She nuzzled her before stepping back to sit beside her. “When I was little you and dad looked like you were a perfect match. Then one day he just left.” Cadence hung her head low. ”Your father and I could’t agree on much but we both never wanted to show that side to you. I just never felt a connection between us and it hurt to see I would never feel the same as he did for me and when she entered the picture I knew it was only a matter of time before he went with her. Your father found the love I couldn't give him. I don’t hate your father for that, he gave me you. And I know that you want a betrothal so that whoever you’re with can’t leave you like he did to me. But I know Rabia and Sombra and I trust that they will do what’s right.” Amore nuzzled her daughter’s hair. “I’ll talk to him tomorrow and try to make the best of this.” Cadence said with a small smile. Amore smiled back and turned to walk inside the castle. ”You know I love you right mom?” “Always. You know I love you most.” Meanwhile with Sombra; Sombra shifted from shadow in the dark house of Radiant Hope. The heavily pregnant mare was relaxing reading a book. Soon her room filled with dark shadows as a small burst of red light filled the room. Startled the mare shouted, “Sombra I told you not to do that!” She turned toward the prince and saw he was very upset. Immediately dropping her frustration she went toward him. ”Sombra what’s the matter? Was it Cadence? Did she let you explain?” Radiant tried to calm him down but the prince shook and fell to the floor. She waddled back over to where she was reading and grabbed her blanket to take back over to Sombra. She bent down as much as her belly abled her to. ”Let it all out then you can explain.” She rubbed small circles on his back trying to calm him down. ”Out of all the royal brats in Equestria why does it have to be her?! She can’t stand me. Everything I get close to gets messed up.” Sombra gripped onto the blanket tightly. Radiant sat down beside him and lifted his chin with her hoof. “I’m not messed up.” She gave a small smile but it seemed to have no effect. “If it wasn’t for me you wouldn’t be dragged into all this.” Sombra sniffled. If his mother saw him right now she would have a fit. ”OOF!” Radiant winced in pain. Sombra leapt up to his hooves in a panic. “Is it time?!” Radiant chuckled and put a hoof to her belly. “Not quite yet but soon I hope, she doesn’t like to sit still anymore.” Sombra leaned down and saw a tiny bulge on Radiant’s side. ”She is gonna be quite the warrior one day.” Sombra put a hoof on the tiny bulge. He couldn’t wait to meet her. Would she look like Radiant? How powerful would she be? “Just like her father.” Radiant Hope purred. Sombra laid back beside her resting his head on her stomach. “Got any names yet?” Radiant nodded and began listing off names. He liked North Star, Light Breeze, Shadow Dream but none quite stuck. ”She is gonna love you.” Radiant smiled. “She is all I have left.”