Universal Language

by David Silver

29 - One-Way Roads

"This." The politician made a dramatic wave. "Is the act of a tyrant. Seizing private property in the name of their pet project? We can't abide by this. This isn't the America I know and love!"

The window displaying the speech paused. The newscaster nodded. "News from the hill is alight with opinions about President Wilson's most recent action. Nationalizing the energy sector entirely, by presidential action alone? Legal scholars are eager to weigh in on if this is constitutional and what it might mean for the future of the country, and President Wilson's political future."

A new window opened, displaying a gaggle of people who looked angry. "Mr President, will you please comment on this?"

Wilson glanced over the people before leaning into the microphone. "This is an important moment in the history of our country. We have the chance to provide each and every citizen with bottomless energy, basically without cost. While the federal government is handling this first, tumultuous, step, we want the states to be involved. These power lines and grids run along their property, and it should be their power, not ours."

He took a sip of water before speaking again. "I know it's a complex process, but if Congress can't handle it, then it falls to me. I do not intend to sit idly by while this gift is lost to us due to our lack of action. China's already reaping the benefits. They're laughing at how slowly we're moving to even catch up. That's not the American way!" He clenched a fist tightly. "I won't let us be left behind."

The newscaster looked back to the screen with the senator still shouting into his microphone. "And that's only one of the many vocal complaints from both sides of the aisle. Even the president's allies are mixed on whether this is a good move. In an almost unprecedented move, some experts have gone so far as to call for his impeachment over this."

She took a deep breath. "They claim this is such an overreach of power that impeachment may be the only remedy. Others, however, are praising his bold and swift action." She shifted her weight and turned towards another camera with a different politician speaking into a microphone. "And here's Senator Porkius with her own views on the matter."

Senator Porkius stomped a foot as she spoke. "And we're just gonna roll over and accept this? If this goes through, that's eight million jobs on the line! Is he really gonna risk the whole economy to satisfy his personal pet project?" She scowled deeply. "If we're getting something for nothing, where are the numbers? How much is it going to cost to operate this? What are the risks of it blowing up?"

The newscaster returned, still smiling. "Our most recent figures show that energy creation jobs will be hit primarily. Energy management and distribution will still be in demand, and should increase in the short-term." A chart appeared, showing some numbers going down as others went up. "These are estimates, but if the projections are correct, this could lead to a net job gain of hundreds of thousands."

The numbers went up in bright colours as the newscaster's smile broadened. "When asked about the costs of running the battery, or indeed the expected lifespan, the president assured that this will be more new permanent positions for hard-working Americans."

"Twilight, ma'am." Fluttershy disconnected a cord that had been running into her side. "The ship is getting sick. What did you do to it, ma'am?"

Twilight swiveled an ear to the side. "Recycled it." She huffed gently. "We only have so many parts, and lack the industrial base to make more of it. Those power supplies we've been furnishing—"

"Are the ship!?" Fluttershy recoiled. "Oh, um. I should have realized." She stepped in place nervously. "But uh, it's uh, kind of dangerous to just take one of those out of the ship."

Twilight shrugged a shoulder. "We have four, and they're made to be expendable, and we aren't exactly in space anymore."

Fluttershy placed a hoof on the ship, petting it gently with a smile. "We can't even explore the other planets, with the way the ship's feeling."

Twilight huffed, deflating a little. "We're well past that point." She turned to face Fluttershy fully. "We're here, permanently, for good or for bad. I knew this would be a one-way trip. I had just hoped we'd be landing in a more stable condition." She smiled as she gazed down at her hooves. "The odds were never in our favor."

Fluttershy peeked over Twilight's shoulder with a slight shiver. "Oh. That's— Uh. Well, hm." She flapped her wings gently. "I'm a little scared."

Twilight closed with Fluttershy, wrapping her arms around and drawing Fluttershy in gently. "I am too. At least we're not alone."

The gentle touch of their bodies brought calm and a bit of strength to each of them as they stood there in silence, pondering what came next, and the opportunity they were being presented. It wasn't an easy future, but it was a chance, a gift.

Twilight took a slow breath. "It think it's time we landed."

"Oh! Really? We can do that?" Fluttershy blinked slowly. "That sounds exciting." She laughed once before wrapping Twilight in a proper hug. "There's so much to do down there, though."

Twilight giggled as she returned the hug. "Uncountably many things." She nudged Fluttershy gently. "One thing, my dear. You, and the others, were built for this mission. However scared you are, you're built strong and tough. They could turn their weapons on you and you'd barely notice."

"I'd be scared!"

Twilight smiled gently. "You would be. Fluttershy, you don't change. The only thing that will end you is time. Our technology isn't invincible to that time. Small things will go wrong, and they will make greater things go wrong, like most living creatures. Eventually, you will collapse, and cease."

Fluttershy closed her eyes, nodding slowly. "We were going to die eventually. I was hoping it wouldn't be for a long time." She pressed her forehead to Twilight's gently. "But I still have you."

Twilight was silent, just resting with Fluttershy for a still time. "I am not build to be as enduring, Fluttershy. Time won't claim me, but there are so many other things that could. That world is in the grips of a thousand violences. If one catches me by surprise, that will be the end of me."

"Then don't get surprised!" Fluttershy nuzzled against Twilight's neck and collar, squeezing her tightly. "Just take care of yourself."

Twilight smiled gently. "A simple request." But one she would take to heart. "I will do my best." She nipped at Fluttershy's closer ear and tugged gently. "Now, I would like to see ponies spread to this world." She waved a hoof at the floating hologram of the planet. "Applejack proved that it can happen, but she can't do it alone. To that end—" She put a hoof at her chest. "I propose we all find a human that we can get along with, and raise a foal with them. If we're lucky, we may even get twins out of it."

Fluttershy swiveled an ear as she puzzled through that slowly. "I-if we're lucky? Um, why's that?"

Twilight exhaled softly, trying not to chuckle at the confusion on Fluttershy's face. "The spell imitates the odds of that happening. It's all chance if you get two or, odds are against, three foals at once. I didn't put in any way to override it. That felt like pressing a hoof too directly on the source, if you understand?"

Fluttershy didn't. She just inclined her head slightly to the side and moved on. "But, um, won't that make our relationship with our humans confusing?"

Twilight smiled gently. "Perhaps, but it also creates a bridge, one of love. I hope that bridge is stronger than others that might try to pull us apart."

Fluttershy shivered nervously as she glanced around the ship. "Um, can we try the other ones? I, um, don't like Applejack's much. Um, but maybe there's somepony who likes them more than I do."

Twilight cocked a brow at that. "Sorry? What is the other option? We didn't bring any stallions, Fluttershy."

Fluttershy nudged Twilight, brushing her side with a wing. "You could be one, if you wanted."

Twilight colored brightly at the idea. "Fluttershy! I mean, yes, I suppose I could." She sank on herself, laughing nervously. "But I will not. Look, um, Flutters, I'll go with you, if you want. We'll find somecreature nice for you to be with, that isn't too loud."

"That sounds nice." Fluttershy still clung to Twilight as they drifted towards the wall. "Um, we don't have to move. The universe will do that for us."

Twilight nodded slowly as she settled into a gentle recline with Fluttershy in her lap. "It will, and it's doing that right now. This ship's running out of time, so we have to move." She smooched Fluttershy on the snout. "The only question is where are we landing?"

Fluttershy ducked her head bashfully with a soft giggle, pushing Twilight away gently. "How about Japan? It looks pretty there."

Twilight laughed. "Where'd you hear that? Besides, too close to China. The remaining power parts of the ship will be invaluable to our human partners. We should aim it a bit better than that." She considered the world and its possibilities. "We were considering Europe, and Africa." She pointed at where they touched, in the Middle East. "Perhaps right there, where we can get it to either?"

"Um, why Europe? It looks like China's doing really well, so why go to where it isn't going so well?"

Twilight tossed her hooves up and sat back with a sigh. "Exactly that reason. They need power, and we have it. If we want this world to be on a better path, which we do, living on it, we want them to have this, where it's needed." Twilight expanded briefly in a slow inhale. "Let's review their media and consider this. For my safety, and the future completion of this project."

"You got me good." Rainbow threw an arm around the human. "Ha, wow! Didn't see that coming at all."

"You're very relaxed for being shot out of the sky." The man chuckled softly. "But you were a target in my airspace, and I couldn't identify you, so, I had to make a quick call."

"I can appreciate a quick thinker." Rainbow rubbed a hoof on the man's stubbly chin. "Ya didn't knock me down for long though, bucko!"

The man shifted his arm around, bringing Rainbow closer into a more secure hold. "I'll just have to do better next time. Want to take me for a spin?"

Rainbow raised a brow. "Wow, you humans sure do move fast. I like it." She went in to touch noses with the curious hominid. "Good thing I also live life in the fast lane. You want to speed date? Sure!"

A bright sparkle appeared above them both. They looked up in time to catch a dropping pegasus foal in their collective hands and hooves.

Rainbow clopped a hoof to her face. "Yeah, wow, forgot that. Um."

"A foal." The man held it up for inspection with a little squirm in its back legs. "Seems to be a healthy one." He glanced at Rainbow. "Is this your kit?"

Rainbow snorted. "Nope! It's, technically our foal. Surprise?" She rubbed behind her head. "I hope you're okay with that?"

"Huh." He examined the foal with an expression of awe. "That's not something I expected to happen on my shift. It is not a complaint, though." He touched noses with the foal before it got to its hooves and trotted onto Rainbow's back. She wrapped her wings around the new little life. "Wow." He took a slow hiss of air. "We're going to have to talk. I expected a few dates before we even considered, you know, kids."

Rainbow nodded slowly. "Yeah. There are things we need to do to make this work. The most important is building something where we can live, together, forever." She reached out a hoof, holding the man's hand. "Now this is gonna sound a bit strange, but I was told this can only happen if both involved want it. That means you wanted this foal, at least a little. Fess up!"

Laughter rippled out across the military station. This was one of those laughs that just had to come out of someone. Soon, every human there was laughing with a nervous tinge to it, just not sure what to do next.

Rainbow raised her head with a deadpan look at all the humans. "I'm talking to the father of my foal. C'mon, admit it!"

The man was assaulted on all sides by other soldiers demanding he admit to his thoughts, until he gave in. "Alright alright! Fine, I thought about it. I've seen the other pony with her ladyfriend, and I thought, boy, it'd be nice if I had that."

Rainbow nudged him. "Well now you got that." She slid her hoof down to the man's belly. "And this here is a gift from that."

He shuddered softly as she stroked his stomach with a hoof. He would have to get used to having a partner that had hooves instead of hands and feet, but she was already gazing fondly at him.