Source Code

by Nugget27

Just One Week Without Some Bullshit, Please, Thank Harmony.

Sadly, all things had to come to an end. Vacation is over. Luna and Celestia had to get back to the growing piles of paperwork. Cadance and Shining Armor were off, taking care of wedding plans, while also spending any time they had available to try and help their aunts with said growing pile of paperwork. Things were going back to normal, as normal as it can get for a world full of magical, talking horses, griffins, and whatever the heck else is populating Equus. With that said, I was left alone… Not really. I still had Button.

Speaking of, Button and I had to start making our travels back down to Ponyville every day so he can attend school. My kid wanted to show me something, though.

“Hey Dad, I bet I can use Dragonfire, keep up with you, and make it to Ponyville in one fell swoop!”

“Mmm, alright. If you fall though, you are banned from DragonFiring further than it takes you to get to the train station until you’re fifteen, alright?”

“Okay Dad.” Both of our horns ignited when we stepped out of the castle, and DragonFired away. To my impressed self, I stopped at the train station in Ponyville, and Button landed right next to me, smiling proudly of what he just did. Meanwhile, I started grinning too. Button started prancing in place while I was doing the same. “I DID IT!” 

“You did, didn’t ya,” I was smiling broadly. No matter what, I suppose some things will stay the same; my kid is still my life. I fucking love Button. “You’re making me proud, kiddo. Why didn’t you show me that while we were on vacation?”

“Duh, you said vacation was for relaxing. Using DragonFire isn’t as relaxing as riding in a train, Dad.”

“Oh.” I chuckled. “You’re right on that front. Still, you’re learning and growing quickly, Button.” I nuzzled him right between the ears. “C’mon, hop on my head, kiddo. It’s been so long since you’ve ridden on my head, and we can only let it happen so many times before you’re big and strong.” Button nodded, and quickly placed himself upon his perch. The first thing I noticed was that he was, in fact, getting heavier. However, I was able to easily carry him like when we first met.

Must be the wings pumping steroids into my body or something.

“So kid, learn anything cool while I am gone, aside from DragonFire?”

“Well, me and the rest of the girls were practicing our magic even harder… because I thought you were dead.” He started tearing up. “You won’t die on me, will you Dad?”

“Kiddo, I will let this be known. I don’t plan on dying, and I don’t do death. I was once a man, now a stallion.” I stopped at a nearby bench and set my colt on it. “We humans are good at one thing, and it’s surviving. I’ll be damned if I let myself get killed when I have you and Celly waiting at home for me, alright? Whoever fucking gets in the way of me and you will be sorry. And whoever hurts you will answer to two very, very angry alicorns.”

“Okay Dad…” Button started smiling. “You think I might be able to grow wings one day?”

“You could. But if you don’t, I’ll love you all the same. Live a good, honest life, and I’ll be proud of ya, no matter what life you lead. Just remember, have fun and enjoy life; if you aren’t putting others in danger, you’re having fun the right way.” Button immediately hugged my muzzle, and hung onto it for the rest of the walk to school. I was very unamused, but couldn’t help but smile the whole damn time… I forgot my fucking trenchcoat again!

“Look, that’s an alicorn!” 

“Ain’t that just that one guy that comes and helps Ms. Cheerilee?”

“When did he grow wings?”

Luckily, Rarity trotted up to me and the whispers had stopped. “Good morning, Source. Making your way to your job, I see?” She looked about ready to keel over at the sight of the foal hanging off of my face, which somehow didn’t hurt in the slightest.

“Yeah,” my voice was muffled by the colt’s belly that was hanging in front of my mouth. “I’m kinda excited to get back into what can vaguely be considered a normal life.”

“Are… you sure you can have something akin to a normal life? You are dating and going to marry Princess Celestia. I would say it would be hard to be considered a normal pony given that…” she gestured to all of me. “You’ve got wings, are a very, very proficient mage.”

“I’m not that good. Plus life should be relatively normal even with that little marrying the leader of the world’s most powerful country.” I waved a hoof as I walked, Button, having long since moved back to his perch via a teleport, something I was quick to note; I am going to spoil this kid rotten for making so much progress… if only I was there to watch him grow as a magician. 

“You say that after… your escapade-”

“How many times do I gotta say this? I woulda fucking died if I tried match Celestia, Luna, Twilight Fucking Sparkle, and Cadance all at once. I played… smart.” I winced. “I still hate that,” I gestured to my wings. “Is how I got them. What am I? The alicorn of war? The alicorn of whatever the fuck? Aside from magic, I don’t know what I’d be the Alicorn of, and I may not care, but it’s apparently some big, important thing, and seeing as the multiverse decided to give these wings, I would like to know what it thinks I am.

“Am I gonna do something important? Am I important? I dunno. I wish I knew, but for now, I guess I’ll just go about my days, teaching foals how to use their magic, being a tutor in what would be considered very basic schooling back home… Well, being a family man is pretty cool.” I smiled at that. If I were human, I would be petting Button as I walked. “Got a kid, got a fiance that I will be marrying soon…” I blinked, imagining what Celly would look like in a wedding dress, what the dress itself would look like, and smiled even wider. “So despite… past experiences, I’ll keep living, even if I never truly find my purpose, or the reason this universe gave me wings… or the other one, or whatever the fuck.”

“...You should not be swearing in front of Button that much, Source. I’m glad that you are content with life, but part of being a good father-”

“Oh calm down, Rarity,” Button was now imitating my accent perfectly. “Dad usually keeps his swearing to a minimum. Mom said it’s not that big of a deal. They’re just words; it’s fun using words like ‘feck’ or ‘shite’ around Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon when she’s bullying me and my friends; it makes her so confused!” Button clapped his hooves. “Dad? Why are you tearing up? Mom said you were… hurt-”

“Button, hearing you use curse words from my homeland… is frankly, adorable. You, my boy, are adorable. God damn.”

“Feckin’ hell, Dad, stop calling me cute in public!” 


“But Dad…”

“The Sun is a Deadly Lazer-”

“Dad, I am not finishing that phrase, even if I know what it is.”

“And that is why you’re my favorite son ever.”

“Dad… Stop. We’re just outside of school and you’re embarrassing me in front of my classmates!” Oh. We are. Why… is Twilight here? I lowered myself to the ground and let Button go greet his friends, who were off in their little corner of the playground, still too tired to play, but awake enough to catch up with Button after not seeing him all week last week. Twilight trotted up to me and gave me a hug. 

“Twi, not that I’m asking why you’re here, but why are you here? You usually don’t stop outside of Cheerilee’s school building, or visit it that often unless you’re monitoring how I’m teaching my students their magic.”

“Well, I was also coming by to see how you taught the other foals in basic subjects; Ms. Cheerilee was talking about how excited she was to have you back this week, helping her, so I was hoping to watch you work… Hey Rarity!” That led me to my next question. The fact that Rarity was still here. Only then did I notice Sweetie Belle was at her heels the whole time; she wasn’t with her little friend group when I first arrived. In fact, now she and Button were laying a little off to the side, nuzzling each other, while Button groomed the lighter-colored filly. I started smiling as I watched the two of them. 

“Why are you still here, by the way?” I asked.

“Well, ponies are allowed to watch Cheerilee teach class, I may as well see how good you are with foals.”

“...Alright.” That was probably Rarity’s way of saying. ‘I want to watch your ass.’ “You know I’m not interested in other mares, right? I see you looking at my wings.”

Rarity slowly started turning red. “Uh… No no, I already have a coltfriend, darling.”

“Did something go wrong with him? I thought he moved into Ponyville.”

“He did. He’s just being very… reclusive. Cadance sent out her wedding invitations to Twilight and the rest of us girls, and he’s been telling me not to go. Can you believe that? Who wouldn’t want to go to a Princess’s wedding? Especially when you’re me and get to design a dress for her wedding?”

“Mmm. I dunno.” Come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve properly interacted with Cadance since the Snowdrop incident, but I have seen Shining Armor quite a bit. I could just be wrong; Cadance is really busy with planning the wedding, while making sure Shiny doesn’t somehow make it buckball related. Well, school was starting up, so I went on inside and was trailed by the two mares, who promptly took their seats in the back of class, and out of the way.

“Okay everypony, I’m sure you’re glad to see that Source Code is back from his vacation,” Cheerilee was giggling. You see, most of the foals in class decided it would be smart, as soon as they saw me, decided to be excitable like any foals. They all dogpiled on me and started nuzzling and hugging me, save Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, and Snips and Snails because they’re brats and understandably, don’t like me. Well, Snips and Snails don’t. Diamond Tiara is still trying to get me to let her meet Celly.

The Crusaders and Button were sitting back as well, as they already got reacquainted with me practically as soon as I got back home.

“Help.” I whispered. There were four foals on my back, crushing me, while anywhere between two or three more were on each of my legs. By the way, I was still standing, and somehow a kid found one of my wings and was hanging off of it without snapping the bones in two. “I love kids. I love kids. I love foals. I love foals. They’re cute. They’re very cute. They aren’t currently forcing the air out of your lungs, making your legs hurt, or your wing-” one of them was tugging on my tail. “-I love kids.” I slowly turned to Cheerilee who just took a picture.

“You traitor.” I growled.

“Oh please; you’ll find this amusing, and so will the school paper… and the Ponyville’s Press.”

“I am going to drink the biggest bottle of bleach when I get home. I know I’m probably immune to poison now, but I want to feel like death.”

“Dad, if you end up dying, Mom’s gonna bring you back to life and kill you!” Button pointed out.


“Language, Source.” Cheerilee giggled. Twilight and Rarity keeled over from adorabetes or whatever it’s called. Luckily, all the foals had their snuggles and nuzzles for the poor, heavily abused alicorn(me) in. They all backed off and moved to their desks and started getting their stuff out of their saddlebags.

“So class, would any of you like to ask where Source has been during his vacation?”

“Did you die?” One of the kids said, raising their hoof the moment their mouth opened. 

“Almost, unfortunately, you all have to deal with my stupid arse some more.”

“When’d you grow wings?” Diamond Tiara asked.

“Celly glued them onto me when I was sleeping. It was kinda painful since she did it with a salad knife and hot glue, but I have wings now.” I shrugged. “Dunno how else to tell ya,” I was inwardly snickering everypony’s confused expression. “If you all get into day court and say Tabhair dom sciatháin, Banphrionsa Celestia then you can get a pair of wings too.” I don’t think anypony here managed to figure out what the fuck I just said so I started actually chuckling. “I forgot that Equish is… the only language, my apologies.

“Anyways, don’t question what that means, or how to pronounce it. It is not easy.”

“Ach a Dhaid, mhúin tú dom conas labhairt as Gaeilge,” Button said. Me and Button shared a short, nonsense conversation in Irish, which only served to confuse everypony in the room even further. Button’s Irish was a bit accented, and also about as shitty as mine, but nopony would know the difference.

“What the fuck is that language?” Apple Bloom asked. “It sounds like you’re choking when you both are using it.”

“Dad said it’s Irish, whatever that is. He started teaching me it before he disappeared. I’m kinda ‘conversational’ in it.”

“So what did he say?” Sweetie Belle asked. “Before you two started choking.”

“He said you all have to ask Mom to give you wings, in that specific language… I think.”

“That is basically what I said, yeah. Don’t do that; it won’t work. Celly’ll just glue them to you after making room for the joints, nerves, and muscles with a salad knife.”

“...Okay class, let’s move on from the topic of why Source has wings. Any other questions?”

“Did you go to the Mage Tower and kick the Nine’s butts?” Dinky asked. ‘

“I beat the… feck, can’t remember his name. Uh…” I smacked myself in the face with a Stun. And a Telekinetic blast which knocked me right into the wall, smacking my head against it with a nice, hollow thunk… Oh come on! Even in this world, my head’s about as full as a coconut! “Bolt! Yeah, Bolt, that dude. Uh yeah, he was talking crap about my fiance, and her other student, and me. He got mad when he tried hiding the fact that he did that, and fought me. Totally GG 10’d him.”

Nopony got that reference and nobody will.

God, I was a fucking loser before I got dragged out of my world.

“What does that mean?”

“He didn’t hit me. His wife got mad and threw me in the dumpster, where I laid for a month.”

“...Source, quit lying,” Twilight rolled her eyes. “You disappeared, did some… things, and came back with wings.”

“No, I fell in a dumpster.” I winked, and Twilight ‘oh’d.

“Oh right… yeah, that’s what happened.” She quickly agreed. I wasn’t exposing these kids to the shitshow that happened to the portal in any capacity, besides Button since he found out from begging Luna to tell him what happened. Despite her best efforts, Luna couldn’t resist the colt's puppy eyes…. And he only got a very, very censored version of what happened. Every other foal shouldn’t be subjected to my mental problems.

“So, what have you kids been learning while I’ve been away?”

After the school day had passed, I was left alone with my students, Dinky, Sweetie Belle, and my own son. While I was preparing my own notes, along with a magic testing instrument to get a new, basic outline of how much stronger each of my students were. Twilight stuck around, whereas Rarity had to go work on some projects. After I sorted through my notes, I pulled out two more copies of Python; it was a little unfair that the three of them had to share the one copy, that Button had access to all the time, whereas Sweetie Belle and Dinky didn’t have access to one outside of school, where I left one, or Twilight’s library after she bought a textbook for its catalog of existing spell books.

Spike had stopped by, since he was apparently running errands for Rarity during the school day.

“Alright kids, lemme rearrange the desks real quick, and we’ll get started on today’s-”

“Can I rearrange the desks?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Alright. If you need help though, or can’t, let me or Twilight know; we’ll help ya.” My eyes, along with Twilight and Spike, slowly started to widen until they were pancake sized. First, it was one desk, then two, then four, and suddenly, all thirty four desks in the room… were being moved around by a filly that was barely even ten years old. It wasn’t Twilight’s magical outburst of turning her parents into plants, making an infertile dragon egg hatch, growing said dragon, and also causing a magical explosion that made Celestia drop everything to check on what the hell caused it, but… Sweetie Belle was fucking good at magic for her age.

Conventionally good, not amazingly good… I think.

“Sweetie Belle,” I pulled out the WME Levitation Spell, or the Alicorn Buster, since Luna, Celesetia, and Cadance still struggle with even using the spell because of the Runes. Sweetie Belle had long since rearranged the desks. “Can you cast this spell? If not, that’s fine, I just want to see something.”

“Oh yeah, I can-isn’t this that stupid spell that not even Twilight can cast?” She asked, before promptly running through the Runes perfectly, and actually levitated her own saddlebags with it…

What the fuck.

“What the fuck?” I asked. “When…”

“Did I do something wrong?”

“No, you fucking casted that. You did it first fucking try.” I was smiling like an idiot. “Holy fucking shit. Kid, you are fucking nuts.”

“What does that mean? I know I’ve heard Apple Bloom say those words before-”

“Kid, you’re good with magic. Like remarkably good. For reference, you just used a spell that Celestia and Luna struggled with. They’ve been alive for about a couple thousand times longer than you have, and you just… did a spell that I made to be hard. A spell I made specifically to be damn near impossible to cast, as a means to test unicorns on Rune proficiency. By default, you can cast a spell quicker than Twilight can on average based on your Rune proficiency alone, kid.” I was more than impressed.

If I ate anything today, I woulda shat myself.

“Wait… I’m…” Sweetie Belle started smiling broadly. “I’m good with magic?”

More than good. Good job, kiddo.”

“Can I show you what I came up with?” Dinky asked. The way she tilted her head made me immediately nod my head. How could I say no? She handed me a piece of paper. “Read that after you see what I can do.” She started performing various spells that were pretty flashy, teleports, even a bit of DragonFire, hell, she transmutated a bit into a chocolate bit, basically a flat chocolate with a coin-like wrapping on it… Then she made fireworks with her own magic. I watched as she bowed.

“That was pretty good,” I nodded. “Think you might put Trixie out of business if you go big, Dinky.”

“I don’t wanna do that! I just wanna perform for Mom whenever she has a rough day!”

“Hey, magic shows can make a bunch of ponies’ days better. Pinkie gets a kick out of making others feel good; it genuinely does feel good to make another pony’s day a little brighter. I’m just suggesting a career choice; being a showmare can be pretty profitable if you’re good at it.” I lifted the paper and was greeted with a spell I’ve never seen before. It was Runes and equations to make fireworks with your own magic. I casted it and… made some fireworks. No actual fire, no smoke, just a pop and some sparkle. The way Dinky did this was… ingenious to say the least. It used Python too, so it was easy to cast.

“Huh.” I was still impressed; as a man who has made his own spells a few times, creating spells ain’t easy. “That’s pretty good, kid. I never woulda thought to convert that spell into Python, but it seems like you just came up with this on the spot. Good stuff, Dinky; when you get home, show that off to your mother. I’m sure she’d love to watch some fireworks under some moonlight.”

“Yes Mr. Code!” Dinky did a cute little solute. I have some emotional damage, but it’s not enough to keep Dinky’s little salute from melting said emotions into one, simple, simple thought.

‘Oh my god, that is adorable.’

Button just handed me a notebook labeled ‘Cobra’. I blinked a few times. Why… What the heck has my kid gotten up to? I opened up the notebook and started reading it. This is Python. This is an offshoot of Python, optimized specifically for Button’s usage. There was even a version of the Light Shield that ran off an actual Shield, DragonFire was made into what is solely a transportation spell, and the equations seemed to be slightly more complex to help keep Button from overloading himself.

Button was the middle road of my students, not the most gifted in raw strength, not the most versatile… But he did pull what I did and was working together with his own magical system and creativity, to make up for those shortcomings. I looked up from the book and at my colt, before back at the book, and back at the colt. I turned the pages and grinned. He was making his own Runes. My kid wasn’t any older than Sweetie Belle or Dinky, and he was making Runes. 

“Button… Why didn’t you show me this until now?”

“I… wanted to surprise you. Plus last week was vacation week! Spell system development doesn’t happen on vacations! You have vacations to relax, not to make spell systems.” Button shrugged. “I was too busy sleeping in, being babied, and being ‘the cute colt’ for you, Dad.” He tilted his head. “Is that bad?”

“Kiddo, if you showed me this immediately upon my return, after we snuggled up together of course, I would’ve been ecstatic. I would’ve bought you the biggest bag of candy and asked you to walk me through how you built this offshoot of Python.” I ruffled his mane. “You and your friends have grown so fucking much in the last month, while I was gone, that it makes me sad.”

“But…” Sweetie Belle tilted her head. “Aren’t you proud?”

“I am, but I wish I coulda been there to see that progress!” I pouted. “I suck as a teacher, apparently.”

“Mr. Source,” Dinky walked up to me, used her magic to manhandle me, as in she had tossed me on my side in the pile of cushions in the corner of the room. She then teleported to me after she positioned me on my back, and hopped on my chest. “Stop. We couldn’t grow or learn magic as quickly as we have if you hadn’t come along and got us using our magic in the first place! On top of that, you made a spell system which made using magic easier for foals like us! Even if it wasn’t the main purpose, it is the reason we managed to grow at all, magic wise.”


“Source, if you argue this, me, Button, and Sweetie Belle will hold you down and we will tickle you until you admit that you’re not a bad teacher.”

I was promptly tickled the moment I opened my mouth again.

Button had run off with the rest of the crusaders after the tutoring session was over, which left me alone since Twilight had to go let Celly know about my apparent prowess as a tutor, even if I do not believe myself to be a good one. Well, I felt Pinkie Pie glaring at me as I had those thoughts of self-doubt, so I think I should stop thinking about them… She never managed to throw those parties for me, so I am assuming she is going to try her damn best to have that party at some point while I am in Ponyville throughout the coming weeks.

Anyways, seeing as I am now alone, I wandered into the same field where the picnic was held, and started trying my best to fly again.

It wasn’t exactly hard. Luna’s teachings, while brief, were very effective for teaching me how to fly. It took several tries to get off the ground every time, but I did eventually get into the air, and flying was… actually kinda fun. Sure, DragonFire and Skywalker were useful, and I was more proficient with both of those than I am at flying. Flying… is just fun. Dragonfire sucks up the air around you, acting like a windshield, so I can’t feel the wind blowing through my mane as like I can while flying, and Skywalker is simply too slow in comparison. All things told, my wings were hurting by my little hour of flight, but… hey, eventually I’ll get good at flying… and landing.

I still suck at landing. 

I face planted into a tree, a bush, a rock. The only reason why I didn’t get knocked out immediately was because of the enchantments, my newfound hardiness, and me using shields before I crash to lessen the impact.

It was when I reached the hour and thirty mark that I reached a problem. I started flying, like properly flying and had closed my eyes when I got high enough to ensure I wouldn’t accidentally hit anything aside from a bid, or maybe another pegasus without eyes… I took a quick peek to see if Snowdrop was around, and remembered that she didn’t exactly like to fly even if she was apparently good at it. The next time I opened them, I was flying over the Everfree Forest… right into a raincloud.

Now, unicorns and earth ponies have a basic resistance to lightning bolts, I think. I’ve seen Twilight get struck by lightning and was mostly fine. I flew, and flew… right into a raincloud. Now is a good time to mention that most ponies, like unicorns and earth ponies only seem to have that magic resistance on the ground. Pegasi… they’ve gotta steer clear of lightning in the air, or they’ll get fried. So you can imagine how I felt after flying into an Everfree Forest rain cloud and got zapped with lightning a couple hundred times.

…Why was there a sticky type of magic inside the storm cloud? Everfree Forest clouds have no magic, and regular clouds that ponies control tend to have their own magic to them. This magic… is something I have never felt before. It was odd, it was sickening, almost sickening. Well, that didn’t matter since I got fried, not burnt luckily but I wasn’t feeling good. 

I crashed into a tree and slid to the ground. Luckily I didn’t fall into a bed of flowers, so I wouldn’t be getting fucked up by poison joke. However, that made my crash landing just a little more painful. My chest hurt; my wings hurt; my ears hurt; my tails hurt and also my leg. My left leg to be exact. Do not ask me why just my left leg was hurting, or which left leg. All I can tell you is that my left leg hurts, and I don’t know why. Probably because I crashed into a fucking tree in the Everfree Forest.

“Fuck…” I grumbled. “At least-” something slipped onto my horn.

“Capturing you was rather easy,” said a voice… A staticy voice, like the voice you’d expect out of an insectoid-alien to sound like. “With you becoming an alicorn and whatnot, and you disappearing for no reason, but I suppose this will make replacing you far easier.”

“Da fawk do you want?” I asked, standing up to see… a bug horse. 

It tilted its head, before a bug horse the size of Celly quickly caught my eye. The bug horse blinked a few times, before stepping aside.

“Greetings, Source Code. Or shall I say… Prince Source Code?” She was huge, had a green, almost transparent mane and had holes riddled throughout her body. “I figured capturing you, with your magic, and copying your unique magical signature would be difficult. However, as it turned out, learning your stupid spell system was the key to replicating it. I’ve already captured Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, for my original plan, but I suppose you will work far better. You’ve a son that adores you, a marefriend that loves you and happens to be Celestia herself…

The amount of love I can get for my changelings is… extraordinary.”

“If you touch my kid, I am going to fucking kill you.”

“Oh don’t worry, your foal will be unharmed… for the most part. If you cooperate, no harm shall come to him at all. If you do not, he will be placed in a feeding chamber where my drones will suck him dry of love whenever they are hungry.”

“You eat love?” I asked. Wait... feed off my kid?

“You’re asking too many questions. Thorax, take this pony and throw him with the pink one.” The weird bug thing took on my appearance… Hah, she fucked up. So… I never said this, but Python does affect magical signatures, and various builds of Python affect how others feel said signatures. This bug is using the most basic form of the public version of Python. Not Python Plus.

So that means somepony will find out about what this bitch is planning… right?


Or at least, somepony would know how I operate… The bug was talking with a Canadian accent! She didn’t even sound remotely Irish or Australian! Haha! I’ll be out in no time… I thought as I flew through the air towards Canterlot. I soon found myself sitting next to Cadance, who looked very worn out and scruffy. Despite my attempts at getting Thorax to speak, he said not a word beyond ‘follow the Queen’s orders’ or whatever.

“Howdy Cadance.” I waved.

“Source! Do you know how we’ll get out of here?”

“Mmm.” I started feeling around in my cutie mark pocket and grabbed a bit. That wasn’t gonna be useful for anything. “Nope.”

“You were just brought down here!”

“Yeah, and I know that as soon as whatever captured me, and is imitating me, walks near Celly, she’ll get found out. Celly should be able to pick up on how wrong that bug’s magic feels in comparison to mine. We’ll get out of here just fine in a week tops!” It turned out that I should’ve kicked past me in the balls for having hope, because somehow, we were there for a little longer than a week. In fact, a little longer than two weeks, and a little past when Cadance’s wedding should’ve happened. 

We were stuck in that fucking cavern for months, and only ever occasionally saw another changeling, the proper name for the bug horses that captured us, that brought us food. The changeling was always the same, his name was Thorax.

I liked Thorax, I got him to open his mouth once.

“So, you think your Queen’s scary?” I asked.

“Yeah… She has some bad stuff planned for Equestria. She already has a drone ‘married’ to Shining Armor who is under mind control, and Queen Chrysalis, her majesty, plans on ‘marrying’ Princess Celestia, and evading Canterlot with the whole changeling army.” Thorax shrugged and sighed. “Sorry about ruining both of your weddings, you two. I would’ve enjoyed attending them, even if it was just for the food; changelings need food after all.”

“And it ain’t your fault that you eat love.” I nodded. “Meh, the thought’s what counts at least.” 

“At least one of you bugs are pleasant,” Cadance nodded. She was having talks of adopting this funky little guy once we got out; Thorax was so timid that it was really cute…

Where the fuck is that rescue team at, and how has nobody found me or Cadance yet? I wish I could get this ring off my head so I could teleport us out.