//------------------------------// // Ponyville // Story: Sorcerer Chroniciles // by DiscordTheGod //------------------------------// Our hero as found himself in magical land of Equestria. Now he must try to survive in this world, where even the most impossible and unreal thing exists. However Micheal seems to have gained an unique ability. He seems to have gained ability to be able to use magic. He showed it to save Applejack and Applebloom from trouble with woodwolves. Now our hero saves two ponies and introduced himself, but his journey in this land seems to have started. This is only the beggining. Micheal's Pov Hello, it's me Micheal once again I am here. After rescueing Applejack and Applebloom from danger. I have found out about my new power, which is Magic. Also I was able to strike up conversation with two ponies. Surprisingly they trusted me quite quickly. I think that because of the nature of this cartoon. After all it's quite literally called Friendship is Magic. Figues ponies here are friendly. I realize that I need some things. First is shelter as I said. Second is job and gaining trust of more ponies. I already said that I don't want ponies to regard me as some weird and powerful monster. Someone or rather something dangerous to them. "Say sugar, you said that you are lost. Does that mean, you don't have any house or anything for that matter?" Shockingly Applejack realized my situation rather quickly. I am impressed. "Yes you see, I think I am from different world. I literally appeared out of no where and I have nothing and no where to go" I explained calmly and to make my point across. It's seems that my strategy worked. "How about I show Ponyville? We have all sorts of jobs here, if you want one that is. I recon you want to find a house. You can actually work and live on my farm, I don't think it would be hard to convince my fam to accept you. Especially after what you have done for me and my younger sister. Besides you can make friends with ponies, that will help you not get lonely and gain trust of other. They might not accept you at first, but I think everypony will eventually warm up to you" She proposed I thought about her offer. To be fair this is necessary. Yes I am taking a huge gamble here, but what is life without risk. Without adapting to this world, I will die. I have no plans of my death just yet. So I chouse this. I also hope that I will convince Twilight to teach me about magic or even Princesses themselves. That would be cool. He began trotting along with our small group. Thankfully our path is rather safe, well as safe as it can be with Everfree Forest. "So I wanted to ask Micheal. You know you told me that you are human and you are from another world, cao you tell a bit more about yourself?" Applejack asked. Applebloom also voiced that she was too curious about my backstory. I suppose I have no reason to deny them. "I am Micheal from Earth. Now you see we humans are dominant species in our world. Yeah we might no be the strongest or fastest or even biggest creatures there are, but what we lack in power we compensate in intelligent, endurance and incredible adaptability. I lived quite normally. I was born in USA in California. My parents raised well and took care of me, until I graduated and got a job. I never had much friends, but ones I have I treasured. I work and learn just like any human. We have technology and prowess that is out of this wolrd, due to humans nature to always learn and found out even most fundemental things. I am also only 25 years old" I told her my story "That's interesting, I suppose in return I tell you about Equestria and Ponyville. Now Equestria is a magical land, we are ruled by two sisters. They are Princess Celestia, who raises and lowers Sun everyday and Princess Luna who raises and lowers Moon everyday, she also protects our dreams at Night. Now in Equestria all ponies leave in peacy and harmony. However long before alicorn sisters rule, we were divided into three different races. Unicorns in past they were the ones tasked to raise and lower both Sun and Moon. However in return they wanted Earth Ponies food that they have grown. Pegasi they have ability to fly and walk on clouds. In past and even now, they were ones who controlled the weather. However they also wanted food. But one time a terrible age came. Wendigo spirits of winter and cold, they feed on negative emotions, due to races many disagreements and outright hate for each other, the freeze only got worse. Until three races unitied with three ponies from different races coming together. This how Equestria got founded. Ponyville got founded when my grandma's family looked for suitable place for their farm. Princess Celestia the ever wise and patient pony have got them their land. Then my grandpa discovered how to make Rainbow Zab Apple Jam, which got ponies all around Equestria comign and eventually staying in." Applejack told me the backstories of Equestria and Ponyville "That's very interesting. So do you have friends?" I asked hoping about positive answer. That would mean that I got in time of first season or later. "Yes in fact I have five of them. Their names are Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy. Now I will tell about each of them. Starting with Rainbow Dash. She is a pegasi. She is quite competetive and the only one I know that can match me in physique. She is also know as the fastest pegasi in Equesria. Recently she performed a legendary Sonic Rainbow on her young flier competion. Then we have Fluttershy. She is a shy pegasi, despite she is incredibly kind and attentive to her animals, her special talent is in taking care of animals and understanding them. Her attitude might be shy, but she can be very strong, when she needs to be. Rarity is a unicorn. She is costume designed, one of the most famous and talented ones. She is also genrous in nature. We have Pinkie Pie, who is the best party setter in all of Equestria. She is very eccentric and energetic and her abilities almost make no sense as she capable of many things that seems impossible. Last, but not least is Twilight Sparkle. She is Celestia's star student and might possibly be the strongest unicorn in Equestria right now. " Applejack told me So now I understand timeline a bit better. At the very least right now I arrived post 16 Ep of Season 1, but it might be even later season for all I know. We finally arrived close to Ponyville. I saw the wood sign with "Welcome to Ponyville". Like from Earth, but a bit different. I smile at this. Hopefully my adventure is up for a good start and I can find my own living place. I mean I know Applejack offered me to live on her farm, but if I do stay there I am not going to stay there for too long. Don't want to scratch their hospitality too much. We walked inside. Everything looked exactly same as in cartoon or show. I think I kind of like it. Still I do not forget about my set of assignments. I need to do them as quickly as possible. Otherwise I might be in trouble or my survival here can become challenging. I don't want that. We saw ponies of all kinds. From earth ponies down to unicorns. I mean not only them, but some rare other species like mules or minotaurs. Everypony noticed my presence very quickly. I wondered how would they react. The only thing I got is looks of curiousity, yes with mixture of fear. I think curiosity is a stronger emotions as they are not running away in panic. This seems to be a good sight. Suddenly we hear pretty loud voice scream. "Please somepony help us!" Two voices shoat out. I recognise them as Applebloom friends. CMC or Cutiemark Crusaders. Sweetie Bell, who is younger sister of Rarity, while Scootaloo. Actually I am pretty sure she has no ties to Main 6. But she probably sees Rainbow Dash as older sister figure, so meh. Our group immediately run to presumed locations of screams. We saw both Scootaloo and Sweetie Bell stuck inside a deep rawn. They think is I think it was some kind of avalence, which have blocked their movements with bunchs of rocks. Those were totally unlightable, at least with physical strength. "Oh my sweet Celestia, hey Scootaloo, Sweetie Bell how are you?" Applebloom asked "We are fine for now, but it's getting increasingly harder to breathe here" They said simultaneously. I think about this situation. Quite large crowd of ponies is already formed. I remember how Twilight was capable of lifting entire Ursa Minor with some additional stuff. Perhaps I can attempt it. I should focus. I really wish that I have just enough power to spare to do this kind of feat. I focus on my inner feelings. I finally feel some strange, but powerful energy, which I presume is magic move inside me. I try to manipulate it. At first it's hard. However the longer I manipulate it the easier it gets to control it. I focus this energy on my arms. Both of them start to glow of fiery golden-red aura of power. Then I swith my focus on blocked canion. It's not very deep. I don't know how many rocks are so or how much they weight. I shouldn't think about it, I just need to it. Yoda said Do or Do not, there is No Try. It's incredibly hard to make my magic work. I think it's due to my inexperience in using it. I remain stubborn and vigilant. Eventually I get telekenisis to work as the same glow envelops all of rocks. I try to lift them, but I find out that it's much harder than I anticipated. I almost thought that I actually was one lifting them, but I fight my ownself and push rocks. I am successful as everything is lifted, but I know I can't maintain such focus for long, even if I possibly have enough magic to last longer. I am still new to this abilities so I should leave them somewhere. Luckily I found big enough hole to fit all of them as I downed all of them. Everypony look at my apperantly astonished by my feat of magical prowess. I breathe as sweat comes from my face. It took a lot out of me. Shockingly doing magic is actually physically taxing. I feel like I have been doing workout for all day long and night. I assume that I am capable of far better feats, but I need to improve in magic to do so. Possibly even improve physically as well. It seems now that nothing blocked ponies, they were able to rescue Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo themselves. Fortunately for me, it seems you recover much faster from magical exhaustion or whatever I just felt than from actually physical exhaustion. Normally it's takes quite a while to recover physically, but I guess that I used magic so maybe it's normal. I already breathe normally and is fully recovered. I am approached by everypony. I am bit nervous. I mean everyone or in this case everypony would be, if they are suddenly approached by such a large crowd. A blinding blur of rainbow comes as somepony exclaimes. "THAT WAS AWESOME!" it was Rainbow Dash. It's not that surprising considering she is quite eccentric herself. I mean she is very bold and cocky in attitude. I smile a bit. Applejack also hugs Rainbow as she does same. I guess she is how they greet each other here. "Heya Rainbow, this is ma new friend. His name is Micheal, he is a human from Earth an entirely different world from our own" Applejack introduces me. "Yo I am Rainbow Dash, the fastest pegasi in Equestria nice to meet you" She said as she extended her hoof. I bumpted my fist on it like any human would do. I am have been in Equestria for a few hours I think. I am already gaining new friends and bonds. I hope I won't lose such bonds in any time soon. Suddenly I am swept from my standing position with a pink blur coming. She is Pinkie Pie as she says. "OHMYGOSHareyounewcomeralienthatcomesfromadifferentworldthatwetotallydidnotknowofthatalsocandomagic" She says so much in such quick fasion that I didn't cought anything or rather couldn't even process anything. "Pinkie sugar slow down, you will confuse the guy" Applejack comes to my aid. Thankfully hyperactive pink disaster leaves me, but she promised to throw me a welcoming party. Classic Pinkie I guess. Then I feel different. I am envolped in purple aura. It's Twilight I bet. I wonder, if I can break out of it. I would rather not. Just doing my previous lifting feat took a lot out of me. I figure breaking out of Twilight magic might take just as much, if not more of my energy. She is with Spike as she seems curious. Thanks God that's she is not aggresive. I don't want to deal with a mare capable of lifting an entire Ursa Minor. "So you are human. I thought they are non-existent and are just myths. It's seems I was wrong. You also seems to possess ability to use magic like we unicorns do. I would like to study that" She says quite bluntly "Twi, I love you. Please release him. I don't think he agreed to whatever you planned" Applejack sternly repremends Twilight like she is her mother. That's funny to be fair. Twilight blushes, but does as told. I am released from magical hold. It's was weird, but nothing damaging. "Sorry let's introduce formally. I am Twilight Sparkle, I am Princess Celestia star student. I am also librarier, so if you happen to have interest in book or magic come to my house any time you want" She introduced herself. "Of course Twilight, I am Micheal from Earth. I don't know how I ended up here, but hopefully I can figure out while staying in Ponyville. After some small tall between us, we all got seperated. Ponies also seemed to have adapted to my presence, maybe they warmed up to me a bit after me saving CMC. Oh well. Applejack said that time is late and Princess Celestia is soon to lower the Sun and her sister Lune will soon take over. I already talked about job with her. Apperantly she lives in a huge apple farm with her family. Our trio have arrived at Apple Acres Farm. There I was introduced to both Big Mackingtosh very untalkative stallion, but a damn strong one tho. Granny Smith as well. They were both sweet and thanked me for saving Applejack and Applebloom. I got approval about my temperary stay here, even if I got reassured that they did not mind me staying here as much as I liked. I knew that eventually I will try finding some job for myself. Also I need to start woring on my magic. I just feel like my potention is limitless. Magic has no bound and it's capabilities are endless. So this how I started living with Apples. To be continued...