//------------------------------// // Prince Charming??? // Story: When Darkness Shines // by TeonnaKatzGuardianStorm //------------------------------// One couldn't say it was a shining day in the Crystal Empire, it shined everyday. Nor a beautiful day, it was beautiful everyday. But when Cadence awoke she knew there was something different about today. Since the war in the south started almost 1000 years ago it was a constant sunset and sunrise in the Empire. The moon glistening on the left and the sun beaming on the right. The only way to tell that days were passing by was through the clocks. And this clock said it was morning. Cadence was the princess of the Crystal Empire and daughter of Queen Amore. Each day she would learn from her mother how to one day be a good queen to her crystal pony subjects. Cadence didn't mind the repetitive days or her future throne. In fact, Cadence was delighted at the prospect that her future was all planned out. Today was different because her mother was going to introduce her to her betrothed. Cadence was overjoyed to meet her future king who would sweep her off her hooves. A handsome, strong, stallion who knew how to treat a princess. Being one of the few royals in the Empire Cadence wasn't allowed to mingle outside of the court ponies. That consisted of her mother, Queen Amore, Abacus Cinch the earth pony representative, Fleur de Verre the pegasus representative, and Crystal Beau the unicorn representative. Technically she was allowed to be friends with their kids but Cinch and Beau didn't have any and Fleur's was an infant. Cadence did have a little bit of a friendship with Golden Wheat and her daughter Crystal Cream but her best friend was her mother, Amore. Queen Amore was a beautiful and kind queen to her subjects. She adored her little Cadenza and looked forward to the meeting between her and her betrothed. As Cadence entered the throne room Amore smiled. "Good morning my little Cadenza. Are you excited for today?" Cadence sat down beside her mother next to her throne. "I can't wait to meet him Mother." Cadence said cheerfully. She had asked her mother to betroth her a few years ago but only now had she found a suitable match. Cadence knew he would be a unicorn because she was a pegasus. She pictured a broad, rugged stallion with a coat as white as the north snow. A princess could dream. And that dream would come true today when they arrived later. Cadence watched her mother deal with issues in the kingdom and it felt like forever before she heard the sounds of trumpets. Cadence followed her mother down to the plaza under the castle. She made sure each hair and feather was in it's correct spot. Then the sky grew dark and she knew the Umbrum Kingdom had arrived. The first two to shift from the shadows was Queen Rabia and King Samaar. They were very dark coated and held themselves proudly. Their guards soon shifted. 'OK, so he isn't a pearly white stallion that's still not bad.' Cadence thought to herself. Then he shifted. He was large, she would give him that. He held himself with poise and grace befitting a royal. As he got closer she noticed he also had a very fluffy beard. To her clean shaven looked a lot nicer but it could be an Umbrum thing since his father also had one. His black mane flowed down over his shoulders. Then she noticed the bright red eyeliner. She couldn't help the crinkle in her nose. It just wasn't her thing. He gazed down as he stood before her. "Hello, your highness. I am Prince Sombra." His voice was deep and resonated beneath the castle. He dipped his head and closed his eyes as a sign of respect. He really got the brightest shade of red there, but at least he doesn't suck at it. "How do you do?" she replied, picking up a hoof to raise to his. She expected him to take it and they would head off together to prepare for their engagement ball but he gazed at her confused and booped her hoof with his. His long, dark legs were covered in large silver armor. 'At least he is strong.' Sombra turned around and they made their way back to the castle to get ready for the two's celebration scheduled for that evening. Cadence wanted to wow him when he saw her dress. She picked a beautiful shade of magenta that allowed for beautiful blue stockings. She switched her headband out for a tiara and made her way there.