Guys' Night

by IMissMyWifeMaud

Goin' Out

Big Mac

The wheels squeaked as I pulled to the Pie's drive-way. The sun was starting to go down, the orange light leaving a glare in the window, I could barely see the front porch.

I nearly shoved the notebooks and manuals that Lime had helped me get into the backseat, but I just put them behind the truck seat. Didn't really get anything done with Trixie, Snips, and Snails today. I just wasn't into it.

The porch light popped on. I hadn't even noticed her, but Lime had just jumped up from their porch swing. She was wearing her work jacket and had her hands slipped into the pockets on the side. Nearly leaping off the stairs from their porch, she ran over to the truck, and opened the door.

She fell into the front seat, "Hey, dude." She was a bit quieter than usual.

"Howdy. How you been doing."

A quiet, "fine," came out as she tried to clear her throat.

She must have noticed that I was looking over at her as she buckled herself in because she was pulled something out of her other jacket pocket and said, "Hey, look what I found today."

It was a piece of sandstone. "I found it while we were at work today." Whenever her and her father are at a worksite, she tends to find a rock to bring back. "It probably made its way from the beach all the way to here."

"That's cool."

I wanted to ask if something was up, but I decided to let it go. It had been a little bit since we had hung out, and I didn't want to ruin anything.


The truck's inside light turned off, and Big Mac pulled out. I let my hand out from my jacket and tried to stretch it out under the dashboard. It wasn't quite dark yet, but there wasn't a lot of light making its way into the front seat. I couldn't see the bruise, so I was hoping he couldn't either.

Streetlights passed by outside as we made out way into Canterlot proper. They were sparse even where we lived, with the house being right before you get out into the country. I just watched the black blob of the woods become distant as we finally made our way into the suburbs.

We tend to not say anything on car rides as he exclusively focuses on driving anyways, especially as it gets dark. I took that as a chance to massage my hand, not that it did much to help.

We hadn't done this in a while. Just the two of us going out or working on something together, and I didn't want to do anything to bring the mood down.

I just kept thinking about the rubble on the floor. My sketches and pencils strewn across the room.

The truck jerked a bit when we stopped at a stop light, and I could feel my ears become warm. All I could do was look out the window and watch people walk past as we went down the road that goes to the Sweet Snacks Café. Pinkie had passed the message along from Doo Wop to me. I hadn't been so sure about going to see her right now, but Big Mac asked if I had wanted to go.

I could feel a cough building up, so I just tried to quickly turn away and clear my throat. Shame, again, as I lifted my arm to cover my throat clearing, and I hid my hand as fast as possible as we turned down another road

This side of town is filled with potholes, so I just bounced up and down as we got closer.

Big Mac snorted at something. He was getting frustrated. I hoped it was just the road because I couldn't recall if anything had happened, or if I had done something. I just added a snort of my own.

I snuck my hand back into my jacket pocket as I saw the place get closer. I curled my fingers into a fist despite the pain. I wasn't going to ruin the night.