My new life in equestria

by PlayerUzU

A bug on my soup

Well, at least they can't call me a changeling anymore, since the queen is right there on Celestia throne. 

"What's taking you so long to open a door?" Zephyr asks me opening the other half of the door, until she just stops with a shocked look on her muzzle. 

"Not again" she says almost whining. 

"What is that thing?" The changeling queen asks with a disgusted look pointing a hoof at me, rude. 

"Hey, didn't your mom thought you that it's rude to point at others?" I said with a sarcastic tone and a smirk on my face. 

"IT TALKS" Chrysalis said with genuine fear. 

Man, I'm not that ugly, or am I? 

"Stop right there criminal scum" said Zephyr hm, where have I heard that before? 

"You broke several laws of equestria with your actions, surrender or you will face the consequences!" a brave face on her muzzle, but she doesn't look intimidating, actually, she is smaller than most ponies now that I take a look at her. 

"You and what army little pest?" said Chrysalis with a snarl. 

"I don't need an army to take you down foul creature!" welp, my respect for Zephyr suddenly vanished, how will a little pegasi defeat a creature who was able to defeat Celestia? One of the most powerful beings in this world. 

But then she charged at Chrysalis, and immediately got shot by some kind of slime that made her a pony burrito. 

"Congratulations genius, you really are one of the best soldiers I have even seen" I said sarcastically while slowly clapping my hand. 

"Fuck off" was everything I got from her. 

"Well then, now that this little pest got delt with, what in tartarus are you?" Again, with the pointing, really? Doesn't she have any manners at all? 

"Well, I'm Anon, a human, a pleasure to meet you Chrysalis" this is going to be weird. 

"A hyoo-man? I bever heard of such creatures my whole life! Stop lying already" Chrysalis said with a snarl, if she wasn't a bug pony, I would probably mistake her for a dog. 

I sighed "Because I'm not really from this world you know? Somehow, I got here and can't go back, the princess you have there on that cocoon thing was hosting me, so, I will kindly ask you to give her back, please?" 

"NEVER, my plan finally worked, now I'm the queen of all Equestria, and no one can stop me, NO ONE" a mad laughter echoed through the throne room. 

"Look here bug lady, I just want to have a peaceful life for once, so I won't ask again, free up Celestia and everyone else" I said with a strict tone, that somehow made Chrysalis flinch. 

"And what will a little pitiful hyoo-man like you would do" welp, time to get out the big guns. 

I started running towards Chrysalis like a madman, she charged a magic bolt who I somehow was able to dodge, it was like that for a couple of minutes, until I was face to face with her. 

"GET AWAY FROM ME YOU VILE THING" Chrysalis said shivering like a child after watching a horror movie. 

"Will you free everyone?" I said in a serious tone. 

"NEVER" was all she said. 

"Then, face the consequences" Then I started to pet her.... what? What else am I supposed to do? From what I heard friendship and shit is the most powerful thing here, it's worth a shot. 

"You have got to be fucking with me" I hear Zephyr say on my back. 

"What are you doing?" Chrysalis asked. 

"Petting you" I deadpanned. 



This was a back and forth for around, 15 minutes or so, until she got annoyed, and seemingly pleased with what just happened. 

"Ok fine I will get them all out" she said pouting. 

"Finally" I said triumphantly, so is stooped petting her. 

"WHO SAID YOU COULD STOP" and now I'm petting her again. 

"I will get them out, but with a couple of conditions" oh boy, here we go. 

"I can't promise anything, but sure, go on" 

"First, I want to live in the castle, in the same room as you" excuse me, what the fuck? 

"Second, you will always be at my side" the fuck? 

"Third, I want my little changelings to be equestrian citizen" at least this one makes sense. 

"And lastly, I want YOU to be my colt friend" I want to die. 

"Hold the fuck on, the first and third one sure, I can probably talk Celestia out, but be your colt friend? I barely know you for fuck's sake" I said annoyed with all of this. 

"But you petted me" Chrysalis said with her ears folding back, couldn't hear what she said, but damn, this was cute. 

"What did you say there?" I simply asked. 

"NOTHING" she took a deep breath "Fine, I will do your way, I will conquer your love by myself!" She said proudly, fuck, now I will have a bug horse lady trying to get into my pants. 

"Whatever, just let everyone out" 

After a couple of minutes everyone was freed from their cocoons, Celestia pulled me to the side and asked. 

" I don't know what you did, but well done, now I just have to get her off guard" Celestia almost snarled. 

"Can't let you do that princess" I said disappointed with myself. 


"I kind of promised her some stuff". 

5 minutes of boring explanation later, and a room that is probably around 40 degrees Celsius right now, Celestia simply said. 

"Fine, we will do your way, BUT you will be with during all of the talk about changeling citizenship" 

God damnit. 

After a few hours of explaining the whole castle including a pissed Luna that almost blew off half of the castle grounds, we four are sited in a round table facing each other in silence for the past 20 minutes, at least they aren’t trying to kill each other. 

The silence was broken by Luna of all ponies. 

“We can’t let you and your changeling roam like you ware before in equestria, we will need laws and rules for our species to cooperate” Luna is right, the changelings have some powerful magic that we can’t ignore, transforming into other creatures is too dangerous to be free to use. 

“Lay the rules both of you want us to follow, me and my future spouse will evaluate them” I hate this already, at least Luna and Celestia chose to ignore that part. 

“First of, no changing into other creatur-” 

“No” Chrysalis interrupted Celestia, this will be a long meeting. 

“What do you mean by No?” Celestia asked, not really pleased with the situation. 

“How else are my changelings supposed to feed without that ability? We need to morph into other ponies to their love energy for us” 

“That’s what we want to prevent, your race needs to get love energy by other means, maybe try to be friendly, some of our ponies might give love energy freely, we know about a certain changeling that is living with my niece on the crystal empire, he doesn’t need to feed of others” Celestia is actually trying to help Chrysalis, this is new. 

A loud sigh could be heard from Chrysalis “Thorax, that little one was always a pain in the flank” she then took a pause to drink some water “But I see your point unfortunately, but this will be harder than there, most of the crystal ponies didn't even know about us, the only real problem was the pink one and her succul- I mean, spouse” The hell was that supposed to mean? 

“I’m going to choose to ignore that last part, but we do see a problem on our approach, mainly here in Canterlot, ponies still hate your species for what you did in my niece wedding day” Celestia tapped a hoof on her chin “But I may have an idea, what you need is a positive view on changelings to overshadow your past actions, the problem is, what could you do?” The room, silent again, but not the angry silence from before, it’s the type of thinking silence. 

“I might have an idea” I said after some time thinking. 

“Well, share it with us” Celestia said. 

“Well, the problem is that the past actions were a problem, right? And from what I was told from Chrysalis perspective, most of the reason behind that attack was the love shortage your hive had right?” I asked looking at Chrysalis. 

“Yes, we had a pretty bad shortage of love energy at that time, we were able to stabilize it after a couple of weeks but still, changelings almost died of hunger because of it” Chrysalis said with a sad tone on her voice. 

“Then, that’s your answer, make a public apology to canterlot citizens, tell your motives behind the actions, and say what you plan next, an integration between ponies and Changelings” after I got some weird looks, I simply add “Ponies seem to be chill, I mean, a weird creature appears in the middle of their town and they just welcome it with open hooves” 

“You might be right Anon, our little ponies are quite forgiving creatures, look at our example, once we tried to conquer equestria and kill our sister, but they simply forgave me” Luna added with a warm smile. 

“Thats our plan then, any problems with it Chrysalis?” after Celestia said those words we all look at Chrysalis, she simply shot us a fanged grin and said. 

“It’s not perfect, but it might suffice, we changelings can be quite deceiving creatures, I might be able to make a fake apology that they will accept” she said proudly. 

All other ponies and human, on the room smacked their hoofs or hand on their faces with a unanimous groan. 

“What? I said something wrong?” Chrysalis is actually confused by this, well, who said that it would be this simple? 

At least your life won’t be boring anymore.