Life as a Sonic OC Redux

by Kitsulestia

Helluva Honeymoon Part 3

*Ryōta’s POV*

Well, no one could’ve expected this.

As if fate would have it, my cutie mark was glowing and so was Applejack's cutie mark.

Applejack groans "Smack dab in the middle of the one Ah’m on right now?"

I pull up a hologram of the cutie mark map.

I spoke "Well shave my tail and call me crazy but it seems like the mission you have here AJ is also my first mission."

Applejack spoke "Huh, talk abogut luck."

Li and Sakura were making out, despite being a bit drunk from the Moonshine Wine, as their bodies were jiggling like water balloons.

I chuckle "Never before have I seen such a strange couple."

Loona giggles "There are stranger, ya know. Like us."

Crosswind spoke "Ya forgot about Applejack and I."

Loona giggles "Yeah."

Danyelle asks "What’re they hungry for, Ben?"

Ben spoke "Aurora wants milk, the other five want oran berries."

Applejack spoke "Swirlie can help with the milk part, but the Oran Berries are in the garden."

Danyelle asks "Swirlie?"

The Alcremie spoke "That’s my name, Prisma Swirls, but my friends call me Swirlie."

Aurora was climbing on her mother's chest.

Ben spoke "About that Applejack, Aurora isn't weaned off yet."

Danyelle spoke "Yeah. So it’ll take some time."

Applejack asks "Say Danyelle, who is yer best friend?"

Danyelle spoke "Hmm…"

Crosswind spoke "Ah bet it's Sonic and Tails. Think about it Jay-Jay, Danyelle practically grew up with the two."

Danyelle giggles "Yeah, but they aren’t the only best friends. I mean Rei could also be one of them."

Applejack spoke "Ah guess Ah didn't specify clearly."

A voice that was very familiar to Applejack was heard screaming for help.

Danyelle spoke "*eyes shimmer* Oh StarClan no... That's Coloratura!"

Coloratura was hanging onto the edge of a cliff.

Applejack ran as fast as she could before grabbing Coloratura, saving her.

Applejack spoke "Hoowee! Am Ah glad ta have hands right now!"

Applejack then pulled her friend up.

But Applejack's weight was too much for the cliffside to handle and it broke, causing the two earth ponies to fall.

Danyelle spoke "I can't watch!"

*Applejack’s POV*

I managed to use my bulk to protect Rara as I bounced on the ground while holding her before landing, leaving us both okay.

Rara asks "Applejack?"

Ryōta attacks an earth stallion, strangling the guy.

Ryōta snarls "You are under arrest for attempted murder!"

Jasmine suddenly pops up. “Ugh! This always happens when stray portals to my dimension suddenly pop up and suck in creatures from out of nowhere!”

Jasmine snapped her fingers, turning Rara and the stallion into anthro ponies with Rara wearing clothes that were just her style.

Ryōta spoke "This stallion tried to murder Coloratura, I think he should be locked up."

Glancing at the amazonian women, Danyelle snickers "I have a better idea on what we should do with him."

Danyelle giggles as she whispered her plan in Jasmine's ear.

Jasmine snickers "*Smirk* I see."

Danyelle snickers "We could turn him over to the women here and let them do whatever they want to the stallion."

I laugh "By Faust's holy mane! You are such a prankster Danyelle!"

Danyelle giggles "I know that I'm a nekomata-gryphon hybrid with Mew blood but I feel like such a little weasel!"

Jasmine giggles "Knowing them and how that guy acted, he might be no more than a feeding pig for them."

Ryōta chuckles "Or they might use him for breeding purposes."

Crosswind chuckles "As funny as that is, Ah don’t think the mission’s done yet."

Ryōta spoke "Oh right."

Swirlie spoke "For now, we keep him in the feed cell. Berry Galette, if you would."

The female Snorlax walked over and picked the stallion up before walking away with him.

Zoey asks "Mind giving us a tour of your village?"

Swirlie spoke "*Sigh* I suppose."

Danyelle spoke "Right. After I feed my kids, we can have our match then, AJ, fair and square."

Dren asks "How come there aren't any males in the village?"

Courtesy of a warp ring by Tails, Cadence soon arrives.

Cadence spoke "Hello everyone."

Twilight spoke "Cadence!"

The two alicorn mares do their special hoofshake.

Twilight and Cadence giggle "Sunshine, sunshine. Ladybugs awake, clap your hooves and do a little shake!"

The two share a hug.

Jasmine spoke "Well, it’s a lot to explain."

Swirlie asks "Hmm… *To Loona* Your name is Loona, right? *To Ryōta* And your name is Ryōta, yes?"

Ryōta spoke "Yes, my name is Ryōta Taisho. I'm the eldest son of Princess Celestia Taisho and Prince Tama Taisho."

Loona asks "Yeah, and the name is Loona Taisho. Why’re you asking?"

Jasmine asks "*Gasp!* Swirlie, are you…?"

Swirlie spoke "Yes, I am willing to try connecting this village to Blobtopia. However! They must win against Piper and Pancake in a Sumo Wrestling match."

The Kori Bustard Ornithian and Baphomet stepped forward.

Swirlie spoke "Ryōta, you will be up against Piper, and Loona, you will be up against Pancake. But that will be after the exhibition match between Danyelle and Applejack."

Ryōta spoke "I spar with my cousins on a regular basis, I'm almost as strong as my uncle Toga is."

Loona spoke "Demon against demon, huh? *Smirks* I can get behind that."

Danyelle was soon done breastfeeding Aurora.

Zoey spoke "As part of the Ogami family, I will be overseeing the matches."

*Coloratura’s POV*

Danyelle spoke "Welp, I’m back to normal now, so ya better be ready, AJ."

Applejack spoke "Hehe, back at ya."

Zoey spoke "Just to be fair, Danyelle is limited to one element bending since she's one of the Avatars."

Danyelle spoke "I'll stick to earthbending since I know that's what Applejack has."

Applejack spoke "Heh, smart."

Jasmine asks "*Whispers to Cadence* Think it’ll be a tie?"

Cadence spoke "*Whispers back* Probably."

Danyelle spoke "I won't go easy on ya Applejack!"

Applejack spoke "Same here, Danyelle!"

The two were now at opposite edges in a large circle as crowds cheered for the upcoming fight.

Zoey asks "Alright, are both of you ready?"

Danyelle's wings were bound to her back to prevent cheating, even her tails were tied up.

Danyelle spoke "Ready!!!"

Applejack spoke "Ready fer this rodeo!"

Danyelle stomped twice, once with each of her legs, followed by Applejack, who did the same, both of them causing shockwaves from said stomps.

Zoey spoke "Okay! Exhibition match… BEGIN!!!"

Danyelle and Applejack charged as they clashed, wrestling each other in the center of the circle.

Zoey took flight to watch from above in case rocks got sent flying.

A few Beastmen from Anima City were among the crowd while cheering.

The deadlock seemed to be equal both sides before Applejack started gaining ground.

While on his tanuki mother's shoulders spoke, Alto spoke "YOU GOT THIS DANY!!!"

The other Beastmen started cheering Danyelle on.

Danyelle pushes back against Applejack.

The Equines started cheering on Applejack as it was a deadlock again.

Danyelle pulls a german suplex on Applejack, causing the earth mare land on her back outside the ring.

Zoey spoke "Enough! The winner of the exhibition match is Danyelle Hikari!"

An exhausted Danyelle spoke "I’ll admit, you almost got me, charging in like a bull."

Applejack asks "Ya noticed?"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah, that was pretty good trying to be aerodynamic to get more speed and force."

Applejack spoke "Hehe, thanks."

Danyelle spoke "No problem."

To be concluded