//------------------------------// // Chapter 6: Hostile Host... // Story: Sister... // by Mellow Mare //------------------------------// As Luna and Celestia approached the frozen kingdom, they couldn't shake the feeling of apprehension that settled over them like a heavy blanket of snow. The once welcoming glow of the kingdom now seemed tainted with hostility, and they exchanged wary glances as they trudged forward. Before they could take another step, a commanding voice shattered the icy silence. "Halt! What business do unicorns have in our kingdom?" Startled, Luna and Celestia turned to see a group of armored pegasi descending from the sky, their wings beating with authority. At their forefront was a stern-looking Pegasus with a mane as dark as the storm clouds above. Beside said pegasus stood a younger one who seemed a bit less stern and seemed apologetic towards the two mares. The two unicorns stood in awe at the sight of the group of flying ponies, they heard about them in foalstories, but never would they have believed they existed! Luna had a big whole smile plastered onto her face as her ans Celestia approched them. "I am Commander Hurricane of the Royal Guard," he declared, his voice cutting through the frosty air like a blade. "Unicorns are not welcome here. State your purpose, and be quick about it." Celestia stepped forward, her posture regal despite the chill in the air. "We seek answers and assistance. Our home is besieged by unending snow and ice, and we believe there may be knowledge within your realm that can aid us." Commander Hurricane's gaze hardened, and he exchanged a tense glance with his fellow guards. "Your kind brought this curse upon yourselves," he spat, his words laced with bitterness. The younger pegasus pulled him aside and whispered into his ear... they both looked back at Luna and Celestia, leaving them puzzled as to what they were talking about. The two soldiers then turned back around and Commander Hurricane flew closer to the two mare ''If you seek answers, you will have to come with us. You will be treated as prisoners until we decide what to do with you." Luna felt a knot form in her stomach, but she knew they had no choice but to comply. With a heavy heart, she followed her sister and the guards as they made their way through the imposing gates of the kingdom. ''Luna?.... this feels like a baaaad idea...'' Whispered a familiar voice. Luna turned her head around before lifting her cloak, underneath it was James looking a bit decieved in the young filly. ''I know, I can't help but feel like this is more dangerous than that monster back there...'' She replied with a little quiver in her voice. ''QUIET!'' Said one of the guard as they poked the two sisters with their lances. Luna dropped the cloak over James as he let's out a muffled ''Rude!''. She looks up at her big sister for reassurance but Celestia seems unsure as well of what is going on. Inside, they were met with glares and muttered curses from the inhabitants, who eyed them with open hostility. Luna felt a pang of fear clutch at her heart as they were led through the icy streets, the cold seeping into her bones with every step. They were brought before a figure seated upon a throne of clouds, her icy blue eyes gleaming with malice. "I am Queen Dormant Thunder," she announced, her voice like shards of ice. "What brings unicorns to my kingdom?" Celestia stepped forward, her voice steady despite the tension in the air. "Your Majesty, we come seeking aid for our home, which has been cursed by unending winter. We believe there may be a connection between our plight and the magic that surrounds your realm." Queen Dormant Thunder regarded them with a cold gaze, her lips curling into a disdainful sneer. "Unicorns are not welcome here," she spat, her words dripping with venom. "Your kind has always been a blight upon our land, with your frivolous magic and your arrogant ways." Luna felt a surge of anger rise within her, but she forced herself to remain composed. "Please, Your Majesty, we only seek answers. Our kingdom is in grave danger, and if there is anything you can tell us that might help, we would be forever grateful." The queen's eyes narrowed, and she leaned forward on her throne, her voice dripping with scorn. "You expect me to help those who have brought nothing but suffering to my people?" she scoffed. "Leave this kingdom at once, before I decide to rid myself of your presence permanently." Luna and Celestia felt their hearts sink as the queen's words washed over them like a bitter wind. It seemed their hopes of finding aid here were dashed, and they were left with no choice but to retreat. As Luna and Celestia made their way towards the outskirts of the frozen kingdom, their spirits weighed heavy with disappointment and uncertainty. ''At least we are alive! '' Yelled out Luna, trying to make the best out of their current situation ''But it still doesn't answer the meaning of this storm Luna.... I felt.. So close to the answer, yet so far'' Said Celestia in a glooming way ''We just discovered something BIG, something we were made to believe did not exist Luna!' She said puzzled and frustrated. ''Well... if they knew about our existence, how come we didn't? That doesnt seem fair'' Said Luna, draging her hooves in the snow creating a little path behind her. Suddenly, a voice called out from behind them. "Wait! Stop!" Turning around, they saw the young Pegasus racing towards them, her wings flapping with urgency. She skidded to a halt in front of them, panting heavily. "I'm Private Pansy," she gasped out, her eyes darting nervously between Luna and Celestia. "Please, don't leave just yet. I believe there's been a misunderstanding." Luna and Celestia exchanged puzzled glances, unsure of what to make of this sudden turn of events. But there was something in Private Pansy's demeanor that sparked a glimmer of hope within them. "What do you mean, a misunderstanding?" Celestia asked, her voice tinged with caution. Private Pansy took a deep breath, trying to gather her thoughts. "You see, Queen Dormant Thunder is... well, she's not herself lately," she explained. "She's been consumed by anger and bitterness towards unicorns and Earth Ponies, ever since... well, that's a long story. But I believe you're not the ones to blame for our kingdom's troubles." Luna and Celestia listened intently. ''Earth Ponies??'' Asked Celestia while tilting her head to the side. "I know it may seem hopeless," Private Pansy admitted, her eyes pleading for understanding. "But perhaps there's a way to change Queen Dormant Thunder's mind. And I believe you two might hold the key." Luna and Celestia exchanged a hopeful glance, sensing that Private Pansy was offering them a chance to make a difference. But before they could respond, the sound of approaching hoofsteps drew their attention. Commander Hurricane and a contingent of guards approached, their expressions stern and unwelcoming. "What is the meaning of this, Private Pansy?" the commander demanded, his voice laced with suspicion. Private Pansy stood her ground, her gaze unwavering. "Commander, please hear me out," she urged, stepping forward to address the group. "These unicorns may hold the key to resolving our kingdom's troubles. Instead of driving them away, perhaps we should consider keeping them here as... leverage." The suggestion seemed to catch everyone off guard, including Luna and Celestia. But before anyone could protest, Private Pansy continued, her voice gaining strength with conviction. "Think about it," she implored. "If the unicorns know that we hold two of their kinds, they may come to reason and.." ''And SURRENDER!!'' Exclamed the commander, filled with pride towards the young mare. Private Pansy looked confused and couldn't mutter the words out of her mouth before the commander grabbed her and gave two big pats on her back, blowing the air out of her body. "Very well, Private Pansy," he conceded. "We will give your plan a chance. But if these unicorns prove to be a threat to our kingdom, they will answer to me..." The two unicorns exchanged uncertain looks to private Pansy, who gave them a somewhat reassuring look... With that, Luna, Celestia, and Private Pansy were escorted back to the palace, where they would await an audience with Queen Dormant Thunder. Though the outcome was far from certain, they couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of determination. As they entered the throne room, Luna and Celestia exchanged a hopeful glance, silently vowing to do whatever it took to bring about peace between their kingdoms. And with Private Pansy's unexpected support, they knew they had a fighting chance. __________________________________________________ ''ABSOLUTELY NOT!!'' Yelled out the pegasi queen. ''I've had just about enough of this nonsense, Commander Hurricane, I believed you were better than this!'' She accused her commander, who lowered his head in shame.. Private Pansy stood tall, though her expression betrayed a hint of nervousness. "Your Majesty, please hear me out," she implored, taking a step forward. "These unicorns may hold the key to ending our kingdom's troubles. If we work together-" "Silence!" Queen Dormant Thunder interrupted, her voice echoing through the throne room like a blast of icy wind. "I will not hear any more of your treacherous lies, Private Pansy. These unicorns are not to be trusted." ''I gave you a chance to leave and NEVER come back...'' Said the queen with an ice cold snarl ''You may stay... But you will do so in a cell!'' "Your Majesty, please," Celestia pleaded, her voice tinged with desperation. "We mean you no harm. We only seek answers to the snow and ice that plagues our home!" But Queen Dormant Thunder's expression remained unmoved, her eyes blazing with fury. "Enough!" she spat, rising from her throne with a sudden surge of power. "Guards, seize these unicorns and throw them into the dungeons below. They will rot there until I decide their fate." Commander Hurricane and the guards moved forward, their faces impassive as they obeyed the queen's command. Luna and Celestia braced themselves as they were roughly seized and dragged away, their hopes of finding aid dashed once more. Private Pansy could only watch them being dragged away as her ears flopped down in disappointment. As they were led down into the depths of the palace, Luna and Celestia exchanged a solemn glance. They knew that their situation was dire, but they refused to give up hope. They had faced challenges before, and they would face this one together. "We will find a way out of this, Luna," Celestia whispered, her voice filled with determination. Luna nodded, her eyes shining with resolve. "Together," she agreed, her voice echoing in the dimly lit corridors of the dungeon. And so, as Luna and Celestia were thrown into the darkness below, their spirits remained unbroken. For they knew that as long as they had each other, they would find a way to overcome whatever obstacles stood in their path. Their weapons were taken from them and placed in a box far away from their cell. Luna and Celestia found themselves confined in a cold, damp cell deep beneath the palace, the air heavy with the scent of mildew and decay. The stone walls were rough and uneven, coated with a layer of frost that shimmered faintly in the dim torchlight. The cell was small and cramped, barely large enough for the two of them to stand side by side. A narrow slit high up on one wall served as the only window, offering a glimpse of the icy landscape outside, though it provided little comfort to the imprisoned unicorns. A single straw pallet lay in one corner of the cell, its threadbare blanket offering little warmth against the chill that permeated the air. Luna and Celestia huddled together for comfort, their coats pressed tightly against each other in a futile attempt to stave off the cold. The only sound was the drip, drip, drip of water echoing from somewhere in the depths of the dungeon, a constant reminder of their precarious situation. Luna and Celestia exchanged worried glances, their thoughts consumed by uncertainty and fear. In the dim light of their cell, Celestia gently brushed her muzzle against Luna's mane, whispering soothing words of comfort as her sister nestled against her side. With each gentle stroke, Luna's tense muscles began to relax, and the worry lines on her face softened. "Shh, it's okay, Luna," Celestia murmured, her voice a gentle melody in the darkness. "We'll get through this together. Just close your eyes and rest. I'll be right here with you." Luna sighed softly, her eyelids growing heavy as Celestia's comforting presence enveloped her like a warm blanket. With a final reassuring nuzzle, Celestia watched as Luna's breathing slowed and her body relaxed into a peaceful slumber. As Luna drifted off to sleep, Celestia remained by her side, her heart heavy with worry... _______________________________________________________ As the night wore on and Luna slept soundly beside her, Celestia remained vigilant, her senses attuned to every sound echoing through the cold stone corridors of the dungeon. Hours passed in silence, broken only by the occasional drip of water and the distant howl of the wind outside. But as the moon reached its zenith and the darkness deepened, Celestia's keen ears detected the faint sound of hoofsteps approaching. Her heart quickened with anticipation as she strained to listen, wondering who could be making their way through the labyrinthine halls of the dungeon. To her surprise and relief, the hoofsteps drew nearer, accompanied by the soft whisper of a voice that she recognized all too well. "Celestia, are you awake?" came the hushed tones of Private Pansy, her voice tinged with urgency. Celestia's eyes snapped open, her pulse quickening with a mixture of hope and apprehension. "Private Pansy?" she whispered back, sitting up and nudging Luna gently to rouse her from her slumber. Before she could say another word, the shadows shifted nearby, revealing the silhouette of another figure lurking in the darkness. "I hope you know what you are doing Pansy, this is such an idiotic idea. I cannot believe I agreed to this!" came the voice of a male unicorn, his form shimmering faintly as if cloaked in an invisible veil. ''This.. This is Clover the Clever, he is not like others, he is good... Just, look past the snarly attitude'' She whispered with a smirk, awarding her a light hoof kick from Clover. Celestia's heart swelled with gratitude as she realized that Private Pansy and Clover the Clever had come to their aid. "Thank you both for coming," she whispered, her voice filled with relief. "We thought we were alone down here." Private Pansy and Clover the Clever exchanged a knowing glance before turning their attention back to Celestia and Luna. "We've come to help you escape," Private Pansy explained, her voice tinged with determination. "But we'll have to move quickly before the guards catch wind of our plan." With the guards patrolling the halls nearby, Celestia, Luna, Private Pansy, and Clover the Clever knew they had to act swiftly and silently to escape their cell. As they approached the heavy iron door that stood between them and freedom, they exchanged a silent nod, their determination steeling their resolve. Pansy and Clover stepped forward, their hooves moving with practiced precision as they examined the lock securing the door. With a quiet click, Private Pansy produced a small set of lockpicks from her pocket, her movements deft and precise as she worked to manipulate the mechanism. ''Wait... where's the key??'' Asked Clover, surprised to see her use a lockpick, she is high ranked into the army after all. ''Queen Dormant Thunder had them taken from me as to.... avoid any 'funny business...'' She said while concentrated on the lock she was picking. ''I guess she was right...'' Said Clover in a mocking tone. Meanwhile, Clover focused his magic, his horn glowing softly in the darkness as he cast a subtle spell to muffle the sound of their actions. The air shimmered around him as he wove his magic, the enchantment enveloping the group like a protective cloak. With bated breath, Celestia and Luna watched as Private Pansy and Clover the Clever continued their efforts, their hearts pounding with anticipation as they waited for the telltale sound of the lock giving way. Time seemed to stretch on endlessly as they worked, the tension in the air palpable as they drew closer to their goal. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, there was a soft click as the lock yielded to Private Pansy's skillful manipulation. With a silent gesture, she eased the door open inch by inch, her movements careful and deliberate as she worked to minimize any noise. As the door swung open on silent hinges, Celestia, Luna, Pansy, and Clover shared a triumphant glance, their eyes shining with determination as they prepared to make their escape. Celestia picked up their thing that were left in the box nearby. With a final nod, they slipped out into the corridor beyond, their steps light and cautious as they moved through the shadows, their journey towards freedom now well underway. They crept out into the dimly lit corridor, their hearts pounding with adrenaline as they moved with stealth and caution. The narrow passageways of the dungeon seemed to stretch on endlessly, their footsteps muffled by the soft padding of their hooves against the cold stone floor. As they neared the exit, the sound of approaching hoofsteps echoed through the corridor, sending a jolt of fear through the group. With quick thinking, Private Pansy motioned for them to duck into a nearby alcove, their bodies pressed against the rough stone walls as they held their breath and waited for the guards to pass. Heartbeats thundered in their ears as the guards drew closer, their voices low and indistinct as they spoke amongst themselves. Closer and closer they came, until the flickering torchlight illuminated the alcove where they hid in the shadows. For a heart-stopping moment, it seemed as though they had been discovered. But at the last possible instant, the guards passed by without so much as a glance in their direction, their attention focused on their patrol duties as they continued on their rounds. With a collective sigh of relief, Celestia, Luna, Pansy, and Clover emerged from their hiding place, their nerves still on edge as they pressed forward towards the exit. They moved swiftly but silently, their senses attuned to every sound and movement as they sought to evade detection and reach the safety of the outside world. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, they reached the heavy iron doors that marked the entrance to the dungeon. With a quiet prayer, Private Pansy and Clover the Clever set to work once more, their hooves moving with practiced precision as they worked to unlock the mechanism and open the doors. As the doors swung open, they all shared a triumphant glance, their eyes shining with relief as they stepped out into the crisp night air. The moon hung high overhead, casting its silver light upon the snowy landscape before them, a beacon of hope guiding their way towards freedom. ''Okay Girls, let's get you out of here!'' Whispered Clover to Luna and Celestia. As They began leaving, Celestia noticed that Pansy was missing from the group, she turned around to see her new friend nodding at her as she slowly crawled back into the door, leaving a soft smile on Celestia's face as she silently muttered a ''thank you'' before joining Clover and Luna into the frozen landscape.