//------------------------------// // Chapter 5: The end of the world... // Story: Sister... // by Mellow Mare //------------------------------// The sun shined brightly as Luna exited the cave with James around her waist. The sudden burst of light made her nocturnal eyes burn for a moment, enough for the young filly to look away. Even James blinked a couple times before finally getting used to the daylight. Luna rubbed her eyes and looked around to make sure no fiend were waiting out there, ready to gobble her up.... "FREEDOM! At last! It has been centuries since I have felt the wind on my eye!" Exclaimed James with pure joy. "Oh, it looks like my plans to go to the beach will have to wait, seems a little too cold out there, I swear I counted my seasons right....." He added with confusion in his eye. Luna looked over at the blade, then at the frozen river and snowy fields surrounding them.... her ears dropped and a sad look washed over her blue face. "No, you did count your seasons right. We dont know where this snow came from nor how to stop it.... " She said with a sad tone in her voice. "Huh... how interesting..." James added Luna zoned out from her conversation with the talking blade and took a moment to look around, hoping that maybe her sister is somewhere around here. She began to walk around, the fresh snow what crunching under the pressure of her body, leaving behind her a trail of deep holes. The frozen trees looked absolutely breathtaken, it was as if the world was frozen in time, it was all covered in a thick coating of ice and snow and the sun's light shinned brightly, bouncing of every surfaces that would host it. The filly looked around, hoping to find a trail, a clue,anything that could at the very least lead her back home. "So... what are we doing exactly?" Asked James curiously. "I.. I am not sure.. I have to find my big sister Celestia.." Replied Luna, she seemed unsure of where to go from there. "Ah, I love your loyalty! Very nice trait to have.... If you want to die" James said in a mocking tone. Luna's ear perked up as she noticed a little trail of blody snow leading back to where she fell down. "...... Oh no..." She said with a bit of panic in her little voice. She began to gallop, following this path tinted in red, she didn't want to believe that something had gotten to her sibling "Tia!! Tia!!" She yelled out. "Hey! Calm down will ya??!" Said James, worried she might attract predators... Luna's heart and brain did not seem to synch, the ground felt soft and her body felt light. "Calm down! Im sure she's fine!" Said James with an eye roll and a chuckle. Luna came to a complete stop, her eyes widdened from the scene before her. In front of them stood the sword that Celestia wields. Stabbed into the ground and covered in frozen blood. The snow clearly showed struggles and fighting. The young filly's eyes began to slowly fill up with tears as she sat down quietly next to her sister's weapon. "Oh noo.... she got turned into a sword too!? H E L L O, C A N Y O U T A L K???" Expressed James, completely oblivious to the situation. "*sniff* No you stupid butter knife! She wasnt turned into a sword... she's.... *sniff*" Luna placed her dirty hooves over her eyes and layed onto the clean snow, silently weeping, not wanting to believe herself, it did not felt right in her heart. "I was too late...*cries* I'm the one who ran this way... *weeps* I... It's all my fault!..." James expression seemed regretful on behalf of the filly. "Oh... Well, thats life. We live then die.... Except for me, I can't die! I'm a dagger!" James was not known to have much empathy and seriousness when needed. But Luna seemed to have shut him down already, and cried to herself for a moment... __________________________ Luna was still beside her sister's sword, and even seemed to have fell asleep, many hours passed, the sound of the snow falling beneat her hooves and the scream her sister let out as she descended onto the darkness. What would she tell her mother?.... How would she even get back home?... She felt completely lost, powerless..... The sun was ready to settle down in a few hours. "Wait... what is that?..." Whispers James to himself. Right there, beside them, hoof tracks that weren't theirs. "Well, well, well... I think you might want to take a look at those, dear." This statement made Luna's ears perk up, she looked around until she noticed the holes in the snow that showed tracks leafing in a whole other direction than were they came from. A glow could be seen in Luna's eyes, one that fadded away earlier. It was hope, just a glimpse of it. "That's hers!! I am sure of it!" She exclaimed excitedly, Luna picked up the sword and found the strenght to gallop in their direction, praying to any divinity that her beloved sister was okay and looking for her too. "-Oh thank you James, you are the best! Aah - phsst....." Mumbled the blade under his breath while rolling his eye. The tracks led to the bottom of the mountains, the ones Luna and Celestia were meant to climb together... they stopped at the entrance of a cave at the bottom of one of them. Luna took a step back and seemed quite unsure. "Well? What are you waiting for?" Asked James, confused by her hesitation. "I... I... I can't go in there.... It's too dark..." She said as she stepped back, remembering being stuck in that underground cave for a few days. When she couldnt squeeze through before finding her dagger, when she believed that was the end. "But dont you have magic or something?? Come on, use that horn of yours! Looks like this is the faster way to get to the other side!" Exclaimed James. "Dont make me drop you right here and leave! .... Now, there has to be a way around this... " She said pondering... Even if Celestia went into the cave, she was surely already out of it. The young blue haired filly walked along the mountain, looking for a possible ledge that would let them go around the mountains without being imprisoned in its belly... The wind started to gently pick up once more, a fresh and cool breeze blowing some crazy snow onto Luna.. As she looked up to the sky, she spotted a little ledge, a perfect place to start climbing! She began her climb, the snow surely did not helped but at least it wasnt hard ice... A strong gust of wind blew around both Luna and James, making them feel quite cold. ________________________ "James!! The wind is really strong!! I-I can't see anything!!" Yelled Luna. "I-It's.. it's so cold!! I can't feel my hands anymore!!! Oh wait.." He replied with a confused look. Luna rolled her eyes and pulled her hood over her head to block as much of the wind as possible. It has been so long since she started her climb and yet, no traces of Celestia around.. not even one hoof print.. as if she completely disappeared.... The path she was on was quite narrow and slippery. What if she is stuck in the cave that she refused to enter.... or what if.. she reached the end of the world... The filly stoppedright there in her tracks. "The end of the world... " She whispered to herself with a stunned look . "The what now??" Asked James with an anoyed tone in his voice, trying to avoid ice crystals from flying in his eye. Luna began to step back fearfully. "Hey! What's going on?? Where are you going?!" Exclaimed James looking around frantically. "I have to go back.. I can't do this...." *Swoosh* "EEP!!" As Luna stepped back she misplaced her steps and in an instant was now hanging onto a root that was thankfully sticking out from the canyon's wall. The grip was quite painful as she had to use her mouth. "OH!! OOOH!! OKAY!! DON'T PANIC!" Said James Looking down. "Oh if I could feel sick.. I would be very much sick.. r.. right now..." He said with a quivering voice. "VAMMME, DO PHOMTHING!!" Yelled Luna angrily, in absolute pain.. Her hooves were trying to grab anything that could help her hang on. The roots began to pull away from the sides of the mountain. James was so used to be u derground that he as developped an immense fear of heights... Thats it... Luna's eyes simply closed while James just screamed. *Snap* Luna's heart skipped a beat at the sound of the roots letting go, the wind was suddenly quiet as well as everything else. ..... "LUNAAA!!!" "*Quiet gasp*...." Luna's eyes opened as soon as she heard her name. She looked up to see a familiar figure, one that was using their magic to lift Luna back up to the safety of the ledge. "Tia?..." She asked quietly... "Luna!! Are you okay??!" Asked Celestia, she seemed to struggle at lifting her little sister up. The moment that Luna was safe, she leaped onto Celestia's hooves crying profusely. "I...-I missed you so much *sobs* sister..." Said Luna in between sobs. "Oh Luna, you're okay.. You're alright... " Said Celestia while holding her little sister tightly.... The celebrations were short lived when a violent gust of wind pushed them back a bit. "We need to get off the mountain!! This is too dangerous!!" Yelled Celestia as she used her how coat to cover her little sister some more. "But wait, what about getting help?!" Asked the filly, wondering why they would go back now that they were finally together. Her confused expression made Celestia's heart sting, she couldn't risk losing her anymore.. "I can't let you get hurt Luna.. or worse...-" Her phrase was cut short as Luna threw Celestia's sword at her. Luna had a quite serious look on her face. "I can't give up on mom Tia...." "....." *Rumbles* The two sisters looked up at the sky who was now getting dark from a formation of thick and unusual clouds, a look crackles and pow teared up the skies above. With each thunder, Celestia could see something moving amongst the clouds, something almost surnatural. The ground then began to shake under their hooves, the two of them got closer to eachother and Celestia pulled up her sword, the one she believed she had lost... "T-..tia, what's going on?...." Asked Luna. *RUMBLES* More rumbles could be heard, but these were not coming from the skies, these were coming from within the mountains. Stones began to roll down around them and on the mountain wall accross from them, Celestia couldn't do anything more than a mere protection bubble around them both.. But even then this might not protect them well. The rocks then began to roll in a certain directions, and they seemed to be forming into a giant stone gollem. Once it was finished, it's eyes began to glow of a bright blue light. Celestia held the sword in front of Luna, to make sure she was entirely protected. "Okay, Luna, you will begin to run away when I say so, okay? " Said a completely terrified Celestia. "What??! No, not this time!! I can't leave you!!" Said Luna angrily. The wind then blew harder, the sound of their voices attracted the beast towards them. He slowly approached the ledge that they were standing on. The two ponies backed up in fear. What now?.... "Who dares disturb my slumber, withing my domain?" Asked the stone gollem, his voice was so loud that it resonated withing every crevaces of the mountains and so deep that it made the grounds tremble, almost sweeping the two little ponies off their hooves. Luna and Celestia stayed silent before the giant made of stone. Celestia's magic seemed to lose it's forces. The eldest looked over at the youngest and nodded while giving her a brave smile. "Hey!! Over here pebble head!!" Screamed Celestia as she threw a pebble at it. She then quickly picked up Luna with her magic and placed her onto her back, which was not the initial plan. The giant mountain king began to feel the anger rising and raised his fist. But being so big also mean that you are slower. Celestia was galloping at such a rapid speed, the snow would create a little cloud trail beind them both. The ground shook as the gollem destroyed the ledge where they used to be standing on, that was it, the only way back home was now gone.... "Quick Tia!! You can do it!!!" Exclaimed Luna with a big smile on her face, usually she would feel absolutely terrified, (which she still does...) but for some reason, being with ber sister made her feel absolutely invincible. The gollem stopped following them and let out a loud roar that reasonated within both their hearts. "EAT. THAT. Evil monster!!!! " Celestia could'nt help but laugh and cheer with her little sister, she finally found her moon in the darkness once more. And Luna found the sun in her grey skies. But as Luna was cheering, she turned her attention away from the gollem to look forward, and right ahead of them was the end of their path. "TIA, STOOOP!!!" She yelled trying to get her to stop. Celestia looked over and did her best to stop themselves from falling off. But alas, both of their body weight combined with the icy ground had them slip right off... Thankfully it was just a tall hill where they rolled all the way down into the snow. After they were done rolling down, both sisters were completely covered in snow. They both looked at eachother, silently, in complete disbelief to what just happened to them.... a growing chuckle was then heard coming from Celestia, and shortly after, Luna joined in.. All of this adventuring probably got to their heads. While Celestia was still excitedly describing what just happened to them, Luna's gaze turned towards the horizon, and her joyful expression was now also smeared with pure amazement..... Celestia looked in the same direction and her eyes widdened. Right before them was a kingdom, a frozen kingdom, but it was there... There never was an end of the world, only a continuation of their own.... "This is it.... whoever lives over there has to have the answer...." Said Celestia as the sun slowly descended behind them both.