Crossing Rainbow Bridges

by David Silver

8 - Welcome Party

Pinkie Pie rushed towards them with a big grin. "Hi!" She waved vigorously at them. "It's great to see you!"

Brad rubbed the back of his neck. "I forgot to mention her. She's—"

"Pinkie!" Pinkie landed with a skid on her knees, forehooves spread wide. "And I thought I was doing a party for just two but here's a third, wow! Let me get extra supplies. Don't you worry, I can totally handle this."

Miguel grinned as he gently patted Pinkie on the head. "Good to meet you, Miss... uh..."

"Pinkie!" She couldn't look much happier, though the petting seemed to be having positive effects on her. "Pie."

"Right." Miguel dared to touch one of her fuzzy ears, teasing along it with a fingertip. "Wow, you really are a horse."

Pinkie preened under the attention. "Of course I am! Just, like, a talking one." She burst into giggles. "And smaller." She nodded to Bella, looming as she was over the magical ponies gathering around. "And throwing you all one hay of a par-tay! Now, wait one moment! I've got to get all the supplies." She spun in place and dashed off.

"This world is so amazing." Miguel shook his head as he looked around. "So... Should we go?"

Brad shook his head. "She said wait, and she sounded serious. Why don't we say hello to everyone first?" He dropped to a knee, becoming far more even with the pony in front of him. "Hello there. Are you a new pony?"

A tiny foal, with a pretty yellow coat, bounced up to him, pushing her face into his hands with obvious enjoyment. "Hi! Are you Brad?"

"I sure am." He gently pet in long strokes over the little pony. "Aren't you a tiny one. What's your name?"

"Oh! I'm Apple Bloom." She pointed back at the rest of her family. "We live around here and run the apple orchard." She took his hand in both hooves, tugging him after her.

"Oh! I met them before." And yet, he was drawn along towards where the Apple Family was clustered together. "Nice to see you all again. You were so nice when I first showed up."

Big Mac snorted in reply. "Eeyup."

Brad felt like Big Mac understood everything that had happened, just from that short phrase. It was the most impossible feeling. He nodded back.

Bella followed obediently, just for that faithfulness to waver when she noticed Big Mac nearby. She made a happy noise as she trotted up to his side.

"I guess we have a new couple to set up." Brad chuckled as he stood. "Miguel, let's say hello to the Apple family, and then I guess we can find Pinkie."

Applejack gently pushed Bella away despite her size. "Easy there! Big Mac ain't interested, sorry ta say."

Miguel wrapped an arm around Brad's shoulders, leaning on him. "It's too funny. A real-life episode of My Little Pony." He kept chuckling even as ponies approached from all around.

Brad paused. "My whatnow?"

"Mi pequeño pony!" Miguel laughed at the whole thing, patting Applejack just at her withers. "The show? Oh, you never saw it?"

Brad shook his head in amazement. "Never heard of it. Not arguing with you, they're all great. Hey, Granny." He offered a balled hand and bumped it against the returned hoof. "But let's not get lost with just the Apples. There are so many ponies here."

As he said it, a good half dozen of them came over, each greeting him and Miguel as old friends. Miguel seemed happy to meet each and every one of them, petting them and making himself very familiar.

It was like being in a petting zoo, but the 'animals' were all too happy to talk while they got pet, and didn't insist on being fed. Some of them even brought over snacks and drinks balanced on their backs as they took their turn for petting by their human guests.

Brad wandered with his friend through the mass of ponies, not really seeing them as a mob. They parted around him with ease and he kept going. Miguel moved beside him, an ever-present smile on his face.

"Where are you going?" Pinkie sprang in front of them. "I have the cakes ready! I have your favorite fizzy drinks! This party's just getting started, trust me. I'm hosting it, and nothing gets past me." She winked at them both.

"Right, so we can't just keep walking away from the party?" Brad checked with a sly smile.

"Nope!" Pinkie reared up and poked Brad in the belly. "You're having way too much fun for me to let you get away. Besides, so is everypony else? I mean, wow, I never saw a new pony get so much attention."

Brad was about to fight that when Mayor Mare nudged his hand up with her head. "Well, what can I say?" He looked around at all the gathered ponies, all happy to have their space, all talking and laughing with one another. "It's amazing here. The ponies are just so nice and kind."

"Aw!" Pinkie clapped with a big smile. "We're nice to creatures that are nice back, and you two give such nice massages. Really, I bet Aloe and Lotus are jealous." She gently tugged him towards where she had set up the cakes and fizzy drinks. "Come on! We've got dancing and everything."

Miguel mussed at his hair. "I don't know about the rest of you, but I am not dressed for a party."

Aloe, as if summoned by her mention, slid up to Miguel's left. "Oh no, that is being no problem at all. You are just fine as you are. And no, there is nothing wrong with your jeans." She ran a hoof down his thigh and gave it a reassuring rub.

Miguel patted her back. "That feels nice." He accepted the bottle of fizzy drink from Pinkie, clinking it against Brad's own in a silent toast.

It was a fine evening for both men to enjoy the presence of small horses. Bella could offer no pets, but she attracted attention of her own. Though stallions avoided getting too close, the mares seemed fine conversing with her. With Brad and Miguel occupied, they spoke with Belle in the near-silent conversation of horse, with each flick of an ear or tail meaning plenty, to speak nothing of little chuffs and nickers.

Brad would be the first to admit he had no idea what was going on. They looked happy, but even as they got some looks from the others, they just smiled and kept speaking.

"Isn't she a nice girl?" He pet Rarity as she walked past, away from Belle.

"Mm?" Rarity stopped, leaning against the petting. "Mmm, more of that, kindly dear. Do you mean Bella? Kind enough dear. A curious thing, talking with a pony so old-fashioned. I'm not used to talking that way. It's the strangest feeling, dear."

Brad decided not to say much of anything about that, opting to continue his attention on her. "Just another strange part of this place."

Rarity sighed softly, relaxing against him as he stroked along her shoulders and sides. "I can't entirely argue that, darling. Ponyville is a magnet for interesting things, mm, like you. By the by." She turned to face him slowly. "You look like you could do with a fashion touch-up."

Brad was about to argue that, but then considered how long it had been since he'd had any real variety to his clothes. He had picked out some 'fun' shirts at the time, but nothing much else had changed. "I'll be honest. Me and fashion? I don't get it really. I just get what fits."

"What fits?! That's hardly the start, dear." She reared up, putting her forehooves on his belly. "Give me a moment and I'll get you sized up and we'll work out your palette. Mmm, yes. We'll make you shine! You deserve it. And when you come back to visit next time, I will have the perfect outfit for you."

Brad did a double take. "You can just make me clothes?"

Rarity's smile was utterly smug. "That is my specialty, darling. All I need are your measurements. You're not the first biped I've worked for. Little Spike's adorable in his suits. You're taller, obviously, but the principal is unchanged."

Brad considered the logic of that. "I guess that's true. Alright. It sounds like fun, if you're that excited about it."

"Oh!" Rarity stood tall with a little spring to her hooves. "But I am. Now, dear, let me see if the other human is just as agreeable." She paused, about to retreat. "Oh, did I mention, Dear? My name's Rarity. How silly of me." She chuckled and trotted off towards Miguel.

He didn't hear what was said between them, but within minutes they were both laughing, and he was soon being led off by Rarity. That left him on his own for a few moments. Brad shook his head and considered his options, which were many. Mayor Mare seemed to want his attention. "What's up?"

"A few ponies have noticed you coming and going." Mayor Mare nodded gently. "We were wondering if we might convince you to stay. You would be quite welcome here. As you can see, you'd fit right in."

Brad could almost see the plusses of such an arrangement. He glanced around the town square, at all the gathered ponies. Miguel was being made a fuss over, clearly having fun. "Tempting, but I have a job, Miss Mare. I don't want to just abandon them." Humans were flaky at times. Brad didn't want to be one of those. "You understand, I hope?"

Mayor Mare inclined her head. "As you say. The offer remains open, should you wish to return to us. I understand our little pony town is something of a pleasant holiday destination." She smiled. "We're glad to have you, as a guest, or a resident." She leaned in a little without saying anything.

Brad picked up on her silent wish and gently scritched over her head, making her hind hoof kick against the ground. "Yes, mmm, we would find a place for you quite quickly, if you wanted."

Rainbow Charm suddenly slid in. "Dibs! If he stays, he's coming to my place. I have all kinds of room!" She giggled and bounced in place. "He's nice and strong, so I could teach him how to be a cowpony. We'd have so much fun."

Brad gently swatted RC's side. "I'm already a cowboy."

"Yeah." RC turned to him. "I saw you. You don't understand them, and you've never seen an Equestrian cow anyway! Nope, you'll need a hoof, and I got one ready to lend."

Mayor Mare rolled her eyes as she pulled away from Brad's hands. "Rainbow Charm, be a dear and settle down." She gave RC a Look. "I haven't finished with this." She cleared her throat. "As I was saying, I want to officially welcome any other humans that may wish to visit, if you know others. You brought that 'Miguel' character, did you not? Charming."

"But I get him first!" RC flapped her wings. "Wait! Was that mean?" She settled down again. "I promise to share him if he visits."

Mayor Mare nodded slowly. "Glad to hear it. We're a community, RC. We share what we have, even if they have two legs and magical hands." She shook herself vigorously, as if to lose that thought. "I mean, enjoy your party."

"That's the plan." Brad laughed as he kept petting, not having to reach down quite so far for Mayor Mare standing on her hinds. "This is nice. I really am glad to see you."

"You are quite welcome to see me as often as you'd like." Mayor Mare was melting under the attention, making little happy noises. "But I shouldn't monopolize you. Bad image." She slid back to all fours. "Just think about my offer, okay?"

Brad nodded. "Sure, Mayor." He didn't get much chance to talk after that, as ponies were suddenly all around him, either eager to talk with him or curious about his human friend. The pair had more fun than they had in a long time.