My Little Pokémon: Grander World

by Amarvax

Raging Rivals

Equestria. Ponyville. The Pokemon House. Afternoon.

In the distance, standing tall was Lightning Dust's Gigantamax Toxtricity, who was facing off against Rainbow Dash's Zeraora. The two rivals have encountered each other once more and aim to claim victory here at the Pokemon House as the red clouds of Dynamax cover the skies with its colour.

"She's got a Mythical Pokemon?! No way!" May was flabbergasted by what she was seeing. The same goes for Dawn and Zoey.

"I thought Mew was way more surprising..." Dawn's jaw dropped.

"...What?" Zoey blinked, turning to May. If only she knew who Pinkie Pie's ace was.

"This is your first big battle, Zeraora! I'm counting on you." Rainbow Dash said.

"Zera!" Zeraora nodded, waiting for this moment. Ever since she saw Rainbow Dash battle at the Battle Frontier, she's been wanting to get in on the action and as soon as she became Rainbow Dash's Pokemon, she was thirsting for a battle. Now, that time had finally come.

"Okay...She's already had Toxtricity use two Max Moves. Which means he's only got one move left until he returns to normal." Rainbow Dash thought. "And I think I've got a good guess as to what it could be..."

"Big whoop! Mythical or not, I'm not losing! Toxtricity! G-Max Stun Shock!" Lightning Dust called out.

"Tox!" Toxtricity roared as he raised his guitar, swinging it downwards. Lightning crackled from the speed it came down at as Zeraora simply stared at the incoming attack. Rainbow Dash said nothing and Zeraora did nothing, letting the attack land. The impact was tremendous, sending a fierce flare of lightning that shook parts of the Pokemon House. Fluttershy grimaced as she feared her newly upgraded Pokemon House might suffer some damage already thanks to this battle.

"Direct hit! Ya love to see it!" Lightning Dust cheered.

"Zeraora!" Zeraora's voice was heard, the sound of her cry echoing.

"Huh?!" Lightning Dust gasped, seeing that Zeraora was still standing. The attack did absolutely nothing, dealing no damage or leaving behind any lasting effects. Lightning Dust, Toxtricity and the others were shocked as to why this was the case while Ash, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash knew the answer to that.

Stun Shock did do one thing. It powered Zeraora up thanks to her ability, Volt Absorb.

"Ze." Zeraora smirked, feeling the power coursing through her.

"W-What?! How did that not work?!" Lightning Dust questioned.

"Zeraora's ability, Volt Absorb, makes her immune to Electric-Type moves. Plus, it even powers her up too, so that's a great bonus." Rainbow Dash explained as she soon witnessed Toxtricity's body glowing, signifying that his Gigantamax Transformation had run out.

"Tox..." Toxtricity groaned, returning to his normal form. He just wasted his strongest move and didn't even deal any damage. The light from the Dynamax Band fizzled out as Lightning Dust could no longer use it in this battle

"But...I'm not done yet!" Lightning Dust exclaimed. "Toxtricity! Use Overdrive!"

"Tox!" Toxtricity's hands lit up, the electricity building up. He would then strum his own electrical organ, releasing a powerful blast of electricity.

"Zeraora! Use Plasma Fists!" Rainbow Dash called out.

"Raa!" Zeraora's fists were engulfed in a bright, blue aura. She rushed in fast, smashing her fist right into Toxtricity's face. The impact was so strong that it knocked him back, the Punk Pokemon sliding across the ground.

"Tox!" Toxtricity grunted, the attack having dealt a lot of damage even though he was an Electric-Type himself.

"Again! Keep at it!" Rainbow Dash called out.

"Zera!" Zeraora's eyes glowed blue, the Thunderclap Pokemon rushing in fast. She would unleash it Toxtricity again as he couldn't see it coming thanks to this absurd speed, the impact being so strong that it sent him flying.

"Darn it! Use Boomburst!" Lightning Dust called out.

"Tox!" Toxtricity's mouth opened wide, the Punk Pokemon roaring. A huge, orange shockwave was released from his electrical organ The intensity of the soundwave was so strong that it made the nearby flowers and grass sway, the wind blowing hard.

"Zera!" Zeraora was pushed back, the soundwave pushing her away. She managed to grab onto the grass, keeping herself from being blown away. Everyone else had to cover their ears, especially Fluttershy's Audino.

"That all?" Rainbow Dash grinned while covering her ears. Once the sound died down, she went on the offensive once more. "Okay then! Close Combat! Go!"

"Ora!" Zeraora would move at a burst of speed that Toxtricity just couldn't keep up with. She would punch him multiple times, the attacks coming so fast that the Punk Pokemon couldn't even react.

"Tox!" Toxtricity grunted, the attacks dealing a ton of damage. Each blow was swift and heavy, the Punk Pokemon unable to defend himself. Zeraora was just too fast for him and it didn't help that her strength was just as staggering.

"Zeraora'! Zeraora finished it off with one final strike, the Thunderclap Pokemon hurtling her fellow Electric-Type. Lightning Dust gasped as Toxtricity went flying by her at great speeds, leaving behind a mild pressure as he crashed into the belly of Snorlax, coming to a halt.

"Toxtricity!" Lightning Dust cried out, seeing her Pokemon was unable to battle.


"Toxtricity is unable to battle! Zeraora wins!" Fluttershy announced.

"Alright, Zeraora! Way to go!" Rainbow Dash cheered.

"Zera!" Zeraora smiled, happy that she was able to win her first battle. Her eyes were starry, her smile was wide and her heart was rushing. Truly wonderful words to hear from Rainbow Dash.

"Tch. Return, Toxtricity." Lightning Dust brought her Pokemon back to his Poke Ball. "Unbelievable. You've gotta use a Mythical Pokemon to take me on? What a joke."

"Say what?!" Rainbow Dash was taken aback.

"I mean, it's obvious that if you didn't have Zeraora, your next Pokemon would've been down right away thanks to G-Max Stun Shock. Plus, you just got Zeraora like what? Recently? You haven't had enough time to train her and you're already using her in a big battle since she's naturally powerful thanks to being a Mythical."

"Are you calling me a cheater?!" Rainbow Dash grizzled her teeth, barking at Lightning Dust.

"Ze! Zera!" So did Zeraora, shaking her paw. She wasn't about to let Lightning Dust diminish her win.

"Maybe." Lightning Dust whistled, looking to the side. "But if you ask me, that just cushions the loss a bit. And it also means beating you is gonna be so much more rewarding than it's ever been. Banette! You're up!"

"Banette!" Banette was sent out, the Marionette Pokemon ready for battle.

"Urgh...! Zeraora! Use Plasma Fists!" Rainbow Dash called out.

"This'll go by pretty quick too! Zeraora! Plasma Fists! Go!" Rainbow Dash cried out.

"Ze!" Once more, Zeraora rushed in, ready to get up-close and personal.

"Banette! Use Phantom Force!" Lightning Dust called out.

"Banette!" Banette's body was surrounded by a black, ghostly aura. The Marionette Pokemon would disappear, teleporting away.

"Zera?!" Zeraora gasped, not knowing where her opponent had gone. She looked around, searching for Banette, who was currently in between spaces at the moment, cackling at the Thunderclap Pokemon.

"Now, use Shadow Claw!" Lightning Dust called out.

"Bane!" Banette reappeared behind Zeraora, the Marionette Pokemon's claws glowing a dark purple.

"Ora?!" Zeraora gasped, the Thunderclap Pokemon turning around but was too late to counterattack or even defend.

"Hah! Too slow!" Banette swung her claws, slashing Zeraora from behind instead of from the front.

"Ze-Zera!" Zeraora grunted, the attack having dealt a lot of damage.

"Now, follow it up with another Shadow Claw!"

"Banette!" She would slash Zeraora once more with even greater force, the Thunderclap Pokemon grunting as she was sent flying.

"Ze!" Zeraora grunted, the Thunderclap Pokemon skidding across the ground.

"Zeraora! Are you okay?" Rainbow Dash questioned.

"Zera!" Zeraora nodded, getting back up. She then looked over at Banette who would cackle at her.

"You won't be laughing after this! Hyper Beam!"

"Zera!" Zeraora's eyes glowed yellow as she held her paws out, the Thunderclap Pokemon firing a powerful beam of energy that electricity running around it.

"Pfft! I still am! Did you forget that Normal-Type moves have no effect on Ghost-Types?! What a joke-" But Lightning Dust's words were soon cut off once Hyper Beam actually landed, causing a fierce explosion.

"Banette!" Banette cried out, the Marionette Pokemon being engulfed in the explosion.

"What the?!" Lightning Dust gasped, not expecting that. "No way! Okay, now you have definitely have to be cheating! I mean it!"

"Hah! Here's something new to learn. Plasma Fists turns all Normal-Type moves into Electric-Type ones. So, Hyper Beam is now an Electric-Type move." Rainbow Dash explained.

"What?! That's not fair!" Lightning Dust complained.

"Well, it's not my fault you didn't know that." Rainbow Dash shrugged before grinning at her, taunting her fellow pegasus. "But hey, now ya know."

"Grr...! Banette! Get up! You can't lose here!" Lightning Dust called out.

"Nette!" Banette grunted, the Marionette Pokemon struggling to get up. This gave Zeraora enough time to recharge after using Hyper Beam. Once she was recharged, she could attack once more. Banette had just gotten up, too late to capitalize on Zeraora's vulnerability.

"How about another one then?! Hyper Beam, one more time!"

"Zera!" Zeraora fired another Hyper Beam without hesitation, the energy building up in her paws.

"I don't think so! You won't get the best of us! Disable!"

"Bane!" Banette's eyes glowed pure black as she eyed down Zeraora. In a flash, Zeraora's body was surrounded by a black energy, sounding like a heartbeat as the energy of Hyper Beam would suddenly fizzle out.

"Zeraora?!" Zeraora witnessed the energy fade away, her ability to use Hyper Beam had been disabled for the time being.

"And now, we'll finish this! Banette! Use Shadow Claw!"

"Bane!" Banette's claws were engulfed in a dark purple aura.

"Ze! Ze!" Zeraora's eyes widened, the Thunderclap Pokemon trying to dodge. Another Shadow Claw would arise from the ground, prompting Zeraora to dodge again. Multiple Shadow Claws started rising from beneath as the Electric-Type would zip all over the place rapidly, trying to avoid them.

"Oh, this'll do just great! Keep it up, Banette!" Lightning Dust wanted Banette to keep the pressure on, making sure that Zeraora would have to keep dealing with these consecutive Shadow Claws.

"Zera!" Zeraora dodged the last Shadow Claw, only for Banette to appear right in front of her, actually landing. "Ze!" And once that one landed, Banette would reveal the hidden Shadow Claws she kept in waiting, causing them to rapidly slash at the Electric-Type.

"Zeraora!" Zeraora cried out, the Thunderclap Pokemon being bombarded by these slashes that revealed themselves.

"Those were hidden?!" May gasped.

"Hang in there, Zeraora!" Dawn shouted.

"Zeraora!" Zeraora grunted, the Thunderclap Pokemon taking a lot of damage.

"Now, finish it off with one more Shadow Claw!"

"Bane!" Banette's claws were engulfed in a dark purple aura.

"I don't think so! Zeraora! Grab the shadows!" Rainbow Dash called out.

"Zera!" Zeraora's eyes glowed yellow, the Thunderclap Pokemon grabbing onto the shadowy claws.

"Excuse me?!" Lightning Dust gasped, not expecting this. Zeraora grinned after grabbing the shadows, holding them in place as Banette struggled to pull them away.

"Nette?!" Bannete growled, trying to retract her shadows but failing due to Zeraora's strength. This one Shadow Claw was connected to her, meaning she was unable to do much in this condition. "Bane!

"Ora...!" Zeraora was not letting go for even a moment, her grip was tight.

"Come on, Banette! Just disperse those shadows already!" Lightning Dust barked. Banette was genuinely trying her best to free herself, but to no avail. She even tried phasing her shadows through Zeraora, but that failed as well.

"She can't even phase her shadows through her!" Zoey exclaimed, seeing the raw strength of Zeraora. "That's amazing!"

"Check this out! Unleash your plasma, Zeraora!"

"Oraaaa!" Zeraora yelled as she would unleash her plasma from her body, causing the energy to run across the entire Shadow Claw, reaching Banette, Ghost-Type screaming as she was electrocuted.

"Baaaaaaneeeette!" Banette screamed, the Marionette Pokemon being electrocuted.

"Banette!" Lightning Dust cried out, the former Wonderbolt gritting her teeth.

"And now, finish it off with a Plasma Fist!"

"Raa!" Zeraora then pulled Banette in with all of her might, sending her flying forward. Banette was then met with a downwards strike from the Electric-Type, the fists of pure plasma reaching her stomach as she was smashed into the ground at full force.

"B-Banette..." Banette groaned, the Marionette Pokemon unable to battle.

"Banette is unable to battle! Zeraora wins!" Fluttershy announced.

"Yeah, baby! Way to go, Zeraora!" Rainbow Dash cheered, taking flight for a moment and flapping her wings happily to the point where Castform almost flew out of her saddlebag.

"Zera!" Zeraora pumped her fist, happy that she was able to win her second battle.

"Wow, she's really strong..." May observed.

"Just like her Trainer." Ash said, not surprised by this at all

"I'll say. I don't even think it's because she has a Mythical Pokemon on her side." Zoey shook her head, seeing the clear strength from Rainbow Dash. "I'm guessing she picked up some pointers from you, Ash."

"Sure did. I taught everyone here in Ponyville some awesome stuff. But Rainbow Dash is the one who's taken the most inspiration from me. She's the one who's improved the most." Ash smiled, proud of his student. Technically, everypony in Ponyville were his students.

"Urgh..." Lightning Dust grumbled, lowering her head as she would return Banette to her Poke Ball. "You're lucky you've got a Mythical Pokemon, Rainbow Dash. Otherwise, I would've won."

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. "It's not just the Pokemon that counts, ya know. It's also the Trainer. And so far, you aren't really impressing me on that part. Me and Zeraora? We've already got a strong bond. I helped her out during her hardest time and she became even stronger thanks to that."

"Tch. Says you. You don't think I've grown because of something tough either?"

"You sure don't look like you have. The last I saw you, you won against a Frontier Brain, and you had to rub it in my face since I lost the first time around." Rainbow Dash scoffed.

"Yeah. But after that, I had to still keep growing. Especially after learning about how strong you were getting." Lightning Dust soon revealed that she had been keeping some tabs on Rainbow Dash here and there. "You and Spitfire both. Both of you were growing so fast that the whole Wonderbolts were getting more and more popular by the minute. You have no idea how frustrating that was, especially since I was kicked out of it."

"That's how she found us!2 One of the young trainers raised her hoof, speaking up.

"Huh?" Rainbow Dash turned to her.

"Captain Lightning Dust has been keeping tabs on you and the rest of the Wonderbolts. She's been watching you guys for a long time, and she's been wanting to find a way to get back at you."

"Pretty sad." Rainbow Dash lowered her eyes before smirking.

"As if you wouldn't do the same." Lightning Dust shook her hoof at Rainbow Dash with pure anger. "I'll tell you, trying to catch up to you and Spitfire was not easy. For an entire month, I had to force myself to keep up the pace, especially when helping them out."

1 Month Ago.

It was 1 Month Ago. Lightning Dust had just learned about the news of Rainbow Dash and Spitfire's growth. Both had their own ways of improving. For Rainbow Dash, it was all the wild scenarios she and her friends get involved in, especially when it comes to massive threats. For Spitifre, it was more straightforward since she just kept training while also being the Wonderbolts' Captain.

Naturally, Lightning Dust was not happy. She was frustrated. Angry. Upset. She was everything negative. The resentment she had for the Wonderbolts was still burning strong, and she was not going to let this go anytime soon. Not until she was better than all of them.

"I can't believe this. I can't believe they're getting stronger. I can't believe they're doing better than me. They're not even the best, and yet they're the ones who are getting the most attention." Lightning Dust was sitting on a rock, looking out into the distance.

Trying to make a name for herself was one of her biggest dreams. But not only that, she wanted to outshine the Wonderbolts. She wanted to show them that she was the best, and that she was the one who deserved to be in the spotlight. There was only one thing that came to mind. Starting her own team that could be better than the Wonderbolts.

She couldn't surpass them on her own. Not anymore. She needed help. Thus, she created a team by the name of the Washouts.

The Washouts are more than just this. All those things the Wonderbolts do, I had to mimic that but be better than the original. Plus, I also had to make sure they weer great at Pokemon Battles. Even better at Pokemon Battles.

For an entire month, she began setting up this team that served two purposes. One was meant to mimic what the Wonderbolts usually do and the other was meant to be focused on Pokemon Battles. Granted, very few would want to join her, except for some other Former Wonderbolts who resented them as well. They were easy to recruit, all united by the same goal.

To be better than the Wonderbolts.

I was never the only one who got kicked out of that team. Some came before me so it was a shoe-in for us to work together. We all took our own paths of becoming Pokemon Trainers but they were mostly identical to each other. We practiced on our flight first and then our skills as Trainers.

That was just the start. The Washouts started off with ponies who were Ex-Wonderbolts Members. They were the easiest to recruit, and the most passionate. However, Lightning Dust knew that they weren't enough.

If I couldn't beat you or Spitfire in time, I needed a backup plan. I'm not out here taking on larger-than-life threats or going to other worlds. For all I know, you could have something that could help you win the entire League in no time. I couldn't let that happen at all.

At the rate Rainbow Dash and Spitfire was growing at, she feared she might have trouble keeping up in the near future, to the point where she gets left in the dust. So, the alternative came to mind. Train some successors.

Thus, she sought out upstart Pokemon Trainers who she could train and make a part of the Washouts. But she didn't just find any random trainers. She specifically found young Trainers who couldn't exactly find their place in this Grander World.

She would find a group of 10 young Trainers, each of them having their own stories. Some were orphans, others were abandoned, and some were just plain unlucky. All of them were struggling to find their place in the world, and Lightning Dust would take advantage of that.

"So, you're all struggling to find your place in the world, huh?" Lightning Dust asked.

"Y-Yes, ma'am." One of the young trainers nodded.

"Well, I can help you with that. I can give you a place to belong. A place where you can be the best. If you join my team, the Washouts, I can guarantee you'll become the best. Better than the Wonderbolts, even."

"The Wonderbolts...?" Another one of the young trainers questioned.

"That's right. They're the ones who ruined my dreams even after I accomplished them. They're the reason why I'm not a Wonderbolt anymore. Now, I'm gonna prove to them that I'm the best. That I'm the one who deserves to be in the spotlight."

"How are we supposed to do that?"

"By becoming the best. By training under me, you'll become the best. You'll become the greatest Pokemon Trainers in all of Equestria. And when the time comes, you'll be the ones to take down the Wonderbolts. You'll be the ones to show them that the Washouts are the best."

"But what if we can't?"

"Don't worry. I'll make sure you can. I'll train you. I'll teach you everything I know. I'll make you the best. I'll make you the greatest. You'll be the ones who will surpass the Wonderbolts. And I'll be the one to lead you there. I'll be the one to show you the way."

"These kids next to me are gonna be great Trainers, but for that to happen, I need to be just as great so they have someone to take inspiration from. Someone to look up to. Beating you is one of those ways."

"So that's what it is..." Zoey uttered.

"Hmmrgh..." Rainbow Dash didn't know what to say this other than letting out a slight grumble.

"I'm not done yet. I've still got a lot more Pokemon to throw at you. Go, Claydol!" Lightning Dust threw her next Poke Ball, sending out her Claydol.


Rainbow Dash got her mind back into the battle, ready to keep the momentum up. So did Zeraora as she wasn't done yet. Claydol would be tougher since it was a Ground-Type, but that was only if Rainbow Dash wanted to switch right now. Lightning Dust gave her clear reason as to why she was doing this.

It all came from a a place of strong resentment for the Wonderbolts which has never died down. The only way it could possibly die down is if she surpasses both Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust, becoming the Equestria League Champion in the process. And standing in her way right now of that bright goal was Rainbow Dash.

The battle rages on as the journey continues.

Chapter 505 End.