My Mother ( Rewrite)

by Dragonfan101

8: Recovery

Spike felt his head pounding as he was finally waking up after taking that tough hit on the head, he groaned in pain as he was finally opening his eyes, he didn't know how long he was out, but he had a feeling he was out for a bit, Spike felt his head stir as he finally was waking up.
"Where.. am I?" Spike asked himself while he finally opened his eyes, he did his best to focus his vision to see where he was, but when he finally could, he realized where he was, he was in a medical room, but it was in Ponyville..
"Oh no.." Spike said with fear as he quickly got up from the bed, but that made his head hurt a little since he took a bit of a hit, but he tried pushing through it in order to keep moving.

"I gotta tell the other's what's happening, my mom is gonna freak out when she finds out I'm here.." Spike thought with fear while he hopped out of the bed, he tried making his way around the room after gaining his bearings, his thoughts were racing through him with each step he took, if he vanished like this suddenly without his mom knowing, she will freak out, and if she finds out Spike's with the ponies, she may go berserk with what happened with her in the past.
"I shouldn't have waited so long to tell her, now the whole town may be in danger." Spike said with worry while he quickly rushed through the halls to find the exit.
"I need to let the other's know what's happening, I have to tell them what's happened!" Spike thought with worry while he made his way down even more, he soon saw the exit to the place just up ahead, and made a rush for it.
"Gotta find Twilight, gotta let the other's know now!" Spike said with worry until a familiar voice stopped him in his tracks.

"Spike! Wait!" It shouted which made him come to a halt, he recognized that voice, he quickly turned to where it came from and saw Twilight was in the lobby waiting for an update on his injury.
"Twilight!" Spike said with relief while she came up and gave him a tight hug.
"Spike! Where were you?! We were so worried if something bad happened!" Twilight said holding him tightly while Spike tried coming up with something to say.
"Twilight.. I.." Spike tried to speak, but she kept going on about what's happened since he was gone.
"We didn't know if we could find you, you weren't sending any letters to me or Celestia, and I was growing worried sick, what happened to you? Did those dragons hurt you?" Twilight asked extremely worried which made Spike back off a bit.

"Twilight, please be quiet, I need to tell you and the other's something really important." Spike said while he tried making his way to the exit.
"Why? What happened Spike? You don't have to rush things, you should take your time and rest." Twilight advised while she tried to stop him, but Spike's fears of what his mom will do didn't leave him.
"No, I need to let you, Celestia and Luna, and the others know what's happened, now!" Spike shouted which caught her off guard a bit.
"Why, what's happened?" Twilight asked worried while she tried helping him out.
"Something incredibly important, we all need to meet up and talk about it, we can't waste another minute!" Spike said seriously while they started going through the village together.
"Okay.. if it's that serious.." Twilight said as they made they're way to gather the others, Twilight didn't know what's happened right now, but if Spike's this worried, it may be something really bad.

After Spike and Twilight left the nursery Spike was at, he and Twilight went to get the others, Spike knew he had to tell Celestia and Luna about this too, as this was something all of them should know, he still couldn't believe all of this is happening so fast, 2 days ago he met his mother finally, and now he's in a rush to warn the others of what she may do if she finds out he's here, if she goes berserk in her ways to get him back, there will be a lot of trouble to be made because of it.

But soon enough, Spike and Twilight gathered the rest of the Mane 6, and went to Twilight's tree to discuss what's happening, they all were worried for Spike since he went missing for 2 days after he left for the Migration, and didn't know how to ask what happened, Twilight had finished writing a letter for Celestia and Luna to meet them here, and she sent it off before finally turning back to Spike who prepared to tell them all that's happened.
"Alright Spike, we're all here now, what happened to you? I tried sending a letter, but it never went through, why?" Twilight asked with worry while they all sat on the couch to hear this story.
"You were missing for days Spike, did those dragons do something bad to you?" Applejack asked with concerned if that was true.
"You couldn't have written us a letter to tell us what happened? Where were you?" Rainbow Dash asked as well while crossing her hoofs.
"Those dragons aren't too scary are they?" Fluttershy asked a bit nervous of what he's seen.
"Do they like parties?" Pinkie asked which made the others look at her with confusion for a moment before turning back to him.

Spike kept being bombarded with questions from them and started to feel overwhelmed.
"Girls, one at a time please, I can't explain what happened with these all being asked at once." Spike said while raising his hands, they all calmed down a bit and asked one at a time to know what happened.
"Sorry darling, so what happened to you? We were worried sick about you." Rarity asked concerned while Spike tried to explain this the best he could, and sighed as he prepared to reveal what he's seen.
"It's, a lot to explain, but.. I'll try and make it simple, during my trip to the Dragon Lands, I.. encountered something I thought I'd never find, or more accurately.. someone.." Spike said calmly as he looked out the windows for any signs of Skystar and Nathen, and thankfully, he didn't see them yet.
"And.. who would that be Spike?" Twilight asked with concern for this.

"Twilight.. the reason I was gone for a few days.. the reason I didn't contact you or anyone else.. is because well.. I.. finally met my mother, my real one, the one who had me when I was an egg... I met her at the Migration thanks to the help of another kind dragon named Nathen, and I wanted to spend more time with her, and.. I learned a lot that's extremely important..." Spike explained which made them all gasp in shock.
"Wait.. your.. mother?!" Rainbow Dash asked with shock hearing that be revealed.
"You.. actually met her?" Fluttershy asked with worry hearing this.
"What's she like Spike?" Applejack asked with interest to know hear this major reveal.
"How.. how do you know she's your real mother? Does she look like you? Are there signs the egg she had, was the one I hatched you from?" Twilight asked as she didn't want this to be a trick.

"It is her Twilight, she's shown me what her egg was like.. it was mine. Her name's Skystar, and she's got.. some special skills no dragon can use, she can control her fire, use them for stronger attacks that none of us could learn. She's extremely strong, and with our new friend Nathen, she's almost had what she lost.." Spike said regretfully while he tried figuring out how to explain how she.. lost him..
"How can she control fire Spike? I don't think I've ever heard of a dragon being able to do it, then again.. we don't know much about dragons to begin with... even after centuries of them existing.." Twilight asked fascinated to hear something like that.
"It was.. from something special she found, but.. that's not what's really important, a few hours back, Skystar, Nathen and I got ambushed by some Timberwolves, they were able to fight them off with extremely strong moves, Nathen can even breath lightning! But I got caught in the crossfire, and I passed out from it, but that's when one of Fluttershy's lions found me, and brought me back here for recovery." Spike explained which fascinated them all.

"A dragon breathing lightning? That's.. awesome!" Rainbow Dash said amazed to hear they can do more then just fire.
"That explains why you came to me unconscious, but this is great news right? You found your birth mother, all we need to do now is properly explain to her what's happened." Twilight said as she thought this was good news, but Spike looked more worried hearing that.
"No, Twilight, it's.. not good news, in fact.. it's really bad.. if she finds out that I'm with all of you.. she'll go berserk to get me back... especially since she just got me back after so many years..." Spike said sadly which made them all concerned again.
"Why? Does she have a problem with us ponies?" Applejack asked a bit upset to hear that.
"Your not to far off from that Applejack.. but.. it's the reason why she hates you all that makes this bad news.." Spike said as he felt extremely guilty to tell them all of this.
"Why? Why does she hate the ponies? What did we ever do to her?" Rarity asked getting more worried for this.

Spike was about to answer until they heard a knock on the Tree's door, and wondered who it may be.
"That must be Celestia and Luna, they got here faster then I thought." Twilight said as she went to open the door, and she was right, Celestia and Luna had arrived after getting the letter from Twilight.
"Celestia, Luna, it's great to see you! Sorry for having to bring you both here like this.." Twilight said respectfully as they came in the place.
"We came as soon as we got the letter Twilight. Did you all really find Spike again?" Luna asked with concern after recalling the detail that Twilight described.
"They did, I'm back you majesty's... " Spike said respectfully while they towered over him with their size.
"What happened to you Spike? We thought you were going for just a day or so when we heard about the Migration, what happened to you?" Celestia asked as they all sat down to listen to him.

Spike proceeded to catch Celestia and Luna up on what he told Twilight and the others, from him meeting his mother for the first time, to the time he's spent with her, and how he got back here after being missing for a few days. They were just as shocked as Twilight and the others to hear this, perhaps even more surprised to know he found his real mother, and he then told her about how she hates ponies.. but not why.
"This.. is a lot to take in Spike, while I'm glad you found your real mother, we all are, to know she has a grudge against us is concerning." Luna said with worry as Spike explained everything.
"Yes Spike, no dragon can just control they're fire like the way you described, she could be very powerful if she knows too much, but to know you actually met her, it's something I never thought would come.. and.. I'm sorry to say that.." Celestia said regretfully while Spike looked down sadly.

"It's okay girls, now.. as to the reason why she hates ponies.. it.. ties back into how Celestia " Found" my egg in the first place" Spike said while using found in quotation marks.
"What is it Spike? How did she lose you when you were an egg?" Celestia asked while getting worried the more he went on..
"The reason she lost me.. was because.. her egg was stolen by ponies after she lost her former mate, my father, and since then, she's hated the ponies ever since." Spike revealed which made them all gasp with horror.
"What?! Why would ponies steal you from her?!" Pinkie asked furious to hear that reason.
"Who would even want to steal a dragon egg?! Stealing an egg is like stealing a part of the mother, and if the dragons found this out.. it could cause massive problems for all of us!" Luna said as she already hated whoever stole Spike's egg.
"That.. explains so much.. I knew there was a reason.. but.. this.. this is so.." Celestia said with shock and anger as she finally knew why he was found.

""It's a lot to take in, I know, but we don't know why they stole it, my mother described it by saying.. someone hired them to steal me, but who?" Spike asked as he was getting suspicious who hired them, and Celestia got more furious to know this is why.
"I never would hire anyone to steal an egg, I am Equestria's ruler, and I would not want it to fall into war if that happened!" Celestia said with anger as she knew the risks of what would happen.
"Sorry you all have to hear this, but it's to help explain why Skystar will be furious to find out I'm with you all again, it's why I held back on contacting you, because I didn't want you to try and get me back, or sneak into Dragon territory to find me, and if she found you, she would not have let you off easily." Spike said sadly as he felt awful for knowing how this all came to be.
"This is all very upsetting to know, and to know your mother.. hates all of us because of it, we can't apologize enough for it. And now that we're all here.. it's best we all know the truth.." Luna said sadly while Spike kept looking out the window with worry.

"It's been a lot to take in girls, I've learned so much about our kind, my mother, and what she went through without me, to see her fall into such a state after I was taken.. it makes me wish I found her way sooner then I did.." Spike said regretfully while Twilight put her hoof on his shoulder.
"We're sorry to hear all of this Spike, it's a lot for us to hear too, but now that we know the truth, we need to figure out a way to tell her and that friend of her's about me raising you, maybe that'll make her forgive us for what happened?" Twilight asked hopefully while they turned back to the others.
"I'm not so sure about that, the last time my egg was stolen, mom fell into this state called a Primal Rage, a state where a dragon is so furious and out of control, it can cause massive damage to anyone or anything it comes across, she almost destroyed her village when I was taken, if she find her way back after the elder calmed her down, she would've only felt more regret for harming innocent people. And now.. the same thing may happen to Ponyville.." Spike said with fear as he saw the ponies going about they're day, not knowing what's to come next..

Celestia had a look of fear hearing that, a Primal Rage is something she knows is hard to deal with, and they can't just talk to her now if that's the case.
"If.. that's true.. then we need to get the other ponies somewhere safe! If your mother and that friend of hers is on her way, then there's no telling what damage they'll cause!" Celestia said with worry while they all started to leave the tree.
"Are you sure there's no way we can talk to them Spike? I do not want this to break out into a massive fight." Luna asked with worry while Celestia ordered the ponies to head to nearby caves and safe houses for what's about to happen.
"No, she tried that with those thieves, she only resorted to violence when they refused and took me away, she won't go down easy, she knows how to fight extremely well, and.. I don't want her to hurt any of you because of this.." Spike said regretfully while all the ponies of the town were really worried with what Celestia is telling them to do.

"It's not your fault Spike, whoever took you from her is the one responsible, we'll find those monsters soon and they'll be properly punished for their crimes, if they don't answer to me, they'll answer to your mother." Celestia said as she already was thinking of a punishment for them.
"How do we know we'll even find them? Or if they're still around? Stealing a dragon egg isn't something one can just brush off and say" Hey I stole a dragon egg, now I'm gonna go about my life" that is something no one could be forgiven for." Rainbow dash said while she flew above them.
"We will find them in time, and I will make them feel the wrath of our might when that happens. But now we need to get the ponies out of the town, the risk of them getting hurt is to great right now." Luna said as multiple ponies were being teleported out of the town.

Spike had a look of guilt and worry the more he looked around the place, it was in a state of fear and worry and all the people were leaving the place to stay safe, if he hadn't gone to the Migration in the first place, none of this would've happened.
"This.. is all my fault.. I never should've gone there in the first place.. even if it means I never met my mother.. we all wouldn't be in this mess..." Spike said with guilt while he sat down for a bit, the others felt awful to see him feeling like this, and tried to help him through this.
"It's not your fault Spike, in fact, the fact we all know how this happened is a good thing, because we all finally know how we got our special purple dragon. You've done a lot for us here Spike, and while it is awful to know how you ended up with us.. knowing the truth makes things better for all of us now, and I know we can fix this." Twilight assured while sitting next to him, but Spike still didn't know how to feel about it.

"I know but.. sometimes things are better left unsaid.. If this didn't happen.. I don't know if I ever would've even met her.. but.. if this is all true.. I don't know how to properly describe the guilt I feel for this.." Spike said with tears while he looked over the village.
"Spike, don't think that, while it is bad to know what happened to your mother. You were able to give her the happiness she hasn't felt in years, she never would've felt it if you weren't so brave to go on your own, I know we'll make it through this, no matter what happens, we're still your family, even when you know your real mother. And we all should be there for eachother.. always." Twilight said while she gave him another hug, and Spike returned it to try and process this.
"You really think we'll make it through this Twilight?" Spike asked with worry as the place was evacuated finally.
"I'm positive Spike, we'll find a way to help your mother, even if she's in this Primal Rage state, we'll make it through this, I promise." Twilight assured while she rubbed his head which made him smile a bit finally.
"Thanks Twilight.. I'm glad to have been with you for my whole life.." Spike said gratefully as they went up to the others, and now, all they had to do was wait.

"Spike, you said she's extremely skilled, but do you know how powerful she really is?" Celestia asked as she looked down at him again.
"Not really, she said she only knows a few fire spells, but I feel like she knows far more then she told me, and with what I saw.. we're all gonna be in a lot of trouble if she goes all out.." Spike said with worry while they looked at the sky together.
"Then we won't hold back either, we'll find a way to calm her down, we can't let this all end in a bad way. And it won't." Twilight said hopefully right before they heard two really loud dragon roars in the sky, everyone looked scarred as they heard that and looked at the sun, and saw two dragons were flying below it, and they're shadows were the only things that they could see..
"This is gonna get dicey..." Luna said with fear as they all braced themselves for a big fight that's about to break out..