//------------------------------// // Regaining Control // Story: The Daily Life Of Anonymous // by Zarah //------------------------------// Anon sat in Twilight's study. The walls of the circular room were blocked to the eye by towering bookshelves. From floor to ceiling they contained thousands of books filled to the brim with knowledge. Each book was carefully placed as a sea of colour flooded the eyes of any onlookers. Old or new, large or small and even single or multiple volumes. It seemed Twilight's thirst for discovery had not yet been quenched. While most people and ponies alike would be in awe of this extravagant display. Anon instead focused his attention onto a single bit, to which he spun between his fingers as it span across the wooden desk. Twilight had approached the human once breakfast had concluded, asking to wait in her study until she came to get him. Anon was not intrigued per say but more concerned. The human prided himself in the fact he was a quick learner and just as quick to adapt to new situations. Something a lot more useful back home than here. A sense of helplessness would overcome the troubled human. Spending so much of his life fighting a losing battle, he can never be or show weakness. Finally, after what seemed like an endless wait, the study door opened quickly as the Princess of Friendship herself walked into the room, a small wooden box enveloped in magic as it followed her. The human looked up at the approaching pony before his attention returned to the blur of gold that span in place, tipping and wobbling as it lost momentum before the coin gave out a quick rattle before stopping completely. "So." The human began, tapping the still bit as he eyed the strange box. It looked similar to an old wooden shipping crate but with much smaller proportions and a brass latch on the front. "What's in the box?" Anon continued. Twilight did not reply, opting to show him instead. Placing the odd little box onto Anon's desk, one of many scattered across the study. The latched clicked as it was released from the top half of the container, allowing it to open. Inside were two objects, each as strange as each other. The first one that caught the human's eye was what seemed like a remote sized metal box, on it was a single-notched dial made from wood. The only other feature on the remote like object was a black arrow decal which spiralled around the dial facing clockwise. The other object seemed to be another type of collar. It was mainly black with purple cracks were drawn all around the collar. While the one Anon was wearing seemed to be smooth all the way round, the one inside the box however was much different. Placed seemingly on one side of the collar was an almost identical dial, next to it were five circular indents, each one slightly bigger than the last, they were also labelled from one to five in what seemed to be Roman numerals. "No." Anon refused. "Look at what happened last time my magic freaked out."He stated, pushing the box towards Twilight. "While embarrassing as shit. This collar I have on is working wonders. My angers been in check and I feel nothing in the way of Mana, don't try to fix what ain't broke." He finished as he slouched back into the wooden chair as it creaked. Twilight sighed as she eyed the box's contents. "I understand that you are weary of your magic, and I'm happy to see how seriously you are taking it. But what you have on is not and was never meant to be a permanent solution. This, however." Twilight explained as she gestured to the untouched collar. "While not fully tested, is meant to be somewhat permanent. The dial on it gives you the option to use magic. From one being around the same level of magic you were using before to five having no restrictions. This dialled controller you see here is made so if needed, I or somepony can limit what levels of magic you have access to, hopefully preventing any further hospital like incidents." She finished. It took a second for Anon to understand what had just been said. "Wait. I knew that my magic or Mana, whatever you want to call it had increased in some way. But you're telling me that my current unchecked levels are five times of what they were?" The human questioned with a serious tone. Twilight gave an apologetic look before replying. "Around that amount yes. While it is true that you currently cannot use magic. These magic dampening rings and collars are only ever used in serious and temporary situations, not just because it never needed to be temporary but because magic in its most natural form cannot be contained for very long. The end result is usually not a pretty sight. I'm hoping that with this new collar, you can learn to slowly adapt to your full potential while easing the magic dampening." The alicorn explained as she entered lecture mode, focusing on the specifics. "Why can nothing ever be simple." Anon complained as he rubbed his temples. Twilight's expression changed as a small smile began to spread across her features. "Well once we get this fitted, I do have a present for you." She admitted, attempting to persuade the human. Anon sighed as he gestured for her to continue. The installation was a lot easier than Anon though it would be. Simply putting on the notched collar first and then removing the previous one in two swift motions. "Ok, I should be able to check and make sure this little device will work. Even though the collar is off, you should still feel some slight vibrations around the notched side." Twilight informed. The human sighed as he traced his hand around the new collar. It seemed to be quite a bit heavier than the one before but still managing to be somewhat comfortable. "Do it." He instructed, his patience clearly deteriorating. "Three, two, one and" Twilight counted down as she pressed the notched dial into the metal base of the remote. A warm vibration gently shook the skin at the base of Anon's neck. "Hate that." He commented as he adjusted the collar. "Ok, now I can only decrease your allowed Mana levels from this remote, so you will have to turn the dial on the collar itself to increase the output. I made it quite stiff so it cannot be turned on accident. You will both hear and feel a click. Also be prepared for an adrenaline like sensation when your magic returns, just try and keep calm." She instructed, keeping the remote close to her at all times. With a slow and deep breath, the human placed a few digits on the notched dial as he gripped it purposefully, closing his eyes, Anon began rotating is hand, at first it seemed as if the dial did not want to move. Twilight was right about it being stiff That did put his mind at ease somewhat, knowing he cannot bump it and end up maxing himself out. Once the dial reached its threshold, it gave way and clicked. The smallest indent with a Roman one underneath it lit up with a dull green. Immediately, Anon received a sudden rush as all the air left his lungs in what felt like a gut punch from a champion boxer. His body fell forward as one hand clutched his stomach, his lungs sucking in as much air they could. His eyes changed from what was a calm swirl of multiple colours quickly changed into an arrangement of colour that blended together like an unarranged colour wheel. As the human regained the much-needed oxygen, the warned feeling of adrenaline began to slowly fade. Now able to focus on his surroundings. The human noticed everything was in a slightly brighter hue, Twilights magic which was a dull and transparent purple, now stood out more as a pale white seemed to outline her magical aura. Even to the extent of visibly seeing the tiniest pulses of magic that emanated from her horn as she manipulated the remote and a quill with parchment she had started to hastily scribble down notes. "Oh this is fucking weird."