Apple and The Lucky Horseshoe

by ex2opps


“I’ve done it! Oh by Celestia’s name! I’ve done it!”

Applejack let out a groan, and rolled over in her bed. She picked her head up, looking at the clock on her bedside table. It was six in the morning.

What reason could Aunt Orange have to be hollering like a rooster so early in the morning?

“Apple Bloom, Apple bloom! Darling, you simply must come out at once! I have the utmost exciting news!”

“Urghhhh…” Applejack rubbed her tired eyes, dragging her hooves out of bed and walking out into the hallway.

She followed her Aunt’s voice all the way to living room, where she found her little sister hopping in circles around their aunt.


“Now, now, Little Bloom. A proper lady contains her excitement…”

“Oh, but I just can’t help it! I can’t believe we’re going to the Grand Galloping Gala!”

Applejack raised her eyebrows. “The… Grand Galloping Gala?”

Aunt Orange perked her ears at her nieces sudden voice, she cleared her throat. “Why, yes, dear.” she rolled her eyes. “Our meeting with Miss Rarity went spectacularly, she put in a good word with the Princess, and we just received our invitations in the mail!” she clapped her hooves.

Applejack was stiff at first, but then she smiled. “Well ‘Ah’ll be. Congratulations, y’all! ‘Ah… ‘Ah’ve been thinkin’ about it. And ‘Ah realize how important it is to-“

“Ahem, Apple, dear.” she feigned clearing her throat. “Before you say anything else, how about we have… a big girl talk? Hm?” she smiled innocently.


Applejack’s ears fell at this. “Uhm, y-yeah. Of course.”

“Splendid. Apple Bloom, you’d best get your beauty sleep! Back to bed with you.”


“Ah, ah! Ladies do not whine, my Little Bloom.”

“Well, alright,” Apple Bloom conceded, and Auntie Orange gave her a gentle kiss on the head before she scurried on back to her room.

As soon as Apple Bloom shut the door, Madam Orange’s expression went from that of contentment to despair. She turned to face her niece.

“Oh, Apple. It is simply terrible!” she cried, throwing her hoof over her face as if she were about to faint.

“‘Ah- What? What is it? What’s wrong? ‘Ah thought this is what ya’ wanted!”

She nodded, but then looked to the ground, shaking her head. “But… not like this,” she dragged her hooves to the couch and draped herself over with a defeated expression.

“‘Ah- ‘Ah don’t understand…”

Orange sighed. “I simply don’t know how I am going to tell my Little Bloom… She is like a daughter to me, did you know that?”

Applejack frowned. “…’Ah-“

“I just don’t know how to tell her that she cannot accompany us to the Gala this year.”

The orange mare went wide eyed. “What?! She can’t go?!”

Her aunt narrowed her eyes. “Oh, hush, now!” she ushered, gesturing her hoof in a shushing motion. “Before you wake up all of Equestria! You don’t want to upset her do you?”

“‘Ah just don’t understand! Y’all know she’s plum pickled about the Gala! Why go to all the effort in gettin’ ‘er that fancy dress if-“

“It’s nothing on my part, dear.” she got up from where she was sitting, walking over to the kitchen. “I would give that little filly the world if I could. What kind of monster do you think I am?”

Applejack watched as she opened up a cabinet, grabbing a bottle of wine and a glass to accompany it. “We’ve… only got two tickets, I’m afraid.” she said, pouring her Marelot.

“Only got two tickets?! Well shucks, how could that be?! They must have made a mistake.”

Her aunt downed the whole glass in one gulp. She winced. “Yes, I’m afraid so.”

She poured herself another glass, taking a careful sip. “I can’t stand this stuff,”she curled her lip, pushing the glass over to Applejack. She shook her head.

“Oh- ‘Ah can’t. Even if ‘Ah wanted to. Ya’ know how it is, not of age and all that,” she forced a laugh.

“I won’t tell.”

“It’s late, or- early, I guess. ‘Ah really shouldn’t-“

“I promise. It’s only between us.”

She hesitated, her hoof shaking as she reached for the glass.

She took a cautious sip, and grimaced as soon as it touched her lips.

Her aunt simply laughed. “Oh, Apple. You crack me up,” she waved a dismissive hoof.

“Surely, you understand my predicament.”

Applejack nodded. “‘Ah do. ‘Ah’m sorry ‘bout this. What are ya’ gonna do?”

Miss Orange raised an eyebrow. “I can’t do anything I’m afraid.”

A.J furrowed her eyebrows. “You can’t reach out to the Princess? Or Miss Rarity? Tell them they made a mistake?”

She shook her head. “They won’t get the message in time before the Gala.”

Applejack frowned. “Yeah… ‘Ah guess that’s right.”

she sighed, “‘Ah’m sorry.”

Orange batted her eyes. “Sorry? Whatever for?”

she pushed the glass away. “‘Ah… ‘Ah’ve been giving ya’ a hard time. ‘Ah know how important this to ya’ll. ‘Ah been knowin’. And ‘Ah’ve been foalish. So ‘Ah’m sorry for that.”

Her aunt nodded. “Don’t fret, Applejack.”

Her ears perked up at the use of her full name.

“I’ve taken no offense. I’m just relieved that Miss Rarity didn’t either, after that scene you made the other night.”

Applejack raised an eyebrow. “But, ‘Ah didn’t-“

“It’s all in the past, dear.”

She reached across the table and held A.J’s hoof.

“But, that still leaves us with one glaring question.”

“…What are we gonna do about Apple Bloom?”

Orange nodded. “Correct.”

Applejack sighed. “Well, y’all have been raving about it for months. And ‘Ah know it’s something you been looking forward to even longer.” she pulled away.


Applejack sighed. “It’s not really my speed anyway. ‘Ah probably wouldn’t be able to enjoy it the way she would.”

“And?” Aunt Orange looked at her expectantly.

“And… You should give Apple Bloom my ticket.”

Her aunt beamed at this. “Oh, you’re such a dear! Oh, she’s going to be positively thrilled! Once I tell her what a wonderful big sister you are.”

“Yeah, don’t mention it.”

Aunt Orange looked at her sadly. “Don’t look so glum. You said it yourself, it’s out of your element.” she walked around the other side of the table where Applejack was sitting. “You simply wouldn’t know what to do with yourself.”

Applejack opened her mouth in protest, but then quickly closed it.

“Don’t frown, Apple, my dearest.” she ran a hoof over the orange mare’s cheek. “You’ll get wrinkles.”

A.J sniffed. “Yeah… right.”

She ran a hoof through her niece’s mane. “You’re doing the right thing.”

She said nothing else, it was silent in the kitchen as her hoofsteps descended down the hallway.

…Applejack was doing the right thing.

Then why did she have such a bitter taste in her mouth?


“But… This isn’t what ‘Ah wanted! ‘Ah’m sorry for what ‘Ah said-“

“It ain’t got none to do with wut ya’ said, sugarcube.”

Applejack had convinced her aunt to let Apple Bloom go to the market with her this week. Mostly so that way she had an extra pair of hooves, not that she minded the company. But things were still a little awkward between the two since their conversation the other day.

Apple Bloom struggled to reach some laundry detergent from the top shelf. She jumped up and down, still not managing to grab it.

“‘Ah got it, hon’.”

Applejack grabbed it with ease, placing it into the basket she was holding.

“‘Ah…” Apple Bloom started, out of breath. “‘Ah know ‘Ah said ‘Ah didn’t want y’all fightin’. But ‘Ah’m beggin’ ya’ to go to the Gala with us! It…”

She dropped her head, looking down at the floor.

“It won’t be the same without you.”

Applejack frowned, she put a hoof to her sister’s cheek. “‘Ah… ‘Ah’m sorry ‘bout this. ‘Ah wish there was another way.”

If she told Apple Bloom the real reason she wasn’t going, then she would insist that Applejack went instead of her. Which made her feel sick to her stomach, with how excited her sister had been these past few weeks just at the idea of the Grand Galloping Gala. So against her best reservations, she told her that she made the conscious decision not to go.

It wasn’t like her to lie, besides what would do to her spirits. The fact of the matter was that her sister made way more sense than she did. They both had come from the same place, but Applejack hadn’t adapted to the Manehattan lifestyle. Not like Apple Bloom had.

And, at least in her own mind, her sister deserved it more than she did.

Of course A.J was saddened at the thought of staying back at the house doing chores, while the rest of her family had this once in a lifetime experience. But she was willing to do anything for her last reminder of where they came from. Albeit, who was beginning to forget herself who she really was.

Still, what mattered most to her was that she was happy. Even at her own expense.

“Apple Bloom, don’t look at me like that.”

“‘Ah said ‘Ah was sorry!”

“‘Ah’m not mad at ya’! And ‘Ah ain’t mad at Aunt Orange. It’s just not my speed.” she forced a laugh. “‘Ah mean, could you imagine me? In one of them frou-frou dresses with the lace? Doing what, dancing?”

Apple Bloom’s expression remained, but then she smiled at the prospect. “Heh, ‘Ah guess you’re kinda’ right.”

Applejack bumped her on the shoulder. “See?” she grabbed something off the shelf and put it in her basket. “‘Ah… ‘Ah don’t belong at no function like that.”

Apple Bloom put a hoof to her chin, obviously thinking about something. She gave Applejack an accusatory look, but then she softened.

“…Alright. Only if y’all are sure that this don’t got nothin’ to do with me or Auntie. That this was totally…. y’r… choice…” she said, honing in closer to her sister with each word.

Applejack felt a bead of sweat forming on her eyebrow. “Oh, come on now. Y’all don’t take me for a liar do ya’?”

She chuckled. “No. Way. But ya’ have a tell, which makes ya’ so bad at it.”

“A tell?” She raised her eyebrows. “What tell?”

“Well ‘Ah can’t tell ya’ that! Not until you answer the question.” she squinted, “This was entirely your choice? Wasn’t it?”

Applejack swallowed. But then, she lit up. A smirk spreading across her face.

Because technically, it was her choice to give Apple Bloom her ticket. Not like she had any outside influence.

Or anything.

Even if she perchance did, she likely would have come to the same conclusion and done the same thing! Therefore, it wasn’t a lie.

She smiled, pleased with herself. “Yep.”

She looked her sister up and down, not fully convinced. “Really?”


Her ears fell to the sides of her head. “Well… ‘Ah guess that settles that.”

Applejack’s expression fell. “Now what is it?”

“Nuthin’. ‘Ah’m just gonna miss ya’. Y’r gonna miss out, ya’ know.”

Applejack smiled. “‘Ah’ll live.” so she told herself, ruffling Apple Bloom’s mane.

She giggled. “Oh, by the way. It’s your ear. It twitches,” she gestured to her sister’s ear, walking away without another word.

Applejack stood still, stunned. “Hay! Y’all wait a minute!”

Then, a voice from behind her made her stop in her tracks…

“Uhm, hello, there.”

She paused, turning around slowly. Meeting the eyes of the pony before her.

“Oh, uh, howdy!” she said, shyly. Waving a hoof.

The porcelain mare giggled. “Hello, darling. It’s wonderful to see you again! I trust these past few weeks have treated you kindly?”

She nodded. “‘Ah’m doin’ mighty fine myself! Well chicken feathers, ‘Ah didn’t know y’all lived around here!”

Rarity raised her eyebrows. “Oh! No, no.” She wagged a hoof. “I am simply here to visit my sister, she’s about your Apple Bloom’s age! Tonight, we’ll be making our way to Canterlot. It’s… a few days trip after all. Uhm…” she picked at the floor with her hoof. “Surely you received the tickets?”

“‘Ah- Well… About that… Heh, heh…” she put a hoof to where her Stetson would usually be, but instead was met with her hoof full of mane. She had forgotten that she didn’t bring it along with her this afternoon, as Aunt Orange didn’t let her wear it out in public. Which Applejack resented.

She cleared her throat awkwardly. “It’s actually kind of funny, ya’ see; we only received two tickets in the mail!”

Rarity raised her eyebrows at this. “What?! However could that be?! I told them specifically… Oh dear. My sincerest apologies, darling!” she whipped her mane out of her face.

Applejack stuttered. “‘Ah- Uh, well that’s alright. It’s… out of my wheelhouse anyway. But my sister’s just plum pickled to go! And… ‘Ah can’t take that from ‘er. Y’all have a sister, you understand. ‘Ah don’t mean no offense-“

She cut her off. “Absolutely not!” she bit her bottom lip with a blush. “I- Not- What I mean is… I shall have this remedied for you! I am deeply sorry about this.”

She dropped her ears in surprise. “Well, y’all don’t have to do that! ‘Ah’m quite alright-“

“Nonsense! I do not think you quite understand… This is considered an act of utmost disrespect amongst elites!” she gestured to herself. “I absolutely could not something like this slide under the rug. It’s not fair to you. And don’t worry, it’s free of charge. I will inform the princess of the error and surely she will remedy it promptly.”

“‘Ah… Well, shucks. That’s… mighty kind of ya’.” she crossed her front legs. “‘Ah… admire that y’r sticking up for us little ones. If ‘Ah’ma be honest, in my experience city folk such as y’rself haven’t been… Nearly as generous, hah.” she rubbed the back of her neck.

Rarity frowned. “Well, I can certainly believe that.” she took a few steps toward the orange mare. “Again, I sincerely apologize for the mishap. But… now I hope that I will see you there?”

Applejack smiled. “‘Ah… well, as long as y’r gonna be there. Maybe ya’ can help me get around.”

Rarity giggled. “I would love to. It’s truly daunting at first, trust me, I know-“

“Applejack!” she heard her sister’s voice call out to her, followed by hurried hoofsteps. She turned around to meet her eyes.

“Applejack, ‘Ah-“

Upon seeing Rarity, she stopped herself and immediately bowed. Letting out a nervous squeal.

“M-Miss Rarity! I’m sorry! I didn’t see you!” she said, reverting back to her Manehattan voice.

“Oh, that’s quite alright dear. I was just talking to your sister about the Gala. It appears to be that she will be attending after all!”

Apple Bloom’s face quickly lit up, and she stood upright to meet her sister’s gaze. “Really?! Really, really?!“

“‘Ah- Well, yeah. Circumstances have uh… changed,” she smiled at Rarity.

“Ohmygoshogmygoshohmygosh!!!” she bounced in circles around Applejack.

Applejack giggled. “Settle down, Nelly!”

Upon realizing she lost her composure, she quickly recollected herself and in a blur was standing with her chin up high next to A.J.

“It’s really nice that you got us tickets to the Gala, Countess!”

Applejack’s eyes widened.


“Oh but of course! Anything for a friend, I happen to know your aunt from around. And I consider her to be… a friend. And of course, with my connections to the Princess… Ahem,” she cleared her throat.

“I digress. I do hope I see you two there! And your Aunt as well…”

“‘Ah’ll be there.”

Rarity smiled warmly at her.

“I can’t wait.”