//------------------------------// // Bringing the Thunder // Story: My Little Pony Adventures Season 4 // by Kayceejr91 //------------------------------// A train pulls up to the bright city of Tambelon, slowly coming to a stop. Everypony on it was pours out of at once, two unicorns stallions among them. One was none other then Starswirl the Bearded, the other a much younger orange stallion with bright tips on his face and hoofs. Like Starswirl, he too was wearing a wizards cap and even had a small beard. "And, we are here," Starswirl said "Are you ready Sunburst?" "Yes Sir," Sunburst said "But umm why are we here again?" "To meet up with King Sleipnir and the other royals, and come up with a plan Sunburst," stated Starswirl, "Now that King Sombra have six keys, we need to be prepared for what's to come." "Oh, okay," Sunburst said nervously adjusting his glasses "Here we go." Meanwhile Thunderlane was guarding the castle. Since he had lost his bet with Soarin two weeks ago, he had been taking over both their shifts. The stallion was clearly exhausted, with blood shot eyes and five o'clock shadow on his muzzle. He was flying left and right around the castle in a clocklike manner, something Fluttershy took notice of. "Umm, Thunderlane," Fluttershy said as she was caught up to him. "What?!" Thunderlane snapped A moment later he saw Fluttershy scared to death and quickly realized what he had done. "I'm sorry Fluttershy," said Thunderlane calming himself down, "I've been doing a lot lately, what with me losing that bet with Soarin and covering everything." "Well that's fine," Fluttershy said as she puts her hoof on his shoulder "But sometimes I think you are overworking yourself, even when haven't lost a bet. Not to mention you take your job a little too seriously." "Well I'm just trying to make the kingdome safe for you Rumble, my friends and all its citizens," Thunderlane said growing tense, "What with Sombra on the rise...and the Storm King in the South... and the keys going missing...Can this get any worse!?" "Guess who's here for a surprise visit!" All of a sudden a loud voice cried out. The ponies turn to see a tall green pegasus stallion. He had a blonde mane done up in a bun and his very own five o'clock shadow. "That's right, big sis, it's your one and only favorite little brother, moi." "Yes, yes they can." Thunderlane said moaning. The green stallion flew up to the yellow pegasus mare and then hugged her. "Hi, Flutterbutter! How's the bestest big sister ever? Hey, where's the love? How about a little excitement to see your baby brother?" "I'm just surprised." Fluttershy said "That why it's called a suprise." Zephyr said as he pulled away. "And here's one more thing, I'm moving here to Tambelon and got a job as a hair stylist at the local barber shop." "Oh that is great news Zephyr." Fluttershy smiled. "Guess they finally realized my talent." Zephyr said and then turn to Thunderlane. "What's up Thunderbird?" Zephyr said "Well look at you being a big stallion now. And a member of the castle guard impressive, Though you really need to get ride of that outdated mow Hawk so last decade." Thunderlane just rolled his eyes and said "Zephyr it's good to see you." "But I'm going to need a place to stay until I can find my own." Zephyr said as he turn to Fluttershy with a certain look. "Oh alright." Fluttershy said "But just until you've find you own place." "Pinkie promise on it." Zephyr said as he did the promise. The very next day, King Nightlight had all of the Royal Guards assembled in his throne room. Flash Sentry and Thunderlane were at his side. "As you all know," said King Nightlight, "Starswirl the Bearded will be arriving at the palace tomorrow at exactly 1500 hours." "Sir, yes sir," the Royal Guards all proclaimed. "Therefore I will need every royal guard at my disposal bright eyed and alert for his arrival," finished the King. "ZzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZ," a loud snoring sound began to fill the entire room. All the royal guards and the King turned to see Thunderlane fast asleep at Flash's side. Flash grinned sheepishly and elbowed p in the side. "Sir, yes sir your majesty whatever you want!" announced Thunderlane waking up abruptly. King Nighlight rolled his eyes, "Anyway, this is very important...So I need all my guards at the ready. If that's possible?" The King glared at Thunderlane, who stood up straight trying to avoid eye contact. As the King dismissed the troops, Flash looked over at Thunderlane concerned. "Uh buddy, I know your my second command and all, but you sure you don't want to sit this one out? You've been working double shifts for the past two weeks..." "No, no! I'm fine, I'm Fine!l" said Thunderlane trying to regain his composure. "Seriously," said Flash, "I can handle Starswirl's visit by myself. It wouldn't kill you take a few days off." All of the guards still in the throne room suddenly gasped in pure terror. Thunderlane slowly turned his head to look at Flash a terrifying look in his eyes. "Day...OFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!" Shouted Thunderlane shaking the entire castle. "I haven't taken a day off since the day I enlisted!" said Thunderlane getting right up into Flash's face. "Seriously," said Flash, "No wonder you're so high strung." "Even when I had the feather flu and had to be shipped off to Ponyville Hospital, I still did my patriotic duty by guarding over the patients at Ward 0!" continued. "Well then you've definitely got some vacation days built up," said Flash looking nervous, "Maybe it wouldn't kill you to use a few?" "I have a Percy attendance record!" announced Thunderlane not listening to a word that Flash, "And I have no attention of breaking it now!" As Thunderlane stormed out still fuming, Flash looked over at two ponies holding each tightly in fear. "Soldier," said Flash. "Yes Sir," said one of the Guards still quivering. "Call Fluttershy, this is an emergency.." Later at that day, Rainbow Dash and Soarin flew over into Thunderlane's apartment, entering through the window. Fluttershy was inside waiting for them brother. "This had better be important Fluttershy," said Rainbow Dash, "Soarin and I still have a lot of work to do at the Wonderbolts Academy." Fluttershy gestured over to Thunderlane. At the far wall, a bloodshot eyed Thunderlane wasting pasting schedules and other pieces of paper all over the wall, and connecting them with thumbtack and red string. "Oh," said Rainbow Dash gritting her teeth. "I've got it!" said Thunderlane clearly sleep deprived, "If I move my regular rotations around the palace wall to 3:15, I can still meet up with Starswirl at the Throne Room as long as I fly at the speed of light!" "Um buddy," said Soarin looking concerned. "Then all I have to do is fly back to the company barracks at the speed of sound to chew out the new recruits!" Thunderlane continued. "Yo, Thunderlane," said Soarin clopping his hoof. "It will all work perfectly!" said Thunderlane with a crazy smile. "Grab him," shouted Rainbow Dash She and Soarin quickly pile drived on top of Thunderlane struggling to pin him to the ground. The next morning, Thunderlane awoke to the rays of the shining sun, only to really hear was tied down to his own bed. Fluttershy, Soarin, and Rainbow Dash were watching over him. "How long was I out?" asked Thunderlane. "Twelve hours," said Rainbow Dash as she Soarin untied, "You really needed some sleep." "Thank you all very much for helping me come to my senses," said Thunderlane dusting himself off, "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a very important rendezvous with Starswirl the Bearded." "Actually," said Fluttershy nervously, "I already called Flash and asked him to giver you the day off." "What!?" said Thunderlane in disbelief. "Thunderlane, we're worried about you,l said Fluttershy with concern, "You've just so high strung lately." "It really is disturbing dude," said Soarin "So," continued Fluttershy, "I've asked the calmest most laid back pony I know here, to help you relax." "Who," asked Thunderlane looking confused. Suddenly a look of pure terror crossed his face. "No," he said in a panic. "No!" said Rainbow Dash equally terrified. "Yes," said Fluttershy matter of factly. "Fluttershy," said Rainbow Dash getting right up into her friends face, "I'm serious! you call him up right now and tell him to cancel!" "Who?" asked Soarin confused. "Oh you'll know him!" Said Rainbow Dash in a panic, "You'll recognize him the moment you hear the words…" "What up my ponies!" A loud voice called out. Everypony turned to see Zephyr Breeze entering the room. "Zephyr Breeze…" groaned Rainbow Dash and Thunderlane, both gritting their teeth. "Zephyr Breeze, was kind enough to offer to help you relax on your day off," said Fluttershy smiling sheepishly. "What up Thunderbird," said Zephyr flying over to Thunderland and punching him in the shoulder, "Still as much of a stiff as ever I see. How'd a stick in the mud like you ever get lucky enough to date my sister?" Thunderlane growled, a red hot fury burning in the corner of his eye. "…And Rainbow," said Zephyr floating over to the blue pony, "Still pining over me I see. What do you say you have a little rendezvous after I'm finished up with Thunderbird over here." Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes "Um, what makes you think you can talk to her like I that?" said Soarin getting between the two ponies. "Oh sorry, is she you'er filly?" asked Zephyr. "No!" said both Rainbow Dash and Soarin abruptly, their faces turning red. "Good, than she's available then," said Zephyr pushing Soarin aside to get close to Rainbow "NOOOO!" shouted both Rainbow Dash and Soarin at once, blowing Zephyr back. Thunderlane glared over at Zephyr Breeze, and then turned to look at Fluttershy. "Fluttershy, may I speak to you for a moment." Fluttershy and Thunderlane trotted over to a corner, while Zephyr breeze continued to try and Flirt with Rainbow Dash. "Now Thunderlane," said Fluttershy, "I know your upset…" "Upset is putting it lightly," said Thunderlane. "…But I truly believe some one on one time with Zephyr Breeze would do you some good," she finished "I don't want some one on one time with him sweetheart," stated Thunderlane, "I hate him with a red hot passion." "Mmmmmm" mumbled Fluttershy staring Thunderlane in the eye. "That's not going to work Fluttershy," said Thundrlane, "Not this time." "Mmmmmm" mumbled Fluttershy staring harder. "But I really, really don't want to," said Thunderlane starting to sweat. "Mmmmmm" mumbled Fluttershy getting right up in his face. "Ugh, fine I'll do it," sight Thunderlane, "Come on Zephyr Breeze." "Later ponies," said Zephyr Breeze flying after Thunderlane, "Me and Captain Killjoy have some work to do." Everypony watched as Thunderlane and Zephyr Breeze left the room. "Is it okay that I hate him?" asked Soarin growling. "That's fine," said Rainbow Dash, "Everypony hates him." "Hey," said Fluttershy a bit rid, "I Don't and Neither do my parents." "Asides from you and you're parents." RD replied. Later Tunderlane and Zephyr arrived at "Ponyville Playhouse" Thunderlane took one look at the massive entertainment center before him and rolled his eyes. "Why are we here?" asked Thunderlane unenthused "Because this dear Thunderbird," said Zephyr Breeze placeing an around the Stallion, "Is the Ponyville Playhouse, where there are arcade machines, mini golf, restaurants, a playhouse, a skate ramp, and a blowing alley." Thunderlane just stared at Zephyr Breeze, "Just how old are you again?" "The point is, it's the perfect place to chillax," said Zephry Breeze waving his hooves out in front of them, "By the way, could you pay the entry fee? I'm a little strapped for bits right now..." Thunderlane rolled his eyes as the stallions entered the building. All around the full grown ponies, fillies and colts were running about the place playing the arcade machines, and munching on pizza. "I hope nopony I know see's me here," thought Thunderlane. "Hey Big Bro!" Thunderlane turned to see Rumble, along with Tender Tapes, First Base, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Button Mash Snips, Snails, Pipsqueak, Aunt Holiday, Auntie Lofty, Applejack, Rarity, Snap Shutter, Mane Allgood, Button Mash's mother Cream Heart, Snips and Snail's parents, and Pipsqueak's parents. They were at the bowling alley celebrating Pipsqueak's birthday. "Why? Why do you hate me?" Thunderlane asked looking up at the ceiling. "Hey Big Bro," said Rumble rushing over to his big brother, "What are you doing here?" "Oh, hey Rumble," Thunderlane said trying not to blush, "Me? Here? Nothing, nothing at all." "Say," the younger brother asked looking suspicious "Shouldn't you be working?" "Well..." Thunderlane said, "I'm taking the day off." After hearing that, there was a loud moment of silence over the entire room. Suddenly the entire birthday party burst out loud laughing. That is until Rumble saw the serious look on his brother's face, which said he was not joking. "Oh, you're serious," Said Rumble. The entire room suddenly went silent again, "Well okay," said Rumble shuffling his hooves nervously, "But what about your work?" "Don't worry about it kid , this Breeze is going to show him how to relax." said Zephyr putting a hood on the shoulder of an annoyed Thunderlane. "Zephyr we didn't knew you'd be here?" Rarity said "Oh, surprised Flutters with a visit. And I'm going to open up my own barber shop here in Tamplon." Zephyr said "But first, Buzz kill here need to get some maximum relaxing time and that's what this Breeze is going to do." "Wonderful..." Thunderlane said "Well you can come bowling with us." Rumble said. "No that's not necessary..." stuttered Thunderlane trying to object. "Of course it is," said Zephyr pushing Thunderlane forward, "This Breeze never give up a free chance to bowl." "I will never forgive you for this," said Thunderlane glaring back at Zephyr. Thunderlane picked up one of the balls and headed up to the bowling lane. He looked at the ball, and then looked out at the ten pins in front of him. He looked back at the ball, then back at the pins, back at the ball, back at the pins... A full minute passed, and Thunderlane had yet to roll his ball down the lane. Then a second minute, and he was still standing there. Everypony atthe party was clearly confused, and clearly getting impatient for Thunderlane to finish his turn. One by one, the young foals at the party begin to give Zephyr Breeze the stink eye. "Um, maybe I should go talk to him," said Zephyr smiling sheepishly. He quickly rushed over to Thunderlane, still surveying the lane in front of him. "Um Thunderbird," said Zephyr glancing back the glaring foals, "What's the holdup here?" "Strategizing," said Thunderlane, keeping eye contact with the pins, "Strat-a-what now?" "I am determining the best strategy that will allow this ball to knock down all ten of those pins in a single roll," said Thunderlane with determination. "Uhh, he always gets like this," said Rumble hoofing his forehead. "I think you're missing the point here," said Zephyr Breeze eyeing the partygoers nervously, "This is supposed to be at game, for fun." "How I am supposed to make sure that all ten of those pins go down at once," "Would ya'll hurry it up!" Shouted Applebloom, "It's my turn next!" "But there are to many variable," mutter Thunderlane, "How am I supposed to determine the best path to victory?" "Variable?" a voice cried out. Everypony turned to view the stallion that was manning the bowling counter. He had a flowing blonde mane, and a mustache goatee combo. "What are you talking about, Man? Just throw the ball straight!" Thunderlane shrugged, and flew up into the air. He then launched his ball toward the pins like a shot fired out of a cannon. Everypony ducked as they heard a loud crash. When the dust cleared not only were all ten pins blown away, but there was a huge hole in the wall where they had once stood. "Strike!" said Thunderlane pumping his hoof. "Oh boy," said Zephyr Breeze gritting his teeth. Back at the palace All the palace guards were gathered in a line down a long an unfamiliar hall. Flash Sentry and Soarin stood guard in full uniform, next to a door that they had never seen before. One by one the guards lifted up their spears in Salute as the King approached, Star Swirl the Bearded and his apprentice close behind him. "Commander Sentry" proclaimed the King as Flash Sentry saluted. The King then glanced over to see Soarin. "Where is Thunderlane?" asked the King whispering into Flash's ear. "He took the day off," stated Flash. All the guard in the hallway, and the King burst out loud laughing. "Oh, your serious," said the King in disbelief. The entire hallway suddenly grew silent. One of the guards coughed while another simply shuffled his hooves. "Ahem," said Starswirl coughing into his hoof, "Well, we'd better get started then. Shall we Gentlecolts." "Um, are you sure you want to do this in present company," said King Nightlight pointing a hoof behind the wizard. Everypony glanced a Sunburst for a moment and then back at Starswirl. "Anything you wish to discuss with me, you can discuss before my new apprentice," stated Starswirl proudly. "That's what you said about your last apprentice," stated King Nightlight, matter-of-factly. Sunburst looked down at the floor gloomily. "Sunburst has more than proven himself worthy of my trust," said Starswirl placing a hoof on Sunburst's shoulder, "He will enter with us." "Oh very well," said King Nightlight. Starswirl the Bearded lowered his head as his horn began to glow. All of a sudden, a star shaped symbol appeared on the doors, causing them to magically open. The King led them all into a large rotunda, where six crystal chairs sat around a large table at the center. Suddenly the table began to glow as a large map of Equestria appeared atop it. "Behold, the Cutie Map," proclaimed King Nightlight. "Centuries ago," stated Star Swirl, "The Six Pillars and myself created this map and the castle that surrounded as a way to watch over all of Equestria, monitoring it for oncoming threats..." "How come I've never seen this room before?" asked Flash confused. "There was no need for you to see it until now," stated King Nightlight, "Which reminds me..." He suddenly got straight into Flash Sentry's face. "Don't you dare tell Twilight about this room Ever!" the king said with fire in his eyes. "Got it," squeaked Flash. "Well let's get started then," said Starswirl taking a seat. Back at the "Ponyville Playhouse" Everypony in the bowling alley, ducked as there was yet another crash. Zephyr Breeze stood beside Thunderlane, staring out the lanes with his muzzle hanging wide open. "You demolished every single bowling lane in this place," he stated in disbelief. The two Pegasus stares out at the other end of the bowling lanes. Where pins had once stood, there were now only ruins. "That's good right?" asked Thunderlane nonchalantly. Rumble stood beside his brother gritting his teeth. He slowly shook his head back and forth nervously. "Man, I'm really sorry about this," said the bowling pony trotting over to Zephyr Breeze and Thunderlane, "but I'm gonna have to ask you to leave, Man." "Okay, so bowling not your kinda breeze," said Zephyr nervously. He and Thunderlane were riding up an escalator to second floor of the Ponyville Playhouse. "Let's try mini golf. Anypony can breeze through mini-golf." Zephyr led Thunderlane beneath a giant sign that read "Mini Golf". On the other side stood fields of green with windmills, volcanoes, and mechanical monsters all on display. Fillies and colts raced around the fields hitting colorful balls with putters. "Seriously Zephyr," said Thunderlane staring at Zephyr Breeze in disbelief, "We're full grown ponies. What kind of full grown ponies do you know of that hang out a miniature golf course? "Hi Thunderlane! Hi Zephyr Breeze!" cried out a perky voice. Thunderlane turned to Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich trying to put there balls into a large clown mouth. "Pinkie? Cheese? What are you doing here?" asked Thunderlane confused. "We're always here for Mini-golf Monday," stated Pinkie Pie. "Actually they changed that to Wednesday," said Cheese Sandwich. "Then when's Theater Fun Thursday?" asked Pinkie Pie raising an eyebrow. "That's on Friday now," said Cheese. "Aw, pony feather," said Pinkie throwing down her putter. "Look this couldn't be any more simple," said Zephyr Breeze grabbing a pair of putters and colorful balls, "You just hit the ball into the hole, avoiding the obstacles along the way. It's very relaxing." Zephyr led Thunderlane to the first hole, dropping a blue ball in front of the stallion. Thunderlane looked down at ball, then at the windmill far in front of him and shrugged. Thunderlane picked up his putter and swung it at the ball with full force. The ball went soaring toward the windmill at high speed ricocheting off of its top,ostensibly sail. Pinkie Pie and and Cheese ducked as the ball sailed towards them, only to bounce off the clowns nose. The ball then entered the mouth of a ceramic dragon, and ricocheted throughs it teeth like a giant pinball. By the time it exited the mouth all the teeth were shattered. Zephyr and Thunderlane continued to watch as the ball sailed over the minigolf course bounce from obstacle to obstacle, and bringing untold destruction in its wake. By the time the ball finally stopped, the minigolf course was completely destroyed. "Um Thunderbird," said Zephyr Breeze gritting his teeth "You were supposed to putt the ball not swing it." "Man," said the bowling pony trotting over to Zephyr Breeze and Thunderlane again, "I'm really sorry about this, but I'm gonna have to ask you to leave again Man." "Will you stop saying that!" exclaimed Zephyr Breeze exasperated, "I don't even know what a Man is!?" Back at the palace "As you can clearly see," said King Nighlight going over the Cutie Map, "King Sombra has been his been moving out all of his forces in the kingdoms surrounding Equestria." It was true. All of across the cutie map King Sombra's symbol, a green eyeball with with purple smoke floated over numerous locations. Including but not limited to, the Dragon Kingdom, Griffonstone, Yakyakinstan, the Changeling Kingdom, Seaquestria, the White Tail Woods, Mount Aris, and more. "I don't see what the big deal is," said Soarin, "It's not like he can actually invade any of these places." Everypony in the room suddenly glared at Soarin. "Well...What I meant was..." stuttered Soarin nervously, "the CoC has the Sombra's forces outnumbered a million to one. So how's he gonna invade." "Hmmm," thought Flash Sentry looking down at the map. Over half of it was shaded was shaded in grey with the Storm King's symbol over it. "The Storm King has more than enough territory to rival the CoC. What if the two of them are planning an alliance." "That would be bad," said King Nightlight sweating bullets, "Very, very bad!" "Ha, no chance of that happening," said Star Swirl brushing the thought off, "Those two hate each other with a red hot fury." "Well what else could he be planning?" stated Flash frustrated. "Um," a small voice spoke up. Everpony turned to see Sunbrust fidgiting nervously. "What about the key's of Tartarus," stated Sunburst, "Doesn't he technically have six of them?" King Nightlight and Starswirl looked at each other for a moment, and then burst out loud laughing. "Um, what's so funny," said Sunburst blushing nervously. "Yeah, I don't get the joke either," said Flash raising an eyebrow. "Sombra can't possibly get ahold of all seven keys," said King Nightlight wiping away a tear. "That's right," said Starswirl triumphantly, "Because the pillars and myself hid it in a secure location where no creature can ever reach it." "And where pray tell is that exactly," asked Soaring raising an eyebrow. "Why it's...Oh no! I'm not falling for that one!" proclaimed King Nightlight furious. "Wasn't the Pony of Shadows formerly a pillar?" asked Sunburst sheepishly. Everypony turned to look back at Sunburst. "I mean, couldn't he have told Sombra where the final key was. King Nightlight scowled, "Yes Stygian was Starswirl's apprentice, just as are you are now..." "But it doesn't matter," said stopping the King mid sentence, "because as I said, the key is in a location where no creature can ever reach it." Sunburst fell silent as the other ponies continued to discuss what Sombra was planning. After a while, he silently slunk out of the room feeling unimportant. Back in Tambelon After several more failed attempts, Zephyr Breeze and Thunderlane had been kicked out of the Ponyville Playhouse. Zephyr was now leading Thunderlane towards the seashore, clearly losing his patience. "Okay, the Beach!" said Zephyr thrusting out his hoof triumphantly. In front of the two Stallions stood the Tambelon seashore where numerous were relaxing on the beach. Filly's and foals about the sand, some of them building sandcastles. Someponys were sunbathing under umbrellas, while others raced into the crashing waves with surfboards in hand. "It is physically impossible not to relax at the beach, now move it," said Zephyr Breeze pushing Thunderlane forward. He lead the stallion to a large beach umbrella, where Lyra and Bonbon were relaxing peacefully. Zephyr then placed to beach towel in front of the mares. "Um we were sitting here," said Lyra matter of factly. Zephyr turned his head ever so slowly twoards the two mares, giving them a look of blind fury. "So moooooooooove," he said in a voice so silent it was almost a whisper. The two mares dashed away in twin puffs of dust. "You lay down here," said Zephyr Breeze pushing Thunderlane down on his blanket. "I lay down here," he repeated lying down beside him, "Now relax!" Zephyr Breeze laid with a smile on his face, as the warm sun beat down on him. The waves crashed into the background, as seagulls cawed in the skies. All was right with the world. All of a sudden he heard a grunting sounding, forcing his bloodshot red eyes open. He turn to see that Thunderlane was grunting. "Oh what now!?" Zephyr screamed "Oh I can't relax!" Thunderlane grunted "I can't stop thinking about what I could be doing at the castle...Like protecting Starswirl...Or talking to the king about of if Sombra sent a spy to..." "AAAAAAAAGH!" shouted Zephry Breeze flying up into the air, "What in Equestria is wrong with you!? This was supposed to be easy! All you have to do is lay back and relax!" "Why do you care so much if I relax or not?" asked Thunderlane. "Because relaxing is the one thing that I'm good at!" Zephyr said exasperated, "If I can't even help somepony relax, then how can I..." Zephyr stopped himself mid sentence, moping down at the ground. One look at his face and Thunderlane could instantly tell something was wrong. "Um, Zephyr..." said Thunderlane picking himself up, "Is everything all right with you?" Zephyr Breeze's jaw quivered trying hold back a tear. "I didn't exactly come to Tambelon to vistit Flutters by choice,"I kind of got fired from my last job...And the job before that and the job before that...This was my last to prove to Fluttershy that I can be responsible, and not a total failure...And I couldn't even do that right." Thunderlane isn't realized what he had done wrong. All day he had been thinking about himself not even thinking about what Zephyr might have been going through. "Zephyr Breeze," said Thunderlane sympathetically, "I didn't realize." "Forget it! This Breeze gives up!" Zephyr shouted and then flew off. Thunderlane watched as Zephyr flew off into a distance, a sad look on his face. All of a sudden he heard a loud ruckus coming from down the beach. A large number of ponies were gathered around the pier at a Hay Burger stand. "Okay! Yes! I understand! One at a time!" Thunderlane heard a familiar voice say. Thunderlane flew over to see Sandbar struggling to hold back an angry mob of ponies. "Sandbar," stated Thunderlane as he flew down to the young pony, "What are you doing here." "Struggling to make some extra bits for my parents restaurant," said Sandbar pointing to where Thunderlane and Fluttershy had their first date. "Just my luck! On today of all days!" The Manger said pacing "My fry cook burns his hoof and hasto go home early just in time for the lunch rush!" "Excuse me sir." Thunderlane said "But I couldn't help over heared your problem." "Yeah a big problem!" The Manager said in a huff, "Where am I going to find a new cook at this time of day!" Thunderlane though for a moment. "I could substitute if you want?" Thunderlane asked "You are you an experience cook, Thunderlane?" asked Sandbar "Well, no" Thunderlane said, "But, I've been cooking meals for my little brother for years. "Well I'm Desperate, go ahead!" The Manger said pushed him in the kitchen and with Sandbar fallowing behind. Down at the Ponyville Marketplace, Sunburst was pacing pacing about the busy stands feeling sorry for himself. After being dismissed by the King, he had decided he needed to some air. All of a sudden he heard weeping from a nearby cider stand. "Eh, young feller," said Granny Smith looking down at Zephyr Breeze, "Don't you think you've had enough?" "I said give me another cider!" said Zephyr Breeze red in the face. Granny Smith sighed, "I don' suppose your plannin' on payin' for any of this?" "Um buddy," said Sunbrust coming over to comfort the strange Pegasus, "Are you alright?" Zephyr Breeze looked up trying to force a grin, "This Breeze? Alright? Why this Breeze is always alright!" Suddenly Zephyr Breeze slammed his head down on the stand weeping. "Oh who am I kidding! I'm a failure and everypony know it! I don't know why I even try?! Nopony cares what I have to say anyway!" Sunburst glanced over a the weeping Pegasus and then sighed. "Nopony care what I have to say either," said Sunburst. Zephry Breeze looked up wiping away his tears, "Really, why not?" "They don't trust me," said Sunburst, "Let's just say I have a history..." "Nopony trust's breeze either," said Zephyr scowling, "They just expect him to fail at everything he does." Sunburst glanced over at Zephyr again, and then off at the castle in the distance. "Well, regardless, I'm not giving up and neither should you," said Sunburst. Sunburst pulled out a bit and flipped it over to Granny Smith. "I've got his tab," said Sunburst. Zephyr Breeze watched as the mysterious unicorn raced twoards the castle. He sat himself up, wiping away the rest of his tears. "I'm not giving up either," said Zephyr Breeze. He quickly lifted himself up from the stand and flew away. "Wait!" shouted Granny Smith, "One bit ain't gonna cover yer whole tab! Grrrrr..." Back at the beach, Zephyr Breeze was soaring over the shoreline desperately searching for Thunderlane, but with no sign of the stallion in sight. All of a sudden, he heard a loud ruckus coming over from the pier. "Thunder! Thunder! Thunder!" the ponies cheered as they crowded around the Hay Burger. Zephyr Breeze couldn't believe his eyes. Standing behind the Hay Burger stand was Thunderlane reading over a list orders. He was flipping patties into the air with the slightest of ease, doing amazing tricks with his spatula. And there was an express on his face that Zephyr had never seen before...Relaxation. "We're filling out orders faster than ever!" said Sandbar to the Manager enthusiastically. "Thunderbird?" said Zephyr Breeze as he approached the the stand dumbfounded. "Hey Zephyr," said Thunderlane with a smile, "I'd love to chat, but I'm kind of in the zone right now." "This is..You are..What are you doing?" stuttered Zephyr at a loss for words. "Relaxing," said Thunderlane as he caught a patty on his spatula. "This is relaxing?!" stated Zephyr is disbelief. "I guess I'm just the kind of pony who likes a project," Thunderlane shrugged. Zephyr Breeze was at a loss for words. "Listen Zephyr," said Thinderlane as began assembling a burger in front of him, "I know I was uncooperative today. It's just that...I worried too much sometimes ya know. If I don't keep myself busy, I don't know what to do with myself. And if I don't do my job, what would happen to the ponies I care about and love?" "Well," Zephyr sighed "You do worry too much. And those ponies go you cares about, worry about you overworking yourself. It's basically just a lot of worrying ya know." "I'm sorry for drving you crazy today," Thunderlane said "You always seemed so laid back and relaxed, it never occurred to be that your going through problems of your own. I really appreciate what you were trying to do, and you did help me relax." The two stallion smiled at each other. Suddenly both their bellies started to growl. "How about I treat us to some lunch?" Thunderlane said "I'd like that." Zephyr said Thunderlane passed Zephyr the hay burger he'd just assembled. "So Thunderbird," Zephyr said as he took note that the black coated pegasus was finally relaxing, "Looks like you've finally got some relaxing time and who'd a thought it'd becooking?" "Thanks," Thunderlane said, "And we got a free meal out of it." Meanwhile back at the castle, in Cutie Map Room, "So it's agreed," said Starswirl, "All we need to do is prepare, in case they start something," Starswirl said. "Does King Sleipnir know about this?" King Nightlight asked "As a matter fact he does," Starswirl said "He's already asked other Alicorns to stand watch in certain areas." "Well in that case this meeting is Adjourned," said King Nightlight "Want to join us for lunch?" "Indeed." Starswirl said as they were now exing the room. Flash and Soarin stayed at the rear as Starswirl and King Nightlight left the room. When they were finally out of earshot, Flash turn to Soarin. "Well that solved absolutely nothing," said Flash. "I don't think Thunderlane missed much," said Soarin All of a sudden Sunburst rushed into Map Room. "I'm here! I'm here...Aw I missed it!" he stared Flash could tell that Sunburst was disappointed. "So Sunburst, you're Starswirl's new apprentice huh?" Flash asked "That must be great." "Thanks," said Sunburst looking down, "And it is...But it's not as easy as it looks." "I get the feeling is isn't," Flash said, "You know when we started working here, nobody listed to us either." "And we didn't even have magic," Soarin said, "I'm Soarin by the way." "And I'm Flash Sentry," Flash said. "And since you going to be around for a little while longer, we can give you a tour of Tambelon." "Umm..." Sunburst thought for a moment, "Sure okay." "But first some Lunch and..." Soarin didn't get to finish, as something tasty suddenly hit their noses. "What is that!?" Soarin cheered The group of stallions made it to the main diner hall, where they Thunderlane and Zephyr Breeze placing Hay Burger meals and drinks on the table. Twilight, Spike, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash were with them eating hay burger. "Hey guys," Twilight said, "You should really try these burgers, Thunderlane made them." "What?!" Flash and Soarin cried out in amazement. "Yup, and that's not all. This Breeze was able to get him to relax," Zephyr said as he wrapped his hoof around who he thought was Rainbow Dash. "Pretty impressive huh Rainbows?" "Cough," A voice said Zephyr turn to see he was wrapping his hoof around an annoyed Soarin. "Oh, ha...My bad Thorn," Zephyr said "It's Soarin," The blue pegasus stallion said, but chose to ignore him and enjoy his burger. "Wow! These are good!" Flash Sentry said "And I can't believe you got Thunderlane to relax, Zephyr." Fluttershy said "I can't believe Thunderlane managed to survive the day with him," said Rainbow Dash. "Eh he's not so bad," said Thunderlane, "Once you get to know him." Then two Pegasus winked at each other.