//------------------------------// // Arriving in Fernfield, Washington/Meeting the Buddies // Story: G5 Adventures in Air Buddies // by ponydog127 //------------------------------// It was finally time for Violette Rainbow's very first Unity Quest with the Mane 6, and while she was nervous, she was honestly very excited. The thoughts of traveling to a brand new world was an intriguing thought… plus, maybe her friends and her mentor were right. Maybe this would help her get ready to tackle her first day of school jitters. As she was thinking all these thoughts, she gathered her things and met the Mane 6 up in the Crystal Room as the Unity Crystals glowed with a bright light that got brighter… and brighter… and brighter until… …they vanished, and this only means that the Unity Crystals sent out heroes off on their next big adventure. XXXXXXXX When the portal on the other side finally opened, the Mane 6 stepped out rather smoothly onto a patch of grass, while Violette… well, she tumbled out and landed on her stomach, a little dazed from the landing. “Whoa… is it like this every time for you guys?” “Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't,” Hitch said as he brushed himself off. “I guess you caught our landing on a good day.” “Wow… look at this place!” Sunny said as she looked around the small community around them. “It seems so peaceful!” “But is it too peaceful?” Zipp asked with a suspicious look. “That's what we really have to figure out... and we have to find the rest of those star shards before Allura does.” “According to local satellite reports,” Pipp said, typing on her phone vigorously, “it looks like we landed in a small town known as Fernfield, Washington… home to somebody by the name of Air Bud.” “Air Bud?” Zipp raised her eyebrow as Misty got a newspaper and began glancing through it. “What kind of human beings name their kid Air Bud?” “Maybe that's cause he's not a human being… he's a Golden Retriever!” Misty said, smiling as she looked at the newspaper in front of her. “You guys, check it out!” The others huddled around the newspaper and discovered that Air Bud was a Golden Retriever… a Golden Retriever who could play football, baseball, soccer, volleyball and, his best sport, basketball, just like a human being! “Whoa… check out all these scores over the past three games!” Sunny said, pointing to the scores on one section of the paper. “Air Bud is really a dog in his prime!” “Hey… do you think Air Bud is the one we're supposed to help on this mission?” Violette asked. “Or somepony who's close to Air Bud?” “That's a good thought,” Sunny told the unicorn filly. “We'll check into it, but we better ask someone where he lives, just to make sure where we're going.” “Hey, maybe I can ask that old bloodhound sleeping over there,” Hitch said as he pointed over to the sleeping bloodhound right in front of the Fernfield sheriff office. “He might know this place like the back of his hoof… er, paw, so to speak.” “It's worth a shot,” Zipp nodded in agreement. “Let's get going.” They quietly approached the sleeping bloodhound, where Violette softly touched his shoulder and shook him lightly. “Excuse me?” The bloodhound continued to snore loudly, causing Violette to clear her throat and speak up again. “Excuse me!” The bloodhound suddenly woke up and sat up at this, looking at all the ponies around him. “Oh, hello there, young horsies,” he greeted in a deep southern accent. “Name's Deputy Sniffer. Haven't seen you kids around these parts before-- are you new or are ya lost?” “Well, new and lost, really,” Hitch said before turning to the others. “He said his name is--” “Uh... Hitch? We all understood him,” Misty spoke up. “Must be the Unity Crystals watching out for us again.” “Sorry if we woke you up with a startle, deputy,” Sunny apologized, “but we were wondering if we could get your help with a question.” “We're trying to find the house where Air Bud lives, cause... well, we honestly wanna see a dog who can play basketball,” Pipp said honestly with a chuckle, “and we were wondering... do you think you can give us directions to where he and his owners might live?” “Oh, well... sure. You young'uns seem nice enough, and I think Air Bud and the missus would be happy to meet some horse fans of theirs,” Deputy Sniffer told the group. “Now let's see... you need to head down Main Street for a little ways, and then take a left and then three rights, and Air Bud's house should be the fifth one on the left.” “Uh...” Violette blinked in confusion about the bloodhound's directions. “Did anypony else get all of what he just said?” “I did!” Pipp said cheerfully, holding her phone up in the air. “I put all those directions in to my GPS, global pony system, and it's showing us the exact directions we need to get to where we're going.” “Good going, Pipp! Let's get going! Thanks for all your help, deputy!” Misty thanked the bloodhound before the ponies all galloped off in the direction that Pipp's phone was leading them. After they had left, Deputy Sniffer yawned and laid his head down for another nap. “Nice kids... hope we see more of them around here...” XXXXXXXX “Okay. According to Deputy Sniffer and his directions... and as well as my phone,” Pipp said said as she guided the group down another street, “Air Bud's house should be right on the other side of this street.” “Hey... maybe those puppies coming up the street will know which house it is!” Izzy said, pointing to the sidewalk nearby. “They sure do look like Air Bud!” That's when the others turned to see a young boy, at least 11 years old, walking a herd of five Golden Retriever pups down the sidewalk, and they all seemed different in the way they looked: The biggest puppy of the litter had black markings under his eyes, almost looking like an rough and tough football player. One of the puppies wore a silver chain with a matching charm of the letter B. Another one of the puppies had a dark blue bandana around his neck and was a lot messier than his siblings. The fourth puppy wore a Buddhist collar made out of beads. Finally, the last puppy, coincidentally the only female, wore a pink bow on the side of her ear. And needless to say... they were giving the 11 year old boy one heck of a time. “Whoa, B-Dawg! Mudbud! Budderball! Slow down!” “Uh-oh! We better go give that kid a hand!” Zipp told her friends. “Five puppies pulling you everywhere can't be good on your balance or your muscles.” The ponies then took the chance to run over to the boy and the puppies, stopping in front of them and letting the pups climb all over the ponies, causing them to laugh. “Aw, they’re so sweet!” Violette giggled. “And they’re friendly!” “Hey, thanks for stopping the Buddies,” the boy then told the ponies. “They can be… a little hyper sometimes.” “The Buddies? So that’s who these guys are,” Sunny said with a giggle as the largest puppy licked her face. “And who are you?” “I’m Noah-- Noah Sullivan,” the boy said, shaking Sunny’s hoof. “Are you guys new to Fernfield? I’ve never seen you around here before.” “We’re sort of passing through on an assignment,” Hitch explained. “We were actually hoping to meet the legendary Air Bud, and we were told his house is on this street.” “Oh, well… these are actually his pups, and I’m actually Buddy’s owner,” Noah explained. “No way!” Zipp exclaimed. “Wow, this times out perfectly! So, run us through the pups one by one... ha ha ha! And you can start with the one climbing all over me!” The pup in the silver chain was indeed climbing on Zipp’s back and tussling with her mane, causing Noah to pluck the pup right off. “Well, this is B-Dawg, who’s a natural at basketball.” Pipp was currently playing with the only girl of the bunch. “That’s Rosebud,” Noah pointed her out. “Don’t let her cuteness fool ya-- she can be pretty feisty sometimes. The big dog playing with the purple unicorn’s tail is Budderball, the big fella of the litter.” “Big and full of love!” Izzy giggled. “The one letting the younger unicorn pet him is Buddha-- he’s more of the calm kind,” Noah said, gesturing to the pup Violette was petting before moving onto the last one. “And that over there is Mudbud-- he’ll take mud over a bone any chance he can get.” “Well, it’s great to meet everyone,” Misty smiled. “Hey, Noah… you wouldn’t happen to know of any place for a couple of tired ponies to spend the night, would ya?” “Yeah,” Violette nodded. “We just got into town, and we’re getting a little tired.” “Well, I have school during the week,” Noah said, “but you guys are welcome to come stay at our house. We have plenty of room, and we need some help looking after these guys for a while.” “Hey, if it provides us with room and board for a little while,” said Hitch with a grateful grin, “we’re more than happy to do whatever it takes.” “Lead the way, Noah,” Sunny smiled, and let the boy and the five pups take the lead while the rest of the ponies followed behind. XXXXXXXX Surely enough, Noah’s mom and dad, Patrick and Jackie, were more than welcome to let the ponies stay for a little while, until their assignment was finished and they could go home. And thankfully, Buddy and Molly, the Buddies’ parents, were more than happy to let the ponies help look after their pups while Noah and Molly’s human Henry were at school. Later that night, after dinner, Jackie and Patrick wanted to get to know the ponies a little bit better while Violette played with the Buddies upstairs. “So,” said Patrick, “you travel around helping people with their problems?” “Essentially, yeah. And we look super fab doing it too!” Pipp said as she took a selfie of herself. “And Patrick, you’re a veterinarian? That sounds like an interesting job.” “It definitely has its ups and downs,” Patrick chuckled. “And what about your little friend? What’s she like?” “Violette? Oh, she is the absolute sweetest filly in the world,” Izzy bragged. “I’ve taught her everything I know about crafting!” “It’s her first assignment with us and she’s pretty nervous,” Sunny added, “but the dogs are making her feel really at home.” “Aw, we’re so glad,” Jackie smiled sweetly. “She really seems to connect with the pups on a personal level.” “That does happen with younger kids and animals,” Zipp pointed out. “I read that in a research article somewhere.” “Well, while we’re here, let’s let them all have some fun,” Sunny told her friends. “I mean, how much trouble can one unicorn and five pups get into?” XXXXXXXX In the guest bedroom where the ponies would be sleeping, the Buddies and Violette were happily wrestling and playing tug-of-war with one another when Buddy stepped into the room, chuckling lightly. “All right, you little rascals. It’ll be your bedtime soon and we want to make sure our guests get plenty of rest.” “Aw, Dad! You’re totally messing up our playtime vibe,” B-Dawg pouted. “Can’t we just have five more minutes?” Rosebud asked. “Please?” Violette let out a tired yawn. “I’m actually kinda tired too, puppies. Maybe we can all bunk together tonight. I can tell you one of the amazing stories that Izzy told me about her and her friends’ amazing adventures!” “Do we get popcorn with this story?” asked Budderball curiously. “If so, make mine with extra kibble crunchies.” “No popcorn, but it’ll be a story for the ages!” Violette told the pups as she nudged them off to their own room. “Hey, Violette?” Buddy called to her before she could leave. “Thanks. I usually never get the pups off to bed so easily.” “Just doing my best, Mr. Air Bud, sir,” Violette said respectfully. “My mom always bribes me with a story before I go to sleep, so I knew it would probably work on the pups.” “I gotta remember that trick for next time. And… it’s just Buddy.” “Oh, right… sorry,” Violette said nervously. “I’ve never been around celebrities except for the ponies before… it’s kinda nerve-wracking when you think about it.” Buddy chuckled at the unicorn’s enthusiasm before he followed Violette to the Buddies’ room to let the sleepytime stories begin. XXXXXXXX “Night, Jackie! Night, Noah! Night, Patrick!” Misty called to the Sullivans as the ponies headed up to their guest room. “See you tomorrow at breakfast!” The ponies had enjoyed a lively evening talking to their new friends while Violette and the pups played upstairs, but now they were all tired out, and they were heading up to fetch Violette before they retired off to bed for the evening. But as they neared the Buddies’ room, Buddy met them at the door and gestured for them to be quiet… and they could see why.  Violette had told the Buddies a story that Izzy had told her, and now, everyone was fast asleep… even Violette herself. Sunny couldn’t help but smile at this heartwarming sight and turned to her friends. “I think we should let her sleep with the Buddies while we’re here… she really seems attached to them.” “Good thinking,” Izzy whispered back. “I mean… they look really happy.” “I’ll walk you guys to your room,” Buddy whispered back, “but we better be quiet so we don’t wake them.” “Good idea,” Misty nodded. “Thanks.” And so, Buddy led the ponies off to their guest room for the night ahead… but no one was aware of the adventures that would shortly come to pass.