//------------------------------// // Chapter 10 - SNOW DAY! // Story: Ponyville Kindergarten // by Visharo //------------------------------// Twilight Sparkle woke up with a gasp. Snow! Snow everywhere! She ran downstairs with a big grin. "Mommy! Mommy! Snow!" "Yes, dear, snow." Twilight Velvet smiled as she sipped her coffee. "Don't forget, though. You still have school." Twilight wasn't listening. She was looking at the snow through the window. The snow was so pretty. White. Sparkly. Canterlot doesn't have snow, so it was a mervel...morvol...marvel! Twilight was so excited that she tried to count the snowflakes. She didn't get higher than five, but that was okay! Snow! Twilight giggled, mesmerized by all the snow. "Alright, dear. I have to get to work early today, let's take you to the Kindergarten." "Yes! Outside! Outside!" *** "I don't want to go outside ever again!" Twilight said after finally getting to the Kindergarten. "Snow is cold." "What happened?" Miss Celestia asked with a polite smile. "I...fell." Twilight pouted. "It was cold." "Oh dear, are you alright?" "Yeah. I'm okay." "That's good." Miss Celestia rose up. "Why don't you go play with your friends, they were also dropped off early." "Okaaay! Bye Miss." Twilight dashed off to find her friends. It wasn't long before she crashed into Rainbow Dash. "Rainbow!" "Hi Twilight. Wanna fight?" "...no. Why do you want to fight." "Because fight is awesome!" Rainbow did a weird move with a big smile. "I look cool." "...okay. Well, I don't want to fight. Where is Rarity?" "Rarity looking at snow." "Thank you." Twilight jumped up and ran around on stubby legs. She found Rarity on top of a window shelf...window shelf? Window...window...window sill! Twilight climbed up pillows to get on top. It was hard, but she did it! "Hello Rarity." "Waaaaaa!" Rarity cried. This time with no red. "What's wrong!?" Twilight moved closer. "The snow is pwettier than me!" Rarity pointed with a hoof. "Look! Is so pwettyyyyyyy..." She continued to cry. "I think you're prettier." "Oh." Rarity stopped crying and looked at Twilight. "Thank you!" "Alright class, it looks like this is it." Miss Celestia called out. "Who wants to go outside and have some fun!" "ME!!!" Came the deafening roar. Even Twilight was bouncing up and down, completely forgetting about the cold. The door was pushed open and the children charged outside. Twilight immediately tripped and collapsed into the snow. "Now now, Twilight. You need to be careful with where you're stepping." Miss Celestia levitated the filly out of the snow drift. "Yes miss!" Twilight shook away the snow and ran after her friends. By the time she got there, everybody was fighting with snow. Twilight was very confused. Then, out of nowhere, Pinkie came and pushed her out of the way. "Come on, Twilit! Is snowball fight. We dance!" Pinkie showed by sliding on the snow and then immediately tripping. "Pinkie! Are you okay?" "Yeppy!" Pinkie jumped up and 'danced' more. "Come on, Twilit! No dancing means cold." Cold. Twilight knew cold. She didn't want cold. So she danced. Then she got hit in the head with a snowball. "Ahh, it's cold!" Twilight ran off, very cold and hurting. She saw a snow wall, so she jumped over it and hid. Snowballs can't go through snow walls! "Oh..." "Oh, hi Fluttershy." Fluttershy was hiding as well. She was curled up in a ball and trying not to get scared. "..." "Twi!" Applejack broke through the snow wall looking around. "Come oooon, the bad guys have more snow! We needs tah fight back. Oh, hi shy. Lesgoo, Twi!" Twilight found herself being dragged after the orange filly. She was given snowballs and Applejack told her to throw. So Twilight throwed. Threw. Twilight threw. They all missed. "You're bad." Applejack said. Twilight didn't say anything, instead she ran back inside, crying. Is not fun in the snow! Is cold, her friends like battle, and she can't throw! She jumped into a pile of pillows and sobbed. Pillows are warm and not hurtful. "My little pony. Are you alright?" "No! Go away!" "If you want, but are you sure?" Miss Celestia sat down next to Twilight. "Your friends look like they're losing the battle. They might need your help." "...I no wanna!" "Okay." Miss Celestia stood up and walked away, leaving Twilight alone. She stopped crying after a while. The pillows were warm, but they felt weird. The Kindergarten was too quiet, too. She stood up. She looked outside. It was cold outside. It was white. It...looked like fun. Applejack and Rainbow were smiling, throwing snow. Fluttershy was also smiling, hiding in the bushes. Rarity looked like she was mad, throwing more snowballs than Applejack and Rainbow. Maybe because snow in her mane. Pinkie was still dancing. Twilight wanted to go outside again. She opened the door and looked outside. It was so big, so white, so cold. But it also looked fun. She charged with her stubby legs and jumped into the snow. Snow was cold, but it was also fun!