The tales of Nightmare Rarity

by Twilightsonic75

A pink revolution

As Spike and Rarity made their way to Golden Oak Library, They began to feel hungry. After helping with dress orders and the revaluation of who the guardians of the other tomes were, they definitely deserved lunch. Twilight and Applejack needed a bit of time to prep their surprise, so this was perfect.

As the two of them walked into the unusually quiet sugercube corner, they spotted an extremely bored Pinkie pie working the Conner until she spotted the two of them and got excited. "HI Rarity! Hi Spike! What are you two doing here? Are you here to try the banana fana smoothly?! It's soooo good! I made a while -"

Rarity, while she loved Pinkie pie, can only stand her hyper active behavior for so long. Especially when she was hungry. Spike also had the same idea and said, "Pinkie, as good as that smoothly sounds, we're actually here for lunch. Do you think you can help with that?"

Pinkie looked excited, finally something to do today. "Dose a dragon breath fire? Of course they do! Head to the table, and I'll get my notepad."

As Spike and Rarity took their seats in the table with a window view as pinkie arrived startling the couple and unintentionally moving her sattle bag, and took their order. Spike wanted a strawberry ruby cupcake, while Rarity got a summer salad with dasiys.

"OK, coming right-uuuaaaaaaaap!" She triped over Rarity's sattle bag, and the tome of shadows fell out, causing the guardians to freak and Rarity to say," Pinkie, are you ok?! " Spike also said,"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to leave the bag there! I'll clean it up!" But it's too late as Pinkie already picked up the tome and said,"Don't worry, guys. It was an accid-. "

Pinkie pie took a closer look at the tome and was shocked. 'No. It can't be. H-how did-' She then grabbed Spike (who had the sattle bag) and Rarity by the hoof and speed up to her room and locked the door. Both guardians were scared, wondering what's going on as Pinkie inspected the tome. " you two realize how dangerous the tome your carrying can be if misused?" Pinkie said unusually serious. "You know how much good this kind of magic can do in the right hoofs?! After all these family legacy, the tome of shadows,has been found!"

Spike and Rarity were confused as Spike said, "What are you talking about, Pinkie? How do you know about the tome of shadows?!"

Pinkie pie was surprised that they knew about the tome and said, "Don't hate me for this. It's for your own safety." She opened the book and found the perfect spell and said,"I'm sorry. Azarath Metrion Zinthos." A magic bolt fired from her hoof as it aimed for Spike, before the shot landed on Spike, a green shield was casted as he heard "Azarath Metrion Zinthos" Rarity casted her shield spell in time to block the spell and said "are you ok my beloved?" Spike released a breath that he didn't know and said,"I'm ok, thanks, Rarity."

Rarity smiled, glad that her drakefriend wasn't harmed. She then looked at Pinkie pie, and to say she was angry was an understatement. "Pinkie! Why would you do that!? You casted a shadow bolt spell at us,and almost hurt my spikey wikey! How did you even know about the chant that makes the dark magic stable?! I can't let you run amok with that tome! Return it to us, and I promise you won't get hurt."

Pinkie was shocked that she casted a shield spell with the tome, but that didn't faze her. "You've gotten lucky with that spell. But that wasn't a shadow bolt spell. It was a memory erase spell. I didn't want you guys to think I was a witch or something, so I just wanted to wipe you memories of the tome and for me to hide it."

Rarity mumbled saying "considering that I'm a direct descendant of a dark magic cult, I wouldn't hold it against you to try that."

Rarity shoke her head and refocused on Pinkie pie. "Never the less, we NEED that to me back, Pinkie. You don't understand wha-"

Pinkie, now extremely frustrated, then said, "If you want this tome, you're gonna have a priy it from my cold, dead hoofs. You ugly cold snake!"

Rarity, finally having enough of this, looked to Spike and said, " Spike darling. Look away. This is about to get ugly." Rarity then charged to the unexpected Pinkie, and an old fashion brawl exploded. Casing them to drop their tomes and start to pulling their manes and punching each other.

Spike couldn't stand to see his friend and marefriend fight like this, so he looked in the tome of dragons to find a spell to stop their fighting. Once he found a spell that could work, he focused on the spell, his claws began to glow emerald green, and his eyes glowed the same color. began to chant "Azarath Metrion Zinthos!" He fired a beam of magic at the two mares, and it held them in place as Spike said."ENOUGH! BOTH OF YOU! I HATE SEEING MY FRIENDS FIGHTING EACH OTHER LIKE THIS! PLEASE CALM DOWN SO THIS WONT END BAD AND ONE OF US ENDS UP IN THE HOSPITAL!"

Spike's words and concerns made the two of them snap out of their anger and made them both said "I'm sorry!" Rarity started her apology and said "darling I'm terribly sorry I lashed out on you like that. It's just that I thought you were about to hurt my adorable Spikey wikey and I got overprotective of my love. I'm so sorry."

Pinkie got her thoughts together and said, "I'm sorry too. I thought I was using the tome of shadows correctly and was trying to wipe your memories of the tome. But instead, I nearly hurt you two and disgraced my crystal pony ancestors. I'm a terrible guardian." She then began to cry, thinking that she was a terrible guardian and an even worse friend.

Spike and Rarity were shocked when she said mentioned the crystal ponies and guardians in her apology. Rarity decided to ask her, "Pinkie darling. Have you been any chance heard of the dark magic cult?"

Pinkie eyes widened, and Rarity said those three words. couldn't be...she isn't...or is she? "Rarity... how do you know that name?! It's been lost for over a thousand years! There is no way somepo-"

"That somepony else would know about it?" Rarity said, now confidence on why Pinkie pie of all ponys would be interested in a magic tome of all things. "Pinkie...are you a direct descendent of the dark magic cult too?"

Pinkie pie leaped into the air and unexpectedly cheered with glee as she hugged Rarity and said "ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh! You're a fellow guardian!!! I'm so excited! I thought potentially being Applejack's cousin was the best thing that happened to me! But finding other guardians AND fellow descendents of the dark magic cult is-is..."

Pinkie surprisingly started to cry and said, "I've b-been alone for so long, S-since I've been with one of my people. I would practice spells with my siblings. But ever since I arrived in ponyville...I haven't found anypony else that's interested in learning dark magic... I've...WAAAAAAAHH!!!" Pinkie pie cried. Unleashing years of sadness onto the mare, Spike came over and comforted the sad mare, knowing how she felt. "IM SO ALONE!!! NO PONY UNDERSTANDS ME!!! THEY ALL THINK IM A PARTY PONY!! AND ALL THE STALLIONS DONT TAKE ME SERIOUSLY!!! IM GONNA DIE ALOOOONE!! WAAAAAH-AAHH"

Spike felt pity for Pinkie. He knows what is like to be alone. In his days in cantrlot, everyone either thought he was a spoiled brat Cas of his princess states or a heartless monster that deserved to die. He looked at Pinkie with sad eyes and said "I know how you feel Pinkie."

Both mares stared at the dragon confused and worried, with Rarity saying "What do you mean darling? How do you know...?"

Spike gulped out of fear. Hoping that they don't think he's being a big about this and think he's a wimp. "B-back in cantrlot, before I moved to ponyville with Twilight...I was always treated like a monster. Nopony wanted to be my friend Cas they thought I was a mindless monster, a freak...even when I made a friend, Pony would say that I eat foals whole in one bite..." Spike was now the one crying, remembering those dark times in his life. "Even with all that, a mare thought I was cool. Cool enough to date even"

Rarity felt the sting of jealously but decided to listen to him instead of reacting just yet. While Pinkie pie, for an unknown reason, felt a surge of jealousy flow through her heart. She always adored Spike and found his presence comfortable and welcoming. Time had helped her feelings for the dragon grow into something beautiful, and she wanted to tell him. How can anypony be dumb enough to dump Spike was truly Stupid to say the least.

Spike gulped in sadness, but continued, saying " The first two weeks were going great. We had dates, had some laughs, we even kissed. But...then that day arrived *sniff*"

*flashback 3 years ago*

Spike had arrived at the park where Moondancer wanted to meet him. He had brought daffodils and chocolate to give to her as a present as a thank you gift. When he got there, Moondance was there with a serious face. Spike happily said "good morning my luner love! How are you this find day?" Moondancer didn't say anything and that got Spike concerned. "Everything ok my angel? You seem troubled."

Moondancer began to speak with pain in her voice saying "Spike...I...we're though."

Spike tried to play it off as a joke saying "do you have Allergies Moondancer? Cas it sounded like you said were though?"

Moondancer yelled "I did say we're though! I don't want to go out with you anymore!"

Those words were devastating to him, he asked "W-what did I do Moondancer?! Was I not caring enough? Charming enough? Did I forget your birthday? Or-"

Moondancer then said "It's not that! It''s because your a dragon. We're not the same species. I'm sorry."

Spike heart broke into pieces. He knew this was too good to be true. He clamped his claws into fists and said "So because I'm not a colt you dump me like trash?"

Moondancer then said "what? Spike your not trash. I just said-"

"That I'm a dragon!? A heartless monster?! A foal eating beast?! Because I've heard all of that and then some! I can't believe I thought this relationship would work. Your just like the rest of these ponys in this Celestia forsaken city! You never loved me! You USED me! You never cared for me! I thought you were different from the others, but I was wrong!"

Spike ran from Moondancer crying has she reached out and said "Spike wait!"

"Stay away from me you evil heartbreaker!!!" Spike continued to run out of the park, humiliated and heartbroken, as he ran back to the castle."

*end of flashback*

Spike at this ponit was balling his eyes out, eyes red with tears saying "and I never saw her again after that...*sniff* Wahhhh!"

The sight of Spike crying was too much to bear as Rarity had tears of her own as she hugged him, wanting to make his pain disappear. But even dark magic couldn't help here.

Pinkie had tears as well, along with a huge feeling of anger inside her. It was building as she heard the story and his break up with Moondancer was the tipping ponit and yell "THAT FOUR EYED HEARTBREAKER!! HOW DARE SHE DO THAT TO YOU! DUMPING YOU JUST CAS YOUR A DRAGON?! HOW STUPID CAN THAT MARE BE!? At this point, she lifted a wooden chair she had in her room and slammed it into the wall and smashed into pieces on contact. " your the strongest, smartest,most cutest young dragon I've ever met! I would date you in a heart beat. In fact-"

Pinkie pie carried the young drake and said, "I'll be your marefriend Spike! I loved you for so long that it hurts not being around you! I'll fix your heart and help you forget that dumbdancer! Spike the dragon, make me your mare friend!"

Spike was caught off guard when Pinkie pie confessed her love for him. He didn't know what to do. But Rarity answered before he could think of a answer and said "Pinkie, darling! I hate to break it to you, but I'M Spike's mare friend, actually." Pinkie was devastated when she heard and said "but-"

Rarity interrupted before Pinkie could say anything to say " but I am sharing him with Twilight since we both love him so...I wouldn't mind to share him with you too. What do you say? Wanna be with Spike?"

Pinkie springed back up and said "Ohhhh yes! Yes yes yes! I would love to join you! If it's ok with Spike that is."

Spike knew where this was going. And he really can't argue with that. The fact that Pinkie got so angry on his behave was more then enough to convince him and said "sure Pinkie pie. I would love for you to join us."

Pinkie then yelled "YES! BEST DAY EVER!!!"

After lunch was made and ate, Rarity and Spike prepared to leave for The golden oak library when Pinkie came by to say "hey, where you going?"

Spike then said to her "we're on our way to see Twilight at Golden oak library. She said that she has something to show me and Rarity's tagging along. You wanna come with us?"

Pinkie happily said "of course I'll come with! I wanna show off my new drakefriend!"

"OUR new Drakefriend Pinkie dear. And I'm sure Twilight would want to join as well. But for now, let's be off you two. We don't wanna worry Twilight and Applejack now, do we?"

As the three of them headed for then headed to Golden oak library, Spike couldn't wrap his mind that yesterday he was pinning for Rarity, hoping for her to notice him. Now he has three marefriends with connections to dark magic. What could be better then this?

For Spike's future, he was gonna be one Happy drake when he finds out.