//------------------------------// // Sunny vs Twilight // Story: My Little Pony: Harmony and Chaos // by AlphaToothless95 //------------------------------// As Twilight and Sunny battled, both of them were filled with so much regret for the parts they both played in leading to this tragic battle. Twilight; however, was clear minded enough to know the right course of action… now she just had to bring Sunny back to her right mind. That would be easier said than done though, what with how strong Sunny has gotten over the years that she’s been an Alicorn and how much Twilight was still recovering from her injuries due to the amount of Midnight's magic that played a part in injuring her in the first place. Twilight just barely manages to dodge a pretty powerful punch from Sunny and return a punch of her own that sends Sunny flying back. Sunny quickly recovers though and just in time as Twilight fires a bunch of magical blasts towards her. She manages to dodge most of them and block a few before charging at Twilight, causing her to fly upwards and Sunny gives chase after her. “We don’t need to do this!” Twilight shouts before dodging a blast from Sunny and sending one back that Sunny dodges before firing another blast. “Then stay out of my way!” Sunny shouts, but she knew Twilight wasn’t gonna do that. She was too stubborn and selfless for that. “You know I can’t do that! I won’t sacrifice you or anyone else just to end this nightmare!” Twilight yells as they both continue firing at each other until Twilight manages to hit Sunny and she crashes. Twilight takes the chance to land on her and try to lock her in place with magical chains but Sunny just yells angrily and breaks free from them, knocking Twilight off her and hitting her in the chest. Twilight cries out in pain and holds her chest since that was one area that hasn’t fully recover and Sunny notices that. Hm… maybe there was a way to end this quickly. They both get up and face each other, both looking very pissed off. They get ready to charge again and Sunny charges first, provoking Twilight to do the same. Twilight throws a punch but Sunny ducks under it and throws an even harder punch right at Twilight's chest. It connects and the shockwave spreads for miles before Twilight is sent flying back across the field. Twilight crashes and tumbles through the field and when she stops, she holds her chest, trying desperately to get air into her lungs and calm the excruciating pain that she feels there. She slowly looks at Sunny and the look on her face says two things: “I didn’t wanna do that…” and… “Stay down… please.” Twilight tries to get up but the ache in her chest gets even worse and she falls, groaning in pain. She knows she doesn’t have long before Sunny thinks she’s won and teleports away to complete her plan… she has to get up though. Right. Now. Twilight closes her eyes and focuses on breathing, on fighting through the pain no matter how much it hurts… but when she hears the voices of her parents, it just motivates her even more. “Come on our little princess… all the way up.” She hears her father say, causing her to start to get up again. “She needs you Twilight… be there for her. Remind her… who she is.” Her mother says, causing Twilight to grow a determined look as she opens her eyes and stands up all the way. She looks at Sunny with that same look and Sunny looks on with an annoyed and disappointed one that just lingers on the edge of sadness. She didn’t wanna do this and neither did Twilight… but no matter what, Twilight would help her. Besides, now she knew Sunny was willing to fight dirty to end this and she was very observant. So she needed to be more careful and fight smart. If Sunny wasn’t gonna pull her punches, Twilight needed to get with the program. “I said I’d help you Sunny… and I will.” Twilight says as she clenches her fists and Sunny shakes her head before walking forward a bit and clenching her own. “Come and try it Princess.” She says and Twilight charges at her, causing Sunny to charge back and Twilight throws another punch, causing Sunny to try and pull the same move she did before, but Twilight was ready this time. She teleports behind Sunny and slams both her fists down on her back, knocking her into the ground and causing a massive shockwave that shakes and cracks the ground. Twilight then grabs her leg and tosses her into the air before flying to her and ramming her shoulder into her chest. She then uppercuts Sunny and tries to blast her with magic but Sunny dodges and grabs her arm, pulling her to her and clotheslining her. Twilight is knocked down to the ground by this before Sunny lands on her and rolls forward, quickly getting up and turning to face her. Twilight quickly gets up as well and Sunny charges but Twilight dodges, managing to wrap her arms around Sunny and slam her before kicking her and forming a glyph under her that knocks her into the air with magic. Twilight makes a bunch more that send magical tendrils and chains at Sunny who recovers and manages to fly and maneuver around most of them before a few of them wrap around her and hold her in place. Twilight flys to her and gets ready to try and use alicorn empathy to bring her back to her senses… until Sunny lets out a might scream as magic bursts out of her body, knocking the chains and tendrils off her and sending Twilight flying back. Sunny has entered her rage mode… great. Twilight quickly dodges out of the way as Sunny tries to slam down on her with everything she had. Her landing does cause the ground beneath them to basically shatter and burn, making the ground shake as magic shoots out of it from the shockwave of her attack. Twilight looks around at all the destruction and damage that one attack caused and she looks at Sunny as Sunny stands up straight and looks at her before screaming again and charging at her. Twilight dodges her attack again but just as she looks behind her to see where Sunny is, she’s hit in the face and sent flying back, way into one of the mountains that were far in the distance. Upon impact, the mountain shatters and collapses as Twilight crashes through it, ending up on the other side. She finally rights herself and smashes her fists into the ground while spreading her wings to come to a complete stop. She realizes that with Sunny like that, beating her was gonna be even harder… unless… Before she can finish her thought, Sunny rams through the rubble and charges straight towards her. Twilight dodges and blocks and the next strike that follows the first one but even blocking gets her sent back a bit. Twilight gets up and catches one of Sunny's punches and throws her away but Sunny quickly recovers from that and Twilight realizes she has no other choice. She waits for Sunny to get close before her eyes, horn, and wings glow and she screams as magic shoots from her entire body and into the sky, making it shine purple as the shockwave from her own transformation knocks Sunny back while also shaking the ground. Sunny crashes but gets up and looks on as the magic lessens and Twilight walks out of it, her whole body glowing with purple markings on it as her mane and tail both look as if they have stars and even entire galaxies stored in them. The main thing that stands out is the glowing representation of Twilight’s cutie mark on her chest where the element of magic used to be. Sunny can’t help but look amazed before remembering her current mission. She narrows her eyes and charges at Twilight. Twilight sidesteps her attack, moving at an incredibly fast speed, and grabs Sunny by her ponytail and slamming her into the ground. Afterwards, she starts attacking Sunny and they trade blow for blow in their battle, countering, dodging, and blocking each other’s hits while moving at the speed of sound. Each attack causes a shockwave that can be felt from a mile away, meanwhile, both of them were still holding back even in these powerful forms of theirs. “Last chance Sunny! Let me help you! Let your friends help you! You’re not alone! You never have been and you never will be!” Twilight yells as she blocks a flurry of attacks from Sunny before their hands clash and connect and they start pushing against each other, their strength causing the land to shift and crack between them. Twilight may have been physically stronger than Sunny, mainly due to the difference in size and physique between them, but Sunny was starting to hold back less than Twilight was. The ground continued to split as the magic from the both of them also started to cause the weather to change drastically while their magical energies started combining. “I… refuse… to let anyone else suffer or die for this!” Sunny screams before headbutting Twilight and sending her sliding back with a concussive wave of magic. Twilight quickly recovers and her and Sunny continue battling until they knock each other away with a punch of their own and they start charging most, if not all of their magic, into their next punches. “I’m ending this!” Sunny screams as their fists start glowing and she yells as she throws her punch, causing Twilight to yell and throw hers, both of them unleashing all their fury into those punches. Their fists clash and the shockwave is so powerful that it can be felt from hundreds of miles away. Both of them struggle against the strength of the other as their magic starts to battle with one another. The magic starts building and building until it creates an explosion that destroys everything within a 10 mile radius, stunning and injuring both princesses but not killing them and luckily there was no wildlife or innocents in the area… but the shockwave from that could definitely be felt from Maretime Bay, Zephyr Heights, and Bridlewood. They both wake up and see they created a massive crater as if a nuke had struck the place and Twilight slowly gets up and walks to Sunny. Sunny sits up and rubs her eyes, cleaning the dirt and dust off of her eyelids before looking up at Twilight and after seeing the destruction that their battle caused… she feels nothing but shame and guilt. What if there had been animals or ponies and other creatures out here? Maybe… maybe everyone was right about her being dangerous… maybe she just didn’t see it… until now. She thinks about how disappointed everyone must be, how disappointed her parents must be…, and she cries. She curls in on herself while sitting up… and cries into her own arms. “I’m… I’m so sorry… I… I’ve been such an idiot… I’ve been selfish. So… damn selfish… I failed you… failed my friends… my parents… I failed Equestria. I’m no hero… and I don’t deserve to be an alicorn.” Sunny says, her voice breaking in between words and sentences. She continues crying until she feels a pair of arms and wings wrap around her in a gentle, comforting embrace. She opens her eyes and sees that Twilight is hugging her while gently shushing. “Sunny… there’s a lot to learn when it comes to being a lot of things, no matter what it is. Leader, hero, alicorn… but the one thing that everyone must learn… is that no matter what, no one is perfect. No one can be perfect. Striving to be will only drive us mad and make us do things we never thought we’d do… and not in a good way.” Twilight says before leaning back and lifting Sunny's chin until she looking into her eyes. “Everyone makes mistakes… but the fact that you’re willing to try and learn from yours… makes you more than worthy to be each one of the things you said you’ve failed to be.” She says, causing Sunny to look shocked before smiling a bit as she slightly struggles to hold back more tears. Twilight smiles back before continuing to speak. “You’re not a bad pony Sunny, and you’re far from a dumb or unimportant one. You inspire ponies no matter where you go, you never stop trying to find an answer, and no matter what life throws at you, no matter how many times you get knocked down, you always get. Back. Up.” She says and Sunny fails to stop the tears this time as she speaks up. “But despite all that… I’m still nothing like you.” She says, causing Twilight to frown and think about it before smiling. “And I don’t want you to be. I want you to be better, to be yourself. I don’t want you to be Twilight Sparkle… I want you to be Sunny Starscout.” Twilight says before teleporting the bottle of Midnight’s magic into her hand and holding it towards Sunny. “But you have to take the first step… you have to do your part.” Twilight says, pausing and waiting for Sunny to finish as she looks between her and the magic. “Hoof… to heart.” Sunny says before grabbing the bottle but not taking it out of Twilight’s hands as she looks up at her with a determined look on her face. “Together…” She says, causing to Twilight to smile and clench her hand around Sunny's and the magic. “Together.” Twilight says before they both start charging their magic into their hands and using it, combing it to destroy the dark magic and transform it into light magic… the magic of unity, of friendship. “Friendship…” Twilight starts, letting Sunny continue for her. “Is…” Sunny says before they both say their combined thought at the same time. “Eternal.” They both say, both of them hearing their parents say it in their heads with them. The magic then starts to glow more and more along with their bodies until everything is consumed by a white light and when Twilight and Sunny open their eyes, everything is pitch black. They look around until they both see a glowing white light approach them… before becoming two lights. They watch as the lights slowly take the shape of ponies… then stop glowing to the point where they can see that the two lights have taken the forms… of themselves. They were staring at mirror versions of themselves but all… ethereal. But then it hit Twilight… this was the work of the tree of harmony. “What the…” Sunny says, confused until Twilight lets out a light chuckle and explains. “Sunny… this is the tree of harmony.” Twilight says, causing Sunny to look shocked. “The tree of harmony… I’ve only heard about it in legends and read about it in books but… to actually be talking to it…” Sunny says, trying and definitely not failing to express her shock and excitement. The projection of Twilight chuckles a bit before walking two steps forward. “It is nice to meet you as well Sunny Starscout. I have been watching you for quite some time now and I will admit, while you are young and still quite a bit inexperienced as an alicorn… your desire to bring and preserve harmony everywhere you go, it… amazes me. You may be reckless at times but… you have proven that you are willing to tread on the edge between light and dark to preserve unity and peace… and that is something Equestria needs now more than ever.” The projection says before the one of Sunny steps up and gives a soft smile before gesturing to the two Alicorns before it. “And luckily, it has you two. The very manifestations of harmony itself. However… I have sensed… much wrong with you, Sunny.” It says and just as Sunny is about to explain, it raises its hand to stop her. “You don’t have to explain. I already know. And I also know that you still have much to learn… both of you. But neither of you has to learn it alone. Midnight has left scars on you both… deep ones. But it is those scars… that help make you stronger than you’ve ever been. But as you continue to grow… so will your powers.” It says before holding out a hand and Sunny looks behind herself to see a multicolored path leading to a giant statue of herself holding her cutie mark. “Your friends have already gotten closer to reaching their full potential… but you’re still behind… because you doubt yourself.” The tree of harmony says before more statues appear of her friends holding their cutie marks… but theirs are glowing less than Sunny's. “But they need you… you’re the last thing they need for all of you to be on the right path to being at your best. To being the heroes, the legends that Equestria needs you all to be. Alone, you all are strong, but together…” The tree says as Sunny takes two steps forward before gaining a determined look on her face. “We’re stronger… I… I understand.” She says before turning to Twilight and the tree of harmony with a grateful smile on her face. “Thank you… both of you. I… I promise to make this right.” Sunny says, causing both of them to smile back as she walks towards her cutie mark and reaches out to touch it. She hesitates for a bit before touching it and walking into it. Meanwhile, Twilight and the tree watch as the statue versions of the other's cutie marks start glowing just as brightly as Sunny's. This continues until back in the physical world, a multicolored light shoots into the sky, causing magic to spread, healing and bringing the land back to its former beauty and clearing the air of smoke like nothing ever happened. Meanwhile, Opaline could see and feel it all the way from the dragon lands and she can’t help but smirk a bit… as it was too late now. Her plan was already almost complete… She looks down at the dragons gathered at the bottom of the mountain and raises the dragon stone in one hand while holding the staff with the other. The dragons all roar in pain as some of their fire is drained out of them and into the dragon stone. Once it gathers enough, Opaline absorbs it and laughs at the huge rush of power she feels before fire shoots and spreads out of her body, making it almost impossible to come near her. She then raises the staff while putting a powerful spell on it that causes the eyes of all the dragons to glow the same color as her fire. “Come, my army!” She says before pointing the staff in a specific direction and smirking more. “Next stop… Maretime Bay.”