Flight to Dreadlands

by Prince of Cavia


Dreadlands - Intruders - Going Deep - Underground State

When Frey heard about Dreadlands, he expected some monster-filled fields of ash and bones that would make Morrowind look like a summer resort.

What he saw instead, was a forest. Quite colorful and calm. There were many birds above it. Overall, a quiet serene place.

However, if there was one thing that his crazy rollercoaster of a relationship with Trinica taught him, is that looks are deceptive.

“The Dreadlands. Ponies call them Old Country. In the ancient texts, they called it Equestria. You know that according to pony mythology, Equestria used to be ruled by two deities that were capable of raising the sun and moon?” said Ugrik, as excited about obscure history as always.

“And according to Awakeners, the world is a dream. The same bullshit no matter who says it,” Frey answered.

“Perhaps you are right. Still, this place has some magic in it. Evil magic.”

“Let’s ask our magic expert then, shall we?”

Stellar was watching the approaching land with a look that Frey remembered from his younger days, when a novice crewman flew outside of his boring Cyrodiili town towards more outlandish places in Tamriel. “Do you enjoy the trip?” he asked.

“Yes. Old Country is so… beautiful.”

“Then, why did the ponies leave it?”

“There are a few theories. Most probable is a magical calamity that got High Magic corrupt and go haywire, forcing ponies to go find a new home.”

“Magic going haywire resulting in access to it being blocked? Sounds a bit like our Landfall, don’t you think?” asked Ugrik.

“Probably,” replied Frey. He looked at the unicorn again. “Do you know anything about possible dangers?”

“There is only scant documentation from the crews that returned. According to the most comprehensive account written by Sapphire Belle, there are undead monsters ready to attack you, hidden traps left behind from ancient wars and pockets of wild magic causing strange effects. The land itself is hostile and poisoned by necromantic magic.”

“So we will run into zombies?”

“Most probably, yes”

“Great. I mean, I have some experience dealing with vampires, so I can deal with a few undeads.”

The Ketty Jay passed over the forest.

“This is strange,” said Ugrik. “According to the map provided by Sunrise, there should be a town named Vanhoover here, or at least its ruins. Yet there is no trace of it.”

“Strange indeed,” said Stellar.

Frey looked over the forest. It didn’t look dangerous. Besides, Sunrise told them that there are tons of artifacts in Dreadlands. “Crew, how about we make a short stop here?”

“It would be great,” said Stellar.

Ketty Jay and her outflies landed in a clearing. Frey walked out of the airship and took a look around. The forest looked unremarkable, but there was something in the air. His intuition sensed danger.

“Finally a break,” said Ashua as she walked out of her Skylance. She took a look around. “Honestly, I expected more monsters in Dreadlands.”

“Looks can be deceitful,” replied Trinica. Frey had to agree with her.

“So, what do we do now, cap’n?” asked Malvery.

“Just… look for anything of value. According to a map, there should be a city here. It would be strange if there was nothing left of it,” he said.

The group spread over the forest, glad to finally get some fresh air. Frey decided to walk with Trinica. This idyllic forest and the signing birds reminded him of simpler times, when he was a young courier in love with his boss’s daughter.

“So, what do you think about these unicorns, Darian?” asked Trinica.

“They seem a bit too nice. They probably hide something.”

“You think…” Trinica started to say, but suddenly stopped.

“What’s wrong?”

“Somebody is following us.”

“You think so?” Frey asked. The pair took out their revolvers and started looking towards the forest.

Indeed, something was walking around in the forest. It looked at them, then moved away.

“Hey!” shouted Frey and went into a chase. The person in the forest stopped.

Frey and Trinica reached the stranger, but it wasn't who they thought it was. It was a vaguely humanoid creature, but angular. Frey saw in the sun’s reflection of its square head that it was made out of metal. It seemed to be created in a human's image, with clothes, skin, face and hair painted over its smooth surface. This strange creature just stood in place, looking at Frey and Trinica.

“What’s that, Darien?”

“For me, it looks like a Dwemer construct.”

“Dwemer? What does a Dwemer automaton do in Dreadlands?”

“No idea. Don’t make any sudden moves. The automatons only attack when provoked.”

Talos?” the automaton suddenly said, and turned straight towards Frey. The captain almost jumped.

“What Talos?” Frey asked in confusion.

Then, the automaton picked up a pickaxe from… somewhere and started hitting the ground. Suddenly, a square hole appeared, and the automaton buried itself in the ground.

“Okay… that was weird,” said Frey.

“Indeed. Better go back to the rest,” replied Trinica.

Some time later, all of the crew was standing by the square hole in the ground. Stellar was watching it carefully.

“The tales from the Old Country told about strange machines that were able to come alive, but nothing about them being angular,” she said.

“So, was it a Dwemer automaton or an Ancient Pony automaton? Because I’m confused,” said Malvery.

“Only way to find out. Let’s get underground!” suggested Ashua.

“This sounds like a very bad idea,” noted Silo.

Frey walked towards the hole. It was a perfect square. The walls were perfectly smooth. The hole was so deep there wasn’t a bottom seen. Frey picked up a stone and threw it inside. It was a long time before a sound of stone hitting metal was heard back.

“I think we're on top of an underground city. Ashua is right, we need to go deeper.”

“And how exactly are we supposed to do so? Because I for sure am not going to be the first to walk down there,” said Silo.

Frey considered his options. Considering how his previous visit to a Dwemer city went, being careful was the sensible option. On the other hand, who knew what kind of treasures could be hidden down there.

“I will go. Who wants to stay behind can stay. Silo, how much rope do we have on Ketty Jay?

“A lot.”

“Great. Let’s bring the rope here and try to get down there. Who volunteers to be the first to go?”

“The captain should lead by example,” said Trinica. The rest of the crew agreed with her.

“Very well.”

After a short while of making sure everything is safe-ish, Frey stood by the hole. He looked down. Bottomless depths were one of the very few things he was afraid of, among them Awakener Daedric Enforcers, jackals and angry Trinica. Yet, the promise of treasure and his pirate instincts were telling him that going down this hole was actually a very good idea, so down he went.

He moved down, looking at the smooth sides of the corridor. He wondered what kind of technology was capable of creating it.

Eventually, he arrived at the bottom. He stood on a metal hatch. The stone he threw before was down here as well.

“I hope there is a way to opeeaaAA!!!” he screamed as the hatch opened and he found himself falling down. He barely had the time to think of all the things he wanted to say to Trinica before he plunged into the water. He quickly managed to gather his wits and get out of it.

You ok?” somebody asked. Frey looked up. The familiar automaton was standing by him.

“Um, yes?” Frey replied.

Follow me. We should go to the devs,” the automaton said.

“Okay,” Frey said, not exactly trusting this machine.

Let’s go,” said the automaton. Frey walked behind him.

Frey looked at the corridors. They were made out of polished, smooth stone. Overall, they made quite a strange impression, as if they were from a different world.

“I’ve never seen anything like this before,” he said aloud. He just hoped the automatons won’t suddenly turn hostile.

The automaton led them through the maze of corridors. Eventually, they entered a room.

Frey saw four ponies inside. They were watching a tree. Next to the tree was an angular automaton with an axe. It swung the axe at the tree. Suddenly, a part of the tree disappeared, while the rest illogically floated in the air. Then, the automaton took out a piece of wood, and placed it in the empty spot. The piece grew to become a cube and filled the space. The four ponies started noting something down.

“Okay, that is just ridiculous,” said Frey.

Then, the tallest of the ponies turned. She had a purple coat and blue-pink mane. She wore white clothes that slightly resembled those worn by professors at Ruby City’s university that Frey met when he visited Trinica there. Strangely, the pony had both horn and wings.

“You’re here? Thank Harmony, I thought you got lost,” the tall pony said.

“You were expecting me?”

“Indeed. It is the thousand fourth year since the disappearance of the Crystal Empire. It was logical that once the Empire returns, Celestia will send someone to investigate. It was also logical that anyone traveling to the Crystal Empire from the west would visit Vanhoover in two to three weeks after the Empire returned. Therefore, I’ve been expecting you.”

“Oh, right. I am Captain Darian Frey of the Ketty Jay.”

“It is very nice to meet you. I am Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Equestria and Director of Obsidian Council. I would like for you to help me."