//------------------------------// // Six // Story: Flight to Dreadlands // by Prince of Cavia //------------------------------// Beyond the Storm Belt - Sun Tower - Quest Started - New Recruit Darian Frey was a very experienced pilot. He flew various craft since he was twelve. Started as a courier employed by a company owned by Trinica’s father. Then worked as a logistician in the army during the Aerium War against Hammerfell. Finally, became a freebooter, flying Ketty Jay to where treasure was. Thinking about it, he spent a huge part of his life behind the steer of an airship. And he was enjoying every minute of it. However, being a pilot was hard work. Double so if you tried to fly through a storm. Triple so if you attempted to fly through the Great Storm Belt. Frey held the steer hard. Ketty Jay was being thrown left and right by the strong wind. Everything not tied down was flying around the cockpit.  Ugrik, the navigator, didn’t seem fazed by this. Instead, he seemed to enjoy it very much. “Wooo-hooo!” he shouted with joy as a gust of wind almost made the Ketty Jay spin. “Why are you so happy? I feel like the ship will get torn apart soon!” shouted Frey. “I love going through the Storm Belt. It’s always great fun. You know, this storm is created by the warm seas surrounding Tamriel meeting the cold and static Panthalassic Ocean…” “I don’t really care!” shouted Frey, as lightning barely missed the airship. “Yeah. It's unusually quiet today. Maybe it's to help the remaining Awakeners flee from Tamriel? The Belt seems to answer to things like that.” “You call this quiet?!” “I’ve flown here many times. It is quiet.” Frey focused on getting the Ketty Jay under control. Then, after a while, the storm suddenly stopped, and Ketty Jay found herself over a calm ocean. Giant wall of storm clouds was behind him. “Behold, Panthalassic Ocean!” shouted Ugrik and dramatically waved his hands. Frey looked carefully. The contrast between the weather in the Storm Belt and over the ocean was unnatural. In fact, it seemed as if the clouds had met an invisible barrier and were incapable of going further. In front of them, there were no clouds at all. Just empty skies. “No clouds. No winds. No life. No bottom. Panthalassic Ocean, the empty area between realms. Infinite and static, just like the world it fills,” said Ugrik. “Is the ocean bottomless?” “Possibly. Nobody actually measured it, but for sure it's deeper than the oceans surrounding Tamriel.” “Incredible.” “Well then, I see you are on the correct course. Just fly in a straight line. There should be no problems between here and the destination. I’m gonna go play with Kate the Cat,” said Ugrik and quickly left the cockpit. Frey looked at the ocean. It was the first time he was beyond the Storm Belt. New frontier, new adventures. Hopefully, new treasure as well. The journey over the Panthalassic Ocean was long and boring. Other than landing on water and refilling the prothane tanks, as well as beating the rest of the crew in Rake a few times, Frey didn’t have much to do. Eventually, however, he saw something in the ocean. In the distance, a tower was glittering. Gold and white, similar to the one Trinica once showed him in a history book he hadn’t cared about. “This is the Sun Tower. Unicorns living here claim to have the power of raising and lowering the sun,” said Ugrik. “So, we will see actual Unicorns?” Frey asked skeptically. “You will see. You know, you won’t be so cynical if you saw half of the things I saw in my travels,” replied Ugrik. The Ketty Jay reached the tower. On the side, there was some kind of landing pad, in the form of many platforms.  The radio systems activated. “Tamrielic aircraft. Identify yourself.” said a female voice. “Captain Darian Frey of the Ketty Jay. I came here for business.” “Landing platform number 9. You and your crew are to stay inside until the guards come.” Frey landed as he was ordered to. The crew walked towards the cargo hold. He opened the ramp. Then, he looked at the landing pad, and asked himself if he didn't take some Skooma. On the pad, there were three Unicorns. Actual Unicorns. They were about a metre tall, and had colorful manes and coats. They were wearing clothes. Two of them had fancy armor, with swords by the side. One of them was wearing some kind of dress. The horn was glowing in faint pink light, and a notebook was levitating next to it, submerged in similar light. Frey looked at his crew. Silo was similarly bewildered by the sight. Malvery was also confused. He looked towards the captain. “That’s the kind of thing you see when you buy stuff smuggled from Hammerfell,” whispered the doctor. “Reality is stranger than fiction,” said Ugrik aloud, smiling. The Unicorn in a dress coughed to get their attention. “You are Captain Darian Frey?” she asked in unmistakingly feminine voice. She had a strange, melodic accent.  “Yes, I am.” “I had information that there will be Tamrielic airships flying towards the tower. Just sign here and you are free to go. You should go to the Abbey and ask there about the job.” Frey carefully took the levitating pen and notebook in his hands and signed. Trinica walked towards the unicorn. “You are so cute! And such a pretty dress,” she said and patted the unicorn on her mane.  The mare took a step back. “Thanks?” she said unconvinced, then added something in her melodious language. Frey guessed it was something on the line of stupid humans, but didn't want to disrupt Trinica’s moment. “Well, this is all. Enjoy your visit in Sun Tower, and don’t cause trouble,” the mare said, and left. Guards turned back as well, but Frey knew they had an eye on him. “Well, let’s find a tavern and see if unicorns have alcohol!” said Malvery. “I would rather go find this Abbey first and get our job started. Then we will find a tavern,” said Frey. Frey walked the straits up the tower. He was escorted by a female unicorn in strange armor.  The tower was tall and quite beautiful. Solar motives and paintings decorated it. It seemed like a place from a fairytale. It made him quite uneasy. He felt it might be a trap. Maybe unicorns ate humans?  Eventually, he reached the door. The guards turned to him and spoke in her language. Frey didn't understand any of it, but he guessed it was something on the line of our leader is in this room and don't do anything stupid. “Yeah, whatever you say. I just hope she won’t try to scam me.” The guard seemed quite annoyed, but didn’t take the bait. She opened the door. Frey and his crew walked into a chamber. There were two unicorns. One of them was very old, with white coat and pink mane. She wore robes that reminded Frey of the Awakener speakers. Next to her was a younger unicorn. She had a light blue coat and bright yellow mane and was wearing a simple white robe and a strange medallion. “Welcome, Captain Darian Frey, of the Freys of Everfrost. Please take a seat,” said the older unicorn in perfect Tamrielic. Frey and his crew sat down by the table. Frey looked at the older unicorn. She called his family Freys of Everfrost, just like the dream horse did. How did she know? It was only a month or so ago when Trinica dug out information from the archives that Darien Frey was, in fact, a noble, and that his family were dukes in far away land who moved to Tamriel some time before Landfall. “I heard you are looking for help in retrieving a treasure?” “Indeed, Captain. The words of your exploits have reached even outside of Tamriel. I think you will be the best bet if I want to get the artifacts I need.” “Artifacts, you say? I guess they are powerful and valuable?” “Indeed. In fact, more powerful than the Dwemer artifacts that Tamriel is known from. Almost as powerful as Blade of Ages that your friend owns.” Frey looked at Ugrik, who just smiled smugly. Then he turned back towards the unicorn. “So, what are those artifacts?” “They are two artifacts that I want you to retrieve from the Dreadlands.” Frey noticed the younger unicorn shuddering at the mere mention of it. “Dreadlands?” “The long-lost Pony homeland. Ancient Ponies had access to High Magic, and were capable of great feats, both of good and harmony, but also of evil and chaos. I heard that there are many artifacts still left in the ruins of the Old Country.” “Dreadlands don’t sound like a welcoming place.” “You have challenged the vampires of Atmora and beat back the Godhead cultists that attempted to take over Tamriel. Pony curses shouldn’t be much trouble for you.” “Indeed. So, what artifacts do you look for?” The Abbess took a scroll and placed it on the table. “First, I need three crystals. They are called Unity Crystals, and might be even capable of granting a pony access to High Magic. Needless to say, if they went into the wrong hooves, it could be disastrous.” “Understood. What are the other artifacts?” “Only one more, but taking it would be more challenging. It is an artifact of enormous power, possibly the strongest in the entire world. It is the Crystal Heart.” “Crystal Heart, you say?” “The Heart is ancient beyond measure. Powerful magic emerges from it. Needless to say, if used by an evil pony, it could be destructive.” “So, you want me to steal those crystals and give them to you for safekeeping?” “Indeed, but not only for that. I have a project of a spell that might change the entire world.” “What project?” “It is top secret. What you need to know, that other than thirty thousand septims that I give you for all the artifacts, you will also get a boon once I manage to get the magic going.” “Thirty thousand?” Frey said. It was a great sum, high enough to set him up for life. Too good to be true. “Yes. All the money I managed to get. The artifacts are worth any price.” “I guess it wouldn’t be easy to find them.” “Finding them would be easy. They will be in the only city in Dreadlands, Crystal City. The problem will be in getting into it and out of it undetected.” “I guess if it is a Unicorn city, humans walking around would stick out like a sore thumb.” “Right… That’s where my apprentice comes in,” the old unicorn turned towards the younger one. “Stellar Reflection, I would like you to accompany Captain Frey in his journey towards the Old Country.” “Me? Going to the Old Country?” “Indeed. Our human friends would need a guide that knows pony customs and could help them blend in. Besides, they need somepony who knows magic,” she said, and took out another scroll. It was sealed, and seemed to emit magic. “This is a High Magic spell. It will allow the humans to turn into ponies for the duration of a week. Once you arrive in Crystal City, you will cast this spell.” “Casting High Magic? I don’t know if I can.” “You only need to guide the magic hidden in the scroll. It is just basic levitation. Beware, you can only cast it once. The scroll will disintegrate once magic leaves it.” “Wait wait wait… you want to turn us into ponies?” protested Frey. “Only temporarily. Unless you want to walk into a pony city whose inhabitants have never seen a human before. The ruler of the city wouldn’t think twice before obliterating you.” “Okay… this doesn’t sound good.” “Abbess, may I ask you something?” the young unicorn said. “Take off the medallion first.” The young unicorn took off the medallion from her neck, and then proceeded to talk with the older one in their language. Frey turned towards his crew. “What do you think about it?” “Why are you even trusting those creatures?” asked Silo. “She is telling the truth. There are tons of artifacts scattered in Dreadlands. Granted, most adventurers who sail there never return, but those who did, like the unicorn Sapphire Belle, told about cursed treasures,” said Ugrik. “Where did you learn this?” asked Asura. “Travels teach you things.” “I think that we might trust them,” said Trinica. “Why do you think so?” asked Frey. “I know how to read people. They seem honest, and they seem to be desperate if they called for you. These crystals must be very important. I don’t think thirty thousand septims would be enough. Maybe we could negotiate more once we get them.” “That is a good argument.” The two unicorns stopped talking between themselves, and turned back towards the humans. “So, would you accept my offer?” asked Sunrise. Frey knew that easy hand in Rake often meant trouble. This job was quite strange. Yet, something told him that it might just work. Yes. It would work.  “I accept.” Frey and his crew went to the town at the base of the tower. The young unicorn, Stellar Reflection, was with them.  “Do unicorns have whiskey?” asked Malvery. “Well, we don’t have whiskey. However, at the tawern, there is Flowing Light.” “What is that?” “Traditional unicorn wine. You may try it. If you don't like it, we also import some beverages from the humans of Sol Dawn.” “Where did you learn our language?” asked Frey. “I didn’t. This medallion somehow translates what you say into ponish.” “Daedric enchantments?” “No, of course not. Pony High Magic. This medallion must be over a thousand years old. Abbess placed great trust in me to lead you into the Old Country, and I will not fail her.” “You are not afraid?” asked Trinica. “I will do what I need to do. Besides, I always wanted to see the wider world.” The group reached the tawern. Golden Horn. The bartender was a unicorn stallion, and customers were both unicorns and humans. Humans from Sol Dawn looked differently to those from Tamriel, and spoke a strange language. Stellar had ordered Flowing Light for them all. The crew sat at the table. Frey took a sip of the wine. Indeed, it tasted magical.  “So, Stellar, what were you doing in the tower?” “I train to become a healer. Unicorns of Sun Tower are masters of Light Magic.” “I never heard of it.” “It’s actually a human magic school from Sol Dawn.” “So, you are a doctor?” “Not yet, but I will be.” “Say, can you conjure us a bed to sleep at night?” asked Malvery. “No. The art of High Magic is long-lost. Average unicorn is capable only of our innate ability of levitation,” she said, and demonstrated it by levitating the cup to her muzzle. “Interesting. You think there will be trouble in Dreadlands?” “For sure, but if Abbess trusts your abilities, then I do as well.” Frey emptied his cup. He thought about whatever could be so dangerous over there.