Discord's Patchwork Adventure

by Comicizzum


Discord glanced out the bedroom window. Judging by the trajectory of Luna’s stars, Celestia wouldn’t raise the sun for another three hours. Pinkie Pie, that delightfully crazed pony, would be on their doorstep at the crack of dawn to start wedding preparations with Rarity right behind her. Discord looked down at his sleeping angel and sighed. Fluttershy’s mane was draped over her neck, her body slightly curved in a cute half moon shape as she slept peacefully on her stomach. The draconequus felt slightly guilty invading her privacy hovering over her sleeping form all night but could anypony blame him? This was the last night his pegasus would be, well, a pegasus. 

He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t excited for the promised change to come but part of him felt oddly sad. Perhaps he was feeling a sense of loss? But that was silly. Fluttershy wasn’t dying. She just wouldn’t look the way she did now. Discord’s ears drooped at the thought. 

“What you’re feeling is totally understandable.”

Discord glanced over at Cordy Two. “You again?”

“You fell in love with her like this,” he continued. “It’s perfectly reasonable to mourn the loss of such a cute little pegasus.”

Discord sighed again. “I will always love her, no matter what she looks like. But I will miss that, yes.”

Cordy Two rested a comforting paw on his shoulder. “Do you need to talk about it?”

“No. It is what it is and both of us have already accepted that. Besides, I have somewhere I need to be.”

“I’ll keep an eye on her until you get back.”

“Thank you,” Discord said sincerely. He swooped down and softly kissed Fluttershy’s cheek. “I’ll be back soon, my love.”

With one last glance at his double, the Lord of Chaos disappeared. 

Discord materialized next to an ornate bed made of fine wood and accents of gold. Partially covered by a blanket emblazoned with images of the sun, Celestia lay in royal slumber. The sinister side of Discord was immediately tempted to wake his peaceful niece in the most obnoxious way possible but, given that he wanted her to attend his wedding later in good spirits, he opted for a more gentle approach. 

“Oh, Tia!” he softly sang, rubbing her withers, “Wakey, wakey!”

Celestia blearily opened one eye, her face pulled in a hilarious scowl unbecoming of her station. “Go away, Discord.”

“Hello to you too, Miss Sunshine,” Discord chuckled. “I’ll happily be on my way as soon as I have permission to remove the Rainbow of Darkness from its current prison.”

Celestia’s eyes shot open and she sat up. “Remove it? At this hour?”

“Don’t worry,” Discord said, waving his hands, “I have no desire to take it back. I’m simply delivering it to its new host.”

She eyed him with deep intrigue. “He accepted?” 

“Oh, I haven’t asked him yet.”


“But I know he won’t refuse. He’ll take it. Trust me.”

Celestia bit her lip before reluctantly admitting, “Discord, I’m still having nightmares from my days as Daybreaker. I do not want to become her ever again. Are you certain he can be trusted?”

Discord studied her a moment before doing something out of the ordinary; he gently took her forehoof and squeezed it in comfort. “I know he has a dark past but I can assure you he will never allow this incident to repeat. Our family is safe.”

Celestia still looked nervous but nodded in consent. “Very well. I will have to accompany you down to the caves; the guards have specific instructions to only give it to another if I am present. And I will also need to see it delivered to its new owner.”

Discord grinned. “Are you sure that last condition isn’t based solely on curiosity?”

She gave him a faint smile. “It might be.”

Discord thought it over before shrugging. “Alright. I don’t think it’ll cause any harm.”

Wrapping an arm over her withers, he teleported them both to the deep underground. 

“Discord!” Celestia reprimanded when seeing they were now in the caves beneath the castle, “What is the point of an anti-teleportation spell if you just ignore it?”

“You didn’t expect me to walk all the way down here, did you?” Discord said, appalled. “I have a very busy day ahead, Tia! I don’t have time to walk.”

The white alicorn gave an exasperated sigh and shook her head, heading down the hallway. Discord grinned, floating after her.       

At the sight of the princess, the guards standing sentinel over the Rainbow of Darkness straightened and saluted. 

Discord peered through the spelled bars at the orb floating in the middle of the cell. The Rainbow of Darkness swirled menacingly within the rainbow sphere, its black mist crackling occasionally with purple energy.       

“We’ll take it from here, boys,” Discord said, snapping his fingers and securing the orb within a handsome wooden chest. 

“It’s alright, gentlecolts,” Celestia assured, tapping her horn against the metal bars causing them to glow blue.

The guards relaxed at her sign of correct identification and allowed Discord to remove the chest from the cell. Hefting it over his shoulder, the draconequus ignored the dreadful shiver running down his spine. The sooner this business was taken care of the better. 

“Ready, Tia?”

Celestia turned to the guards. “Tell my sister I will be back before dawn.” The two bowed low. “Let’s go, Discord.”

The draconequus snapped, teleporting them to a very large set of doors sealed with a magical lock. The dark wood was decorated with a swirling red sun accented with loops and twists. 

“Let’s get this over with,” Discord muttered. 

Resting his paw over the magical lock, he filled it with a blast of chaos and waited. The mechanism began to glow and move, invisible chains groaning as the doors slowly opened. A loud set of angry barks filled their ears. Discord summoned three giant rubber balls and threw them at Cerberus. The dog was happily distracted, allowing the new guests to pass into Tartarus. 

“I should really talk to him about upping his security,” Discord said as the doors closed behind them.

As they walked past the cages filled with formidable creatures, Discord could tell some of them unnerved the princess; they used to be her peers in darkness, after all. As a kindness, he picked up the pace, following the path. Eventually the cages and monsters disappeared, replaced with a sinister stone hallway lined with glowing torches. Discord led the way down into the depths, the two choosing not to speak. Soon the path leveled out and began to grow into a humongous cave. Eerie stalactites and stalagmites made of purple and red rock decorated the large space, lining the path towards another set of doors that were black with swirls of green. 

“Here we are,” Discord announced, knocking once. “Stay close.”

Celestia looked at him before doing as told, shuffling over to his side. The doors opened revealing a swirling green vortex. A black castle hovered on an island in the misty void, anchored in place by a bridge leading to the doors where Discord and Celestia stood. 

“Looks like he’s redecorated,” Discord commented as they began walking across the bridge. “Last time I was here, he lived in the middle of a volcano surrounded by a mountain range covered in rivers of lava.”

“Does he change his home often?”

“Every century or so,” Discord answered. “Be careful not to stare at the surrounding atmosphere though. Something tells me it has the power to lead distracted visitors to their doom.”

Celestia wisely averted her gaze, trusting Discord to lead the way. 

They reached the castle a few minutes later, the doors opening on their own. The inside was the exact opposite of what one might suspect when entering the giant stone edifice. Instead of a grand hall that reached for the heavens, it appeared as if they were standing in the middle of a middle class entryway, the small hall decorated with abstract art and a small cactus plant. 

“You must take after him,” Celestia commented, eyeing the bizarre scene.

Discord chuckled. “Just wait.”

They walked down the hall and turned the corner, entering a huge throne room with a pool in its center. Lounging in a flamingo floaty with a pair of sunglasses was none other than the Ruler of Tartarus himself. Abysm had chosen to appear as Grogar, a form he seemed to be favoring lately. The old blue goat sipped fruit punch from a straw, completely unsurprised by his visitors.

“Discord,” he greeted, raising his glass. “And Celestia, my dear granddaughter! Pull up a floaty.”  

Two floaties appeared, one a large sun, the other a flying pig. Discord looped around the pig while Celestia flew over and gracefully settled on top of the flat celestial disk. 

“It’s nice to finally meet you… grandfather,” Celestia said uncertainly.

“I was expecting Discord but you, my dear, are a pleasant surprise!” The old goat grinned. “You take after your mother in many ways. I’m looking forward to meeting your sister and daughters later today. It only took a wedding to finally have a reunion.”

“Why haven’t you ever visited us before?” Celestia asked curiously. 

“Forgive me, my dear,” he said sincerely, “It’s not that your grandmother and I didn’t want to meet you. It’s more due to the avoidance of mortals. Such demanding creatures. It’s better that they are given the opportunity to live their own lives without gods interfering. Besides, we each have our own roles to fulfill and that takes up most of our existence. You’ve seen more of Discord than any of us because he has the wonderful job of messing with mortals’ lives; lucky devil. That and he enjoys being in their company more than ours.”

“Mortals are more interesting,” Discord said with a shrug. 

“I agree,” said Abysm. “But that doesn’t mean you have to flaunt yourself in their realm whenever you please.”

“Father, I’m not going to get into another argument over why I like mortals more than you. I’m here for one reason and one reason only.”

He shoved the chest towards Abysm, the wooden box magically floating above the water. Abysm lifted the lid and frowned. 

“You’re returning my gift.”

“After all the heartbreak it personally caused Fluttershy did you actually think I’d keep it? That thing has brought nothing but misery to everycreature,” Discord practically spat. “I don’t want it anymore. As its creator, you are the only being I know of, besides me, that can handle it.” 

Abysm sighed, removing the orb from the chest. “What a waste. It was such a good creation. So much potential. But anything that personally threatens our family is too dangerous to be left unsupervised. Very well, Discord, I will reclaim the power I gave to you. But you must promise me that you will be extra vigilant in your chaos endeavors.”

“I will be.”


Abysm’s horns glowed and the rainbow orb vanished. The Rainbow of Darkness immediately lashed out, heading for Discord. Celestia gasped in fright, spreading her wings. Abysm’s magic immediately surrounded it, pulling it away from the draconequus. 

“Now, now, that’s enough,” he commanded almost lazily, pulling the mist up against his chest. 

The Rainbow of Darkness became a circular ring, swirling around before plowing into Abysm’s chest. Celestia gasped again, watching as Absym fully absorbed the entity that had caused so much heartbreak and sorrow. The old goat wasn’t even phased by the increase in power, finishing his lemonade with a bored expression.  

The princess sat back, stunned. “That’s it?” she asked. “That’s all you had to do?”

“That’s it,” Abysm confirmed, setting his glass aside.

Sensing an oncoming wave of princess wrath, Discord summoned some popcorn and sat back to watch the fireworks.

Celestia rose to her royal height and practically bellowed, “You mean to say you could have done that this whole time?!” 

Abysm frowned. “Celestia, before you get upset, I will remind you that all things happen for a reason.”

“You could have prevented Luna from becoming Nightmare Moon! From being separated from me! You could have stopped the Tree of Harmony from being destroyed and Shadow corrupting all of us!” she thundered. “You allowed that horrid creature to practically destroy and uproot not only my kingdom but others! How could you allow such cruelty to go unabated?” 

Discord watched in silent pleasure as Abysm shifted uncomfortably under her furious glare. It was nice to see somepony else on the receiving end of Celestia’s anger. 

Abysm sat up straighter in an attempt to defend himself. “It is true that I could have denied Shadow entrance to my realm, preventing him from possessing Tirek and causing such destruction upon your world.”

“Then why didn’t you?!” Celestia demanded.

“For multiple reasons that you will one day learn in time,” Abysm replied. “Don’t be angry, my dear. I’d hate for you to think ill of me. May I at least appease some of your ire?”


Abysm winced, clearly stung. He really wanted to get along with his granddaughter. Knowing this, Discord groaned and reluctantly decided to get involved. “Celestia,” he admonished, “Let him speak.”

The sun princess folded her wings and took a deep breath before giving in. “Fine.”

Abysm nodded in thanks before trying again. “Celestia, none of us enjoyed your separation from your sister.”

“I did,” Discord contradicted. Celestia sent him an angry glare. “What? You two imprisoned me in stone. I was bitter.”

“You deserved it!”

“I only did what any other conqueror would’ve done!” he argued. Celestia scowled. He rolled his eyes. “What I was going to say was: after my imprisonment I learned Shadow had caused your separation and then I felt bad.”

“Good!” she snapped. “You should!”

“I did!”

“May I continue?” Abysm interrupted. Discord waved his claw and Celestia nodded, the two not looking at each other. The old goat let out an annoyed grunt. “Anyway, while we hated to see it, your separation was necessary, Celestia. Luna’s jealousy would have grown to permanent resentment and we could not have the sun and the moon at odds with each other. You must be able to work in tandem in order for this world to exist. Becoming Nightmare Moon enabled Luna to fuel all her hurt and anger. Now you both see the value of your relationship and will spend the rest of your lives making a genuine effort to fix whatever odds spring up between you. Also, you are a naturally free spirit that loves adventure and fun, Celestia. Separating you from Luna forced you to shoulder responsibility as a single ruler.”

“You made me grow up.” She bitterly realized.   

“Yes. We saw what was coming, that Twilight and others would need a more seasoned leader to help them face their hardships. Your grandmother specifically saw that Discord wouldn’t be defeated without you. You never would have become a mentor to Twilight if you had remained ruling side by side with your sister. All those letters Twilight sent you never would have existed. If you hadn’t returned them to her during his second takeover, Discord would still be ruling Equestria today. He would have reunited with Shadow and the world you knew would have been replaced with eternal chaos.”

“Letters?!” Discord said in disbelief. “You mean to tell me I was defeated because of letters?!”

“I told you to check all your bases!” Abysm snapped, turning to him.

“I should have taken away Celestia’s horn,” Discord muttered, lost in thought. “That would have prevented her from sending them. Why didn’t I think of that?!”

“Because of your experience with Fluttershy!” Abysm roared angrily. “That pegasus distracted you! You secretly wanted her to lose her cruelty! She wasn’t the first to return to harmony. You felt the corruption leaving the others and let it all happen because deep down, from the moment you saw her, all you cared about was Fluttershy!”

“And you allowed that to happen so why are you so upset?” Discord snapped back.

“Because it went against all my glorious plans for you!”

“Well, it’s a good thing you actually care about my happiness, old goat, or you never would have allowed Amity to win that day!”

“You’re welcome!” Abysm shouted.

“Um, are you two alright?” Celestia asked.

“We’re fine,” Discord said, simmering down. “Shouting is how Father and I share affection.”

Absym harrumphed. “Don’t be giving away all our secrets, son. Anyway, I’m sorry things had to happen the way they did, Celestia, but they were for the overall good of Equus.”

“If you’re asking if I forgive you, I suppose I can do that,” Celestia said reluctantly. “But I’m still angry.”

Abysm shrugged. “I’ll take what I can get.” A wrist watch suddenly appeared on his leg and began whistling. “Scorpan, is that the time?” Suddenly the pool vanished and all three creatures were standing in the middle of a small living room. “I’m afraid I have to cut this visit short, son. There’s lots to do both here and there. It was so nice to meet you, Celestia. I’ll see you both at the ceremony.”

Before Discord and Celestia could say another word both of them had been teleported back to the Canterlot throne room. 

“Well, goodbye to you too,” Discord huffed towards the floor.  

“What are you two doing here?”

Discord and Celestia looked up to see a rather tired Luna hopping off her throne. 

“Nothing much, Lulu,” Discord answered as she approached. “Dear Old Dad just dropped us off here.”

“Dad?” Luna looked at Celestia.

“Discord returned the Rainbow of Darkness to his father and I tagged along.”

Luna immediately tensed. “You gave it to Abysm? Do you think that wise?”

“We can trust him, sister,” Celestia assured. “He cares for us, in his own way.”

“Of course he does!” Discord scoffed. “You both made him a grandfather. He’ll always have a soft spot for you.” He then turned serious as he gazed down at Luna. “You’ll never have to worry about Shadow again, Luna. I promise.”

The Princess of the Night swallowed, the emotion in her voice betraying her attempted stoicism as she said, “Thank you, Discord.”

Their uncle silently berated himself. Shadow had cut very deep wounds, wounds that would take a long time for all of them to heal. 

“I truly am sorry for what happened to you,” Discord said quietly. “If I had any idea what he’d planned, I never would have…”

Luna placed a hoof against his paw. “We all make mistakes… Uncle.”

Discord swallowed and managed a small smile. “I suppose so.” Clearing his throat, he stepped back and slipped into false bravado. “Well, I have a wedding to prepare for! Excuse me, ladies!”

And then he vanished, retreating with all due speed from the uncomfortable intense emotions their conversation had inspired.

True to fashion, Pinkie Pie and Rarity arrived at the castle shortly after dawn, unceremoniously kicking Discord out of his own castle. 

“You can’t see the bride on the day of the wedding!” Rarity shrieked while shoving him magically out the door. 

“Don’t worry, Discord, we’ve got this!” Pinkie promised. “I’ll make everything exactly the way we planned, you’ll see.”

“I love you, Discord!” Fluttershy called, out of sight.

“I love you too!” he barely managed to say before the door shut on his face. 

Peeling his nose from the wood, the draconequus huffed and wandered into the Everfree, wondering exactly what he was supposed to do while Fluttershy was getting ready. He made it as far as the bridge when a sudden magic plucked him from his home to Twilight’s castle.

“What in the-!”


Discord blinked at the sight of Starlight, Trixie, Big Mac, Spike, and Thorax grinning at him under a banner that read ‘Goodbye Bachelor Days!’ in colorful ink. 

“I told you I’d be able to get him here.” Discord whirled around to see Cordy in human form striding toward him with a wicked grin on his face. “Welcome to your bachelor party, old bean!”

“Twilight asked us to keep you occupied,” Spike explained. “I thought this would be a good idea.”

Silently relieved to have a distraction from the heavier thoughts of the morning, Discord grinned and said, “What exactly did you have in mind, Spike?”

“I’m so glad you asked!” The pink dragon unfurled a scroll that had three different options. “I figured you’d like to pick. We could go to Las Pegasus and storm the town, play a rousing game of O&O, or attend a theme park in Cordy’s dimension.”

“Ooo~ what great choices!” Discord said, his eyes shining at the possible chaos each could ensue. “Has there been a vote?”

“Most of us like the idea of either Las Pegasus or Cordy’s dimension,” Starlight said. “O&O would keep us busy but we might forget the time and we have to be back at your castle by late afternoon.”

“Fair.” Discord hummed in thought. While Cordy’s dimension would be fun, the swirling pink vortex he used might sicken the mortals. Best to stick with the first choice. “Las Pegasus it is!”

With a quick snap from Cordy, the group reappeared at the entrance to the giant floating city. Starlight cast a spell on Discord and Cordy, placing a glamor that would make other ponies believe they were looking at twin gray unicorns. 

“Don’t want unnecessary drama from bitter ponies,” she explained at Discord’s raised eyebrow.

“Come on; let’s have some fun!” Trixie shouted, leading the way into the street. 

The morning was spent riding every ride the city had to offer, attending a magic show that left Trixie starry-eyed and Discord somewhat impressed, and getting lunch at a restaurant known for spicy and sweet meal combinations. Overall the trip was wonderful and Discord had a great time with his entourage. In a rare moment he found himself sitting next to Spike while the others attended yet another show. The dragon had clearly planned this because he’d deliberately booked five seats instead of seven earlier in the day.

Sitting on a bench with a bag full of gems, Spike shifted nervously. “Um, Discord?”

Wondering exactly why he would want a moment alone, Discord decided to humor him. “Yes, Spike?”  

“Are you okay?”

The Chaos Lord blinked in surprise. “Of course I am. Why wouldn’t I be?”

“Well, you’ve seemed a little distracted,” the dragon observed. “Twilight’s hiding it really well but I know she’s still suffering from what Shadow did. I guess I’m wondering if that’s what’s bothering you too?”

Discord frowned. “You know, sometimes you’re a little too observant for my liking, Spike.”

“Um, thanks?” He paused. “So am I right?”

The draconequus sighed. “The scars he left on everycreature is part of my brain’s occupation, yes. But mostly I’m thinking of what’s going to happen to Fluttershy once she Ascends. My mother admitted that she is going to undergo a change in her physical appearance.”

“And you’re worried you won’t like what you see?” Spike asked angrily.

“No, no, not at all!” Discord assured under his accusing tone. “Look at me, Spike. Do you think Fluttershy’s appearance will bother me? I’m actually excited to see what she’ll be! But I’m also nervous for some reason. I guess everything is feeling rather real all of a sudden. I mean, I’m getting married in a few hours!”

“Exciting, isn’t it?” Spike grinned.

“And terrifying!” Discord moaned. “I’ve never been in a committed relationship before. What if I’m not a good husband? What if she suddenly decides she wants a divorce? What if she wants children? I can’t have children, Spike!”

“Are you sure about that?”

“I’ve been physically involved with many creatures, Spike. I would know if any of those previous encounters resulted in offspring.”

Spike blushed and cleared his throat. “Right, um, okay. That aside, if you ask me, I think you’re just having wedding jitters, Discord.”

“Wedding jitters? Don’t be ridiculous!”

“Why is it so hard to believe?” Spike asked. “You’ve never been married before, you’ve never committed yourself to anypony like you have with Fluttershy, and your whole way of life is about to permanently change.”

Discord’s heart hammered harder and harder with each passing word. Suddenly finding it very difficult to breathe, he pulled out a paper bag and began rapidly breathing into it. Spike was patting his back, saying something that wasn’t reaching his ears. 

What in the world had he been thinking? He wasn’t marriage material! He was the Lord of Chaos! He wasn’t capable of settling into traditional domesticated bliss. He needed spontaneity; irregularity; pandemonium! And how could he possibly expect sweet harmonic Fluttershy to live such a lifestyle with him? There was no way this was going to work. 

“I need to break things off,” he muttered, his eyes widening in realization. “She’ll never be happy living like that!”

“What?! NO!” Spike shouted, grabbing his arms. 

“I’ll have to break her heart,” he continued, ignoring Spike, “It’s the only way!”        

 A sudden barrage of dragonfire slammed into Discord’s face, charring it instantly. The draconequus howled from the sudden burning and quickly snapped his fingers, healing the singed hairs and mutilated flesh. 

“What the CHAOS, Spike?!” he snarled, grabbing the little pink dragon with the intention to throttle him. 

“Finally!” Spike growled, unfazed by his murderous glare. “Do I have your attention now?”

Discord’s pupils flared. “Attention? You’re lucky I don’t turn you into a purse! In fact, give me one good reason why I shouldn’t!”

“Because I’ve been trying to tell you that calling off the wedding would be the stupidest mistake of your eternal existence!”

Discord blinked before narrowing his eyes. “Oh? And why is that?”

Spike groaned in exasperation. “Maybe because she loves you! She fell in love with you as you are! She doesn’t want a normal life. She wants chaos. Are you seriously going to take that away from her? Not that I think she’ll let you. She’s waited years for this. So have you. I’m sure both of you have had many conversations and drawn the same conclusion everypony else has: you belong together. Now stop letting your nerves whisper lies in your ears and be happy that in a few hours you’ll be a blissfully married draconequus!”          

Discord blinked a few times before setting Spike back down on the ground. After mulling things over, he sheepishly chuckled. “I guess you’re right. I’ve never experienced wedding jitters before. Now that I’ve lived through it, what a delightfully chaotic array of emotions!” 

“Just, do us all a favor and don’t repeat it,” the dragon said.

Discord laughed. In the distance, the rest of their party could be seen emerging from the theater. Knowing he only had moments before they reunited, he nudged Spike with his tail. “Thanks, Spike,” he said sincerely.

Spike grinned. “You’re welcome.”

Discord cleared his throat. “And, as my best man, if I start having another episode, you have my permission to burn me again.”

“I’m your best man?” he said, shocked. 

“Don’t look so excited,” Discord pretended to huff, striding away. Thrilled, the dragon ran after him. “Come on, you lot! Let’s go ride the Vortex of Doom! I feel the need to be trapped in an artificial tornado!”