Rainbow Dash the One Punch Mare

by One Dashie

cap "the problem part 1"

"ok, so we're not friends anymore"




Everyone was silent watching Rainbow Dash walk away without knowing how they should react, what to say or what to think, Rainbow didn't say that in anger, she simply said that and walked away as if she hadn't said something so... hurtful.

"uuhh... guys?"

They all snapped out of their thoughts and noticed Spike.

"she left 5 minutes ago, and you guys were staring into space so I got worried" Spike explained.

"oh, uhh... sorry Spike, but we ended up being surprised by what she said" said Twilight trying to calm Spike down.

"you don't think she wasn't serious... do you?" Fluttershy said worriedly and looking like she would start crying at any moment.

"of course not silly! Dashie is just in a bad moment, after she calms down, she will come talk to us, she will apologize, we will talk about everything that happened, and we will be happy forever" said Pinkie Pie trying cheer up your friends.

It didn't work out very well, because everyone was still worried, including Pinkie Pie, but someone seemed to be the most affected.

"it's all my fault... they hate us because of me..." thought Applejack remembering the accident.

"Applejack, are you okay?" Rarity asked.

"I gotta go!" exclaimed Applejack before trotting out of the castle.


Applejack opened her eyes, one moment she was thinking of a way to get out of an awkward situation, until she heard the sound of an explosion, and now she was feeling very hot, smelled burning, and felt like someone was hugging her.

"are you okay Applesnack?"

Applejack realized that it was Rainbow Dash who was hugging her as if he was trying to protect her.

"Rainbow Dash, Applejack are you guys okay!?"

Applejack recognized Twilight's voice, and moved her head to see Twilight, along with Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Spike, all standing in a magical sphere created by Twilight.

"what... what happened?" Applejack thought in confusion, until she realized what happened.

The train had exploded, Twilight used her magic to protect Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Spike and herself, but Rainbow Dash and Applejack were further away, so Twilight couldn't protect them, so since Applejack and Rainbow were still alive and no injuries?

"uhhh... Applejack, aren't you going to answer?" asked Rainbow Dash after seeing that Applejack wasn't answering any questions.

Applejack then realized that she hadn't responded and that Rainbow was still holding her, so she pulled away and nervously said.

"oh, yes, yes, I'm just a little confused about what happened" Applejack explained, slightly blushing.

"I don't know, something made the train explode, I'm sorry, I created that bubble instinctively to protect us, but since you and Rainbow were away you didn't stay with us, but I'm glad you're okay" Twilight said calmly for her friends be well.

"and they're unharmed, it's a miracle" said Fluttershy smiling.

"it's...a miracle..." said Applejack looking at Rainbow Dash.

"this is very strange, the train couldn't have exploded out of nowhere" said Rarity worriedly.

"definitely not, something or someone must have caused this, but I think it's better to see if there are any survivors, we have to help" said Twilight.

They all split up to find survivors, they ended up seeing ponies who couldn't resist, Fluttershy started crying, Rarity, Twilight and Applejack felt like vomiting, Spike had already vomited, Pinkie Pie couldn't smile, and Rainbow Dash just watched and continued flying looking for survivors, with the exception of Twilight and her friends, there were 47 ponies that were on that train, they only found 9 survivors, and 4 were very injured.

"well... now what? Does anyone know basic medicine?" asked Rainbow Dash not knowing what to do with the survivors they found.

"no, but I've been practicing a new teleportation spell, I think I can teleport us and the survivors to Canterlot, luckily we're close" said Twilight.

Applejack looked at Rainbow Dash, wondering how they were alive, and unharmed, apparently Rainbow Dash protected her from the explosion with her own body, but besides that probably wouldn't be enough to save Applejack's life, Rainbow didn't have any injuries or injuries. burn.

"they are ready?" asked Twilight with her horn glowing.

"it depends darling, are you sure it will work?" asked Rarity worriedly.

"43.7% sure" said Twilight smiling.

"Great... wait..." said Rarity, calming down but soon realizing what Twilight said.

Twilight used the spell, teleporting herself, her friends, and the survivors, what no one knew was that they were being watched.

"They managed to escape that explosion unharmed, it's really surprising, the princess of friendship, she's really good with magic, I'll let them go for now" said a mare with its body covered by a black cloak and a mask.

The mare teleported away soon after.

5 months ago...

Rainbow Dash was trotting through Ponyville, apparently nothing had changed since the last time she saw the town, same ponies, same houses, same stores, same Scootaloo speeding towards her...


Rainbow Dash fell to the ground after an orange filly collided with her, and now Scootaloo was on top of Rainbow hugging her.

"you're back, you're back, you're back, YOU'RE BACK!" exclaimed Scootaloo excitedly.

'I think I'm going back to the hospital' thought Rainbow Dash looking at Scootaloo.

Normally Rainbow Dash would be happy to see her number 1 fan, but now she didn't feel like seeing anyone.

"I was worried when I heard about the accident, I kept asking Applejack and Rarity how you were, but they always replied that you were fine, but that you didn't feel like showing up in Ponyville, I started to think that they were lying and that something serious would have happened!" explained Scootaloo crying as she hugged Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow stood up and made Scootaloo let go of her and with an expressionless face she said.

"go home Scootaloo" Rainbow said before walking away.

Scootaloo just stood there watching Rainbow Dash walk away, she didn't know what to say or do other than cry, after a few seconds another orange pony appeared.

"what happened Scootaloo?" Applejack asked worriedly.

"I think Rainbow Dash hates me..." replied Scootaloo crying.

"no, no, no, she doesn't hate you, she's just very stressed, if she were to hate anyone it would be me" said Applejack trying to calm Scootaloo.

"but she..." Scootaloo tried to continue but Applejack interrupted.

"I'm going to talk to Rainbow Dash, which way did she go?" asked Applejack.

At the moment...

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." said Twilight, bowing in front of Celestia and Luna.

Twilight managed to teleport her friends and the survivors to Canterlot, but she went to the center of Canterlot, with several ponies around who witnessed the arrival of the princess of friendship, her friends, 4 ponies injured with burns, this caused panic and fear in the ponies of Canterlot, Celestia managed to calm the ponies and the survivors were taken to the hospital, and Twilight and her friends were in the throne room in front of Celestia and Luna explaining what happened.

"it's okay Twilight, it could have been worse, it's good that you're both alive and safe" Celestia said to calm Twilight down.

"Didn't you see anything or anyone strange?" Luna asked the rest.

"no, maybe someone attacked the train from outside" said Fluttershy.

"ok, but who would blow up the train? Without saying anything, halfway to Canterlot" asked Rainbow Dash.

"We've already sent ponies to investigate, maybe this is linked to... him..." said Celestia

"let me guess, someone very powerful and dangerous that you and perhaps Luna met in the past, faced each other, managed to defeat, arrest or get rid of him in some way, and now he has returned or is returning, and instead of you two defending your kingdom, facing it again, would you rather ask for help, from a farmer, a party girl, a seamstress, a shy pegasus, a random pegasus, and your student isn't it?" Rainbow Dash said.




"that's exactly it" Celestia admitted.

"Was it that predictable?" Luna asked.

"yes" Rainbow replied.

"ahem" Pinkie replied.

"a little" Rarity replied.

"maybe..." replied Fluttershy

"This is becoming routine" replied Spike

"ehhh... it happened a few times so we could imagine" Twilight replied.

"oh... wow... uhhh... ok, let's talk somewhere more private" Celestia said before walking away.

Everyone followed Celestia, without realizing that someone was listening to everything.

"Celestia and Luna think they will be able to stop me this time... how ridiculous, no one in this world has the power to stop me..."

Suddenly Rainbow Dash stopped walking, catching Applejack's attention.

"what it was?" asked Applejack worried and confused.

"oh, nothing, I just felt a strange sensation" Rainbow replied.

"Rainbow... I don't know how you got out of that unscathed but... thanks for protecting me" said Applejack blushing.

"damn... we're friends" said Rainbow.

Applejack smiled and the two returned to follow Celestia and the others.