The guardians of harmony: The return of the Dark lord

by Savant 123

Chapter 11: The changelings attack

Opening of the guardians of harmony :

Play she ra princess of power theme song

The intro starts with the other , sombra , queen chrysalis, Tirek and lord Norlock looking at the pool in the center of the dark chamber.

~ We're on the edge of greatness ~

The camera then zoom into the pool to show sunset was on the school roof staring at the sunset . She then turn her head to stare at the camera before her geodes glow a bright red light covering the screen.

~ turning darkness into light ~

After the bright light disappear it shows scenes from previous equestrian girls adventure such as the first equestrian girls movie, rainbows rock, Friendship games, legend of everfree, mirror magic , forgotten friendship , rollercoaster of friendship ,spring breakdown, sunset backstage past and holiday unwrapped.

~ We're right beside you ~

All the guardians of harmony are now on a battlefield and in front them was an army of reapers

~ Ready to Fight! ~

Everyone then pony up and turn into their superhero forms

~ (fight, fight, fight fight) ~

Both sides quickly charge into one another.

~ We're gonna win in the end! ~

Pinkie rises out of a tide, blasting reapers with water while rainbow dash blast them with lighting shocking them.

~ We must be strong, And we must be brave ~

Applejack is capturing and tying up reapers with vines. While rarity is using her magic to open up holes in the ground that cause many of them to fall in.

~(we must be brave) ~

Fluttershy is using her power to make a tornado that caught many of the reapers while twilight is using her telekinesis to pick up a few of the reapers and toss them in the air.

~ We're gonna find every bit of strength that we have ~

Sunset is using her magic to make a fire shockwaves that took out many of the reapers

The scene shifts to the main chamber of Grogar lair where his egg form floats in the air and beneath it was the other, queen chrysalis, lord norlock, Tirek and sombra , vindicator ,cinch, Adagio dazzling,Sonata dusk and Aria blaze . Behind all of them was a dark background where the red eyes of the monsters that serve Grogar glow with malice. The egg form of Grogar suddenly glow covering the entire screen.

~ and never let go ~

The scene then shifted to the guardians of harmony battering against the other and Grogar top subordinates.

~ (Oh ah Oh) ~

The other and sunset fire a magical beam towards one another resulted in a blight flash that cover the entire screen.

~ We must be STRONG! ~

The scene ends with a final shot of the guardians of harmony sitting down at the base of the school statue with wallflower Trixie and Flash sentry standing nearby.
“Is there any way for us to avoid summer school?” Rainbow ask principal Celestia. She and Pinkie Pie are currently sitting down in front of Principal Celestia in her office. It turns out she wasn’t the only one who had bad grades. Pinkie Pie's grades are also slipping enough that she might also be sent to summer school.

“Yeah, I have many parties to plan during the summer, and I can’t do any of them from school.” Pinkie Pie said.

“Well, there is one way.” Celestia said gaining both girls attention. “In two weeks, there is a science fair. The prize for first place would also be extra credit. Earning it will be enough for you two to gain enough credit to avoid summer school.”

“All right.” Rainbow dash said as she pumped her fist into the air. After their talk with Celestia, both Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie were heading to class. ”So all we have to do is come up with a cool project that will blow the competition away.”

“So what is the plan?” Pinkie pie, ask.

“I don’t know.” Rainbow Dash said. “Let's ask twilight or sunset for help. Maybe they know what to do.”

“Are you sure they will help?" I mean, they're also taking part in the science fair.” Pinkie pie, ask.

“Of course they will help,” Rainbow Dash said confidentially. ”If we are lucky, they might let us take some credit for their project.”
“Sorry, we can’t help you.” Twilight said bluntly. She and Sunset were in the lab at her home working on their project when Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie walked into the room and asked for help.

“But why?” Pinkie Pie said.

“It's a competition, and we have to present our own project.” Sunset said.

"What are we supposed to do.” Rainbow whine.

“Hit the library, that's what,” Sunset said.

“ Books” Rainbow groaned. ”The only books i read are daring do.”

“Well, in that case, have a nice summer in school.” Twilight said as she and Sunset went back to do their project.

“Fine,“ Rainbow Dash said as she and Pinkie made their way to the town library.
In one of the many chambers of grogar underground lair, a reaper head was thrown onto the ground. After hitting the ground, it exploded along with its body.

“What a workout,“ Breaking Dawn said as she and her two gang started stretching their bodies. Around them were the cloaks of countless reapers. Indicating the three had massacred an entire group of them.

"Excellent," Chrysalis said as she looked over the three girls.

“So now that we are done with training, can we go and crack some actual skulls?” Widow said. ”Preferably a certain red-haired girl skull.”

“Yes, I believe you three are ready.” Chrysalis said. After that, the three went to a mirror that was nearby. The mirror shows, in full detail, their current bug forms. The three girls now have black-like exoskeletons covering their bodies. Their entire eyes are now green; they have insects like wings on their backs; their hands now have long, sharp claws; and in addition to that, all their hairs are now green. Their looks are almost identical, to the point that if it weren’t for their different hair styles and the fact visor on Dawn worn on her face, it would be impossible to tell them apart.

The three girls concentrate, and immediately a green flame covers them, and when it disappears, it shows the three girls in their human form. They smiled upon seeing this. Afterward, the three began making their way out of the chambers and into the outside world.

Unknown to them, the dazzling have been watching them the entire time from one of the entrances of the chamber.

“So what do you think, Adagio?" Aria asks Adagio.

“I think it is completely idiotic that they think those three will do better than us.” Adagio said.

“But what if they succeed in destroying the rainbooms?” Sonata said. ”We could get replaced.”

There was a small hint of panic in her voice as she said that. However, Adagio just rolls her eyes.

“Oh, please, we have been in this game longer than those wannabes.” Adagio said. ”If we can’t do it, then there have equally bad of a change in beating those rainbooms.”

All three then left the chamber.
It was the evening, and both Twilight and Sunset were in sugar cube corner, helping themselves to some milkshakes. They were currently trying to relax after a hard day of work of working on their project.

“Ahhh, that was a good milk shake,” Sunset said as she took a final sip of her drink.

“Anyhow, we still have work to do.” Twilight said. ”We can work on the design at your home.”

"Sure, twi” sunset said. The two girls left the shop and began the long walk to Sunset House. After a while, the two were finally in front of Sunset House.

“Hi sunset” A voice that sunset was familiar with said, causing her and Twilight to turn, and she saw Joe behind them holding a cup of coffee.

“Hey, Joe,” Sunset said, greeting the man.

“You know this guy's sunset.” Twilight asked, eyeing the man.

"Yeah,"Sunset said. ”Joe is an old friend of mine.”

"So, are you going to introduce me to your girlfriend, Sunset?" Joe said in a teasing tone.

“We are not dating.” Both sunset and twilight said it at the same time while blushing.

“Really?“ Joe said, raising an eyebrow. "You two seem to have good chemistry with one another."

"We are just friends,“ Twilight insisted . “Anyway, my name is Twilight. Nice to meet you, Joe. Twilight walks to Joe and offers a hand to shake.

“Likewise,“ said Joe as he shook her hand. After they shake hands, he turns his attention to sunset.”So what are you two doing?”

“Just working on our science fair project,“ Sunset said.

"Yeah, we are currently working on the design of our project,“ Twilight said.

“Then I wish you two the best of luck.” Joe said as he waved bye and began walking away.

"Bye, Joe.” Both girls said as their also wave goodbye.

“He was nice.” Twilight said.

“Yeah, he was twi.” Sunset said. ”Now let go; we have work to do.”

Both girls then went inside Sunset House.
On the street, as Joe walked, he saw Breaking Dawn and her two gangs walk past him. As he continued to walk, he took a moment to turn and look at the three before putting his attention forward. He took a sip of his drink as he continued to walk away.

“Good luck, sunset,” Joe said.
“And done,” Sunset said as she and Twilight had just finished typing on her laptop.

“Everything seems alright,“ Twilight said as she examined what their type on the laptop.

“It's more than alright, Twi,” Sunset said. ”It’s perfect.” Sunset then saw the time on the clock on the wall. ”It’s getting late. I think it’s best you go home.”

“Yeah, I think you are right.” Twilight said as she packed her things and got ready for the walk home.

“Let me walk you home, twi.” Sunset said. The two then left Sunset House and locked the door. Before the two can leave, however, a voice gains their attention.

“Well, look who it is.” The voice said, and the two girls turned and saw that in front of them were breaking Dawn and her gang.

“Breaking Dawn." Sunset said in shock, as she had never thought she would see Dawn and her two gangs again.

“So that is breaking dawn,” Twilight said in shock.

“Yeah, she is.” Sunset said before looking at the two girls next to Dawn. ”And that is jumper and widow.”

Sunset said as she pointed to the respective girls.

“What are you doing here?” Sunset said as she walked in front and blocked their view of twilight.

“Pay back that what ” Widow said, and immediately after, she said that she and the other two girls bodies were covered in green fire and immediately changed to their true form.

“ What.” Sunset said in shock. Twilight, who looks over sunset shoulder, was also shocked to see that.

“ Like our new form.” Dawn said. ”Our new boss gives us these new powers as payment for our services.”

“What have you done?” Sunset said. ”You basically sold your soul to the devil.”

“Do you think we care?” Widow said. ”With our new powers, we are now stronger than when we were humans."

“But enough with that,“ Dawn said. ”We still have a job to do. Which is getting rid of you and your friends.”

Immediately after, she said that one of dawn hands turned into a blade, and she flew towards them. Sunset quickly grabbed Twilight and immediately teleported her and Twilight to safety. Dawn landed in the place they were. She and her gang quickly look around, trying to find them.
Twilight and sunset appeared in her room. After letting go of twilight sunset instantly reached into her pocket, and she brought her phone out and dialed on it.

“Come on, rainbow dash, pick it up.” Sunset mutters as she places the phone next to her ear.
In rainbow dash room, both Pinkie Pie and the rainbow hair girl were currently brainstorming all possible projects they could use to win the science fair. All the ideas they came up with were written on a whiteboard. However, a majority of them were crossed out for one reason or another.

“For the last time, Pinkie, no.” Rainbow Dash said to the pink-haired girl.

“But why?” The party girl whined.

“Because doing a cannon that fires cakes is not science.” Rainbow Dash said.

“How about a cake-making robot?” Pinkie suggested. Rainbow opened her mouth to speak, but stopped and closed her mouth as she put a finger on her chin in though.

“That actually sounds like it might work.” Rainbow Dash said. Suddenly rainbow phone rang. She pulled it out of her pocket and answered it.

“ Hello.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Hey, rainbow,” Sunset said.

“Oh, hey sunset.” Rainbow Dash said. ”How is it going?”

“Oh, just fine.” Sunset spoke calmly before switching into a higher voice. ”Except for the fact that me and twilight are currently being attacked.”

“ What.” Rainbow dash said in shock.

“You heard me.” Sunset said. ”Come to my house now before...”

Whatever sunset was about to say was interrupted by what sounded like glass breaking and screams. The phone then went quiet.

“Sunset,” Rainbow Dash said in concern.

“Dashie, what is wrong?” Pinkie asks in concern.

“ Trouble.” Rainbow Dash said. ”Something is attacking sunset and twilight. No doubt another monster.”

“I better call the rest.” Pinkie said as she brought a phone from her hair and began dyeing the phone to call the others for help.
Back at sunset house, there was a broken window where sunset room is. Their was what sounded like a fight was happening, and a few bright lights flashed from the window. It went like that for a little while before three figures were thrown through the window and landed on the ground in a heap. The three got up as floating out of the window cover in a magical aura were twilight and sunset. Both used their telekinesis to float each other down and gently land on the ground in front of them. Both of them had a few scratches on their clothes and skin, with some blood even dripping from their cheeks, foreheads, arms, and legs. Their know can’t keep this up forever as breaking dawn,widow and Jumper have proven to be extremely skilled fighters. It was only through their teamwork and quick thinking that they were able to survive this long. However, they know that won’t last long as they are being worn down. Their only hope to win this fight is to hold on long enough for help to arrive.

Both sides stood as they stared each other down. They waited for the others to make the first move, knowing that the first move could decide the outcome of the fight. They stood for a few more seconds until widow decided to make the first move and flap her wings, and charge at the two girls. Both Sunset and Twilight quickly blasted a fire and a magical attack respectively at her. However, she was able to maneuver her body and dodge the attack. She turned both of her arms into swords and was about to stab them. However, they were able to form a shield that blocked the attack.

This, however, did nothing to stop widow as she continued to stab the shield in an attempt to break it. It wasn’t long before both Dawn and jumper joined in as their turn both they hands into blades and began stabbing the shield in an attempt to break it.

“Twilight, we need to concentrate and expand the shield to push them away.” Sunset said.

“ Right.” Twilight said as she nodded. Both concentrate, and the shield expands and pushes the three girls away. The three girls landed on the group in a heap. Seeing their opening, the two girls use their telekinesis to lift the three girls into the air and slam them on the ground over and over again. After the final slam, they use their telekinesis to push them to the wall of the building in front of them. The three landed on the ground again. Jumper, being the first to recover, got up and glared at them. She fired a magical blast from her hand. The attack was about to hit them, but the two girls were able to dodge on time. However, the blast continues to fly until it hit sunset house front door. The attack caused it to be destroyed.

“My door.” Sunset nearly yelled in shock.

“Forget about the door,“ Twilight said, gaining sunset attention. ”We have bigger problems right now.”

The two girls turn their attention back to the three human-turned-Changelings. The three changelings flew into the air, and Dawn quickly turned both her hands into a mass of tentacles and launched at them. Both twilight and sunset quickly blast a large fire attack and a magical attack, respectively, that combine into a larger attack. The attack hit the tentacles, causing an explosion and resulting in many of the tentacles being destroyed or caught on fire. She recoiled back, and immediately all the remaining tentacles were pulled back and turned back into her arms. Dawn looked at her arms and saw that they were covered in scars, with some even bleeding in some parts. Small green flames appear on her hands, and the wounds disappear. She turned her attention to the two girls and glared at them.

“I am going to gut you two open like a fish.” Dawn said in anger.

“What is your problem?” Sunset said angrily.

"Yours is my problem.” Dawn said. “Because of what you did, our parents disowned us and cut me out of my inheritance.”

“ Inheritance?” Twilight ask confused.

“Dawn is actually from a rich family.” Sunset said. ”Apparently, her father was filthy rich business partner. It’s also how she got out of trouble most of the time since she would pull on her father connections and money to help her. Of course, I later learned her family wasn’t aware of what she had been doing and only learned of her behavior after they were expelled from school.”

“Wait, so you want revenge because sunset got you cut off from your inheritance?” Twilight ask.

“That is right,” Dawn said.

“But why do you wait till now to get revenge?“ Twilight asks, confused.

“Because due to me now being disowned I can’t no longer rely on my father's connection to help me, meaning I need to keep my antics down or be sent to jail.” Dawn said. ”But now with this power our new boss gives us, we don’t have to worry about any authorities destroying our fun, and what more we can finally get payback on the bitch that ruin our lives.”

“Sunset didn’t ruin your lives,“ Twilight said, defending her friend. ”You did that to yourself. Even if sunset hadn’t exposed you and presented the evidence to Luna, you would still have eventually been expelled. You ruin your own life.”

“Twilight is right.” Sunset said. ”You did this to yourself. You choose to be a group of delinquents. I didn’t do anything but show the evidence to Luna. You are the one who did the crime, and as the saying goes, don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time.”

“Shut up.” Dawn said as she ,widow and jumper fire a magical blast at sunset and twilight. However, sunset, grab twilight and teleport to a safe distance away. However, this didn’t stop them, as their fire again at them. Both quickly form a shield to protect themselves from the attack. The three changelings quickly flew over them and repeatedly fired at them. While the shield was able to withstand the attack, it couldn’t keep it up forever as small cracks began to form on the shield. Eventually, the shield managed to break enough to leave a big hole. The three fire at them again. However, the two gather as much of their energy as possible and fire a large fire and magical blast at the three girls. The fire and magical blast combined to form into a larger attack. The three changelings were able to, however, manage to dodge the attack. The attack just simply flew above in the air harmlessly. The three changelings then charge again at the two girls. Twilight, however, was quick enough to use her telekinesis to grab Widow and Jumper and slam the two against each other, with Dawn in the middle.

The three fall to the ground with a slam. Seeing her opportunity, sunset fires a large fireball at the three girls. The attack hit them, causing all three to be blast back. They landed on the ground in a heap. However, before they could take a breath, the three got up again and charged at them. Their fire magical blast after magical blast as they flew towards them. Sunset and twilight quickly form a magical shield to protect them. However, like before, this didn’t stop them as they flew over them and fired at the shield over and over again. Having enough, the three turned all their hands into large mallets, flew next to the shield, and began slamming on it. This created the desired results as their shield began to crack faster. Eventually, after one final hit, the shield cracked. The three were able to hit the two girls again. But before they could, three veins wrapped around the three changelings and pulled them away. They landed on the ground in a heap.

“It looks like we arrived on time.” A voice that sounded like rainbow dash spoke, and the two girls turned and saw the rest of the guardians of harmony behind them. They quickly ran and stood with the two girls.

"So, what are we dealing with here?” Flash asks.

"It is breaking dawn and her two gangs,” Sunset said, shocking everyone.

“What? ” Rarity said. Everyone turned and saw the three changelings standing up.

“Well, it seems the gang is all here.” Dawn said as she grinned evilly. She and her two gangs stood up and smiled evilly at them.

“Everyone pony up now,” Sunset said, and immediately everyone turned into their superhero forms.

“Let’s end this, “Widow said, and immediately all three flew into the air, and immediately all three hands turned into a mass of tentacles that quickly went towards them. Applejack quickly formed vines and had them tangled with some of the tentacles. Wallflower did the same and formed a group of shadow tentacles, and have them tangle with as many tentacles as possible. The remaining free tentacles try to grab them, but Flash, Sunset, Twilight, and Trixie fire at them, causing them to recoiled back in pain. Then Wallflower and Applejack pulled the tentacles, causing all three to land on the ground. They then pull on the tentacles, dragging them onto the ground. After they stopped dragging them, they let go of the tentacles, letting them fall to the ground. While they were still recovering, Fluttershy used her powers to trap the three in a tornado, and Pinkie Pie filled it with water, while Rainbow Dash used her powers to shock them while they were in it.

After the tornado subsided, the three landed on the ground in a heap. Seeing their chance, both sunset and twilight fire a large magical attack that combines into a larger magical attack. However, before it can hit them, they manage to recover on time, fly into the air, and avoid the attack. As soon as they were in the air, they turned their hands back to normal and were about to fire at them. However, before they could fire, Rainbow Dash flew into the air and used her super speed to ram Dawn from the air and slam her onto the ground. She then used her super speed to repeatedly punch all over her body. Both widow and jumper were about to fly down and help her. However, before they could both twilight and sunset, grab them in their telekinesis aura and slam them on the ground. Applejack then quickly grabs the two by the hair, lifts them into the air, and slams them on the ground over and over again. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash was still hitting dawn, but she had to jump as a blade was suddenly swung at her. She managed to avoid it at the last minute, but she still managed to get a bit of a tear in her shirt. She also saw a bit of blood leaking from the tear. Her attention was then back at dawn, whose body was covered with small green flames. When the flame subsided, she adjusted her visor, quickly turned her other arms into a blade, and charged at her. Rainbow Dash was able to easily dodge each swing of her blade; however, while she was busy being distracted by the blade being swung on her, she didn’t notice Dawn turning one of her feet into a tentacle, which she used to wrap around one of her legs and pull. This caused rainbow dash to fall on her back.

Dawn took the opportunity to try to stab her. However, before the blade can reach her chest, a black tentacle wraps around it and pulls her forward. She was pulled over rainbow dash and landed on the ground. Afterward, she was dragged over the ground until the tentacle let go. Dawn then got up and saw wallflower. Glaring at her, she quickly flew forward and was about to stab her with both blades, but a diamond shield was formed at the last minute, protecting her from the blade. She was about to try to stab the diamond shield, but before she could try, Applejack was suddenly behind her and quickly used widow and jumper to slam her on both sides of her. She then pulled them back and did this again and again. However, when she was about to do it again, Dawn turned one of her arms into a mass of tentacles and quickly grabbed her arms, legs, and torso and lifted her into the air. This sudden action caused her to let go of widow and jumper. Both of them landed on the ground in a heap. Dawn slams Applejack on the ground and lifts her in the air to do it again and again. Before she can do it again, flash jump and cut the tentacles, causing applejack to land on the ground. Applejack, get up and look at Flash.

“Thanks, flash.” Applejack, thank him.

"You are welcome," Flash said.

Dawn pulled back the tentacles and reformed them into her arms. She, along with widow and jumper, glare at the two. Before the three changelings could do anything else, something punched all three of them. They look around, only to see nothing.

“What the fuck?” widow asks, confused like her two friends. Suddenly, they were punched again and again.

“Who the fuck is doing this?” Dawn asked as she was punched in the stomach. Furious Dawn and her two friends began randomly punching around until they managed to hit something. That something was Wallflower, who was punched hard enough that she was sent flying and rolling on the ground. Both Applejack and Flash quickly went to her side and helped her up.

“You ok?” Flash, ask Wallflower.

“I live,” Wallflower said.

“I am going to kill you three.” Dawn said as she and her two companions turned their arms into blades. They were about to charged at them again, but rarity intervened by forming a two-diamond shield on their left and right and using her powers to have them move forward, causing all three of them to be squished in the middle of it. She then moved them back and did this again and again. However, when she was about to hit them for the 20-time dawn and her two companions managed to fly in the air on time before the diamond squish them again.

When the three reach a safe distance, they immediately fire at everyone they see. Everyone of them was able to dodge the blast. However, they keep on coming. However as their fire their didn’t notice rainbow dash fly above them and use her lighting powers to blast all three to the ground. They landed on the ground in a heap. As the three tried to get up, Pinkie saw an opportunity to form an ice cannon and fire an ice boulder at the three. The attack hit them and sent them flying, where they hit a diamond wall that rarity form in front of them. This caused them to be squished in between the wall and the boulder. The boulder fell down, and all three landed on top of it. As they tried to get up, the boulder suddenly exploded, sending all three flying in the air and landing on the street. The force was hard enough that it left a crack in the street. The three got up and looked at them with a look of hate.

“Give up,” Flash said as he pointed his sword at them. “You can’t win.”

“This is far from over.” Dawn said as she, widow and jumper used their wings to fly in the air and charge at them. However, Applejack jumps in the middle and punches Dawn; Rainbow Dash punches widow with a lightning cover fist; and Twilight uses her telekinesis to push jumper back. All three changelings were pushed backward and slid to the ground. As the three got up, Dawn immediately noticed something missing. She looked in front of her and saw her visor not far from her. She was about to get up and get her visor, but sunset teleported in front of it, and step on it.

“My visor,“ Dawn said in anger as she glared at sunset. “You bitch.”

"It's time we end this.” Rainbow Dash said.

"Agreed,"Sunset said. Dawn and her two friends tried to get up but were caught in a telekinesis grip by both sunset and twilight. Rarity then makes a giant ball of diamonds, and Pinkie Pie touches it. Immediately after that rarity, use her power to send it flying towards them. The boulder hit the three and sent them flying, with them still on the boulder. As soon as they were high in the sky, the boulder exploded, causing them to be blown high into the sky until they became a twinkle in the sky.

“Well, great, that is over.” Rainbow said.

“Yeah, it is good. You guys come when you can.” Sunset said. ”You guys really save our necks there.”

“It was no problem,“ Rarity said.

“Anyhow, I don’t think this is over.” Twilight said catching everyone's attention. ”I think it is best we report what happens to black light.”

Everyone nodded in agreement when they heard that.
Dawn, Jumper, and Widow screamed as they fell from the sky and landed in the everfree forest. All three stayed on the ground for a little while before their got up.

“That bitch,” Dawn said as she got up. “I am going to tear sunset head off for destroying my visor.”

"You are not the only one.” Widow said with jumper nodding in agreement. ”I want revenge as much as you do.”

“Well, it seems you guys didn’t do as well as I thought you would.” A voice said causing all three to turned and saw chrysalis leaning on a tree nearby. ”It seems I overestimated your skills in dealing with them.”

“Hey, it isn’t our fault,“ Dawn said. ”We were winning against Sunset and her little girlfriend until the rest of her fucking friends interrupted us.”

“I suppose you do have a point,” Chrysalis said. ”The guardians of harmony did outnumber you. Well, I guess I cannot really blame you for falling this time. Well, that is a problem I am planning to fix sooner rather than later. Anywhere, let go.”

Chrysalis began walking away, and it wasn’t long before the other three began following her.
End of chapter 11

End song

Played Shine by Mr. Big

[Instrumentals] The opening fades into the inside of a room and focuses on an accordion-book that was open all the way onto a table.

[I never really feel quite right] The scene then fades to show the beginning of the book, before moving to the left, as it showed the pictures in it. The first of the pictures was of sunset who was on her couch with her pet lizard ray on her shoulder both of who are smiling in front of the camera.

[And I don't know why, all I know is something's wrong] As the camera moved, showing the rest of the photos, it then showed a picture of Rainbow Dash playing football on the school field .The next picture showed Rarity making a dress using sweetie bell as her model must to the young girl displeasure.

[Every time I look at you, you seem so alive] The next picture showed both Pinkie pie and Fluttershy backing a cake in a kitchen. The one after that was of Applejack picking out apples from a tree in her farm with her family.

[Tell me how do you do it, walk me through it] After that, it was a picture of twilight in her lab doing one of her experiments with spike sleeping on his dog bed nearby.The next picture was of wallflower ,Trixie and Derpy taking a group group picture in her garden.

[I'm following every footstep] The next picture was of flash sentry and his band playing on a stage.

[Maybe on your own you take a conscious step] The next picture was of Pinkie and Rainbow dash sneaking up on Luna who was sleeping on her desk. The picture next and under it was of an angry Luna who have a mustache drawn on her face by a marker chasing rainbow and pinkie pie who was laughing and nearby was principal celestia who have an amuse look on her face .

[Do you wanna give it up? All that I want…] The next picture was of sunset in her demon form who was flying in the air and on the ground was princess twilight and the rest of her friends ready to confront her.The photo after that was of sunset in a crater with tears in her eyes.

[Is for you to SHINE~] The photo after that showed princess Twilight pulling sunset out of the crater.

[SHINE~ down on me]The next photo was of sunset hugging wallflower after destroying the memory stone.

[SHINE on this life that's burning out] A photo after that showed Discord putting a kick me sign on sunset back with him turning to the camera putting a finger on his lip telling the person who is using the camera to be quiet . The one underneath it was a picture of Bulk biceps running from Fluttershy while she is wearing her alien custom .

[SHINE~] The photo after that was of star swirl and Stygian practicing their magic.

[SHINE~ down on me] The photo after that showed a picture of vindicator battering the guardians of harmony.

[SHINE on this life that's burning out] Fading away from that one photo, the scene changed to show the last picture in the book.It was of sunset, Rainbow dash,Pinkie Pie,Fluttershy, Rarity ,Twilight ,Applejack,.Wallflower,Trixie , Flash sentry ,Princess Twilight,Discord ,start swirl and Stygian standing in front of the school statue smiling

[SHINE~] A hand then closes the accordion book.