//------------------------------// // Breaking Point // Story: My Little Pony: Harmony and Chaos // by AlphaToothless95 //------------------------------// Sunny opens her eyes and finds herself in the same temple from her last dream. She looks around, confused, but then takes a chance to check her surroundings and really get a feel for this place. Luckily, there was no Midnight around this time… at least for now, but she knew she could show up at any time. Therefore, she had to hurry. She takes a look at the statues but she doesn’t see any alicorns that she recognizes. Granted, this was built way before even Twilight Sparkle's time, maybe even before Celestia and Luna's. She could tell. She could feel it. She goes to each statue until she recognizes at least one. This… was this Midnight? Or somepony she possessed before Solaris? The only reason Sunny could tell was because of the symbols on her body. They were the same as the ones on Midnight's body. But that brings up the question… how old is Midnight and how was she created. Was she created or was she born? Can… can she ever truly die? So many questions, not enough answers. “Now, I know what you’re wondering and no, I can never truly die. And I am actually older than you think. I was the very first alicorn. Before Solaris even. However, after me, more alicorns were made by the magic I unleashed into the world.” Midnight's voice explains and Sunny looks to see her sitting in a throne at the top of some stairs. “I worked with them for a while, even thought of them as… friends… until they began to fear my power and my personality, and soon… so did the rest of the world.” “So let me guess… you killed them?” Sunny asks, glaring at Midnight as she tries to keep a brave face… but Midnight could tell she was still scared of her. Good. That would make this so much easier. “No. Not just yet anyway. That happened when they tried to get me to… “change” and when I refused, they stood against me. Which resulted in most of them dying by my hand or by each other’s since I either drove some of them mad, turned them evil, or brought the ones I killed back as undead, bloodthirsty monsters. However, the most powerful and skilled one- besides me, of course- ended up destroying my physical body… but I used very powerful magic to transfer my consciousness to her.” Midnight explains and Sunny realizes that she’s another victim of one of Midnight’s dirty tricks. “For years, she was having nightmares, just like you. She was hallucinating, seeing me and her past trauma everywhere she went. That, along with the stress of being the last alicorn left, led her into insanity and she couldn’t take it anymore. She came here, to the last place we were all together, the home we made for ourselves… and died here.” Midnight says and Sunny looks shocked, bringing a smirk to her face. “For thousands and thousands of years, I had been transferring from mortal body to mortal body, none of them able to sustain me… until a little filly was born at just the right time. She held great power and the gift of immortality. All I had to do was stand by and watch as she grew up and slowly reached a breaking point.” Sunny growls and clenches her fists when she realizes Midnight is talking about Solaris and basically saying her suffering was a good thing. Midnight suddenly stands up and starts walking down the stairs. “Sweet. Innocent. Helpless little Solaris. I wonder… how will you protect her when you couldn’t even protect poor Sparky Sparkeroni from one. Unicorn.” Midnight says as she continues walking toward Sunny. Sunny falters a bit and the fierce look in her eyes wavers and turns into one of guilt and sadness. “I mean hell, you couldn’t even protect Pipp from literally dying for almost a minute. You couldn’t protect Twilight from being critically injured. You couldn’t even protect yourself from Titania and I doubt you’ll be able to protect yourself from Opaline. So tell me, little Starscout…” Midnight says before stopping right in front of Sunny. “Do you still think that you can save everyone? That you can stop what’s coming without more power or more help?” She asks and Sunny doesn’t say anything… and that’s all the answer Midnight needed. “Then here.” Midnight says before the eyes of all the statues glow and they slowly turn their heads towards the throne and shoot magic into it. The throne absorbs the magic and it spreads into the floor, making a bunch of markings Sunny didn’t notice before glow. It all gathers into the center of the room, which just so happens to be right in between Midnight and Sunny. Midnight shoots her own magic into the floor and all the gathered magic slowly floats out of the floor in the form of a glowing ball. “When the time is right, use this. For what, I’m sure you’ll figure out the answer. Just remember that you can’t stop Opaline on your own and that magic is one use only. So… use it wisely.” Midnight says before Sunny starts to see a bright light shine through the roof and start getting brighter. She’s waking up. She looks at Midnight and sees her smirk before waving at her. “See you soon Sunny…” She says, and with that, the light consumes everything. Sunny jumps awake and looks around, quickly realizing she’s in the Marestream. She sighs and shakes her head before noticing something glowing in her hand and she looks to see it’s the ball of magic Midnight had created in her dream. Sunny looks shocked at the fact that Midnight could do something like this from her dream before glaring at it and grabbing a small bottle and forcing the magic inside it until it’s full. Sunny hears footsteps and quickly hides it before Izzy walks in. “Oh good, you’re awake. We’re almost there.” Izzy says, reminding Sunny that they were on their way back to New Skyros, home of the Alicorns, to try and request their help to deal with Opaline. However, given what happened last time they were there, Sunny was less than enthusiastic about the idea since they basically already turned their backs on them. “Oh. Ok.” Sunny says, trying and failing to hide the annoyance in her voice. Izzy notices but knows better than to try and press her about the subject. Sunny's already snapped at her once the last time they were on their way to this place, she didn’t want that to happen again. “Ummm… Ok well me and the others will be in the cockpit waiting for you.” Izzy says before leaving the room and Sunny sighs before grabbing her regular bag and putting the bottle in there. She then puts it on and walks to the cockpit, sitting in her seat. Hitch looks at her and can’t help but feel like something's off. “Hey… You ok?” He asks and Sunny just looks at him and nods but he can tell she’s lying. “Look, you don’t have to tell me but if you ever need to talk about anything, we’re all here for you.” He says but she doesn’t say anything back. She just hums in acknowledgment and keeps looking forward. He sighs and does the same. “Once again, I am so sorry for not being there to help stand up against Misty guys… I still can’t believe she was behind all of this.” Pipp says, frowning and looking down until Zipp speaks up while still driving the Marestream. “We can’t either sis, but like I told you. We understand, your main focus should be getting better and getting healthy again. And you’ve already made good progress, I mean look at you.” Zipp says, reminding Pipp of her new, slightly more athletic physique. It wasn’t as athletic as her sister's but still a good improvement. “You did that for yourself and you’re still going. Plus you said you don’t feel as dizzy or get so sick when you push yourself anymore. So in our book, your absence was worth it.” She says and Pipp smiles and nods at her sister. “Thanks Zipp. That means a lot.” Pipp says, earning a thumbs up from Zipp. This gets a few smiles out of the others, even Sunny, despite her annoyed and distant mood. “Anytime. Now everyone look alive. We’re here.” Zipp says, causing everyone to look and see the giant tower that served as a sign that they had reached New Skyros. Now they just had to hope this time would go better than their last visit. As Sunny and the others made their way towards the main tower, they couldn’t help but notice the stares they were getting from all the Alicorns. Sunny was able to ignore them easily, but the others weren’t having as easy of a time as her. They were getting a bit nervous the longer they stared. It was unsettling to them. When they get close to the tower though, a few alicorns land in front of them with weapons and stand ready to fight, just in case. This annoys Sunny and surprises the others. Brightburn lands in the middle of them and looks Sunny straight in the eyes. “What are you doing here? I thought we told you not to come back.” She says and the way she’s talking just serves to annoy Sunny more… which is strange. She’s never felt so annoyed so easily, even by someone she once considered a friend… except Sprout that is. “You did… but you have to understand that desperate times call for desperate measures. You may want us gone but if you send us away without taking what we have to say into consideration, you’re not only putting yourselves in danger, you’re putting the rest of Equestria in danger.” Sunny says, not even trying to hide the annoyance and frustration in her voice. Brightburn raises an eyebrow before sighing and crossing her arms. “Alright… I’m listening.” She says and Sunny nods before continuing. “Instead of dubbing us as the enemy, you should try letting us help you and in return, you help us deal with Opaline and her goons.” Sunny says and Brightburn glares at her a bit. “Are you asking me or demanding me? Because after what I’ve been hearing about the situation with this Opaline, I’m hard pressed not to agree to either.” Brightburn says, causing Sunny to narrow her eyes and clinch her fists. “Right, because sitting back and doing nothing while the rest of the world goes to shit is so noble. Because that’s what a leader does, huh?” Sunny says, earning a shocked look from Brightburn and more from her friends. “Sunny-“ Hitch tries to step in but Sunny gives him a glare as her eyes glow a darker gold than usual. “Back off Hitch. I know what I’m doing.” Sunny says angrily before turning back to Brightburn. “We have gone through so much to protect the world and everyone in it! That includes you and all these other alicorns!” Sunny shouts, getting the attention of every nearby alicorn. “But now when something bad happens, it’s suddenly all on us! No matter what it is! But at least we’re actually doing something! What have you ever done that mattered, huh?! What contribution have you made to the world since the day you became an Alicorn?! Any of you?!” She shouts more, getting closer as her eyes glow more, causing Brightburn and the other alicorns to back up slightly and prepare for a fight. “I stepped up as a leader to keep the rest of the Alicorns safe from the rest of the world, that’s what! We’ve done plenty with the help of the Wings of Equestria! Whenever they felt like they couldn’t trust or rely on you, they called us! They called me! That is the truth of the matter Sunny!” Brightburn responds, sounding more than a little annoyed. “Oh you want the truth? Well here it is. The truth is… we’re the heroes here. I'm the hero here, not you.” Sunny says before getting right in Brightburn's face and speaking with so much venom that it shocks everyone. “You’re just a coward.” She says and just as Brightburn is about to respond violently, Artemis and Thunderbird appear and look very angry. “Then what are you doing with some of Midnight's magic Sunny?” Artemis asks, causing everyone to gasp and turn their attention to the alicorn in question. “W-What? What are you talking about?” Sunny asks, trying to sound convincing, but it’s clear they’re not buying it. “You have some of her magic with you! I can sense it, we all can!” Artemis says as they walk closer to her. “Sunny, just give it here before you do or say something else you’ll regret. Don’t make this hard… please.” She pleads and Sunny frowns and reaches in her bag, taking out the bottle with the magic in it which causes everyone to back up with shocked and betrayed looks on their faces. Sunny slowly starts handing the bottle over to Artemis… until she looks at it and hears Midnight's voice in her head. “ When the time is right, use this. For what, I’m sure you’ll figure out the answer. Just remember that you can’t stop Opaline on your own and that magic is one use only. So… use it wisely.” She remembers Midnight saying and her eyes widen before she pulls the magic back towards herself, shocking, confusing, and annoying Artemis. “Sunny…” Artemis says, but Sunny just glares at her before her eyes soften a bit. “No wait. Not yet. I just-“ Sunny tries to explain until her phone rings and she sighs in annoyance before taking it out and seeing that Askari's calling her. She answers and instantly sees the zebra on the other side, looking a bit nervous. “What is it Askari.” Sunny asks, already dreading what she could possibly have to tell her. “Ummm… One of this new Alicorn's minions showed up. She had Sparky but didn’t threaten him for anything and she let herself be captured. The one you guys call Misty?” Askari explains, causing everyone to look shocked and relieved that Misty brought Sparky back safe and sound. “She also told us Opaline's plans, or so we think. Apparently she wants to use the dragon lord staff and the dragon stone to both control the dragons and harness their fire.” Askari says, causing everyone to look shocked even more. “Oh no… if she gets her hands on all that dragon fire-“ Zipp starts to say until Sunny finishes the sentence for her. “There'll be no stopping her…” She says, sounding terrified until she looks at the magic and her eyes gain a few streaks of purple in them. “Unless…” She starts, making everyone a bit suspicious… and what she says next confirms their suspicions and fears. “We bring her back and make her fight Opaline for us…” She says and everyone looks at her like she has three heads. “Are you crazy?! How could you even think of bringing that monster back after what she did to you?! To me, Twilight, her friends! To your father!” Artemis shouts and Sunny glares at her. “I haven’t forgotten, but if any of us tried to stop Opaline in time, we would fail and we don’t have all the time in the world! Midnight could stop her in ten seconds and after she did, I’d just kill her again! I did it once before!” Sunny says, getting ready just in case they won’t go for it. “Barely! Sunny, you literally died! Twice! And you needed Solaris' help to defeat her!” Artemis shouts, about to make a move for the magic. Sunny notices and keeps it close to herself. “I’m smarter now than I was before, and she won’t even be at full power which means she’ll be easier to beat.” Sunny says, not even knowing that for sure but at this point, her fear and Midnight's magic were both influencing her to the point where she would do anything to end this. “It’s a risk, but it’s also a chance. Our best chance.” “Sunny, you’re our best chance! You, Twilight, the princesses, all the other alicorns! You all can stop Opaline yourselves, without the help of that monster!” Thunderbird says, but Sunny wasn’t hearing any of it. “I never asked to be an alicorn… I never asked to be a princess… I didn’t ask for any of this! Sure, I asked to be a hero like Twilight and her friends but… it isn’t what I thought it was! It’s not all fun and games, sunshine and rainbows…” Sunny says and everyone can now feel the ground starting to shake. “It’s stressful… tiring! You end up losing something or someone you love! You have to make hard decisions and no matter what you do or decide, someone will hate you for it! It’s not fair!!!” She shouts and the temperature suddenly starts to raise drastically. “Sunny-“ Artemis tries to calm her down, but Sunny was venting heavily now. It was… hard to watch. And it was only getting worse… “And usually… you have to do the ugly stuff that no one else will do! Everyone turns against you, tells you it’s a bad idea, tells you you’re a fool!!!” Sunny screams as her magic starts to come out. “Sunny, stop!” Izzy says, but Sunny doesn’t listen. If everyone was gonna be against her, then that was fine… she didn’t need them anyway. “Well we’re out of options! If none of you will help me… then I’ll do it myself!” Sunny shouts before Artemis suddenly makes a move to grab the magic from her but Sunny backhands her away, right into Thunderbird. They go flying through the building behind them and Sunny uses her magic to push everyone away when they all rush towards her. She then goes into her Alicorn form and starts flying out of the city. Other Alicorns try to stop her but she makes quick work of them. She then knocks the Marestream upside down before teleporting all the way to Maretime Bay and going to the top of the Brighthouse. She takes out the magic and looks at it for a second before putting it on the floor and making a magical glyph around it with her own magic. She moves her hands around in the sand motions as the glyph and starts trying to focus her magic on reviving Midnight. Before she can get too far with the spell though, she hears a sonic boom and is suddenly tackled out of the Brighthouse by Zipp. They both crash painfully and separate by a few feet and slowly get up to face each other. “Sunny, don’t do this!” Zipp says when she recovers fully and Sunny just glares at her as she prepares her magic. “This is the only way…!” Sunny says, causing Zipp to charge up her own powers, making lightning radiate off her body wildly. “If you really believe that then… I’m gonna have to stop you. I’m sorry Sunny.” Zipp says, frowning which causes Sunny to frown too as she calls out her alicorn form. “So am I.” Sunny says before she fires magic at Zipp, causing her to dodge to the side and disappear before kicking Sunny forward from behind faster than she can react. Sunny recovers but as soon as she does, Zipp blasts her with lightning from the right. Sunny falls over but quickly tries to get up, only to be uppercut and taken into the sky by Zipp. At this point, Sunny is more than a little annoyed so she elbows Zipp right in the spot between her wings with more force than she meant to apply, causing Zipp to cry out in pain as her wings stop flapping and they both go plummeting down towards the ground. “Crap! I lost control of my Alicorn strength a bit! She’s still your friend you idiot! Be more careful!” Sunny berates herself in her own head for injuring her friend, even though Zipp was getting in her way. Sunny grabs Zipp and floats back down to the ground with her and dropping her to let her recover. “Sorry Zipp, but I need you out of the way.” She says before starting to go back to the Brighthouse. However, before she reaches it, Pipp lands and hits her with a sonic scream that knocks her away and stuns her. “Zipp!” Pipp shouts, running to her sister and checking on her. “Are you ok?” She asks, only getting a groan of pain from Zipp and a cough. “How hard did she hit you?!” Pipp asks, starting to get angry until Sunny suddenly knocks her away from Zipp, sending her flying into the side of the Brighthouse. Sunny looks between the two sisters before once again trying to make it to the Brighthouse. Just as she gets to the top, Izzy appears in front of her and blasts her down to the ground with a powerful blast of ice magic, starting to freeze Sunny and the area around her. “Pipp! Get Zipp and back up!” Izzy shouts and Pipp quickly grabs Zipp and gets her out of the area just as the ice spreads to that area as well before an explosion of red and gold magic causes the ice to melt and blow away. The shockwave knocks Izzy, Zipp, and Pipp away while also violently shaking the ground and the Brighthouse, breaking every window in it. They all recover and Askari and the others rush outside to witness what’s happening. “What the hell is going on?!” Askari asks before she sees Sunny standing up while in her “rage mode” which is setting fire to every blade of grass around her. “That doesn’t look good.” Nebula says, readying her magic and weapons. “It’s not. What’s gotten into her?” Firestar asks and even Pipp, Zipp, and Izzy don’t truly know. Soon, everyone else appears and Sunny gets ready to fight. “Don’t do this Sunny…” Hitch pleads, really not wanting to fight his friend again. Sunny growls angrily before lunging at them… only to end up in an empty field with one tree and multiple mountains in the distance. She recognized this place… but why…? “I hoped bringing you here would be motivation for you to stop.” A familiar voice says and Sunny turns around to see Twilight slowly descending to stand a few feet away from her. “Sorry Princess, but you’ll have to do better than that.” Sunny says as she slowly comes out of her rage mode but keeps it ready just in case. “I’m not gonna stop. This is probably the only way to keep everyone safe!” “The easy way isn’t always the best way Sunny! And even then, this probably isn’t even the easy way! You’ve thought ahead but not far enough! You know what Midnight’s done and what she could do!” Twilight says, trying desperately to make Sunny see reason. “Do you really wanna risk that on everyone just because you’re scared of not being enough? Because you don’t believe in your own power and ability? Because you don’t trust yourself or your friends?” She asks and Sunny stomps, shaking the ground but Twilight isn’t fazed. “Watch it. You may be my idle, my mentor, and my friend… but there are limits to what I’ll take from you.” Sunny says firmly, starting to pace back and forth in front of Twilight while keeping her eyes on her. “We are out of time… Opaline’s probably already absorbed enough dragon fire to rival the power of the sun because you all just won’t let me make the choice necessary to keep everyone safe!” Sunny shouts angrily, still pacing. “You can still keep everyone safe Sunny, but… not like this. I admire that that’s all you want but… did you ever stop to think that maybe this is the wrong way to do it…?” Twilight asks, frowning as she sees just how much of a toll everything has taken on Sunny's confidence and mindset. “If not… then I’ve failed you as a mentor and a friend. And for that I’m truly sorry…” Twilight says, causing Sunny to frown too and stop pacing. “Not as sorry as I am…” Sunny says, clenching her fists… before lunging at Twilight and punching her, sending her flying back until she rights herself and slides to a stop. Sunny flys up and lands a few feet away from her. When she does this, Twilight manages to see a flicker of purple in Sunny's eyes and she instantly knows what’s wrong as she also senses the presence of somepony she hoped she’d never see, hear, or sense again. “It’s over Twilight! You’re still recovering and I don’t wanna fight you, but I will if I have to! You can’t win, so give up!” Sunny says and Twilight wipes the blood from her lip before standing up straight and giving Sunny a hopeful, but determined look. “It’s not over… I still believe in you Sunny. So I’m gonna help you break free from this… then we’ll end this madness… together. And no matter what, I will never give up on you!” Twilight yells as both she and Sunny charge up their magic and prepare to fight for the first… and hopefully the last time.