//------------------------------// // Consequences // Story: The New Beginning // by Another Average Brony //------------------------------// Consequences Applejack sat atop the hill again. Despite the sun having set hours before, the warmth clung to the earth like a stubborn foal to a parent. From her position the moon stuck behind the far away castle of the princesses. The cold, yet comforting light, spread across the expanse of Ponyville. Every building was illuminated against the darkness that the castle cast in contrast with the moon. The sky was clear around Ponyville and the castle. But Applejack could see storm clouds that ringed the town and Canterlot. Something seemed off about the clouds though, even if they were scheduled by the weather-ponies AJ received nothing but an ominous feeling from them. Like a lull before, well... a storm. Despite the feeling of foreboding Applejack got, everything was normal. The day had been regular, Minus a single hide or hair of my friends. Applejack missed them. Every last one of them, she had no one to talk to, Big Mac never had much to say, Applebloom was talkative but didn't understand any of what had happened to her big sister. She understood so little of what had happened that AJ had begun to simply tell her that "Ah was lost, needed some help, got it". That was putting things lightly, If Applebloom actually understood she would think Stargazer was some superhero sent by Celestia. Even now Applejack was confused as to who he was. Yes he was an Alicorn but..Why? Not for the first time Applejack wished she had more time to understand who Star had really been. More than that she wanted somepony to talk to. She wanted her friends. Everyday they lingered on in her mind, every moment she wished she hadn't so brutally hurt them when she ran away. Why would they want to talk to somepony like me. Applejack's head drooped. I at least owe them an explanation. Tomorrow... I'll see them tomorrow. Applejack groaned as her earlier sense of foreboding was replaced with fear of what her friends might do. "Ooooohh Ah've hurt them so bad. Why'd ah have to go running away from them like that? Ah could've explained mahself. They would've understood! I wish ah'd never... Applejack paused in the berating of her actions as she realized if she had never ran away that morning, she would have never met Star, she would've been stopped by her friends, she would've gone home with no money and whatever dignity had left being soiled when she saw Mayor mare's face at the pitiful amount of money she would have brought back. Life would have gone on like normal. Star would never have met her and he wouldn't be..dead. she finished the thought as guilt and sadness over her fallen friend reared it's head. The ugly truth was she didn't know if she wished she had never met Star. AJ sighed and had a moment of silence to add to the many she had already had for Stargazer. After about five minutes, Applejack began to trudge back to the barn house. Suddenly a flash of light illuminated the barn and surrounding areas. AJ looked around for a source but the light had dimmed down and was gone as soon as it had come. She dismissed as a shot of lightning from the surrounding storm clouds, and continued to slug back to her home Another flash... Applejack looked hard at the clouds ringing the town and the surrounding mountains. They didn't seem close enough to cause such brightness from a lightning strike. She scanned around the ring and found herself looking at Canterlot. Looks normal, nothing seems to be- a bright flash interrupted her thoughts. she shielded her eyes from the blindingly bright light. The flashes weren't coming from the clouds... They were coming from Canterlot. "What in tarnation is that?!" Applejack shouted at nothing, and no one, in particular. The dimming lights of Ponyville suddenly became bright again as confused ponies opened the doors to see where the flashes were coming from. Now AJ could see that the flashes were not one pure beam, but three coming together. One was a golden ray, that had to be Celestia, the other was a shaft of iridescent blue, Luna, the other was farther away then the other two which were close to each other. That one was a white blade that continually progressed at a high speed to the same place where Luna and Celestia's beams were meeting. Whenever they met a bright flash appeared. If I can see them from here whats their actual size? Applejack didn't know much about magic besides the times when Twilight would call her over for help with an experiment, but judging that she could see them from this distance, massive amounts of it were being used against something. "Oh shoot! The princess's are in trouble! ah.. ah gotta do something!" Applejack babbled as she began to run for town. Her mind was working in an over load. I need to get the other girls, this is urgent! Questions can wait we need to help the castle. Applejack ran down the long dirt road that led from the farm to town. Applejack took a left and ran to the hill where Fluttershy's cottage was. AJ ran the front steps and barely had enough time to put on the brakes before she slammed into the door. AJ knocked hurriedly, she waited a couple minutes and began to get antsy, her legs moved on their own accord and shuffled back and forth, she wasn't anxious to see her friend in this manner. After a couple more minutes she knocked again and was responded with sniffles from inside and a soft: "G-go away please." the tiny voice of Fluttershy said. Applejack groaned. "umm..Flutters-" she was cut off as the door whipped open. Standing inside the doorway was Fluttershy. "O-oh" Applejack stuttered. She was caught off guard by Fluttershy's haggard appearance: her eyes were red and puffy, and the white and pink bathrobe she was wearing was wrinkled and appeared crusty in some places. Before she could even muster an inch of courage to speak, Fluttershy had her in a crushing bear hug. The likes of which defied the small mare's frame as the breath was crushed out of Applejack's lungs. A muffled sound came from where Fluttershy's face was rammed into AJ's stomach. All AJ could muster to say was a short gasping sound. Suddenly the pressure was released from her chest and a serious of ragged hacks issued from Applejack as fresh air entered her lungs. Her eyes stung and her vision blurred lightly. Finally she got a hold over herself and looked to Fluttershy. She was sitting on the steps with tears in her eyes and her hooves over her mouth as stifling sobs came over her. Applejack rushed to hold her but was forcefully pushed away by angry hooves. "WHERE WERE YOU?!" Fluttershy screamed. AJ could only stay silent as her friend got more upset by the second. "WE CALLED TO YOU AND YOU DIDN'T COME!" she sobbed. Once again Applejack could only remain silent as her usually quiet and peaceful friend sobbed in frustrated rage. "W-we..." she trailed off as another wave of sobs came over her, and she slumped forward in a sign of utter defeat. Applejack was struck silent in of the current state of her friend. She had expected something along these lines but expecting and witnessing were two different things with different emotions attached. Knowing nothing else to do she walked over to Fluttershy and embraced her. Minutes went by and Fluttershy didn't seem to run out of tears, if anything it felt like the sobs only became deeper and deeper. Applejack glanced at the castle, the flashes continued. Agh! we don't time to spare here. "Fluttershy?" she asked.A low moan was all the response Applejack received for a response. This isn't helping, we have to get moving. AJ slowly pulled Fluttershy to her hooves. The weepy mare's head appeared glued to the ground as she moved in silence. Applejack stuck a hoof under Fluttershy's chin and lifted her head up to speak. "Fluttershy you're angry, I understand why ah really do. But the castle is in trouble and they need our help, so if you cou-" AJ's sentence was cut short by a flurry of wings beats and the rush of air as Flutter shy flew up into the air and turned in the direction of the castle. "Hey girl wait we need to go-" "I KNOW!" Fluttershy hollered at her. She turned in air and flew abruptly into Applejack's face. "We'll get the other girls and go help. But afterwords we are going to have a nice long chat." ending each last word with a small jab in the chest. Fluttershy's tiny voice wasn't threatning in any way whatsoever. If anything it sounded like she was stating a fact. Applejack looked into Fluttershy's eyes filled with frustrated tears. All she could do was nod. Fluttershy began to fly towards Rarity's house. AJ stood for a little while then followed, walking side by side with Fluttershy felt wrong right now. What could she say that would heal the rift that had been forced between them?