BEDLAM II: Heart of Glass

by Gormless Wheaton


The sky was grey, casting only dim light upon the Canterlot Gardens and the petrified sitting shape of Edward Bedlam, head held in his hands. For centuries to come, the statue would remain, used as a warning not to other criminals, but to honest and decent folk of some dangerous mentality or behavior. Because ponies are uniquely stupid creatures and need showy displays like this to keep from killing each other.

In his case, the nameplate on his statue base was 'Resentment.' For, to the average Equestrian who knew his story, it seemed to them that for all his achievements and works, for all his attempts to do good, his resentment of one creature or another always held him back, and ultimately ruined him.

At least, by my estimate, that's what this silly little display is about. Kinda petty and short-sighted if you ask me.



[>Transfer credentials.Edward_Bedlam to ED_BD.]

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[>Password: Nil0ni10d023$]

[Transferring credentials.]

[Transfer complete.]

[>Delete registry: Edward_Bedlam.]

[User Edward_Bedlam removed from Crystal_Mind registry.]

[>Delete registry: Jury_Rig<3]

[User Jury_Rig<3 removed from Crystal_Mind registry.]





[Directory not found.]

[>Fucking syntax.]
