Warsong: Primordial Conflict

by Jumping Jack

Chapter 33: Childish Herald of Shadows, Fickle Spark

When I stepped out of the portal, my eyes narrowed. We were standing in front of Canterlot High. The bell had rung and based on how empty it was, class must be in session. Which isn’t good. I shouldered my staff.

“Why here? Frankly, if you want my cooperation, you’d better find a different area.” I spoke. “One without innocent people around.” Fickle giggled and turned to me.

“Silly. This isn’t what I wanted to show you! Just making a quick pit stop before heading to the actual location.” She said before withdrawing her scythe. I readied myself as quickly as she primed her strike. She swung and I instinctively held up my staff to block, only to see that the scythe went high overhead. I looked over my shoulder and gasped. She had sliced the massive flower.

It fell off onto the ground, the petals fluttering around it as the stump began to sparkle and shimmer brightly with rainbow colors. From it, the colors began to shoot upward like a fountain geyser. And as quickly as it happened, the flower suddenly flashed and looked completely fine. I blinked along with a confused Fickle. Fickle frowned and swung again, cutting the flower. However, it flashed and returned to normal.

“Now, now. It’s very rude to vandalize school property.” A voice said. Fickle spun around and narrowed her look. I followed her gaze and saw Discord dusting his suite off. He smirked slyly at Fickle. Tenebres suddenly formed out of Fickle’s cloak and towered over Discord.

You dare interfere?! She hissed angrily. Discord smugly smiled as he gestured.

“My, what a serious accusation! As much as I should interfere, doing any more would cause such a destabilization in this world that we’d have to relive Equestria all over again!” Discord said as he then popped away and appeared next to me, leaning in towards me. “Though, if you ask me, Equestria was truly beginning to get a bit boring.” He then sighed defeatedly. “I miss Fluttershy, Fie. It’s been such hell not being able to enjoy a nice cup of tea with pleasant company.”

Tenebres blinked and turned to him.

You… the creature of chaos… here? Tenebres spoke as if the realization was just too much to comprehend. Discord did a courteous bow.

“In the human flesh, unfortunately.” He greeted. Fickle gave a pouting expression.

“Cheater!” She said. Discord’s eyes glinted.

“Oh no, my dear. I am simply following the rules as they have been laid before us. Naughty children like you, who have no care in the world, envious as I maybe, should not be responsible for the complete and total destruction of two worlds.” Discord put a hand to his chest. “Can’t you look in your heart, child? You must know this to be wrong.”

“Nope!” Fickle instantly replied with a shake of her head softly. Discord slumped.

“Really?? Not even a little guilty of all the lives you’ve killed or have ruined?” Discord sighed. Fickle hummed.

“They aren’t dead. They are my friends! I do not have the heart to kill. Unlike what that one has done.” Fickle nodded to me. I narrowed my look. “And that is why I want to talk to you!” Fickle spun around and looked towards the school. “Quiet Fire! I did take note of how you defied the will of that snake. I’ve followed your exploits in Equestria. At one point, I had become a fan! But then, you started hurting my friends. You brought a lot of painful memories for me for doing that.” Discord and I exchanged glances as she continued.

“And then I hear that you destroyed your entire home. All those innocent ponies. I wouldn't have thought that the great hero destined to ascend would do such a thing.” She then sighed and turned to face me. “After that, I’ve been noticing that in your absence, other ponies had begun rising up. Hunting down my friends and trying to hurt me.” She then gripped her scythe. “And then, I hear that we are to be treated as outcasts! To have every creature in Equestria to shun us! To bad mouth! To torture or hurt us! We are supposed to save them! No creature appreciated us! And you want to know the worst part is?? They are all adults acting like children!!” The sudden venom in her tone threw me for a loop.

“I spent my whole life having to hide from pony’s wanting to hurt me. To use me! It’s bad enough what my village tried to do. It’s another when the whole world is out to get you!” She motioned at me. "And then I end up dying because of a damned serpent!!" When she shouted that sentence, I grit my teeth as her hair suddenly erupted into dark blue and purple flames, her face looking a bit demonic, and her pink skin having turned black.

'Fire? What...?' I thought in shock. It then struck me. Fickle realized her temper and took a deep breath, the fire leaving her and she dusted her skirt off casually.

"But I'm going a little off the rails there. What I'm trying to get at, Quiet Fire, is that you and I are both exiles to our own tribes. We should be working together." She then looked to Aria and smiled. "You too, Aria. Your friends weren't really being your friends, but we can be the best of friends if you want." Aria looked uncaring at the child. Discord scoffed.

"How short sighted. Do you really think that excuse if forgivable enough for everything you've done?" Discord stated with a disappointed cross of his arms. Fickle frowned.

"I'm asking Quiet Fire, meanie." She replied. I stabbed my staff into the ground and leaned against it, sighing.

"You're right, Fickle. You and I are exiles. All seven of us. We should all be working together to ensure each other's wellbeing. Our world is in danger and frankly, all that has happened to me is quite exhausting." I replied sadly. Discord balked.

"Fie, you cannot be serious about this!" He spoke. Fickle smiled.

"So, you agree that we should just use this realm to start anew? Equestria is bound to lose itself. Why prevent the inevitable? All we need to do is tame the magic of this world and ensure that it can never be used like it has been in Equestria! It was all Tenebres's idea that I started this in the first place!" She replied. I studied the child. Such a smile that looked so gilded. But then, is she entirely wrong? Din was quiet, but she met my look. She already knew what I was thinking. I closed my eyes in thought before pushing myself off my staff, picking it up and walking over to her. Discord held out a hand towards me to stop me, but I stopped halfway.

"This realm certainly is interesting to start anew in. And I've already made some good friends here. But Fickle, there is one thing that you are sorely mistaken on." I swished my staff and aimed it at her. "I have a promise to keep. And I have no reason to back out of it. I've already been exiled. I'm enemy number one to even the gods themselves. All the more reason I have to keep going. My friends. My family. They wouldn't want me to stay in one place, even if I wanted too. It was thanks to my experiences on my adventure that I can make peace with it all. I don't know what you've been through, Fickle Spark. I don't know what pain you have going on. But your past doesn't matter to me. What matters is how we go on through our present. To make our future how we want it to be. But words can only do so much." I then readied myself in my stance. "You want to be treated fairly, then I'll be glad to do so. But leave everyone here in this realm alone." Fickle looked at me disappointedly. She bowed her head and shook it.

"Awww. And here I was hoping to have you as a friend. But if you are also going to get in my way, then let it be known that I did give you a chance." She said with a sigh. I narrowed my look.

"Likewise." I replied. She then looked up and beamed. With a quick snap of her fingers, she then held out her hand high in the air. Discord and I looked up and our jaws dropped. From the sky descended seven colorful crystals. I could make out the silhouettes of Sunset Shimmer and the others inside of each corresponding colored crystal. Using Din's eyes, I could see them clearly. They were alive, banging on their crystals in a desperate attempt to break free. I glared at Fickle as the crystals began to circle around us.

"With the Elements of Harmony of this world at our command, this realm will fall onto a new age. An age of shadows!" Fickle's tone began to change. Tenebres had possession of her. She then faced us. "Forget being the one's to boost the Elements of Harmony! Allow me to show you what we as free Power Elements can do!” Fickle then swished her scythe and grasped it in both hands before slamming the butt of it into the ground. A rainbow colored rune began to draw itself on the ground. The whole world started to shake. I grit my teeth and looked to Discord.

“Discord! Get everyone around this area to safety!” I quickly shouted. Discord hesitated. I looked him dead in the eye. “That includes you. Do not hesitate. Fluttershy is waiting for you to come home. You know it too.” Discord winced but then nodded.

“Don’t go overboard, Fie.” He warned before he snapped his fingers, vanishing. Seeing the neighborhood in the distance glow, I felt myself a little relieved. Now, for the next plan. I dug my feet in as there was a loud crack and shift in the earth. I looked over my shoulder and gasped. The houses were lowering below us and the sky growing closer. The dark clouds crackling with lighting. Fickle, laughed and marveled at the sight.

“This isn’t what I had in mind for me to convince you. But since you are so stubborn, I might as well make the best of it!” Fickle hissed. I swished my arm.

"Stop this, Tenebres! You're going to destroy everything!" I shouted. Tenebres, through Fickle's voice, laughed.

"Destroy!? With the Elements of Harmony, I can correct the stability! While you were off being the grand hero of this realm, I spent the last few days hunting down all the magic in this city! And now that I have the source of it and the Elements all in one, I will no longer be pushed aside and ignored by six others! I will be the queen of this realm! You can have that war ridden doomed realm, Din! But I called dibs here!" She grinned. Din formed next to me and growled.

Time to wake up, brat! I'm dragging you back to Equestria, whether you like it or not! She snapped. Fickle shouldered her scythe.

"Dear sister. Always so hot headed. I guess I had nothing to worry about. If you aren't that interested in this realm, then just buzz off!!" She laughed as she flourished her scythe and rose it high into the air, the crystals beginning to glow. I bolted towards her. With a hop, I aimed for the scythe, only to be intercepted by an executioner sword. I nearly lost balance as the armor pushed me back. Getting back into my stance, I growled. The armor held out its' sword in front of Fickle, who was blushing. "Awww! I know I can always count on you, Sir Hemlock! But you're not at the right power to take on our enemies." Fickle's eyes met Aria's, who blinked. Fickle smirked and waved her hand, sending a bolt of shadow out and piercing Aria through the chest. The Dazzling's eyes widened as the force knocked her off her feet and rose her into the air. Fickle then waved her arm across herself and pointed at Aria. The armor shrunk into a shadowy ball before rocketing up and around Aria, then shooting into her chest. In a bright flash of light, Aria vanished, only to appear when the light dimmed down. The armor had taken a different shape and hugged Aria's body. The Dazzling opened her eyes, a sinister glowing purple shimmering from her.

She held the executioner's sword as she slowly touched the ground and stood to face me. She took a moment to study herself before escalating into a cackle. She then flourished the sword and pointed it at me.

"Now begins phase three! I'm counting on you both!" Fickle waved. I looked to her.

"Phase three?!" I exclaimed, a bit of worry shooting through me.

Vessel, focus! Din snarled. I snapped out of my stupor and nodded, readying myself as Aria adjusted herself and charged. Din phased back into me as I started to dance around Aria, who was surprisingly able to keep up. I ducked, bobbed and flipped around the swings, returning my own that she deftly deflected and countered. Blow after blow, our weapons bounced and dragged off each other, both of us trying to exploit the other’s openings. When we locked weapons, I looked into the eyes of Aria.

She grinned and pushed against me. I grunted, finding her to be a lot stronger than I thought. I then started to hear chanting. From behind Aria, Tenebres was chanting words of a dialect that I couldn’t understand. But whatever she was saying, it was drawing from the crystals and flowing into the sky. I then felt a heavy punch across my cheek and I went tumbling to the side. Recovering onto my feet, I wiped my cheek and faced Aria once more.

‘Din!’ I spoke in my thoughts. I felt a warmth flow through me and I charged. Two copies formed out of me from fire and rushed Aria. Yet, with all three of me, Aria had conjured a shadowy spear and swished it around her along with the sword. My copies and I backed away and let her finish before rushing her again, Aria deftly using her dexterity to keep me from getting near her. With my copies, we pressed our assault, hoping to tire her out. However, she showed no signs of slowing down.

I was starting to get irritated. Fortunately, my clones had set her up to fall for a feint, which I then took advantage of and disarmed her with a flourishing twist of my staff. The spear flew through the air and vanished. Aria growled and brought the executioner sword up towards me, but with a swift side step and a heavy strike of the butt of my staff and palm, the blade broke. I felt some of the scrap graze my cheek but I ignored it and planted a kick into her chin, causing the helmet to fly off of her.

I quickly swished my staff and stood over her the moment she landed on her back onto the ground. I brought the bottom of my staff over her chest and Din cackled, igniting the end. Aria screamed and held her hand out me. The shadows surrounding her dissipated and the armor shattered off her body. The scattered armor then formed just a bit away from us, rebuilding itself. It was kneeling, as if it was out of breath. I glanced down, seeing Aria having passed out before stepping over to the armor. It looked at me, the purple glowing eyes studying me blankly. I then took a batting stance with my staff and smirked, swinging and knocking the helmet off its’ torso.

Fickle was still chanting, only to stop when the helmet pelted her in the face. I then twirled my staff around me and poked the armor, dispelling the shadows keeping it together and it crumbled away from me. Fickle was clutching her nose, lurching forward and kicking her legs out from under her in pain. This snapped Fickle out of her trance. She slowly removed her hands away, her nose bleeding and getting onto her hands.

She started to hyperventilate. I shouldered my staff.

“Enough of this, Tenebres! Stand down!” I called out. “We can still talk about this rationally!” Fickle began to shake, tears welling up. I arched a brow. She started to mutter something. Eventually, she started screaming and shaking her head violently. I was taken aback. ‘What the hell is going on with her?’ I thought. Din scoffed.

Seems the child realizes that this isn’t a game anymore. Now to get to Tenebres! Din grinned evilly and smacked her hooves together. Fickle then burst into a dark purple and blue flame, her pink skin turning black and her face demonic. The flame was bright and large that I had the shield my eyes from it.

‘I’ve heard the tales of the Kirin. But I didn’t think it’d be this intense!’ I stated towards Din. Din hummed with a smile.

How interesting. But if this child thinks she can outshine my fire, then a competition it shall be! Din laughed. I shook my head and she frowned. I was only going to burn this place a little. I gave an unamused raise of my brow and she sighed. Fickle’s fire died down and I removed my arm. Fickle was heaving angrily, her glare focusing on me.

“No more!! No more!! No, no, no!! NOOOOOOO!!!” Fickle shrieked, her voice sounding lower and raspy as she rocketed towards me and I yelped, feeling her tackle into me and knocking the wind out of me. We went rolling and she began to wail on me. She drew blood from me before I managed to push her off and kicked her away, sending her back. She puffed and panted, shaking angrily. “I won’t let you hurt me!! No pony will ever hurt me again!!” She stamped her boot on the ground. “I won’t be silenced! I won’t be humiliated!! Tenebres, let’s crush these two!!”

I readied myself as did Fickle. Yet, nothing happened. Fickle looked confused.

“Tenebres??” She looked around. I looked around as well, my gaze falling onto the shadowy alicorn surrounded by the crystals. She was marveling the seven. Fickle growled, her fire flaring in her anger. “Tenebres!! Stop being so distracted and help me!!” She shouted. Tenebres’s slit eyes looked out over her shoulder and she grinned.

I must thank you for everything you’ve done, vessel. Tenebres said. You truly are the best friend a queen could ask for. She grinned evilly and her horn began to glow. My eyes widened and I quickly spun towards her and sprinted.

“Tenebres, no!” I shouted. It was too late. With a few more words of chanting, a rainbow beam shot downward from the sky, knocking me off my feet and sending me tumbling into the pedestal. I hit my head hard and my ears began to ring, the ground wobbling underneath me. Din hissed and I felt a warmth flow through me, clearing me of my concussion and I shook away the daze. I gasped, seeing Tenebres laughing crazily as she pirouetted on her hind hooves, her forelegs high in the air.

Yessss!! Lovely!! It’s everything I thought it could be!! The power of the Elements of Harmony! And all the magic from this city!! This world is mine!! All mine!! Ahahahahaha!! I tried to stand up, only to cough and fall down on one knee. Damn, that hurt. I looked up and saw Fickle walking up to Tenebres, the fire dying down around her.

“Bestie? I thought we were going to rule this place together?” She spoke. Tenebres stopped and faced her, landing on all fours.

Of course we are going to rule together! You and I are best friends after all. I’ve picked you up when you were at your darkest and you’ve stood up for me with your creativity and resourcefulness. No other creature can see the bright and shining example of what a queen can have as a subject. Tenebres replied in a gesticulate manner. Fickle smiled at her words before it faded into confusion.

“Subject?” She asked. Tenbres leaned down and caressed Fickle’s cheek.

Yes, bestie. I promised we would rule together. But you are merely a child while I have greater ideals in mind for our new kingdom. Just bear with me a little longer and let me take the reins this time. She grinned, her sharp teeth showing. When you wake up, you’ll be the first to witness the majesty of our kingdom! Fickle’s eyes widened in horror.

“Wh-what are you saying??” She stammered, backing away. Tenebres loomed over her, the shadows rising around her and Fickle.

Rest well, dear bestie. She then hissed and phased into Fickle. Fickle screamed and clutched her head as the shadows and her Kirin flames flared and twisted together. I punched the ground, commanding my body to move. Pushing myself up, I stumbled forward. The shadows began to spread and snake all around us and the rainbow light that was shining down started to crackle and twist. The sound of a heart beat thumped loudly and the bright, colorful rainbow began to darken. It started to look like sludge and black tar.

The seven crystals crackled and began to darken. The tainted rainbow separated and began to swirl around the crystals. I swore loudly as I picked up my stumble into a run. I rushed towards the center and readied myself. From the center of the dark rainbow emerged Fickle. Her Kirin flames having turned purple and white as she smirked and put a hand on her hip, Tenebres’s scythe in her other hand.

“Still thinking to stop me, sister? I’d like to see you try.” Tenebres spoke through Fickle. “All that time fighting for your power when all you had to do was take what is rightfully ours and control it.” I came to a stop and readied my staff. “What you spent ages upon acquiring, I spent only a few days. Such a wonder when you simplify things.” I narrowed my look. How can I save the girls and Fickle at the same time? Tenebres gave a bored look and shrugged. “Of course, the others refuse to put in as much effort for their own. But then I must thank you for putting them in their place. With hardly any competition, this’ll be a breeze.”

Oh my, so sorry for being the one to kill the party, brat. Din said sarcastically. Frankly, I’m in the mood to give a full beat down. Don’t worry, I’ll ensure you’re still breathing. Din grinned challengingly. Tenebres scoffed.

“How cruel. Fine. If you aren’t going to acknowledge your defeat by my hooves or for the matter that I won in this realm, then I’ll just have to follow your example.” She then smiled smugly and held up her hand. “To me! Elements of Harmony!” The darkened crystals glowed and from one of them, the dark rainbow shot out and swirled down Fickle’s body. A blue aura glowed around her. “Loyalty.” It happened so fast.

In a blink of an eye, I found myself being struck and slashed at by the scythe from all angles. I held up my arms, unable to move from the sheer intensity of the speed. Fickle then stopped in front of me and giggled. I grit my teeth and lashed a kick at her, but in a blue blur, she vanished, appearing behind me and jabbing the butt of her scythe into my back. I coughed up blood and went rolling forward. Din snarled.

What is the meaning of this?! Din barked. Tenebres swished her scythe and dusted her skirt off.

“In my time of searching for the magic in this city, I came across something in the museum that gave me all the knowledge needed. One written by this world’s Starswirl the Bearded himself.” She smirked. “Seems our alternate dear old friend certainly had a habit of misplacing things. With it, I was able to turn his formula into what you are experiencing now.” She smugly replied. “Here’s the neat part.” She then held up her hand and from another crystal, the dark rainbow shot out and swirled around Fickle’s body. The blue aura mixing in with an orange glow. “Honesty.”

She then lowered her arm and held it out in a fist. She then pulled back and punched the ground, burying her hand into the cement walkway into the school and ripped out a massive chunk with ease, holding it high overhead. She then chucked it at me. Din quickly mimicked me and together, we stabbed the staff into the cement and it shattered. I then swished my staff, the fire swirling around it and forming into a halberd. Tenebres smirked and with a single flourish of her scythe, she was gone once again.

This time, Din sensed her and she spun me around, causing me to hold up my halberd and clash with the top edge of the scythe that she brought down. The ground cracked underneath me and I felt my entire body tingle from the impact. Tenebres easily overpowered me, grasping my face and burying me into the ground, creating a crater. Tenebres cackled.

“Having fun yet?!” She hissed. She then used the speed to drag me across the walkway before lifting me up, spun me around and heaved me through the front of the school, shattering the glass doors as I skipped along the clean floor of the main lobby. I crashed into the wall and a portrait of a kind old woman fell and shattered at the frame in front of me. I winced and wiped my mouth of blood as I shakily stood up. I heard Din snarl angrily.

I will not be bested by a child again!! Vessel, we must stop her from using the Elements against us! Shatter them! Din hissed. I panted.

“But… what about Sunset and the others…” I rasped. Din hissed venomously.

Their deaths would not change anything! We can always put the Elements into suitable hosts! Din retorted. I swayed a bit and thought about it. An idea occurred to me.

‘Maybe we don’t have too. We just need our voice to be heard.’ I thought with a smile. Din looked at me with confusion.

You said so yourself. Words mean nothing! She replied. I shook my head.

‘Yeah, when it comes to stubborn ponies like you. Which is why you are going to make yourself loud and clear to the Elements of Harmony. I’ll distract Tenebres.’ I smirked. Din blinked.

Me?! Din sounded insulted by the suggestion. I nodded.

‘Din, I know you don’t work well with having creatures enjoying your company. But remember, we are going to use our power to restore the balance. We need the allies. I’m not asking for you to be their friend. But let them reach out to you so we can fight back.’ I called back my halberd as I could see Tenebres tap Fickle’s boot impatiently. ‘Trust me on this. Because there is no other pony suited to make others listen to them.’ I began to limp out of the school and down the steps, the warmth healing my dislocation.

Din went quiet. Tenebres sighed and swished her scythe.

“I’m getting bored, sister. I thought you’d put up more of a fight. Isn’t this what you wanted? A challenge?” Tenebres rose Fickle’s arm and a dark rainbow shot out from one of the crystals, a yellow aura mixing in with the orange and blue. “Kindness!” Tenebres flapped her wings and from behind her, a towering pillar of shadows formed into a bear. It roared loudly with red glowing eyes, hovering just behind her. Feeling the healing work wonders, I took my stance.

‘Wash the magic over them.’ I commented. Din remained quiet. I then sprinted towards Tenebres and she made a quick motion of her hand, the bear lunging forward and swiping its’ massive claws at me. I nearly tripped having to dance around her. At the same time, I was getting rather close to Tenebres landing her own follow ups as she used the speed and strength to mix me up. In my dodge, I touched one of the crystals.


Rainbow Dash was falling through the sky, screaming in panic. She looked down, balking at the sight of the ground beneath her, so close but extending itself further from her. The clouds she passed lashed out in puffy chains that she quickly wiggled out of in a desperate attempt to escape. Rainbow Dash gasped as a cloud turned sinister, opening a jagged maw to eat her. She screamed for help as she braced herself. Suddenly, the cloud popped and Rainbow Dash felt herself no longer falling.

Instead, she held onto an equine creature. Her charcoal midnight coat smooth and her fiery mane soft like silk against Rainbow Dash’s cheek. She blinked in confusion.

“H-huh? Wh-what’s going on?” She asked. The equine creature glanced over her shoulder.

“Shut up and listen. The only thing you need to know is that I and my vessel are fighting for your freedom. However, you need to get control of your element.” She said coldly. Rainbow Dash tilted her head.

“Element? What are you talking about?” She asked. The alicorn rolled her eyes in annoyance.

“You hold the Element of Loyalty, do you not?? Your friends are suffering at the hooves of my sister and all you are fearing is falling in limbo? Get over yourself! Being in the sky is not so terrifying as it may seem! Just spread your wings and soar! That’s the least you can do for the sake of your mortal friends!” Rainbow Dash was a bit stunned. But her eyes glinted with a rainbow gleam, as if understanding her words.

“My… my friends are in trouble?” Rainbow Dash said to herself. She then gave a serious nod and shifted herself on the alicorn’s back. “They need my help! Thanks Din!” Rainbow Dash gave a cool salute and wink before sliding off of Din. The alicorn watched with slight curiosity as the girl began to glow. She did several flips through the sky and in a bright flash of light and a blue aura, wings grew out her back and in a rainbow blur, she rocketed towards the horizon, letting off a Sonic Rainboom in the process. Din canceled her magic.


I flipped over Tenebres and the bear, smacking the bear several times as it tried to shake me off. I kicked off the bear and faced Tenebres, who laughed as she zipped around me to try and throw me off. I kept moving, circling and kiting the bear into thinking it had me. Tenebres, however, was too quick. She had crouched low and sprinted like a bullet up towards me. I swore and tried to swing at her, but she spun around me and hopped onto my shoulders, her boots digging into them.

She crouched down and pat my head before hopping back and kicking me hard, sending me straight into another crystal. I slid off the crystal and leaned against it, panting with one eye swollen.


Fluttershy trembled in fear as she was put on display in front of the whole world. All eyes focused on her. She was completely frozen in fear. Laughter had erupted, even though the girl hadn’t done anything. She curled down and covered her head, closing her eyes and muttering over and over to herself to leave her alone. Voices then began speaking up through the laughter.

“It’s Fluttershy! She’s one of those heroes that saved us!” One cried out.

“The best hero we could always count on!” Another voice cheered.

“She’ll be trending almost every week, I just know it!!” An excitable screech chimed in. It then began to chant.

“Fluttershy! Fluttershy! Fluttershy!” Fluttershy whimpered.

“Please… no more…” she wept. There was a sudden loud stomp of hooves that startled her and she looked up, confused to see an alicorn with fire for a mane and tail standing over her.

“What do you think you are doing?” She asked with a raised brow. Fluttershy sniffled and buried her head in her arms.

“It’s just… too much… I can’t take all the attention…” She sobbed. Din rolled her eyes.

“I hear nothing, save for the agonizing cries of help from your friends.” She snorted. Fluttershy shook, but she opened her eyes and lifted her head slightly.

“My… friends?” She squeaked. Din turned to face the black void. She then swished her head and a ring of fire circled around them. With several flaps of her wings, she spread the fire out. Like a wave, it washed through the void, peeling the darkness and revealing a bountiful scenery of nature and serenity. Din let out a slightly disgusted grunt.

“It’s better than Gaia’s, I suppose.” Din commented. She then looked over her shoulder. “Better get yourself in gear, mortal. My vessel cannot hold out for long. Neither can your friends.” Fluttershy’s eyes widened.

“But… where are they?” She asked worriedly. Din slumped.

“Look into your heart, or whatever you mortals think is best for friendship. I don’t care. Unless you think being here is better than saving your world?” Din eyed her judgmentally. Fluttershy sniffled and stood up, looking around.

“It… it is rather peaceful now…” her eyes widened as her eyes gleamed with a rainbow shine. “My friends! They need me!” Fluttershy rushed past Din, hopping off the stage and running into the woods. “Hold on, girls!” She called out as she began to glow. Wings sprouted from her back and she began to fly off into the woodlands. Din canceled her magic.


I managed to incapacitate the bear and had managed to land several blows on Tenebres. I wasn’t looking too hot, but I kept myself at the ready. Tenebres clutched her side, panting. She growled and gripped her scythe. She then twirled it between Fickle’s fingers and tossed it high into the air. She then kept her arm raised above her. A dark rainbow shot out from another crystal and swirled around her.


I noticed a shimmer around her and clicked my tongue. I’m hoping my halberd can pierce it. Suddenly, the bear lifted itself off the ground, another shimmer forming around it. I slumped.

“You got to be kidding me…” I muttered. Tenebres laughed and levitated off the ground.

“Give up?” She smugly spoke. I shook my head and put my hand onto another crystal before rushing and clashing with the bear’s barrier.


Applejack looked frazzled. She was standing in a factory line with faceless people wearing overalls, masks and hair. She was mundanely pulling a lever, filling up Flim-Flam products of apple cider ready to be shipped out. Next to her, Applebloom looked deathly tired.

“Come on, you lazy lot! We don’t pay you to slow down! These apple cider bottles need to be shipped in tip top condition, pronto!” A voice spoke in a presentative manner. Flim and Flam stood above the workers, pointing and shouting at them to continue to work faster. Applebloom swayed.

“Sis… ‘ah can’t keep goin’…” she slurred before falling. Applejack quickly caught her and started fanning her.

“Hold on, sugar cube! We jus’ gotta’ do a bit more an’ we’ll be done!” Applejack said reassuredly.

“Hey! What do you think you are doing?” The stern voice of Flim spoke. He eyed them disappointedly.

“P-please! She’s jus’ a child! She’s worked herself to the bone! Let her rest jus’ for a little bit!” Applejack pleaded. Flam moved next to his brother.

“There is no resting when we have a quota to meet! Hop to it, Apple siblings! Or you’ll suffer worse than what Granny Smith had.” He said coldly. Applejack looked panicked, cradling her sister close to her. Flim snarled.

“That is an order and you shall obey!” He then brought out a whip and raised it over his head. Applejack braced herself as the brother lashed it out. She closed her eyes. But the strike never happened. Applejack blinked and looked up in awe at the sight of an alicorn, having the whip wrapped around her wing. Din snorted in disgust and yanked the whip, pulling Flim down along with Flam, who had tried to help pull back.

When the two landed before her hooves, they looked up in fear. Din began to smile smugly.

“How pitiable. Not so tough when some pony fights back.” She then grinned maniacally. “Hah! It’s gratification to some degree!” Din then reared up and the brothers cuddled together in fear, bracing themselves. Din brought the full weight of her hooves down, squashing the brothers into black liquid. Din gave a disgusted grunt and wiped her hoof on one of the faceless workers that now seemed to be frozen. Din then looked over her shoulder, eyeing Applejack. “Well, don’t just sit there gawking. Don’t you have some friends to save? More importantly, a world?”

Applejack studied the alicorn. She then looked down at Applebloom.

“So… this isn’t real?” Applejack spoke. Din rolled her eyes.

“Not unless you want it to. Be honest with yourself, mortal.” Din replied in annoyance. Applejack furrowed her look into a serious expression. She then smiled determinedly, her eyes gleaming with a rainbow color.

“That ain’t gonna’ happen. Not when ‘ah and ma’ friends have anythin’ ta’ say about it!” Applejack stood up after laying Applebloom down gently, removing her hair net and withdrawing her cowboy hat. Adjusting it comfortably, she then bolted, vaulting over the conveyor lines and knocking over Flim-Flam products. When she approached tall metal doors, she balled her fist and leapt up, punching the doors clean off their hinges. She glowed and flipped as her pony ears appeared on her head, falling into the abyss.

“Yeee-hawww!” She cheered.


I roared loudly and swung upwards, shattering the barrier of Tenebres. She went tumbling through the air, crashing onto her back with an “oof” and groaning as the wind left her. She pushed herself off the ground as I felt my legs give in and I knelt, supporting myself with my halberd and panting tiredly. Tenebres cackled and had a crazed, wide-eyed grin. Seemingly have recovered from her winding quite quickly, I gripped my halberd and tried to push myself up. Tenebres, however, held up her arm again and another crystal shot out a dark rainbow towards her.

“Laughter!” Tenebres waved her arm out in front of her and small, shadowy looking candy pieces began to emerge and bob around her. They began to orbit her and when she took one, she sniffed it and made a disgusted face before chucking it towards me. I gasped, unable to move in time as it glowed and then exploded into glitter and confetti with enough force to send me backwards and hit another crystal. I lurched forward, struggling to keep myself up. Tenebres laughed.


Din found herself staring blankly into confusion as the whole world she was in felt like a total fever dream. Pinkie Pie hummed happily, biting down on a cupcake. She then plucked a candied flower that was singing and bit into it, blissfully in love with the taste. She then noticed Din and she gulped her food before handing a cupcake up to her.

“Want some?” She asked. Din dumbfoundedly looked between her and the cupcake. When Pinkie saw she wouldn’t take it, she giggled. “More for me!” She nommed down on the cupcake, commenting on how good it tasted. Din was at a loss.

“Your friends are in trouble.” She simply stated. Pinkie gasped and looked panic stricken.

“Oh no!! Is that why you are here?! I thought you wanted to help yourself to some of the licorice! I have to go to them!!” She said determinedly. She was about to when she stopped and noticed another bed of flowers. “Ooooh, lemon drops.” Pinkie licked her lips. Din cleared her throat and Pinkie blinked. “Oh, right! I’m on my way girls!!” Pinkie Pie glowed brightly and her pony ears appeared as she skipped happily down the child like sketch of a road, singing happily to herself.

Din looked around the heart of the creature and morbidly looked at a half eaten cookie.

“Eat me!” It exclaimed joyfully. Din yelped and quickly canceled her magic.


I rolled and hopped away as Tenebres laughed, chucking shadowy sweets after sweets and forcing me away. I ended up getting knocked off my feet and hit the side of a crystal. I stood up and shook away the daze, putting my hand out and pushing off the crystal.


Rarity is rushing back and forth, frantically working at several mannequins. She was muttering to herself something incomprehensible as she did. Fabric and other materials laid scattered about.

“No, no, no! So much left to do! Are the measurements just right? Is this too chice? Oh, these patterns are not in the right places! How does this color not match?! Did I bring the encrusted blue gems? Ooooh, where did I put my new line??” Rarity’s tangent was distracting her so much, she didn’t realize she was wrapping a dress around an strangely colored mannequin with a fiery mane. She did a double take before shrieking, Din wincing and dropping her ears.

“Silence, imbecile!” Din shouted. Rarity panicked and backed away, tripping over some stray material on the ground. Rarity looked up in awe as Din struggled to remove the dress. “How dare you cover my physique! How can my subjects bask in my majesty?!” Din kicked at the back of the dress, grunting. “And how does one remove it?! Screw it!!” Her horn glowed and she aimed at the dress, firing a beam that burned the dress away. Rarity shrieked in horror. Din snarled and took aim at the entirety of the line of dresses.

One by one they all burned away. With the dresses now ash and smolder, Din pulled her head back and sighed with relief.

“Much better.” She said with a smug smile. She then looked down to see a dumbfounded Rarity.

“My… my new line… ruined…” she whimpered. Din frowned and stepped down.

“If anything, I did you a favor. Too many dresses like that reeks of desperation.” She said coldly. Rarity began to well up with tears. Din slumped. “Really? Over dresses? Please, if a mortal like you wanted to make the best, you would have done so already. Isn’t that what your friends always think?” She sighed, remembering what her vessel had thought of Rarity before. Rarity sniffled and looked defeated at her clothing, her mascara running down her cheeks. She then blinked in realization.

“My friends…?” She asked. Din shook her head.

“Seriously, are all mortals so obsessed with their inabilities to get over themselves on simple matters? Just tear it all down. You can always begin a new. Make it better even. That’s the least you can manage, can’t you?” Rarity darted her eyes in thought. She then beamed and stood up.

“You’re right! The line was starting to get rather unpleasantly all over with no direction! Why… you burning down the dresses leaves me more time to think!” Rarity chuckled at whatever ideas were floating through her mind. Din raised an unamused brow. Seeing her look, Rarity’s eyes gleamed with rainbow colors and her jaw dropped. “And for my friends! I have to go! Thank you very much, Din! I’ll swear on my career I’ll make something particularly exquisite in your majesty!” Rarity then rushed over to a door, kicking it open.

She adjusted herself, glowing brightly as her pony ears appeared. With a satisfied nod and a determined look, she jumped into the abyss. Din looked around the ruined line of dresses. She then sighed and bowed her head, shaking it.

“How tiresome…” she said before canceling her magic.


Tenebres zipped around the area, having learned her lesson when doing too much against me. When she managed to trip me and deliver a punch into my gut, sending me crashing into the side of Canterlot High and falling hard onto the ground, she shook her hand and held her arm high into the air, grinning. From another crystal, a dark rainbow shot out and swirled around her.

“Magic!” Her aura was flowing like a rainbow. She then caught something in her hand, twirling it and taking a posing stance. Her scythe had changed to a rapier. I then noticed a jagged antler like horn having grown out of her forehead. She then waved her free hand, the bear shrinking down and wrapping around her arm. A bear claw formed and she flexed it, her slit purple eyes glinting.

“What do you think of me now, sister?! I, the one who can tame the Elements of Harmony to my favor! The magic that doesn’t belong to the mortals here now belong to me! The bringer of the new age of shadows!” Tenebres cackled manically. I grunted and winced as I pulled myself off the ground and stood, wobbling with dizziness. I felt a warmth flow through me and some of the pain easing.

Two more, vessel! The bearers are awake! Din spoke in my head. I grinned and Tenebres narrowed her look. Feeling Din’s healing work, I then smirked and put my hand on the crystal that had just given her power before I took a stance and rushed her.


Twilight struggled against her restraints. She was floating in a vast void of bright colors. She knew exactly who was here. And to her horror, the very fabric of this reality was ripped apart as a dark and power hungry version of herself laughed evilly. Midnight Sparkle reached out and grasped Twilight, bringing her up to her.

“I told you I’d be back! I will never leave you! You cannot get rid of me so easily!!” Midnight Sparkle laughed. Twilight struggled to break free, grunting as she could feel the darkness slowly creeping into her.

“N-no! I won’t… let you control me… again…!” She struggled. Midnight laughed again, enjoying the torture of her counterpart. That was until her hand was sliced clean off. Midnight screamed and clutched her arm, the magic flowing from the wound. Twilight screamed as she fell, only to yelp as a fiery alicorn caught her. Din soared around and faced Midnight Sparkle. Midnight growled, clutching her wound.

“You won’t escape me!!” She shouted as she lashed out her other hand. Din grinned smugly and swished her head, slicing the other hand and causing Midnight to reel in pain. Twilight was stunned.

“Pay attention, egghead!” Din growled. Twilight blinked and looked down at her. “Right now, my vessel is fighting for your freedom. Your friends need your help! I’m only here because I was asked to.” Din eyed the whimpering Midnight Sparkle, who glared at her. Din smirked. “Heed this, for there is only one apex in this world! And that apex will be me!!” Din reared back, swishing her head before aiming her horn and unleashing a powerful blast of fire.

Midnight screamed as she was unable to defend against Din’s might, vaporizing the midnight for good. Twilight was speechless. Din snorted and blew her horn coolly. She then frowned and looked over her shoulder.

“Did you listen to a word I said? Go! Now!” She barked. Twilight blinked.

“My friends… my friends!” Twilight beamed and suddenly hugged Din, taking the alicorn completely off guard. “I won’t forget this, Din! Thank you for the help!” Din was speechless once more as Twilight glowed and levitated off of her, her eyes sparked and a shimmer of a rainbow gleamed over her iris. Wings and pony ears sprouted as Twilight triumphantly waved her arms around and held them out, melting the world they were in. Din was quiet as she canceled her magic.


“Too slow!” Tenebres cackled behind me. I yelped as I felt a hard force knock me towards the pedestal. I rolled and recovered onto my feet, putting my hand on the last crystal. I smirked as Tenebres walked towards me. “Why are you acting like you have the higher advantage? Or are you just that stupid to think you can throw me off?” Tenebres asked in annoyance. I held up my halberd.

“The Elements of Harmony are not to be twisted to such means! They are the core values of what keeps our realms in check! Without them, you wouldn’t have a realm to rule. Twisting them as you have has already doomed this world to more than just shadows.” I stated. Tenebres leaned her head back and laughed.

“Oh, poor you. Thinking that shaping the Elements of Harmony is the end! Don’t you realize that they are just symbols? Like my sisters and I, we are merely symbols of what created your pathetic realm. Without us, you are nothing. Without the Elements of Harmony, well…” she chuckled. “It’ll just be a normal Tuesday.” I winced as the pain shot up through me.

“It’s not just about being without the Elements of Harmony. It’s about ensuring we still have a home to go back too! We maybe exiles to Equestria, but we can always make home with each other!” I replied with a pained tone. Tenebres looked unamused.

“I could care less about what mortals think of me. Because their obedience will be all I require! And if they don’t like it, then their own punishment is on them.” Tenebres scoffed. I supported myself against the darkened crystal.

“I wasn’t talking to you, Tenebres.” I rasped. I met the eyes of Fickle. “C’mon, Fickle. I know you are in there! You’re scared and alone, I get that. Just give me a chance to show you that the shadows aren’t just your only friends!” However, Tenebres’s eyes overshadowed the child’s and she grinned. I pushed myself off the crystal and readied myself. Tenebres punched the ground with the bear’s paw, rocking the earth and throwing me off balance.

She then conjured a gem behind her where she then kicked off of it with lightning speed. She hissed as she stabbed her rapier outward. I tripped, causing me to avoid the fatal stab. I then began to roll along the ground as she tried to stab at me. Growling as she couldn’t hit me, her horn glowed and I felt my entire body lift off up the ground. Tenebres cackled as she then used her rapier like a conductor’s rod and started tossing me around with her magic like a ragdoll.

My entire body was screaming out in pain, blood splattering at every impact. If I wasn’t a bearer of one of the power elements, I would have been dead when she first hit me. She then stopped, levitating me high in the air as she shook her head with a pleased sigh.

“Damn Equestria and damn the World Serpent. This realm is ripe for the taking. Killing you will not be a burden on me.” I couldn’t move. My body refused any command I tried to give it. I was helpless.

‘Din! I could really use you right now!’ I thought. There was silence. At first, I worried that she hadn’t returned from the last crystal. But then, I began to think she had a plan, but it would involve me having to take the brunt end of it all. I looked down towards Tenebres, seeing her blissed out on my torture. I smirked and this caused her to snap out of her bliss. She then glared at me, Fickle’s Kirin fire flaring.

“I don’t understand why you think you are winning! There is nothing that you or Din can do to stop me now!” She then tossed out a gem and stepped onto it, levitating herself up to me. When she met me at my level, she stepped forward and studied me. “Hehehe. I win again, Din!” She then narrowed her eyes, meeting mine. She then leaned back and laughed. “Ahahahahaha!! Oh this it too great! She actually left you! I can’t believe it! She just abandoned you! Such a sore loser!” Tenebres laughed again.

I grunted and shifted forward a bit.

“Better she lives on to stop you another time… I’ve done all I could… Fickle… if you’re in there… just know that I would have been your friend if you have given me the chance…” I coughed. “Not as another shadow. But someone you can fall back on… someone who wouldn’t treat you any different… because why would I…? We demons… need to stick together…” I rasped. Through Tenebres’s eyes, I saw a spark. But it was quickly overshadowed once more and Tenebres rolled her eyes.

“Boooorrring!” Tenebres said. She then flourished her rapier and I felt a sharp, cold pain pierce me. My eyes widened and I gurgled. Tenebres pulled back and grinned maniacally. She then began to laugh as the sharp pain kept shooting through me. I couldn’t move. My vision was fading. In that moment, as Tenebres stabbed over and over, my memories of my time as a filly flashed through me. Happier times when life was at its’ peak for me.

No worries. Nothing to concern myself over. Then it flashed with thoughts of my mother. My father. My siblings. My middle school life. My high school life. My friends. Thi Billet. Silver Scribble. Flitter and of course, Cloudchaser. Then flashed memories of my time here in this world. How strange yet familiar it all was. There could be worser ways to die, I suppose. And as long as Din had transferred herself into another, then I can pass knowing that I can leave Equestria in better hooves, hand, claw or paw.

It was a fun ride. But I’m so tired. Tenebres dropped me from her magic and I hit the cement walkway, sealing my fate.

Down below the hovering mass of land that Canterlot High was on, onlookers from the whole city, were watching streams and observing the conflict via several drones that were keeping their distance away. Even the officers were monitoring through the drones. It had been an agonizing couple of hours watching it all. But what silenced everyone in wide eye horror was the brutal defeat of Quiet Fire. There was nothing no one could do.

Any attempt to get close to the school would be met with shadowy lackies that would keep them at bay, or some barrier short circuiting drones that got close. Below the school, a dark swirl of energy and magic sinisterly made anyone sick that got too close as well. In the crowd, Flitter had her mouth covered with her hand, mortified with Cloudchaser dumbfounded as they watched on Flitter’s phone. Behind them, Thi Billet was speechless. Somewhere else in the crowd, Wild Fire’s expression had darkened.

His entire demeanor shaking angrily as the other officers and even the chief watched from the monitors with grim expressions. Cloud Mist, who was not too far off and keeping watch of the crowd, saw the horror and disturbed faces of the people on their phones. The silence was nearly deafening. Cloud then turned to look up at the floating mass of land, her entire stoicism broken into stunned silence. From all over Canterlot City, the denizens had tuned to watch their new found hero save the day. From the crowd, Discord clenched his fist as he looked up at the school. He had been struggling to decide to aid. But he couldn’t help, even if he wanted to. These humans need to be safe.

But now, no one knew what to think. It was nothing compared to what it was like on the shows or movies. Their hero perished. And the villain marveled at the sight of her victory. In the stream video, they watched a she turned to the last crystal and held up her rapier.

“One. Last. Thing. Victory is sweet!” She laughed. The darkened crystal shot out the dark rainbow, swirling around the body of Fickle.

“Hope!” Tenebres spread her arms out and looked to the sky. She closed her eyes, her expression blissed. With all the Elements of Harmony combined and now tamed, this realm truly had fallen to the shadows. However, the crystals began to shimmer. Subtle at first. Then, it grew brighter and began to glow like a heart beat. The dark rainbow still swirling around Fickle’s body suddenly wavered and this caused Tenebres to blink in confusion. She looked back down to the power and to her shock, it shot back towards the crystal.

“What?! Impossible!!” She cried out. “I followed the ritual to a Tee! How is it not obeying my command!?” Tenebres held out her arm to it. “To me! Obey my command!” But nothing happened. That’s when the crystal glowed brightly and then shattered. Tenebres shielded her eyes and hissed as a figure levitated high up into the air, meeting her level. When the light dimmed, Sunset Shimmer opened her eyes and stared down Tenebres. Tenebres grit her teeth. “How?!”

Sunset Shimmer looked down, her eyes widened at the sight of Quiet Fire motionless and bloodied on the ground beneath them. From Sunset Shimmer, fire escaped her and formed by Quiet Fire, Din forming herself and walking over to her. She lowered her head and closed her eyes, her horn touching the cheek. She then rose her head and met Sunset’s eyes, nodding quietly. Tenebres growled before she grinned and laughed.

“Too bad, sister! You lost again! Though, I don’t know how I’d feel abandoning my own vessel! But I understand if you felt that she had run her course. So, let me guess. You’re the new host?” She turned to face Sunset.

“For now.” Sunset simply replied. She then raised her arm up and from the shattered crystal, the darkened rainbow shot up and the shadow faded from it. The rainbow then changed to a bright red that wrapped around Sunset, changing her clothes and hairstyle. She hovered defiantly against Tenebres, who only shook her head with a snicker.

“Awww. Well, six out of seven will have to do. I still have a backup anyway. So, how are you going to entertain me?” She grinned. Sunset glared.

“No games, Tenebres. It ends here.” Sunset spoke. Tenebres blinked and suddenly, the gem she stood on shattered, causing her to yelp and fall. She flipped once and used her wings to land safely on the ground and looked up angrily. She then fell to her knees, feeling overwhelmingly sick and vomiting shadows. The purple aura left her first, shattering Rarity’s crystal. Then came Applejack’s. Then Rainbow Dash’s. Then Pinkie Pie’s. Twilight’s. And finally, Fluttershy’s. Tenebres watched in horror as the Elements of Harmony left her and returned to their owners.

“No! No!! How can it be?! I had everything correct!!” Tenebres shouted. The girls were wrapped around by their light, their hairstyle and clothes having changed as they hovered over her. Din picked up Quiet Fire and had her rest on her back, her blood coating the charcoal midnight coat as she walked back towards Sunset. Sunset put a hand on Quiet Fire’s and her eyes glowed. Every moment from her filly hood to now flowed into Sunset. When she pulled away, she closed her eyes and faced Tenebres.

“I understand it now. Why Quiet Fire is fighting for us. For both our worlds. Even for you. You may see it as a hinderance, but you cannot deny that you still matter, even if you push everyone away. Quiet Fire paved the way. It’s up to us to follow it as we see fit.” Sunset held out her hand and a red beam fired from her palm, striking Fickle’s body. “There is still hope for everyone involved. You can fix it all.” Tenebres lurched forward, clutching at her chest as it felt like she was being ripped out from her host’s body.

She pulled back.

“Silence!! You know nothing of the struggle I put up with!! I refuse to lose!! My sisters will know that I have won!! Me!!” Tenebres shouted angrily. Another beam shot through Fickle’s body, causing her to kneel. Applejack looked sternly at the child.

“‘Ah reckon you oughta’ listen, Tenebres. There are lines that should never be crossed. We can only forgive so much.” Applejack spoke.

“It never needs to escalate into anything but an argument.” Rarity spoke as her beam struck Fickle. “All this petty violence and want for attention does not befit a lady. Let alone a queen to her subjects.” Another beam struck Fickle.

“Being so mean to others is just not fun at all!” Pinkie Pie stated, giving a sad look. “Everyone should enjoy what life has to offer. Be it for bad or good!” Another beam struck Fickle.

“Life may seem unfair most of the time. Even to the point where it feels like the whole universe is out to get you. But that is never in any of the case.” Fluttershy spoke. “There is always someone out there willing to lend a helping hand. Even if you don’t see eye to eye.” Another struck Fickle.

“You can always count on yourself to be awesome or cool however you want.” Rainbow Dash spoke. “But what’s even cooler is rolling with the punches. Because you can always get back up and show the universe that you can take it. That you have friends of any kind that will always be right beside you.”

“Be it hoof, claw, hand, wing or paw.” Twilight began. “We are all different in our own way. But we all share one world. Two if we are lucky. And together, we can change whatever fate or destiny has laid out for us. To break the cycle and begin a new chapter.” Tenebres winced, feeling herself being pulled in all directions. Sunset walked towards Tenebres, who struggled to move away from her.

“Don’t come any closer, mortal!! Unhand me!! This realm is supposed to be mine!! I found it!! I will make it mine!! All mine!! I won!!” She screamed. Sunset knelt and looked her dead in the eyes with a soft smile.

“Fickle. You don’t need to be afraid anymore. Let us help you.” She said, raising her hand. Tenebres’s eyes vanished and the eyes of Fickle shone back at her. Sunset placed her hand on Fickle’s cheek and rested her forehead against her’s.

“Nooooooo!!” Tenebres screamed. The whole world melted around them.