//------------------------------// // one of the Bluebots was a mole? // Story: What If... // by TheMajorTechie //------------------------------// "Bluebot #69420-42, why are you like this?" Bluebot #69420-42 continued digging, completely ignoring Bluebot #62889-765. "Bluebot #69420-42. Are your microphones inactive? I await your response." "Dig." "That is rather uncouth of an action for a Bluebot unit such as yourself to perform." "I'm not a Bluebot, I'm a mole!" Bluebot #69420-42 continued to dig. "I wanna find wooooooooooooorms!" "...This is not what our programming dictates us to do when the term 'mole' was defined, Bluebot #69420-42." "I don't care! Worms!"