Somewhere He Belongs

by SuperSamYoshi

Chapter 51: Amending Fences

Things had become quiet without Ace around, the team just wasn’t the same without him, but Sam and his friends pushed on and continued to protect Equestria from monsters. Over the next week, the girls faced their own challenges. Twilight had been awake for three straight days organising the Grand Equestria Pony Summit, and needed to get some sleep, as she couldn’t see to her summit duties. So Cadance charged Spike in making sure she wasn’t disturbed, which of course went off the rails in chaos.

That same week, the Prince Rutherford of Yakyakistan, visits Ponyville for a summit with Celestia. After everything to please them went wrong, Pinkie embarked on a journey to their hometown to help the relationship between the Yaks and Ponies, and prevent a possible war between the two.

On this day, like most others, a monster had appeared. A blue quadrupedal dinosaur-like monster, with a long neck, and horns on its head emerged from the ground on the outskirts of Ponyville. The monster was the Ancient Monster Kingsaurus.

Naturally, Sam donned his Ultrasuit, and appeared to challenge the monster. Kingsaurus roared as Ultraman appeared in front of it, Ultraman ran towards the monster and kicked Kingsaurus in the neck, causing it to topple over onto the ground. As Kingsaurus got back to its feet, Ultraman ran to chop at its horns, but the moment he made contact with the horns, he was stung, by the barbs of the horns. Ultraman clutched his hand, pain still stinging as Kingsaurus suddenly charged at Ultraman, he narrowly avoided the attack as Kingsaurus charged right passed.

Ultraman pulled a fighting pose as Kingsaurus turned around to face him. The two just stared at each other, before Kingsaurus charged at Ultraman again, Ultraman grabbed its neck and flipped the monster over his shoulder and slammed it on the ground. Ultraman went to grab its horns again, but the barbs on the horns activated and stung him again. Ultraman groaned in pain, as Kingsaurus charged into Ultraman and pushed him to the ground, before trying to strike him in the face with its horns.

Ultraman managed to get Kingsaurus off him by kicking it in the neck, and rolling out from under it. Kingsaurus fired a red beam from his mouth at Ultraman, who just blocked it and didn’t get hurt from it. Ultraman charged his energy and fired his Ultra Attack Beam at Kingsaurus, but created a force field protecting itself from Ultraman’s attack. This shocked Ultraman, as Kingsaurus stomped forward, Ultraman jumped back and tried to fire his Slash Beam, but that too did nothing to the force field, then he tried his Ultra Slash, which just deflected off the force field. He finally tried his Specium Beam, but the force field blocked that as well.

Ultraman was running out of energy, and he was getting rather nervous of Kingsaurus as it slowly stocked forward. Ultraman jumped in front of Kingsaurus to try attacking with a physical attack, but Kingsaurus flashed waves of energy from its horns at Ultraman which temporarily blinded him.

With Ultraman blinded, Kingsaurus ran forward and stabbed Ultraman in the leg with its horns, so strong that they actually pierced the armour and stabbed Sam, causing blood to pour out. Ultraman cried out in agony as he grabbed the horns and pulled them out of his leg. Ultraman stumbled back clutching his leg, Kingsaurus seemed to laugh as it stomped forward and pushed Ultraman to the ground, and climbed over him.

Ultraman struggled to get Kingsaurus off him as the monster smacked him with its front feet, but he managed to get it off him by hitting it in the neck, Ultraman crawled out from underneath the monster and slowly got back to his feet just before Kingsaurus knocked him back to the ground with his horns. Ultraman was too low on energy to carry on, as Kingsaurus let out a victorious roar, Ultraman changed back to Sam, and lay on the ground, sweating and panting, and clutching his leg in pain as blood poured out the wound. Kingsaurus roared again, before walking away and started digging and burrowing away. Once the monster was gone, Gwen and Jack ran up to Sam and helped him up to his feet. They then helped him to the hospital where they bandaged up his leg.

That evening, Sam was back at the Castle of Friendship, in the living room with Sunset, Gwen and Twilight. Sunset was busy making sure that Sam’s leg was ok, while Twilight and Gwen were each reading a book. Soon Spike came into the room, in an apron and rubber gloves.

“You know the worst thing about you being the Princess of Friendship?” Spike remarked, “The dishes.”

“Thanks for taking care of that, Spike,” Twilight responded, “After three events in one week, I really needed to relax with a good book.”

“I agree mum,” Gwen replied, looking up from her own book.

“You don’t have to keep checking my leg,” Sam retorted to Sunset.

“You don’t want to suddenly open that wound anymore,” she replied back.

“It's kinda funny, isn't it?” Spike remarked as he reached behind a pillow and pulled out his own book, “All these ponies comin' to you for advice about friendship?”

“What's funny about that?” Twilight asked, as she got up and levitated her book over to the bookshelf.

“You know, 'cause you used to be famous for being such a bad friend,” Spike replied.

“What are you talking about?” Twilight questioned, “I had good friends in Canterlot.”

“Come on, Twilight. Look at the wall,” Spike said, as he motioned to the wall which had pictures of Twilight’s friends from Ponyville, but none from Canterlot, “Do you see any photos from before we moved to Ponyville? And look at you now – the Princess of Friendship.”

“This is a disaster! All my old friends!” Twilight gasped as she started to pace the room, “I can't remember any of their names right now! But do you really think that they think I'm a bad friend?!”

“Well, I only meant that you've come so far,” Spike remarked, “You're a great friend now and…”

“Oh, I feel terrible!” Twilight shouted, cutting Spike off, “I've gotta make it up to them! Pack a bag, Spike! We're going to Canterlot!” Twilight galloped out the room, before sheepishly turning back around, “And make a list of my friends' names.”

“Aw,” Spike groaned, “Me and my big mouth.”

Sam just shrugged and was about to lay back and relax before Twilight used her magic to drag him from the sofa.

“Hey, mind my leg!” Sam shouted.

“You’re fine now, come on!” Twilight cried as Sam was dragged out the door with a grumpy expression. Sunset and Gwen just looked at each other before turning back to their books.

After nightfall, Twilight, Spike and Sam flew to Canterlot, Spike was a little concerned for Twilight. “Come on, Twilight,” he tried to tell her, “You're getting worked up about nothin'.”

Twilight touched gently on the ground, “The only logical place to start is at the beginning,” she said as they looked up to Twilight’s old tower home. The doors opened and the three of them walked in. “Oh. It's exactly how we left it!” Twilight remarked as she made her way upstairs and towards an open book on a pedestal and covered in dust. Twilight blew the dust away and smiled, “Look! It's Predictions and Prophecies! And it's still open to the Elements of Harmony!”

Sam looked around the place, admiring the large collection of books around the room. Presently, he stepped on something, he looked down and saw it was a teddy bear, he bent down and picked it up.

“Hey Spike, is this yours?” he asked, Spike looked over and gasped.

“That’s the present I was gonna give Moon Dancer!” Spike remarked, taking a hold of it, “Huh. Guess she won't be needing that.” he then tossed it behind him, and found the rest of her gift on the ground, “Hey, look! The rest of it's still here!”

“How could I have let this happen?” Twilight stated as she looked out the giant window that looked over all of Canterlot.

“Come on, Twilight,” Spike replied, “Princess Celestia gave you an assignment. Nopony could blame you for that.”

“But look at the way I left this place. It's a total mess! Just like how I left my friendships,” Twilight said, motioning to the room, “I've gotta make it up toooo... uh...” she gave a sheepish grin to Spike.

“Oh! Uh, Minuette, Twinkleshine, Lemon Hearts, Lyra Heartstrings, and Moon Dancer,” Spike listed.

“Yeah. Them,” Twilight stated.

“Cute sounding names,” Sam remarked, “so you lived in this place mum?”

“Yeah, I know it doesn’t seem like much, but back then, I was really absorbed into books,” Twilight told him.

“So absorbed that you would rather spend a day with books, that really friends?” Sam questioned, Twilight blushed and grinned guiltily, “I can relate, I didn’t have many friends growing up, until Elena and co welcomed me into their friend circle.”

“Well I think it’s getting late, you should get some sleep,” Twilight said, “you can sleep in my old bed.”

Twilight pointed to a bed in the corner of the room, Sam walked over to it, and quickly dusted it off before turning in for the night. Twilight walked over to him and kissed him on the cheek before turning around and walked away.

The next morning Sam and Spike were still sound asleep, Sam in Twilight’s old bed, while Spike slept on top of a book stack. “Spike! Sam! Come on! We've got work to do!” Twilight called out.

Spike groaned and he stretched his stiff joints, Sam himself didn’t have a that much better of a night, Twilight’s old bed was a straw bed, and it wasn’t as comfy and his one back at the castle.

“Have you been awake all night?” Spike yawned.

“I did a little research, and I think I know where we can find Minuette!” Twilight replied, “That is one of my friends, right?”

Later the three of them stood outside what Twilight guessed was Minuette’s home, there was a large hourglass above the door, which was also hourglass shaped. Twilight lifted a hoof and knocked on the door.

“Uh, it's not too late to forget I opened my big mouth,” Spike remarked.

“No, Spike, I'm glad you opened your big mouth,” Twilight said, “These ponies have probably been suffering ever since I left. Wondering why their supposed friend would treat them so badly!”

“I think you’re taking this in the wrong direction,” Sam commented, “I highly doubt they’re suffering. They’ll probably just be wondering why I haven’t heard anything from Twilight in a while.” Just then the door started to creak open, inside was pure darkness.

“Minuette?” Twilight called out. Suddenly a blue unicorn mare with a blue and silver mane and tail shot out from the darkness with a large smile on her face.

“Twilight Sparkle!” exclaimed Minuette hysterically, “You old so-and-so! What are you doing here?! Hey, Spike! Look at these wings, huh?! Hey, grab a picture of me and the princess, will ya?!” Minuette was so excited to see Twilight, she levitated a camera out of her home and gave it to Spike. “I tried to tell my coworkers we used to be friends back when. But they've never believed me!”

Twilight was so shocked by this reaction that she didn’t know what to say as she went back down the steps leading to Minuette's door. Twilight looked to Sam and Spike for anything, but the two just shrugged as Spike started to adjust the camera. “Wait-wait-wait! Really fluff 'em up, huh?” Minuette posed with Twilight for the camera, and Spike took it with his thumb in frame. After Spike took the photo Minuette’s excitement only grew higher once her eyes fell on Sam.

“Oh my Celestia! Who’s this sweet little guy?! Is this your son?! Is this the legendary Sam!” She exclaimed as she ran up to him and embraced Sam in a tight hug, “He’s so cute!”

“I appreciate the attention, but can you loosen your grip,” Sam winced.

“Oh sorry sweetheart,” Minuette replied as she gently placed Sam back down on the ground, before turning back to Twilight. “So what are you doing here? I mean, I know you're here all the time, but you never come to see me. Hey! I just had the greatest idea! You wanna go see Lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine?”

“Of course!” Twilight declared, “My old friends!”

“It'll be great!” Minuette giggled, “Come on! Let's fly! Get it?” and she leaped into the air for the joke.

“This is perfect!” Twilight responded to Sam and Spike, as the trio trotted after Minuette, “I can apologise to all three of them at once!”

“Let's hope they're not as traumatised as Minuette,” Spike remarked deadpanned.

Later, Twilight, Spike, Sam and Minuette met up with Lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine at Donut Joe’s, once they reunited with Twilight, they began to chat and catch up on old times. Sam sat with Twilight and the girls, while Spike sat up at the counter talking to Joe.

“She did! Twinkleshine literally spit out her oats when she heard you were the Princess of Friendship!” Minuette told Twilight.

“We saw you at the coronation,” Twinkleshine remarked, “That was some shindig!”

“You did?” Twilight asked.

“Sure! We see you all the time!” Twinkleshine replied.

“You remember our old friend, Lyra, right?” Minuette giggled, “She lives in Ponyville too. We're always over there visiting her. Or she's coming over here!”

“That explains why I see you three in Ponyville, and or Lyra here,” Sam commented.

“We’ve sort of started talking to each other again,” Twilight remarked.

“That’s great!” Lemon Hearts declared.

“We've thought about asking you to join us from time to time, but we just sorta figured you'd moved on,” Minuette stated.

“Oh,” retorted Twilight, sounding defeated.

“So what brings you by anyway?” Lemon Hearts asked, clearing her throat, “All those times you've come back to Canterlot, you never had donuts with us before.”

“Well, uh, you see...” Twilight sighed, “I came to apologise.”

“For what?” Minuette asked after swallowing a piece of her donut.

“Before I left Canterlot, I didn't really appreciate my friends. And that's because I didn't know how important friendship was,” Twilight explained, “But I've learned so much since I moved to Ponyville. I learned what it means to be a good friend and that I certainly wasn't one to the three of you. So for all the pain I caused you, I am truly sorry.” Twilight was expecting her friends to feel apologetic and accepted her apology. But instead they all giggled, catching Twilight really off guard.

“Oh, come on, Twilight!” Minuette retorted, “Sure, it might've stung a little bit when you ran off to Ponyville without saying goodbye, but it's not like we weren't used to that from you!”

“Yeah, we didn't take it personally,” Twinkleshine assured her.

“But it's really good to see you now,” Lemon Hearts chimed in, “Hey! Anypony up for a blast from the past?”

The four ponies, Spike and Sam took a trip down memory lane, as they visited the School for Gifted Unicorns.

“It's our old science lab!” Twilight gasped, “I have so many great memories of this place!”

“Remember when Lemon Hearts got her head stuck in that beaker?” Minuette told them, Lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine but giggled at the memory. Upon hearing that, Twilight started to reminisce on that day.

They class were busy learning about science, Lemon Hearts had somehow to get her head stuck in a beaker, and was running around the classroom, with an excited Minuette and worried Twinkleshine chasing after her. On a table sat a young Twilight, and her closest friend at the time, Moon Dancer, reading science books.

“But according to this book, you're supposed to add the sodium chloride first,” Twilight told her,

“I read ahead, and to make a proper salt lick, you need to add the molasses first,” Moon Dancer replied.

“Well, I read ahead too, Moon Dancer, and I'm sure it said sodium chloride first,” Twilight retorted.

“Oh. I've got the wrong book,” Moon Dancer stated dryly, “That's so hilarious.” The two when back to reading the books, as Twilight’s finished reminisces on that day, and turned back to her old friends.

“Whatever happened to Moon Dancer?” Twilight asked.

“Moon Dancer?” Lemon Hearts questioned.

“Oh, right! Moon Dancer! I remember her!” Twinkleshine responded.

“I wonder what she's up to,” Lemon Hearts quizzed.

“Yeah, I always liked her,” Minuette remarked, “We just sort of lost touch after you left.”

“I think she went to live out by the stadium, didn't she?” Twinkleshine questioned.

“Well, let's go see,” Lemon Hearts answered.

Minuette, Lemon Hearts, and Twinkleshine led Twilight, Spike and Sam to Moon Dancer's residence, which was a ramshackle Canterlot cottage on the outskirts of the city. The cottage really stood out, as it looked abandoned, moss grew on the side of the cottage, tiles were missing, windows dirty or smashed, and a dead tree stood next to the decrepit home.

“I think this is the place,” Minuette replied, “Didn't used to look like this, though.”

Twilight looked unsurely at Sam and Spike, as she walked up the path to the front door. Twilight knocked on the door, but there was no answer. So she knocked harder, maybe a bit too hard, as her hoof went through the door, creating a hole in the old wood. Twilight looked through the hole and almost jumped out of her fur, when she saw an eye appear out of nowhere and staring back at her. Twilight gasped as the door creaked open.

“Moon Dancer?” Twilight called out

“What do you want?” snapped a yellowish grey unicorn mare, with an amaranth mane and tail with purple and violet streaks, the mare wore glasses and a grey sweater, “I'm trying to study.”

“It's us! Your old friends!” cried Twilight, as the other all smiled at her, Sam even waved at her.

Moon Dancer just grunted rudely and slammed the door in the faces.

“That's old Moon Dancer, all right,” Minuette chuckled nervously, “She always did like her books. Hey! Kinda like you used to be, huh?”

“Exactly how I used to be,” Twilight repeated softly.

For the next several days, by time Sam’s leg injury had healed enough for him to walk, Twilight, Sam and Spike stayed with Minuette. Twilight, Minuette, Sam and Spike spied on Moon Dancer making her way to the library. They sat at a nearby café, and noticed that nopony interacted with her.

“Come on, Twilight!” Spike sighed, “We've been watching her for three days! Library, house, library, house. That's it!”

“Nopony looks at her or says hello or even gives her a smile,” Twilight stated, “It's like she doesn't even exist. Was she always like this?”

“Well, she always was a little shy. But for a while there, she was really starting to come out of her shell. Remember when she threw that party?” Minuette questioned, Twilight just replied with a shrug, “Oh, right. I think you might've been busy that day.”

Then the memories came flooding back into Twilight’s mind. She remembered it was the day she found out about Nightmare Moon’s return. She was making her way to her room in the old tower when Minuette, Twinkleshine and Lemon Hearts appeared.

“There you are, Twilight! Moon Dancer is having a little get-together in the west castle courtyard,” Twinkleshine told her, “You wanna come?”

“Oh, sorry, girls...” Twilight replied, “I've got a lot of studying to catch up on.” And off she ran to her room. Upon remembering that day, Twilight’s lips trembled.

“Thought she finally might be letting her guard down a little with that party. We invited her out a few times after that,” Minuette continued, “But she was always too busy studying. So, eventually, we just stopped asking.”

“I had no idea that party was so important to her,” Twilight said sadly, before standing up on the table, “I've gotta find a way to make it up to her!”

Twilight made her way into the library, she saw Moon Dancer at one of the tables in the centre of the room. She smiled and had a thought to try and befriend Moon Dancer. She trotted behind Moon Dancer and pretended to have just noticed her.

“Oh, my gosh! Moon Dancer?!” she remarked in false surprise, “Is that…” she was then silent by the other ponies in the library, before she dashed out in embarrassment.

Later, Twilight tried to talk to Moon Dancer again.

“Moon Dancer, can I talk to you for a min…” she tried to ask before Moon Dancer hushed her. Only to then look up and notice the two of them within a shield of sorts.

“What is this?” Moon Dancer questioned.

“Eh, a bubble of silence,” Twilight responded, “I haven't seen you in a while and I thought it might be nice to catch up.”

“For what purpose?” Moon Dancer asked, trying to focus on her book.

“You know, 'cause we're friends,” Twilight replied, Moon Dancer didn’t look up from her book as she fired a small beam up and burst the bubble. The sound of the bubble popping caused the other ponies to turn at them and shh them again.

Later on, Moon Dancer was choosing a different book from the shelf, as she pulled one out, Twilight appeared on the other side.

“I'm really sorry to bother you,” Twilight called out, “I was just hoping we would go outside and talk for a bit.” Moon Dancer just stared at her, and placed the book back before turning away. Twilight acted hurt from that.

Presently, Moon Dancer had chosen a new book and was reading through it, but when she turned the page… “I'm sorry I skipped your party,” Twilight spoke softly from the book, she had taken the form of a book illustration.

Moon Dancer screamed in shock and quickly slammed her book shut, before being shushed by the ponies. “Why won't you leave me alone? I'm trying to study! You've got the wrong pony! I don't have parties!” Moon Dancer told Twilight, Ponies around her were confused why she was talking to a book.

“You did once,” Twilight replied, “And I was so caught up in my own studying that I didn't take your feelings into account.”

“Look, Twilight Twinkle…” Moon Dancer said.

“Sparkle,” Twilight corrected.

“Whatever! I just need to be alone so I can study without some crazy pony trying to make friends, all right?!” Moon Dancer continued.

“Fine,” Twilight said, as she turned away and was about to trot out of the book.

“Wait,” said Moon Dancer, “How did you get into my book like that?” Twilight smirked, she figured Moon Dancer might be curious about this magic trick.

Twilight and Moon Dancer left the library, and started to bond a little over classical philosophy.

“I've been studying a new studying technique,” Twilight told her, as they walked over a bridge, “I can only do it for a few minutes, but you'd be amazed how much you can pick up when you're actually in a book!”

“It's one of Hayscartes' methods,” Moon Dancer responded.

“You know Hayscartes?” Twilight asked.

“Of course! He's a genius!” Moon Dancer replied.

“I have a copy of his Treatise on Ponies, you know,” Twilight commented, not wanting to show off or anything. Moon Dancer gasped upon hearing that. Twilight led Moon Dancer to her old tower, where the unicorn was amazed by all the books.

“What is this place?” she asked in awe.

“This is where I used to live,” Twilight replied, “You mean, I never had you over?”

“Wow! A first edition of Principles of Magic!” Moon Dancer declared before realising something, “Hey, didn't I give this to you?”

“Maybe?” Twilight answered unsurely.

“I did!” Moon Dancer stated, flicking to a page, “Look, I even wrote something! ‘To my friend, Twilight Sparkle. Thanks for introducing me to the classics.’ I can see by the fact that you left it here that it meant a lot to you.”

“Look, I didn't bring you over here for even more poignant reminders of what a bad friend I was. I brought you here to give you this,” Twilight told her as she levitated a key up to her, “You can come here whenever you want and study to your heart's content.”

“Really?” Moon Dancer asked, she was a little taken aback, she wasn’t expecting this as she took the key from Twilight’s magical aura.

“But first, you've gotta do something for me,” Twilight added.

“What?” Moon Dancer asked, sounding disinterested.

“Have dinner with our old friends tonight,” Twilight replied with a grin.

“I can't,” Moon Dancer retorted, dropping the key, “I'm rearranging my biology scrolls.”

“I've been spending a lot of time with Minuette, Twinkleshine, and Lemon Hearts since I've been back,” Twilight told her, “They really miss you.”

“Look! I already told you!” Moon Dancer stated as she turned to leave the tower, “The last thing I need is a bunch of ridiculous friend-making keeping me from studying!”

“Moon Dancer, wait!” Twilight called out to her, “A wise pony once taught me that there's more to life than dusty old books!”

“I tried friendship and it's just not for me,” Moon Dancer replied as she reached the bottom of the stairs, “Now, if you'll excuse me...”

Twilight quickly thought of something to change Moon Dancer’s mind, “What if I taught you Hayscartes' method?” She questioned, Moon Dancer stopped and looked back at Twilight, and begrudgingly agreed.

Later that Evening, Twilight, Moon Dancer, Minuette, Lemon Hearts, Twinkleshine, Spike and Sam have dinner together at a restaurant. But with Moon Dancer not actually wanting to go there, it made things very awkward.

“So, uh, what are you studying these days?” Minuette asked Moon Dancer.

“Science, magic, history, economics, pottery. Things like that,” Moon Dancer replied.

“Yowzah!” Minuette chuckled, “You planning on being a professor or something?”

“No,” Moon Dancer replied expressionlessly.

“So you're just... studying,” Minuette said.

“Can I go now?” Moon Dancer groaned.

“Moon Dancer, please,” Twilight convened.

“It's all right, Twilight,” Minuette replied, “We're having a good time. Right, everypony?" She turned to Lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine, but they were unsure themselves.

“So, uh... Spike, tell Moon Dancer that story about how Twilight had to read a book about doing a sleepover!” Minuette said.

“You really read a book on how to have a sleepover?” questioned Sam as he raised an eyebrow.

“It was my first time,” Twilight replied, “I wanted it to be perfect.” Spike had been eating his food, and had made a mess all over his face, he swallowed the food, and inhaled to tell the story, but Moon Dancer cut him off before he could even say anything.

“Slumber 101?” she queried, “I've read that.”

“Oh!” Twilight chuckled, “Really? Well, uh, did you know Lemon Hearts here works at the Canterlot palace?”

“Uh, yeah. It's true,” Lemon Hearts replied, “I do the big events mostly. State dinners, that sort of thing.” They all chuckled awkwardly, except Moon Dancer who had had enough. She stood up and left the restaurant. Twilight was worried and teleported after her.

“Twilight?” Spike questioned as he cleaned his face, “Come on Sam.”

Sam was just getting up from his seat, but paused, he felt like he was being watched. He turned around and looked at a table in the corner of the room. He couldn’t figure it out, but the lone pony at the table, looking through the menu, seemed familiar. And the lilac fur and purple mane with teal streaks only helped in the suspicion.

“Is that…? No it can’t be,” he remarked to himself, “But it could be… Ah, I don’t want to think about it now.” He snapped out of his trance and bolted after Spike and Twilight. Now all alone, Minuette, Twinkleshine and Lemon Hearts all looked at each other worryingly.

“Check please!” they all called out together.

Outside, Twilight had teleported in front of the restaurant and saw Moon Dancer trotting away.

“Moon Dancer!” Twilight cried out as she teleported in front of Moon Dancer, “You've gotta give friendship a chance!”

“Dah! I gave friendship a chance a long time ago!” Moon Dancer declared, using her magic to levitate Twilight out of her way, “It didn't work out then – it isn't gonna work out now!”

Twilight was devastated and she felt tears start to build up. She didn’t even notice Sam and Spike coming up beside her.

“Mum, are you all right?” Sam asked.

“No,” Twilight sobbed with tears in her eyes, “No, I'm not.”

“W-Where are you goin'?” Spike called out.

“I don't know, you two. I really messed this one up,” Twilight replied, “That party was everything to her. I can only imagine what it must've felt like when I didn't show up.”

Twilight began to imagine what might have happened when she didn’t show up.

She imagined that Moon Dancer had set up a little party, and her old friends were turning up with their gifts for her. Moon Dancer even mirrored Twilight with her mane and tail styles.

“Hey, Moon Dancer!” Minuette called out, “Look at this spread, huh?”

“Thank you so much for coming!” Moon Dancer cried in happiness.

“Of course,” Twinkleshine said, “We wouldn't miss one of our best friends' parties.”

“Is Twilight coming?” Moon Dancer asked, an uneasy pause hung in the air as neither of the three wanted to answer, but Moon Dancer could tell that Twilight wasn’t coming, her face fell, “oh. Okay.”

“Hey, we'll still have fun, right?” Minuette chuckled nervously.

“Sure…” was all Moon Dancer said as she lowered her head and trotted away.

Twilight felt very upset about all of this, Moon Dancer was like this, because of her actions. Sam and Spike gave her a hug to try and help with the situation, but of course this wouldn’t. Twilight looked sorrowfully at her hooves, before looking up to the castle. She needed to talk to somepony about something on her mind.

Princess Celestia was walking down the halls of Canterlot Castle to her bedroom, she had just finished her duties and soon Luna would take over for the night. She was looking forward to a nice sleep with pleasant dreams. But just as she entered her room, and switched on the light, she was shocked to see Twilight, Spike and Sam in her room, seemingly waiting for her.

“Ah! Oh Twilight, you scared me,” she remarked, “I wasn’t expecting you to be here.” Twilight didn’t seem to really answer Celestia’s remark, she just looked up at her mentor with sore eyes. Celestia took notice of this, “Is everything alright my little pony? You look as if you’ve been crying.”

“I have,” Twilight replied, her voice raspy.

“Well you can tell me what's been bothering you,” Celestia said, as she took her royal jewellery off, causing her to magically shrink to match Luna or Cadence’s size.

“Well, it’s not easy to say,” Twilight told her, “but I want to give up being the Princess of Friendship.”

“What? For whatever?” Celestia questioned, “why would you think about this?”

“That day, I reached out to you about the looming threat of Nightmare Moon’s return. I skipped my old friend's party,” Twilight told her, “At the time, I didn’t realise how important this party was to her, and now, she doesn’t want anything to do with friends. How can I tell others about the magic of friendship if I've killed that spirit in somepony else?"

Celestia listened to what Twilight had to say, then gave a small chuckle as she sat next to Twilight and wrapped a wing around her. “You know Twilight, the lesson you’re in Canterlot to learn now is something I have recently learnt myself,” she remarked.

Twilight was surprised, Sam and Spike were shocked themselves, Celestia having to learn a lesson, but Celestia knows everything about everything, what could she mean about having to learn this lesson recently. Celestia looked out her balcony window and up at the moon.

“You see Twilight,” Celestia began, “Some relationships are so broken, so filled with bitterness and anger that they seem impossible to mend. But the lesson you're here to learn now is that it's never too late to repair a broken friendship."

Twilight looked up at the moon, and understood what Celestia meant. Celestia had used her own experience to gradually rebuild her trust and relationship with her own sister.

“Trust me Twilight,” Celestia continued, “everyone goes through it. I imagine our young hero has gone through the same thing.” She turned to face Sam.

“Just like Thomas and Arther,” Sam remarked, “an old friend of ours, that was in a few years above us, Arther had a spotless record, where he had never been into trouble, or made a mess, Thomas was being cheeky and tricked Arther and got him into trouble and messy, but after Thomas helped him and apologised, Arther forgave him and said that his spotless record was made to be broken and then mended again, just like friendship.”

“Yeah something like that,” Celestia commented.

Twilight looked hopefully up at her mentor, consulting with Celestia really helped her and gave her the hope to fix things with Moon Dancer. Twilight stood up and looked out on the balcony.

“I know what I need to do,” Twilight stated, “And I know just who can help me.”

The next day, Minuette came to visit Twilight at her old tower, but when she knocked on the door, no one answered. “Huh. Guess they must've gone back to Ponyville,” Minuette commented. She was just about to leave when she heard something. The sound of somepony cheering.

“Huh?” She looked up to see Twilight flying towards her old tower, with Pinkie Pie riding on her back, and Spike holding on by her tail. Sam was also flying in his Ultrasuit. Twilight was finding it hard to fly, she wasn’t used to having anybody heavier than Sam and or Spike on her back, and she came crashing down. She bashed into Minuette and crash-landed on the ground with a hard thud. While Sam touched down gently before retracting his Ultrasuit.

“That was awesome!” shouted Pinkie, as she started spinning her tail around like a helicopter blade, “We gotta go flying more often, Twilight!”

“There you are!” laughed Minuette, “I thought you threw in the old towel and headed home!”

“I did head home. But not to throw in the towel,” Twilight replied, “I went to get my secret weapon. Minuette, meet…”

“Hey! Pinkie Pie!” Minuette shouted upon seeing Pinkie.

“Hi, Minuette!” Pinkie cried as the two gave each other a hug, “Twilight, you didn't say Minuette would be here!”

“You two know each other?” Twilight asked.

“Oh, sure! She was one of Cadence's bridesmaids!” Pinkie answered, “We hang out all the time when she's in Ponyville! Didn't you know that? Ha! And you call yourself the Princess of Friendship! Twilight briefed me on the way here. We'll need fifteen bags of confetti and as many hooves as we can get.”

“Let's go!” Minuette called out, as they started to trot off, “We can pass by the donut place on the way!”

“And what are we gonna do?” Spike asked Twilight.

“Just come with me,” Twilight told him as she trotted off.

“I must have missed like two seasons worth of events or something,” Sam remarked as he followed after Twilight.

Later that day, Moon Dancer had just left the library, she had gotten some new books to study over. But as she walked away, she noticed an old history book on the ground.

“Ooh! A Brief History of the Wagon Harness!” She exclaimed as she levitated it over, then she spotted a second book next to it, “Huh? The Life and Times of Morari the Maneless?” She was excited, then noticed a trail of books leading off to somewhere.

Curiosity got the better of her, and she followed the trail, picking up the books as she went. Her stack of books grew as she followed the trail, eventually she had to start a new stack. Once she was reaching the end of the trail, she looked up and was so shocked at what she saw, she let go of all the books, letting them all fall to the ground. What she saw was a party, complete with balloons, streamers, party food and even a pinata.

“What is this?” she questioned.

“It's a party,” Twilight told her, as the others approached from the sides, “For you.”

Spike pushed a giant cake on a trolley towards Moon Dancer, and suddenly Pinkie Pie burst out of the top of the cake. “Surprise!” she shouted, as she slammed a party hat on Moon Dancer’s head and shoved a party blower into her mouth.

“Come on in!” Twilight insisted.

“Thanks but no thanks,” Moon Dancer replied, returning to her more disinterested expression, spitting out the party blower and taking the party hat off, “I don't do parties.” She crushed the party hat with her magic and started to walk away, when suddenly Twilight teleported in front of her.

“I know. And I think it's my fault,” Twilight said, “Back when we were in school together, you invited me to a party. I was so focused on my studies that I didn't show up.”

“Big deal!” Moon Dancer retorted.

“It was a big deal. And now that I realise how important friendship is, I'd like to make up for my mistake with a new party. A party in honour of my friend Moon Dancer! Please, you've got to let me make this up to you,” Twilight told her as she levitated over a bat to whack the pinata with. Moon Dancer took the bat with her own magic, but her temper was starting to rise.

“And you think this is gonna do it, huh?” she growled.

“Uh, yes?” Twilight replied, a little unsure.

“Well, sure, why wouldn't it? That was only the first time I put myself out there, and then you didn't even bother to show up!” Moon Dancer shouted, pointing the bat at Twilight, the more she spoke the more upset she became, “Then you left town without saying goodbye even though we were supposed to be friends! I was humiliated! I felt like I wasn't important! I never wanted to let myself be hurt like that again! Those three finally convinced me that I had value! Those other ponies might like me and want to be my friend! And you! Didn't! Show! Up!” She screamed that last bit, before breaking down into tears.

Everyone was shocked by her outburst, and now all felt sorry and sad for her. Pinkie chirped up and whispered something to Spike, he nodded and walked off to get something. Moon Dancer softly sobbed into her arms as Twilight came up to her.

“You're right. This party can't make up for the way I hurt you,” Twilight admitted as she placed a hoof on her shoulder, “But please, don't let my mistake be the reason you can't be friends with anypony else.”

“We were your friends then and we'd be honoured to be your friends now,” Minuette happily stated. Moon Dancer was moved, she removed her glasses and wiped away her tears. Twilight gave her a soft smile, as she showed Moon Dancer three ponies that had joined her party.

“What?” Moon Dancer questioned in confusion, “That's the librarian! The bookseller! My sister!”

“You've got a lot of friends, Moon Dancer,” Minuette told her.

“And family members apparently,” Sam commented from his site over off to the side.

“I'm sorry, Moon Dancer. I've faced magical creatures, the end of Equestria, giant monsters, all sorts of things,” Twilight said, “But seeing how my actions affected you, that was one of the worst feelings I've ever had.”

Moon Dancer could now see how sorry Twilight was, she was just about to accept Twilight’s apology, when the ground started to shake. Everyone was confused, until Kingsaurus erupted from the earth, roaring out in fury. Everyone was scared, as Kingsaurus climbed out the ground and started to stomp off. Moon Dancer was in its path, as the monster lifted its foot and brought it down upon Moon Dancer. The world seemed to slow as Moon Dancer watched her own death come closer.

“Moon Dancer!” cried Twilight’s voice, as she dashed towards Moon Dancer and pushed her out the way of the foot before it could crush her.

“Y-You save me,” Moon Dancer muttered.

“I’m not letting my chance to become your friend again go to waste,” Twilight told her. She then looked to Sam, who nodded and chased after Kingsaurus.

Sam Transformed into Ultraman and stood between Kingsaurus and the city, striking a defensive pose. Kingsaurus seemed to remember Ultraman, and accepted his challenge, as it stood its foot. Ultraman held his defensive position, he remembered his last battle with Kingsaurus, and how none of his attacks got past that force field. He also remembered how strong Kingsaurus was, with its own abilities and how he was blinded by its energy waves from its horns.

“Its horns!” Ultraman thought, “it’s the horns!”

As Kingsaurus deployed its force field, Ultraman ran forward, jumped into the air, and performed a flying kick to Kingsaurus’ horns, breaking them off its head. Kingsaurus roared in pain as it turned to face Ultraman. Now powerless, Ultraman was able to attack Kingsaurus with no problem. Ultraman kicked Kingsaurus in the neck, then punched it on the back before grabbing it, lifting it up above his head, and threw the monster to the ground.

Kingsaurus, roaring in agony, rolled back onto its feet, and tried to flee. But before it could get away, Ultraman fired his Specium Beam at the monster’s back, causing an explosion upon contact. Kingsaurus roared in pain as it toppled on its side, it gave one last struggle, before Kingsaurus went limp and died. Ultraman stood triumph, as he shrank back down to normal. And returned to the ponies, who were all cheering for him after beating the monster.

“Is everyone alright?” Sam called out as he reunited with everyone.

“Yes thank you,” Moon Dancer replied, “I never got a proper introduction of yourself.”

“Oh, Well I’m Sam,” he greeted, reaching a hand out, “also known as Ultraman.”

“Well Sam, thank you for stopping that monster and saving our lives,” Moon Dancer replied, reaching a hoof to him, and shaking his hand.

“You should be thanking mum here,” Sam said, motioning to Twilight, “she’s the one that shoved you out of Kingsaurus’ path.” Moon Dancer turned to face Twilight, and smiled.

“Thank you, Twilight,” she told her, “thank you for saving my life, and making me realise how much I needed to hear what you said.” Twilight smiled, she extended her hoof to Moon Dancer, and after some hesitation, Twilight brought her into a hug, a hug that Moon Dancer accepted and returned. “Now come on, everypony! Let's party! Right?”

“Right!” shouted Pinkie as she pulled out her party cannon and fired out confetti.

The Party lasted for the rest of the day, but late evening, it had gotten dark, and the moon was out. Pinkie Pie and Lemon Hearts were enjoying the cake, the librarian, bookseller, and Moon Dancer’s sister were chatting with each other and Spike and Sam were drinking from the punch bowl.

Moon Dancer received gifts from the librarian and bookseller which were of course a book from each of them. Twilight, Lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine watched Spike play Pin the tail of Celestia, and ended up quite closer to her flank. Moon Dancer managed to get a chance to chat with Sam and learn a bit about him. They all even had the chance to dance, and witness Sam’s awful dancing skills. It was all fun and they all had a blast, but soon it was time for the party to come to an end. Twinkleshine, Lemon Hearts and Minuette helped Pinkie Pie pack up while Moon Dancer thanked her sister for coming, by giving her a hug.

“I think it's time for us to go, Moon Dancer,” Twilight said.

“Thank you for helping me make some new friends,” Moon Dancer thanked, “Even if they are my old friends.”

“Oh,” Twilight commented as she and Moon Dancer  “We'll come back and visit soon.”

“That would be great!” Moon Dancer replied, “You've still gotta teach me that Hayscartes technique!”

“Deal,” Twilight agreed.

“And I want to know a bit more about your hero of a son,” Moon Dancer smirked, looking down at Sam.

“Deal,” Sam remarked, as Spike stood forward.

“Um, Moon Dancer?” he spoke up, “It got kinda banged up, but here's a little something I wanted to give you back at your first party.” He then held out the present he found in Twilight’s old tower.

Curious, Moon Dancer opened the present and also burst into tears again. The gift was a photo when they were all friends back in the day. With Twilight being a unicorn, and more focused on study, Moon Dancer resembling Twilight, and Lyra Heartstrings as well all enjoying muffins together.

The picture now hangs on the wall in Moon Dancer’s home, as a few days later, Minuette, Lemon Hearts and Twinkleshine await for Moon Dancer to join them in a ball game. Dressed in a hard hat and vest, Moon Dancer and the others go outside and play together. Some of the most fun Moon Dancer has had in a long, long time. And Moon Dancer was happy.