//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: The return of harmony part one // Story: My little magic girl:Rise of the shadow lord // by Savant 123 //------------------------------// In the dark night of Canterlot City, everything was peaceful as the residents slept the night away. However, unseen by everyone, on top of one of the buildings, a figure stood. She had violet eyes, straight violet hair that fell midway down her back, with razor-straight bangs and a vertical dark pink streak. She wore a tight purple body suit that connected to pink-tipped high-heeled boots. Over top of that, she wore a long silver and dark purple jacket-like robe that was closed with a golden belt. She also wore a small tiara with a pink star on top of her head. She looked up and saw an unknown figure flying above her. The figure fired a magical blast at her, and she jumped away on time. She held out her hand, and immediately a scepter with a six-pointed star was on it. She pointed the scepter at the figure, and a purple light came out of it and destroyed the figure. She looked up and saw more figures flying above her. …. The sound of the alarm clock beeps, and a hand reaches and hits the off button. “That was a weird dream,“ the girl said as she got out of bed and began walking out of the room. She was walking to her bathroom when she heard a voice. “Good morning, Twilight,“ the voice said. The girl, now known as Twilight, turned to the source and saw it was her younger brother, Spike Sparkle. Spike was 10 years old, making him young by four years. He had green spiky hair and wore purple t-shirts and pants. “Good morning, spike." Twilight greeted her brother before walking into the bathroom to freshen up so she could get ready for her first day of school. After freshening up, she went to her room to put on her school uniform, which consists of a dark blue jacket, a light blue vest, and a white shirt underneath. She wore a blue skirt and brown shoes with black socks. After putting on her school uniform and grabbing her school bag , she went downstairs to the dining table, where her parents were already eating. “Good morning, twi,” her father night light said.Night light was a middle age man with dark blue hair. “Hi twilight,“ her mother twilight velvet said. Velvet like her husband was a middle age woman with long ,wavy purple middle-aged woman with long, wavy purple hair shot through with white streaks. “Good morning,“ Twilight said as she took a bite out of her bread, and in a few minutes while their eat spike came down and joined them. “Are you excited for your first day of school.”Twilight father asks. “A little,“ Twilight replied, unsure. “Now twi I know moving to a new city isn’t easy, but it will be easy with time,” Twilight's mother said. ”Who knows, maybe you will finally make some friends.” “I guess,“ Twilight said, and after she was done eating, she went and took her school bag and went outside of the house. “Bye everyone, I'm going to school now,“ Twilight said as she went outside of her house, got on her bike that was in the front yard, and began cycling to school. Greetings, everyone. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Twilight Sparkle, and let me tell you a bit about myself. I am fourteen years old and of Japanese-American descent. My grandparents moved from Japan to America before my mother was born, and my family members are comprised of my parents, my younger brother, Spike, and my older brother, Shining Armor, who moved away after marrying my old babysitter, Cadance. Recently, we moved to Canterlot city due to my parents work. Today is my first day of school, and my parents hope that I will finally make some friends since I never had friends growing up. The reason for this is not because people do not like me, if that is what you are thinking. It is more due to the fact that I never bother trying, as I prefer to read books and study, as I find those things to be very enjoyable. Hence, why I would rather spend an entire day in a library then play outside. The closest things I had to friends were my old babysitter, Cadance, and my parents friends, Celestia and Luna, both of whom are the principal and vice principal of my new school. Despite never having friends and preferring to spend my time in a library then spend time outside , I am still your average everyday teen, and that is what I had thought. But unknown to me at the time, my life and the lives of a few others will change forever. …. Twilight had cycled all the way to her new school and parked her bike at the bike rack that was not far from the school gate. After she chained her bike, she began her walk towards her new school. As she began to walk past the school gate, she couldn’t help but admire the size and quality of the school. She looked around and saw other students walk past her. As she walked, however, she didn’t notice someone was running behind her. The person ran past her, causing her to fall down. Before she can hit the ground, however, someone manages to catch her. “Ya, ok, their partner.“ The person said in an American Western accent as she helped put twilight straight. Twilight turned to see the person who helped her. The person who helped her was a teenage girl with long yellow hair that reached down towards her neck. But what caught her attention was the Stetson she wore. “I am okay,“ Twilight said to the person. The girl then turned to the person who had run past her. “Hey, rainbow dash, watch where you are going,” the girl said to the person who ran past her. The girl then runs to them and smiles sheepishly as she looks at Twilight with an apologetic look. Twilight took a closer look at the girl and saw that she was around her age and that she had streaking rainbow-colored hair. “Sorry about that,“ Rainbow Dash said. ”I was trying to beat my record.” “Record?” Twilight asks, confused. “Yeah,” Rainbow Dash said. ”I set up a record of how fast I can arrive at school.” "Ah, swear, you always don’t think before doing something.” The girl said annoyed before turning her attention to Twilight. ”Greetings, partner, my name is Applejack, and the girl who almost ran you down is Rainbow Dash.” “My name is Twilight Sparkle.“ Twilight introduced herself as she held out her hand towards the two. Both girls shook it. “Ah, take it; you're new here,“ Applejack said. “Yeah,” Twilight said. ”I just recently moved here, and today is my first day of school.” “Well, in that case, welcome to Canterlot High,“ Applejack said. ” Ya will find Canterlot High to be one of the best schools Ya will ever go to. Ah, am sure ya will fit in.” “Thanks,” Twilight said. ”Anyhow, I need to get to the principal class and get my class schedule.” “All right,” Applejack said. ”See ya around, partner.” “Yeah, see you,” Rainbow Dash said as she and Twilight walked to the front door of the school. “Well, that was a good start.” Twilight said as she walked into the school. …. The door to the principal office opened, and Twilight came in. In the room was a woman around 30. She had multicolored hair and fair skin. She can easily be described as beautiful. She smiled when she saw Twilight. "Ah, twilight,“ Celestia said, smiling. ”It's good to see you again.” “Hi principle, Celestia,“ Twilight said. “Come twilight, “Celestia said happily. ”In private, you may just call me Celestia.” "Um, ok, Celestia,“ Twilight said as she walked to the desk to take her schedule. “Anyway, here is your schedule.” Celestia said as she was handing Twilight her schedule paper. ”Be sure to check it properly and be on time for your class.” “Ok, Celestia,“ Twilight said as she began to leave the room. However, Celestia stopped her before she could reach the door. “Wait, before you go, there is still something I need to give you first.” Celestia said as she brought a small box out of her desk drawer. She opened it up to show a bracelet with a six-pointed star on it. Twilight was shocked to see it since it resembled the one she saw in her dream. “What is this?” Twilight ask. “Oh, this is something I have been planning on giving you for your birthday, but I figure why not give it now?” Celestia said. ”Come on, try it.” Twilight went back to the desk and picked up the bracelet. She put it on her hand and instantly felt something. She quickly brushed it off to look at the bracelet. "What do you think?“ Celestia asks. “It's good,” Twilight said, admiring the bracelet. “I am glad you like it,” Celestia said. ”Now why don’t you go and get to class?” “Ok, Celestia,” Twilight said as she began walking out of the room. As soon as she left the room, a woman who was a bit younger than Celestia suddenly appeared next to her. She had dark blue hair and a darker skin color. “Hello Luna,“ Celestia said, not even turning to the woman. “Tia, I don’t know about this,” Luna said. ”This is too much of a burden; someone like her shouldn’t be involved.” “I know, Luna,“ Celestia said with a sigh. ”But it needs to be done. As only she can do this, and you know why.” “I know,“ Luna said. ”I just wish we could do more.” “The only thing we can do is guide and protect them as much as we can.” Celestia said. ”A storm is coming, Luna, and we need to get ready or else everything will be lost.” Luna nodded in understanding. …. "Good morning, everyone.” The teacher in twilight class said to everyone. Said girl was currently standing in front of the class. “Good morning, Miss cheerlie “ everyone said. “Today we have a new student. Why don’t you introduce yourself?” Miss cheerlie said to Twilight. Twilight clears her throat before speaking. “Hello everyone! I am Twilight Sparkle, and I recently moved to Canterlot. Twilight said. ”I hope we can get along well.” "Now, does anyone have questions to ask?” Miss cheerlie asks. “I do,” a girl said with an energetic tone. Twilight took a close look at the girl. She saw that she had high-volume pink hair. In addition to that, she was smiling, flashing her perfect, pearly-white teeth. “What do you want to ask her, Pinkie?" Miss cheerlie asks the girl, now known as Pinkie. “Hi, my name is Pinkie Pie." Pinkie said. ”What is your favorite color? Do you have any siblings? And what do you like to do?” “Well,” Twilight stammered. ”My favorite color is purple; I only have two siblings: spike, my little brother, and shinning armor, my big brother, and what I like to do is read books." “ Egghead.” A voice said between cought and twilight turned to the source and saw that it was Rainbow Dash who said that. “Rainbow Dash." Cheerlie said it in a scolding tone. “Sorry,” Rainbow Dash said. “ Oh this is so exciting I finally can make a new friend.” Pinkie said happily. “ I should throw a welcome party. Hey when are you free so I can throw you a surprise party. Wait it isn’t a surprise if you know when it is. “ “ A party.” Twilight ask confused. “ Oh pinkie is the president and founder of the party planning club.” Miss cheerlie explained. “ She had a habit of throwing party for any reason she can think off and she is pretty good at it.Anyhow if their is no more questions why don’t you go to you seat.” Twilight nodded and went to her seat. After seating down Miss cheerlie began the lecture. …. In an unknown land full of darkness where the sky is black as the shadows themselves cover the barren wasteland with darkness, a castle can be seen, and in that castle, a figure is seen kneeling in front of a large shadow-like creature that towers over him. The shadow resembled that of a man who wore armor of some kind. In addition to that, the shadow has green eyes and red iris that glows red with malice. The figure who was kneeling before the shadow wore red armor that resembled the armor worn by samurai of the ancient past. Said armor is also painted black with red flame details, and in addition to that, he wore a dark blue cape. He also wore a helmet that had a golden, flame-like crest welded onto it with a horn sticking out in the middle. (Go here if you want to know what he look like https://digimon.fandom.com/wiki/Tactimon) “My lord,” the figure said in a respectful voice. ”The wall between worlds has finally been broken, and we are now free to return to the earth realm. “Excellent general crypto.” The shadow figure said, “Now what is your progress in finding the celestial seal?” “We are currently looking for them.” Crypto said. "We are also making plans to gather life energy from the humans. As we speak right now, one of our monsters is being sent to collect life energy. "Excellent," the shadow said. …. The bell rang, signaling that it was lunch time. Twilight packed her things and was about to leave, but was stopped by Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash. “Hi Twilight,“ Pinkie Pie said happily. “Oh, hi, pinkie pie,” Twilight said. “Do you want to have lunch together?” Pinkie ask. “Well, I…” Twilight said unsure. “Come on, please.” Pinkie beg. “Come on, twi; it's just a simple lunch.” Rainbow Dash said. ”Beside, do you even know where the cafeteria is.?” “Well, no,” Twilight admitted. “Then let us show you.” Rainbow said. “Please,“ Pinkie begs. Twilight sighed before answering. “ Fine.” She said. “Yeah,“ Pinkie said as she hugged Twilight. ”I can tell we are going to be best friends. Come on, let’s go.” Pinkie quickly drags Twilight out of the classroom, with rainbow following them. “Pinkie, please let go of my hand.” Twilight said as Pinkie dragged her into the hallway. “Oops sorry.” Pinkie said sheepishly as she let go of twilight. “Please don’t do that again.” Twilight said as she, Pinkie, and Rainbow Dash began walking to the cafeteria. "So, are you planning to join a club?” Rainbow Dash asked Twilight, trying to start a conversation. “I am not sure yet.” Twilight said. ”It mostly depends on the club that the school has available.” "Well, Canterlot High has many clubs available.” Rainbow Dash said. “Oh, maybe you can join the party planning club,” Pinkie said. “Sorry, party planning isn’t my thing.” Twilight said. ”Is there a book club or something similar?” "Well, there is one, but it is all full." Rainbow Dash said. ”There is a chess club and a robotics club if you are interested.” “Hmm, that does sound interesting.” Twilight said. However, as she was busy talking to the two girls, she ended up being distracted long enough to bump into someone. She fell down onto the ground immediately. She sat up and look at the person she bumped into. The person turned and looked down at her, and Twilight immediately saw the face of the girl she bumped into. She has long hair that reaches her neck. Said hair was colored red and yellow, which reminded Twilight of fire. The girl looked down at Twilight with a serious expression. “You must be new here.” The girl said in a serious voice. Twilight gulped in fear as the girl looked quite intimidating to her. However, whatever fear she had was washed away with what the girl said. ”Because I haven’t seen you here before. Here, let me help you up.” She pulls twilight up, and after twilight dusts herself up, she looks at the girl. “Um, thank you.” Twilight said. “It was no problem.” The girl said, ”The name sunset shimmer what yours.” “Twilight sparkle." Twilight said as she shook sunset hand. As she now have a closer look at sunset Twilight can’t help but blush a bit, as she will admit that sunset was quite beautiful. “Hi rainbow dash, hi pinkie pie.” Sunset greeted the two girls. “Oh, hey sunset.” Rainbow Dash said. “Hi Sunny,” Pinkie Pie said. “I take you guys are friends.” Twilight said. “Well, we are not exactly friends; sure, we hang out and talk with each other sometimes or even invite her to one of Pinky Parties or anything similar, but I won’t say friends, more like casual acquaintances,” Rainbow said. “Anyhow,“ Sunset said. "You new in school.” “Well, yeah,” Twilight said. “I just transferred here.” “Well, in that case, I hope you enjoy your time here.” Sunset said. "Anyway, I am going for lunch in the cafeteria. Do you want to come also?” “Sure, we were going there as well,” Twilight said. “Then let’s go.” Sunset said as she and the rest went to the cafeteria. The four girls went into the cafeteria, and after taking the food that was available to them at the counter, all four found a spare table to eat their lunch. “So tell me about yourself,“ Sunset said as she ate her burger. ” “Well, I am fourteen years old, and I just moved here due to my parents work.” Twilight said. ”Apparently they got transferred to this city.” “Any hobbies.” Sunset ask. “Well, I like to read books,” Twilight said. “What kind of books?” Sunset ask sounded interested. “Anything that is interesting, such as science, history, myth, novels.” Twilight said. ”It is due to my love of books that I normally spend much of my time in a library or indoors.” “You too.” Sunset said,” I thought I was the only one.” After a while, both girls bonded over their love for books as they talked about their favorite books, stories, and why they enjoyed them. “Egghead,“ Rainbow Dash said. “Oh, don’t be like that, dashie “ Pinkie said. ”It's good that Twilight makes a new friend.” After a while, the bell rang, signaling that lunch was over. Everyone left the cafeteria to get to class. However, twilight and sunset stop to exchange contact numbers. After that, both girls parted ways to go to class. …. The school day was over, and Twilight was on her bike, paddling to get home. As she paddles, she notices a large crowd in front of a jewelry shop. Curious Twilight drove towards it. After finding a place to park her bike, she got off and went inside to see what was going on. “What is going on here?” Twilight said. She then noticed a girl wearing a uniform from her school. She went and approached the girl. As she went near the girl, she got a closer look at her and couldn’t help but blush a bit when she saw her. If Twilight were to describe the girl, she would do so in one word, which is gorgeous. The girl had vibrant purple hair that was styled in flowing waves and elegant curls. In addition to that, she had perfectly manicured, polished nails and smooth skin. She also has the aura of a high-class lady, which accentuates her beautiful look more. “Um, excuse me.” Twilight said as she was approaching the girl. The girl turned to Twilight with a welcoming smile. “Yes, how can I help you?” The girl asks Twilight. “Do you know what's going on here.”Twilight asks the girl. "Oh, there seems to be a huge discount on jewelry today. “ The girl said. “Apparently, it is supposed to be a promotion stunt for its grand opening. Anyhow right now, people are trying their best to get the best one before they are all gone. You should hurry up too if you want to get your hands on the best jewelry before it runs out.” “No thanks,“ Twilight said. “I am not into jewelry.” “Are you sure, darling?“ the girl said. ”This seems to be a once-in-a lifetime opportunity.” “Yeah, I am never really into jewelry, “Twilight said. ”I am more into books. “To each their own, then." The girl said, ”By the way, judging by your uniform, I can take it you also go to Canterlot High.” “I do,“ Twilight said. “I just transferred today.” “Well then, I hope it was a good first time, darling.” The girl said, ”The name is rarity bell. What’s yours.” “Twilight sparkle,“ Twilight said. “Nice to meet you, Twilight,“ Rarity said. ”Anyhow, I need to go now. I already just finished my shopping.” Rarity showed her shopping back to empathize with the point. “Goodbye, darling, and have a nice day.” “Bye, rarity,” Twilight said as rarity left the door. “She was quiet nice.” Twilight took a moment to look around before she exited the shop. However, as she left, she couldn’t help but feel like something was wrong. She took one last look behind her and saw an employee talking to a customer. Twilight doesn’t know why, but she feels something is wrong with the employee. Twilight just shook it off and continued her way out of the shop. However, unknown to her, the employee's eyes glow red for a second as she talks with the customer. … Later that afternoon, Twilight arrived home and went to her room to change into her house clothes. After changing, she laid down on her bed to read some of her novels. While she read, she heard the door open and turn, and she saw her young brother spike. “Spike, what are you doing here?” Twilight asked the young boy. “I am here to inform you that mom and dad called. They said that they have to stay longer at work today and be home late.” Spike said. “Oh ok.” Twilight said as she went back to reading her book. “So how was school?” Spike asked. “It was fine.” Twilight said, turning to the boy. ”In fact, I think I made a new friend.” "Really," Spike said, actually sounded interested. ”Who is it?” “Sunset shimmer.” Twilight said. ”I think we hit it off as we bonded over our love for books.” “That is good to hear.” Spike said. ”I bet mom and dad will be excited to hear you manage to actually make friends.” “Yeah, I bet their will.” Twilight said as she is aware that her parents and even cadance and shining armor have been on her back for a while about her not making any friends. Spike, then notice the bracelet on twilight hand. “Hey, where did you get that bracelet? “Spike asked as he went to twilight side to get a closer look at the bracelet. “Oh this,” Twilight said, showing the young boy her bracelet. “This is something that Celestia gave to me.” “Well, it looks good on you,” Spike said. "Thanks," Twilight said before turning to her book. “Anyhow, mom and dad said we can order pizza,“ Spike said. "Are there any specific toppings you want.?” “Anything that is good.” Twilight said returning to her book. "Ok,"Spike said as he then left the room. Twilight then returns to her book. …. Later that night, in the Jewel shop, the employee from before stood in the middle of the shop. “I think now it is time for me to begin." The employee said as her body began to change. Her hair got longer until it reached her waist, her skin turned green, her eyes turned completely red, and she now has elves like ears. She then put her hand out, and a staff appeared in her hand. She slammed the end of it on the ground, and the crystal that was on top of it glowed green, and immediately all over the city, blue wisp-like smoke began to leave buildings, houses, and other types of residential buildings. The wisp began moving through the city, where they traveled to the air, where a portal would open and they would enter it. On the other end of the portal was the darkened land, where they would travel until they reached the castle. The wisp entered an open window and entered a giant sphere diamond that was being hung on top of the ceiling of the room. Watching all of this was crypto. “Excellent,“ crypto said. ”Pula is doing an excellent job of collecting human life energy.” …. In twilight room, twilight was in her bed, grunting as she wildly moved in her bed. The reason she was moving wildly in her bed was because of the nightmare she was currently having. In her dream, she saw the entire Canterlot city on fire and in ruins. The city streets were covered with the dead corpses of countless people, many of whom had an expression of terror, and the surviving people were running away for their lives from countless monsters like creatures that hunted them down. Looking down at the chaos from on top of a building, there was a figure. The figure was male and had dark gray skin. He has spiky hair, a muscular build, and red eyes that look demonic. He wore silver armor that covered his entire body, which was completed with a cape, and on top of his head was a silver crown. The figure let out a sadistic grin that showed his sharp fang-like teeth, and he let out a demonic laugh. It was horrible—so awful that it will haunt twilight dreams forever. …. Twilight woke up from her bed screaming. After screaming for a while, the room door opened, and in came her little brother's spike. “ Twi what is wrong.” Spike asked his big sister in concern. “I just had a nightmare,“ Twilight said, trying to reassure her little brother. She looked through her room window and immediately saw the life energy coming out of the house next to her. Twilight opened her eyes in shock before looking up and seeing more of the life energy floating in the air. Seeing the look on Twilight face, Spike went next to her to see what caught her attention, and he too opened his eye in shock. “What the heck is all that?” Spike said in surprise. “I don’t know,“ Twilight said. ”But something tells me I need to check it out.” “What do you mean you need to check it out?” Spike asked, confused. “I don’t know,“ Twilight said. ”It is this feeling I have that says I need to see it.” Twilight then got out of bed and was about to leave through the door, but was stopped by Spike, who held her by the hand. Twilight turns to see at spike. “What are you doing spike “ Twilight asks her little brother. “I am coming with you twi “ Spike said. "Why?" Twilight asks her little brother. “It might be dangerous,“ Spike said. ”And even if you said no, I am still coming with you no matter what. Besides, it might be good to have someone with you in case it's dangerous.” Twilight thought about it for a second before she sighed, as she knew spiked was right. "Ok, spike,"Twilight said to her little brother. ”But I want you to stay close to me no matter what and do whatever I say. "Do I make myself clear?” "Yes,"Spike said as he nodded. The two siblings then left the room, went down the stairs, and went through the front door. However, unknown to them looking on top of the stairs were both of their parents, who were looking at them in concern. “Be careful, twilight, " night light said. ”You too, spike.” “I am still not sure about this, dear.” Velvet said, turning to her husband. ”This is dangerous for both of them.” “I know, but it needs to be done.” A voice said, and everyone turned and saw Celestia appear behind them. “And you two know why.” “I know, but it doesn’t mean we will like it.” Velvet said. “Don’t worry, Luna and Discord are currently following them,” Celestia said, trying to reassure them. ”Both of them will intervene if things get too dangerous.“ Hearing that eased both parents minds a bit. All three then looked at the entrance in worry. …. Both siblings walk down the street, following the life energy flying through the city. They eventually reach where the life energy is going, which is a portal in the sky. “What the heck is that thing?” Spike asked in shock. “I don’t know,“ Twilight said before her attention was turned to the jewelry shop that was not far from them. She doesn’t know why, but she got the feeling that whatever was going on, it had something to do with the jewelry shop. ”But I got the feeling that whatever is going on, the answer is in that shop.” Spike looked at the shop Twilight was looking at before turning to her, confused. ”And why do you think it is in that shop?” Spike asked his older sister. “Just a feeling,” Twilight said as she began walking to the shop with spike following her. When they reached the front door of the shop, Twilight was instantly surprised to see that the door was unlocked. After looking at each other, both siblings went inside the shop. Unknown to both siblings, however, standing on top of a building across from them was Luna, and next to her was a man who looked to be in his thirties. He has long white hair that reaches his neck and a white beard on his chin. He also wore a tuxedo that was white with black stripes on the left and black with white polka dots on the right, black dress shoes, a red bow tie, a top hat that was a reverse pattern of his tuxedo, and a black masquerade mask that exposed yellow opaque eyes, giving him a sort of mad and sinister appearance. This man is non other than discord. Both of he and Luna are currently staring at the building with a serious look on their faces. …. Both siblings entered the building and saw that it was empty. “Come on, Twilight, we should get out of here before someone sees us.” Spike said as he grabbed his sister's hand and tried to pull her out of the shop. “No spike,” Twilight said. ”I know something is wrong here.” Twilight pulled her hand out of spike grip and began walking further to the shop with spike following her. The two siblings eventually reach a door that has a blue light glowing from it. Twilight took a deep breath and opened the door slightly, which allowed both siblings to see what was in the room. They saw what looked like a creature kneeling before a large, transparent figure wearing what looked like samurai armor. “Pula, you did an excellent job gathering human life energy.” The samurai said to the creature, Call pula. “Thank you, Lord Crypto." The creature named Pula said. ”It seems my plan to give the gullible humans jewels was an excellent idea, as through the jewels I am able to drain the humans life energy in their very own homes.” “At the rate we are going, we will have enough to rebuild our forces.” Crypto said. ”And soon this world shall belong to our lord and master.” Suddenly, a sneeze was heard, and both Pula and Crypto turned to see that the door was slightly open. Pula's hand suddenly stretched long enough to reach the door and open it, revealing both spike and twilight. Spike himself was using his hand to rub his noise, indicating he was the one that sneezed. Both of them look at Pula and Crypto in a sheepish manner. “Ah, don’t mind us; we were just leaving,“ Twilight said. "Intruders!” Crypto yelled, and immediately Pula made a staff appear in her hands and fired a magical blast at them. Luckily, both Twilight and Spike were able to dodge the attack and immediately try to run towards the exit. “Stop them," said Crypto as he ordered Pula, who immediately left the room and chased after them. She fired a blast from her staff at the front door, resulting in a barrier covering the door. The two siblings turned and saw Pula walking towards them. “Please let us go,” Twilight said. ”We promise we won’t tell anyone.” “Oh, I know you won’t,“ Pula said. ”Since you two won’t be leaving here alive,” Pula fires a magical blast, and immediately Twilight jumps in front of Spike to try and shield him from the attack. However, before the attack hit, the bracelet Twilight wore suddenly glowed, and a purple shield suddenly covered her entire body, which protected her from the attack. This shocked everyone in the room as they stared at twilight. “Twilight, how are you doing that?” Spike asked in shock. “I don’t know,” Twilight asks, confused. “So you are a magic user,” Pula said as her staff began glowing, indicating she was about to fire again. "Well, it doesn’t matter, as you two are still dead.” “What am I going to do?” Twilight thought in fear before she felt like something was telling her what she must do. It was like some kind of instinct. She doesn’t know where it came from, but she feels like she needs to listen to it. She raised the hand that had the bracelet in the air and said the words that came into mine. “Elements of harmony, magic!” Twilight shouted, and a bright light covered her entire body. When the light died down, it revealed Twilight, who was now wearing a completely different outfit. Twilight looked at herself and saw she was now wearing the same outfit she wore in her dream. “Twilight, what just happened?“ asks Spike, confused about how Twilight suddenly had a change in outfit. Pula, however, had a look of recognition as she eyed Twilight. “The elements of magic,” Pula said in shock. "No, it can’t be. You are the new wielder of the elements of magic.” “Elements of magic,” both Twilight and Spike said in confusion. “I am ending you now before you can be a threat,” Pula said as she aimed and fired a magical blast at Twilight and Spike. Luckily, both siblings were able to dodge the attack. "What do we do, Twilight?“ Spike asks his sister in a panicked voice. Twilight tried to think about what to do until she remembered her dream. “Following what I did in my dream sounds completely crazy,” Twilight thought, “but given the fact that I am wearing the same clothes I had in my dream and that I am in a desperate situation right now, I will try anything.” Twilight followed what she did in her dreams and held out her hand, and immediately the same scepter from her dream appeared in it. "Wow, Twilight, how did you do that?” spike asked in awe. “I don’t know, spike.” Twilight said. “And you will never know,“ Pula said as she used her staff to fire a magical blast at her. Twilight and Spike quickly dodged the attack. “prepared to die.” Pula pointed her staff again at Twilight. "What do I do?” Twilight said before looking at her scepter. She remembered what happened in the dream and pointed it at her. When nothing happens, she quickly hits it in the vain hope that something will happen. “Come on, come on.” “As if that will ever work,” Pula said as she fired another magical blast from her staff. Twilight quickly braced herself for the attack; however, before the attack hit her, a card was suddenly thrown at the blast, causing it to explode on impact. This shocked everyone in the room, and before anyone could react, more cards were thrown at Pula, resulting in her receiving cuts on her skin, which resulted in her bleeding what Twilight can describe as black blood. Everyone then turned to the direction where the cards came from and immediately looked up and saw an oddly dressed man standing on the still of an open window. “Follow your instinct,“ the man said to Twilight. “My instinct,“ Twilight asks, confused. “Concentrate and follow your instinct,“ the man said. ”By following your instincts, you will be able to win this battle.” “Annoying,“ Pula said as she fired another magical blast staff at the man who just responded by swatting the attack, causing it to dissipate, much to Pula's shock. “Remember my word, and you will win,” the man said before jumping from the window and to the outside of the shop. “Well, thanks for nothing,“ Spike yelled in the man's direction. ”You could have just stayed to help.” “Follow my instinct,“ Twilight said as she decided to do what the man said. She closed her eyes and concentrated. She can now feel what her instinct is telling her. It was telling her to concentrate her energy and gather it. So she did. She concentrated her energy and felt it gather up. As she gathered the energy, it was telling her to now release it at a certain spot, which in this case was through her scepter. She did what her instinct told her and quickly pointed her scepter at Pula, and immediately a magical blast came out of it and hit Pula, causing her to recoil backwards in pain. "How did you do that twilight?” Spike said in awe. “I did what the man said and followed my instinct,“ Twilight said. “She is learning how to use her powers,“ Pula thought. “I need to end this now before she can fully control her powers.” “This ends now,“ Pula said as she aimed her staff again, and her staff glowed a more brighter light when compared to before. ”I am going to use all my strength and blast you to your grave.” “Twilight, what now?“ Spike said as he turned to his sister, who had closed her eyes. ”Twilight“ Twilight didn’t say anything, as she just pointed her scepter at Pula. The scepter glows a bright lavender color. Twilight can feel that a great deal of her energy is gathering in the scepter. “This ends now,” Pula shouted as she fired a large magical beam from her staff. Twilight did the same and fired a large magical beam from her scepter. Both beams collided and began pushing on one another. Both fighters concentrate as they try to push back the other's attack. Twilight closed her eyes again and began to gather as much energy as she could, and suddenly the star on her tiara glowed, and immediately she felt powers being drawn from it and into her scepter. Her magical beams grew stronger, and she was pushing back pula beam. “No!“ Pula shouted as she saw the beam pushing back her attack. The beam eventually hit her, and she screamed in agony as she felt her body being destroyed. Once the beam subsided, all that was left was her staff, which was damaged and full of burn marks. It then slowly breaks apart and turns to dust. Both siblings just stood and watched as the only evidence of pula existence was disappearing from existence. After the staff was gone, both siblings looked at one another and sighed in relief. …. Meanwhile, outside of the shop, the life energy had stopped flowing, and the portal in the sky had disappeared. All of this was being watched by both Discord and Luna. “She did it,“ Discord said. ”It looks like she managed to follow my advice.” “Yes, she might have won." Luna said, "But this is far from over.” Both Luna and Discord then disappeared from the roof of the building. …. “So what now?“ Spike asks his older sister. “I don’t know,“ Twilight said before she suddenly fell to the ground, and immediately her clothes transformed back into her pajamas. "Twilight," Spike said in shock as he quickly ran to his sister's side to check on her. He sighed in relief when he saw she was breathing. ”What am I going to do now?” “Maybe we can help,” a voice said, and spike turned and saw both Luna and Discord standing by the now open front door of the shop. "Luna,” Spike said in shock before turning his attention to the man. "You, the man from earlier, just now." “I know you have a lot of questions, but don’t worry, spike, we will answer you and your sister's questions soon,” Luna said. …. Twilight woke up with a groan. She sat up on the bed she was lying on and found herself in a room that resembled a hospital room. “Where am I?“ Twilight said, and immediately the door opened. She turned and saw her younger brother spark and a man who was around 28 walk into the room. The man had blue hair and had a muscular build, but not too muscular like a bodybuilder, more like a martial artist who was built for both strength and speed. He wore purple armor, which made him look like a knight in shining armor. All in all, the man can be described as incredibly handsome. “Oh, good, you are awake, twiliy,” the man said. “Shining armor,” Twilight said with a happy face, as this man is none other than Twilight's older brother, shining armor. However, she then had a look of confusion as her attention was now on shining choice of clothing. ”Shining, what are you wearing? Are you cosplaying as your favorite character from your favorite anime again?” “Actually, no twily,” Shining said. ”That's something I have been meaning to tell you and spike for a while now.” “And what is that?” Twilight asks her brother. “It involves the bracelet and the monster you encounter early with that monster,“ said shining shocking twilight. "What do you mean?” Twilight asks, confused. “First, you should change your outfit. Me and Spike will wait for you outside. Come out once you're done.” Shining said, and immediately both him and Spike left the room. Twilight turned to her left and saw her casual outfit on the nightstand next to her. After taking off her pajamas, she changed into the outfit, and after changing, she quickly went in front of the mirror that was in the room to see herself. Twilight was currently wearing a white shirt, which she wore under her V-cut sweater and black pants. After making sure everything was in order, she opened the door to see both shining and spike standing outside waiting for her. “I am ready to go,” Twilight said. “Good,” Shining said. ”Now let go.” Immediately, both siblings followed their elder brother as they walked through a long hallway that resembled the kind that one would see in a castle. As they walked, they passed by what looked like servants and guards, if their clothing were any indication, and when Twilight looked out of a window, she saw what could be described as a medieval city with countless people walking on the street going through their daily lives. She also saw that it was morning already. “Where are we?“ Twilight asks her little brother. "I don’t know,“ Spike said. ”All I know is that we are in what shining call celestial castle, which is located in some place called Celestial Island.” “Celestial Island,“ Twilight asks, confused. “Don’t worry, you will know everything soon enough,“ shining said as everyone reached a large double door. Shining, push the door open to reveal a large throne room. In the room, Twilight saw her parents, who were dressed in white robes, and next to them was a woman who was around 30. She has beautiful long pink hair that reaches her neck, and her body is completely flawless and in perfect fit. For clothing, she wore a pink dress and a small crown on her head. All in all, if one were to describe the woman in one word, it would be gorgeous, as the woman looks like she could easily be a supermodel. The woman had a kind smile on her face when she saw twilight. “Hello lady bug, hello spike," the woman said happily. “Cadance,” Twilight and Spike said in shock. This woman was none other than twilight old babysitter and sister-in-law. “All right, what's going on here?” Spike asked. “Allow us to explain,“ a kind voice said, and immediately everyone's attention turned to the door, which opened, and in came Celestia, Luna, and discord. Celestia and Luna are currently wearing beautiful dresses, with Celestia being bright yellow like the sun and Luna being black like the night itself, which was appropriately completed with star patterns that was on it.What caught both twilight and spike attention, however, was the crown that they wore on their heads and the four ethereal wings that floated on their backs. However, celestia wings were pure white, and Luna's were more slightly black. “Celestia, Luna, what's going on here?” Twilight said. ”And why is everyone dressed like they came out of some fantasy story?” “And seriously, who is that man?” Spike asks, pointing to discord. “The name is Discord, and nice to meet you, Twilight and Spike." Discord introduced himself. “I know you have many questions, but please allow me to explain.“ Celestia said as she and Luna much to twilight and spike shock suddenly flew into the air and sat at the throne that was on top of the staircase. Celestia sat on a bright yellow throne that had a symbol of the sun on it, and Luna sat on a more dark chair that had a symbol of the moon on it. “All right, what's going on here?” Twilight said. ”How did I do all that thing in the jewelry shop, and how did my clothes suddenly change?” “To put it in a more simple term, magic,” Luan said. “But magic is not real,” Twilight said. “Oh, then I suppose everything you saw the other night is just a slight of hands, smoke, and mirrors,“ Luna counters. Twilight opened her mouth to speak but found herself unable to, as she knew Luna was right. So she just closed her mouth. “Okay, fine, I will admit magic is real." Twilight said, "But that doesn’t explain how I manage to use it.” “Well, before I explain, I need to first explain what I and Celestia are. To put it the simplest way, we are gods." Luna said. "Are you two serious, gods?" said Spike. "Yes. You see, long ago, I, Celestia Sol Cosmos, Queen of the Sun, and my sister, Luna Selene Cosmos, Queen of the Moon, were assigned by our mother, Queen Faust Sol Cosmos, to protect the Earth from any threats that would endanger it and the humans that inhabit it.” Celestia said. "Threats,"Spike said. ”What kind of threats?” “Threats that you can’t begin to imagine, such as the dreaded Dark Wizard Storm King, the Changeling Queen Chrysalis, and many more. To help us in our efforts to battle such threats, we started an order of mages with whom we shared our magic and knowledge to help battle such threats. Your parents happen to be descendants of the order." “Wait, you guys are mages,” Twilight asks in shock. "Yes, we are,” Night Light said. “And what about you, shining? Did you know about this?” Spike asked. “Yes, I did,“ Shining said. ”We didn’t want to keep it a secret, but it was necessary, as we want you and Spike to live a normal life.” “What about cadance and this guy?” spike said as he pointed to discord. “Cadance is our niece, and for discord, he is an old friend of ours who has helped us for centuries in our battle against the forces of evil.” Luna said. “Wait, how can he be around that long?” Spike said. ”I mean, he looks like he is in his thirties.“ “I am a fairy, that is how,” Discord said as suddenly fairy wings appeared out of his back. “Okay, things just got a lot weirder,” Spike said. “Anyhow,” Celestia said as she regained everyone's attention. “As time goes on, the battle grows tougher, and new threats more powerful than the last keep appearing. To better battle this threat, our mother gifted us six powerful artifacts known as the elements of harmony, which can only be used by those who best embody these elements. The elements of harmony are honesty, kindness, laughter, generosity, loyalty, and magic.” "That sounds really girly." Spike said "Spike, hush,"Twilight said. “They might sound girly, but their powers are not to be underestimated.“ Luna said, "As the elements of harmony grant their users incredible powers,” “And with the powers that the elements of harmony grant, their users were able to help protect this world from numerous threats, such as the demon queen from the demon realm, the father of all monsters, Grogar, the magic devouring centaur tirek, and many more. One of their greatest achievements would be saving my sister Luna from being corrupted by a great evil and becoming nightmare moon. However, eventually, an evil greater than anything we ever face one day appear. This threat calls himself King Sombra. “King Sombra,“ Spike asked. "Yes, King Sombra, “Luna said. ” King Sombra was an evil king whose heart is black as night. He was known by many as the shadow lord for his great knowledge and mastery of the darkest magic to ever exist, shadow magic. He originally ruled a realm called the netherworld, but one day he decided to expand his kingdom and control by invading the other realms, starting with the earth realm. So one day he opened a portal and invaded earth with his armies. What made King Sombra more dangerous than our previous enemies was the powerful dark artifacts he wields that grant him unimaginable powers. This artifact were call the dark regalia which comprise of the alicorn amulet, which can boost its users magic to an unimaginable degree; the crown of dominance, which allows the users the ability to summon and control dark monsters; and the gauntlet of immortality , which grants its users an immortal body. Each of these artifacts was dangerous on its own; however, Sombra wore all of them at the same time, and due to the combined dark magic of the artifacts, he was able to ascend to a more powerful state of being. He became a dark god.” “ It was a fierce battle I tell you twilight “ Celestia said.” The battle was hard fought and we lost many comrades in the battle against sombra and his forces . However through some miracle we were able to defeat Sombra as through the combined efforts of the users of the elements of harmony ,both me ,luna ,discord and all our allies were we able to weaken sombra enough that we were able to strip him of the powers that the dark regalia gave him and seal him in the shadow realm and afterward we seal his entire forces back to the netherworld. However sadly this battle ended with the death of the users of the elements of harmony as their sacrifice their lives to ensure sombra defeat.” "That's terrible. I'm sorry all that happened, but you still haven't told us what is going on here." Twilight said, "It is simple twilight. We require your help." Celestia said. "We received a prophecy that one day the seal holding sombra forces would be broken, and once sombra forces are free, they will make it their mission to free their imprisoned master. I believe you already met one of them.” Both Twilight and Spike immediately knew who she was referring to. “But what can I do?“ Twilight said. “Simply, you are the reincarnation of the previous wielder of the elements of magic,” Luna said. "Okay, now I am lost. What do you mean reincarnation?" asked Twilight. "It's simple: after the wielder of the elements of harmony died, me and Luna performed a spell on them, where, when the world will need them most, they will be reincarnated to help protect the earth once more." Celestia said. "Okay, now, all of this information is really starting to hurt my head. Magic, gods, and reincarnation. This is so much to process." But how do you know? What makes you think that I am the reincarnation of the user of the elements of magic?” Twilight said. “How are you sure that I am the one.”Twilight ask. “The fact you can use the element of magic is proof of that." Celestia said, pointing to the bracelet Twilight was wearing. Twilight immediately looked at her bracelet in shock. “You mean this is the element of magic?” Twilight said. “That's right,” Luna said. “We knew you were the one when we first saw you.” “It was also why we didn’t tell you or spike about us being mages,” Velvet said. ”When both Celestia and Luna first saw you, they instantly knew you were the one. We didn’t want you to know any of this, as we didn’t want you to live with this burden until you were old enough.” “I know we are asking a lot, but please, we need your help, for if Sombra is free, the world will be doomed." Celestia said. Twilight just stood in, though, after hearing that. This was too much to process, as she was being told she needed to save the world from an evil king, which is too much of a burden for a girl her age. However, she then remembered her dream from the other night. She remembers the chaos and death that her dream showed her, as well as the figure that stood on the building. She realizes that if she doesn’t do anything, the dream might become a reality. Twilight took a deep breath and looked at both Celestia and Luna with a look of determination. “All right, I will help you, “Twilight said with a determined voice. Both Celestia and Luna smiled at twilight after hearing that. “Thank you, Twilight,“ Celestia said. ”I know this will be hard, but I promise we will be here to help you.” “So Twilight is going to be like one of those magical girls in anime and manga now ” Spike said in awe. ”That sounds awesome.” “This isn’t a game spike,” Twilight said. ”This is life and death.” "Sorry, Twilight," Spike said sheepishly. “So what am I supposed to do now?” Twilight asks. “First, you need training in order to tap into your past life memories,” Luna said. ”You seem to already have a good start with that, as evident with what happened in the jewelry shop as you were able to tape into your past life’s memory. The other thing you need to do is find the other users of the elements of harmony, as the elements of harmony are more powerful together than individually. The next thing that needs to be done is to prevent sombra forces from gaining more human life energy.” “Humans life energy,“ Spike asks. “Is the thing you saw floating yesterday night ” Discord said. ”During the final battle, we managed to inflict massive losses on sombra forces. It is because of this his forces can start an all-out war, yet as their number has greatly diminished. However, by using life energy, his forces can create powerful monsters to replace the ones he lost.” “So what is life energy exactly?“ Spike asks. “Life energy refers to the life forces of humans,“ Discord said. ”Usually losing a few won’t endanger anyone, as the most they will experience is exhaustion, like running a huge marathon. After a bit of rest, they recover completely with no lasting effect. It is only when you lose a huge amount does it become fatal.” “The final thing we need to do is prevent them from finding and destroying the celestial seals.” Luna said. “Celestial seal?“ Spike asks. “The celestial seals refer to the seven seals that were created to ensure that sombra is sealed away in the shadow realm. If all seven seals are broken, then Sombra will be free.” Celestia said. "So, where are these seven seals?” Spike asked. “We don’t know,” Luna said. "What do you mean you don’t know?” Twilight asks. “It is because we give them to our most trusted followers, and allies to hide them somewhere safe. We didn’t want any chances of them being found, hence why we ensure that no one, not even us, knows where they were hidden. We also did the same with regards to the dark regalia, as after we strip Sombra of his powers, we also strip him off the dark regalia and give them to our most trusted allies and followers and have them hide them. We ensure that even we don’t know where they were, as the temptation of such powers might even be too much for us.” Celestia said. “Anyhow, I believe you should return home first so you can rest and process everything that you have been told,” Luna said. ”All of this might be too overwhelming for you.” “Yeah, I believe I should,“ Twilight said before another realization hit her. ”Wait, don’t I have school today?” “Actually, no, today is Sunday,” Celestia said. ”Tomorrow is a school day.” "Oh, right,"Twilight said. “Anyhow, I believe it is best we go home for now." Velvet said, "Come on, Twilight, spike, let go home.” “Ok, mom,"Twilight said as she, her little brother spike and their parents walked through the throne door. As soon as they left, both Celestia and Luna sighed. “I just hope she is ready.” Luna said. “Me too, Luna,” Celestia said. ”Me too.“ …. Back in the netherworld, general crypto is currently showing the large shadow a projection that shows the battle between Twilight and Pula. “So it seems the elements of magic now have a new user,” the shadow said as he examined the images being played in front of him. “What shall we do now, my lord?“ crypto asks the shadow. “This changes nothing,“ the shadow said. ”We shall continue to collect the humans life energy as well as find the celestial seals so I might be free. Once I am free, I can reclaim my regalia and regain my powers, and once I regain my powers, this world shall belong to me, King Sombra.” This shadow was none other than King Sombra, or more accurately, his shadow, as unknown to Celestia, Luna, and their allies, was that while they managed to seal King Sombra away, they failed to notice that with the use of his shadow magic, he was able to transport his mind into his own shadow. Now that his forces are free, they can now begin the search for the celestial seal to free his body from the shadow realm, and once he is free and regains the dark regalia, he can begin the attack on earth. “Soon the earth realm as well as all the realms in existence shall belong to me,” Sombra said as his eyes glow red in malice. …. End of chapter 1