Solar: Hero of Canterlot City

by Royal Pony Dude

Chapter 7-An Elf You Say

The dictionary defines defenestration as the act of a person or thing out a window.

At the top of Canterlot Tower dazzled in the beauty of the night sky, as Solar got thrown out of the window

Not my favorite word.

Solar flew right back in and landed on her feet.

"Okay, where's the dude, with the nasty tude?" Solar asked before two blasts came at her dodging.

"Present and accounted for," said the Emerald Elf on his glider.

He threw an emerald mine at Solar which made her dodge it as it exploded then threw two emerald shards but they missed but Emerald Elf threw a third one which ripped a part of Solar's suit.

"Hey, did I mess up your costume? Leave off the threads, Elfhead!"

"Oh, but the Emerald Elf doesn't take orders from stars. He burns them to oblivion!"

"Technically speaking it's impossible to burn them because they're made of gas… uh oh!"

Elf threw an emerald mine at her but Solar used her magic to hurl right back at him but it missed as his gilder flew out of the way then Elf did two finger blasts at Solar in close range then Solar chucked objects but Elf blasted them down then threw another emerald mine at her which exploded that sent her in right into appetizer table.

"May I see your invitation, Solar Eclipse? Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to leave."

"Leave now? When does Table 7 need more apps?

How did a night that started so well go bad so fast?

Earlier that night…

"This is going to be the biggest Fall Formal ever," Pinkie exclaimed.

"Who you guys got for the Fall Formal King and Queen?" Rarity asked.

"I think it's pretty obvious," Applejack smirked, pointing to Twilight and Flash Sentry chatting to each other.

"Silly me, but nice for Travis for taking us to Le Decare after the dance," Rarity looked at her compact mirror.

"Uh, where's Sunset?" Rainbow asked as Applejack and Rarity had stunned looks. "AJ? Rarity? What just happened?"

Pinkie turned her around and much to her surprise Sunset had arrived with a date and the date was Daniel.

"Looks like Shimmer got her a date after all," Comet Thunder said to Aria Blaze.

"Not going to make promises of taking pictures of you guys in the cheerleading outfits," Aria smirked.

At Mecer Corp Industries…

"Hello? Is anyone there?" Sassy asked before gasping then realized it was her shadow. "Look at yourself afraid of your own shadow then the next thing you see is gremlins in the machinery."

"Or… even green men.."

Sassy looked in horror to see someone known as The Emerald Elf on a glider.

"Wait, that's Mr. Mercer tech-flight gilder," Sassy exclaimed as the figure flew away into the city.

"All I'm saying could crack wide open," a Thug trying to open a safe.

"Cops would crack you open. Cops or Solar for that matter. Look, Tiger Claw's waiting on Mr.X's cut. Screw the bar. Blow it up."

"Oh blow yourself up."

The door gets blasted open by Elf.

"Did someone mention explosives?"

"Get the freak!"

Before the thugs moved, the Elf's gilder popped a sword.

"What I meant is get the freak anything he wants."

"What I want is your undying loyalty or the dying kind. The Emerald Elf is nothing if not flexible."

He opens the safe with ease and the thugs grab the money sacks.

"Appreciate the help but we work for Mr. X. We switch sides; we might as well be on the chopping blocks."

"I'm good with knots. As for Mr. X, the party is over," Elf said while holding an emerald mine.

Meanwhile, Gravestone was holding a party at Canterlot with most of the elite including Platinum Writer and his Comet Strike who was an astronaut.

"If I might have your attention," Gravestone spoke on the stand. "As many of you know, I am your host, Xavier Hansen. Thank you all for coming to support the Hansen Dynamic Youth Center."

Everyone clapped at the end.

"Some shindig huh, son?" Platinum Writer asked him.

"It's great Dad, but I was looking forward to the two of us, and a rare steak," Comet suggested.

"Xavier got enough of the Canterlot Weekly's money. We can be at Darrow's in 88 seconds," Platinum Writer said as they headed out only to be stopped by a thug in a mini-elf costume.

"Sorry, the elevator's out of order."

The two more came from the stairs as Emerald Elf flew in on his glider which crashed through the window.

"Hello. Good evening. I am the Emerald Elf and I am looking at Mr. X," Elf bowed.

"Sir, I don't know who you are but…"

"Of course, you don't, that's the point of the mask, smart guy," Elf taunted him. "Oh, but I know who you are, crime king. So step down or I start sharing secrets."

"You are making an enormous mistake. Security, please show him the door."

"Still hiding behind thugs, are we?"

Two bodyguards fired a taser line at him but Elf caught and shocked both of them. Comet Strike tossed an Elf Goon on the ground then grabbed his blaster and aimed it at Emerald Elf but Elf finger blasted him.

"Now, now, Stay put. Or else."

"There's no need to threaten my guests."

"Unless I want witnesses," Elf said to him.

Platinum Writer secretly called Prism Mask to bring Sunset to get photos and called the police.

"What do you hope to accomplish here tonight?

"So the whole I want to destroy you and take over your empire thing was not clear? Well darn."

"Uh, excuse me," Solar flew into the ballroom. "Can I come in this way or do I have to break my window."

"Solar!" Gravestone, Emerald Elf, and Platinum Writer shouted.

"Your timing is impeccable."

"So your latest super loser, turned on you, eh? Graves?" Solar asked while smirking.

"I don't know who is yet, but he ain't mine."

"Fine by mine, I just pretend he's yours while I trounced him."

"Hello? I'm in the room. You're both too rude."

"Oh, where are my manners? Here you come to terrorize The Gravester, and I don't even say thank you. My only excuse is that you're holding innocent people hostage. It confuses my brain a bit."

"Quite the puzzler, it is," Elf flew up to her. "But I have a solution. You and I team up. Consider what we can do by combining our forces. We can all of Canterlot."

"We're talking about the capitol or all five cities… Nope. Sorry, I don't partner with anyone dressed in green or completely nuts."

"Your loss… or life!"

Elf's finger blasted her which she dodged then hurled several objects at Elf but he shot them down.

To the present.

"Okay, where's the dude, with the nasty tude?" Solar asked before two blasts came at her dodging.

"Present and accounted for," the Emerald Elf on his glider.

He threw an emerald mine at Solar, making her dodge it as it exploded.

At Canterlot High…

"May I have attention?" Principal Celestia said on the mic. "We have the votes for the Fall Formal King and Queen."

"The Fall Formal King is… Flash Sentry," Celestia said.

"And Fall Formal Queen is Twilight Sparkle," Luna added.

All the students clapped for them then Twilight did not hold back as she kissed Flash on the lips making most of the girls cooed over.

"May I see your invitation, Solar Eclipse? Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to leave."

"Leave now? When does Table 7 need more apps?

Elf threw several emerald shards at her but she avoided them and Gravestone caught one with his hand. Elf did multiple finger blasts at her but she avoided it then did a backflip and landed on the Elf's gilder.

"Oh, did you want to ride?" He asked her. "Keep our guests, comfy, lads. I'll be back in a Manehatten minute!"

Both of them crashed on the side of the window.

"Seriously, Elfy, do you have a license for this thing?" Solar asked as Elf pushed her off making Solar fly after him.

Then Elf turned around and blindsided with a jab to her chest which crashed into a wall.

"You know the old saying, can't join'em, then beat'em."

Elf threw five emerald shards at Solar but they missed once she dodged them.

"Took the words right out of my mouth. Is that a felony?"

"Hope so. This little elf wouldn't be caught dead committing a misdemeanor."

Elf threw an emerald mine but missed.

"Nice banter. But the aim needs work."

"Practice makes perfect."

"Keep saying that.'

Emerald Elf threw multiple emerald shards at her making her dodge it then he threw an emerald mine but Solar used her magic to hurl right back at him making it miss by doing a barrel roll then Solar came right at Elf with a kick.

"That is for making me protect Gravestone."

The elf turned around and saw that he was backing towards a building he did a backflip over the building and then landed on his Elf Gilder.

"Okay, that was impressive," Solar was amazed.

Elf came at her with the sword from the gilder then Solar launched a fireball right at Elf which knocked him off then Solar trapped him bubbling while Elf was cackling.

"What's so funny?"

"Just the special radium-laced emerald I left behind as a present for our Mr. Hansen. Any minute now the creme de la creme of Canterlot City is going to paint the town red. Well the ballroom anyway," Elf grinned at Solar, who teleported herself back over there before it could go off.

"What are we supposed to do?"

"Keep everyone hostage until the Elf comes back.'

"Or maybe evacuate before the Elf's bomb goes boom," Solar said. "Everyone clear out!"

The Elf Goons fire their blasters at her but Solar avoids it and yanks it out of their hands.

"What are you doing? You have to get out. Bad guys too," Solar told them.

"We work for the Elf."

"Every single blasted part of you?"

"You're bluffing!"

"Is that a risk you're prepared to take? Especially when you've already taken so many," Gravestone told them then all of them headed down the stairs.

"Everybody down the stairs. If the bomb goes off, the elevators won't be safe," Comet Strike said as they headed downstairs. "Go on, Dad. I'll catch up."

"Okay, if I was an evil emerald, where would I hide?" Solar asked as she looked around just as Gravestone was looking. "Surprised that you're sticking around."

"My party, my mess."

"Solar, the chandelier!" Comet Strike came back and told her.

"Thanks, now go!"

Solar headed to the chandelier and found the emerald mine she used her magic and sent it out of there before it exploded.

"Great, The Emerald Elf got away, and what's worse I missed most of the Fall Formal because of it." Sunset groaned while lying in her bed in her apartment. "That Elf is dangerous there's no telling what he'll do next, meaning I have to stop him before somebody gets hurt."